40%Tree(2. Attorneys Patented July 11, 1950 2,514,478
July 11, 1950 w. r. custer 2,514,478 CHANNEL WING AIRPLANE Filed Aug. 14, 1947 INVENTOR, W. R. CUsTar BY 40%tree(2. attorneys Patented July 11, 1950 2,514,478 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,514,478. CHANNEL WING ARPLANE Willard R. Custer, Hagerstown, Md. Application August 14, 1947, Serial No. 768,579. 3 Claims. (Cl: 244-12) 2 This invention relates to a channel Wing air formed into a channel 4. It will be noted from plane and represents improvements over that the drawings that the channel 4 is, semi-cylin shown and described in my copending applica drical in shape, has its axis, in the...direction of tion Serial Number 617,616, filed Sept. 20, 1945, flight, opens upwardly and at both ends. The and which matured as Pat. No. 2,476,482. chord of the channelis, substantially equal to one As a result of publication given tests of the half its diameter and roughly equal to one-half Custer, channel wing by private and government the fore-and-aft chord of the entire wing. As ill laboratories, the phenomenal, static lift of the lustrated to advantage in Figure 3, the channel in channel-type wing is now coming to be recog cross, section has an airfoil shape to provide lift nized in the art. Since I have described the ad 10 when the airplane is in flight. vantages and characteristics of the channel Wing A portion 2) of the wing, immediately forward in a number of previously-filed applications, it of the channel, is of airfoil shape in cross section is not necessary to reiterate them here.
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