MARISSA KING Yale School of Management 165 Whitney Avenue New Haven, CT 06511 [email protected] | Phone: (646) 573-3290


YALE UNIVERSITY 2015-Present Associate Professor, Yale School of Management Associate Professor, Department of (by courtesy) Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management (by courtesy) 2010-2015 Assistant Professor, Yale School of Management

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2008-2010 Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, Paul F. Lazarsfeld Center for the Social Sciences,


2008 Ph.D. in Sociology, Columbia University

2002 B.A. in Sociology, Reed College


2015 Olfson, Mark, Marissa King, and Michael Schoenbaum. “Treatment of Young People with Antipsychotic Medications in the United States.” JAMA Psychiatry 72: 867-874

2015 Olfson, Mark, Marissa King, and Michael Schoenbaum. “Antipsychotic Treatment of Adults in the United States.” The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76:1346-1353

2015 Butala, Neel, Marissa King, William Reitsman, Richard Formica, Peter Reese, Peter Apt, and Chirag Parikh. “The Effect of Organ Procurement Organization Centrality on Kidney Discard and Transplant.” Transplantation 99:2617-2624.

2014 King, Marissa, Jennifer Jennings, and Jason Fletcher. “Medical Adaption to Academic Pressure: Schooling, Stimulant Use, and Socioeconomic Status.” American Sociological Review. 79:1039-1066. * James Coleman Outstanding Article Award from the Sociology of Education Section of the American Sociological Association 2014 Olfson, Mark, Marissa King, and Michael Schoenbaum. “Benzodiazepine Use in the United States.” JAMA Psychiatry 72:132- 46.

2013 King, Marissa, Connor Essick, Peter Bearman and Joseph Ross. “Medical School Gift Restriction Policies and Physician Prescribing of Newly Marketed Psychotropic Medications: A Difference-in- Differences Analysis.” British Medical Journal 346: 10.1136/bmj.f264

2013 King, Marissa and Connor Essick. “The Geography of Antidepressant, Antipsychotic, and Stimulant Utilization in the United States.” Health and Place 20: 32-38.

2011 King, Marissa and Peter Bearman. “Socioeconomic Status and the Increased Prevalence of Autism in California.” American Sociological Review 76:320-346.

2010 Fountain, Christine, Marissa King, and Peter Bearman. “Changing Age of Diagnosis for Autism: Individual and Community Factors.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech.2009

2010 Liu, Kayuet, Marissa King, and Peter Bearman. “Social Influence and the Increased Prevalence of Autism Diagnosis.” American Journal of Sociology 115: 1387-1434. * Eliot Freidson Outstanding Publication Award from the Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association

2009 Mazumdar, Soumya, Marissa King, Ka-Yuet Liu, Noam Zerubavel, and Peter Bearman. “The Spatial Structure of Autism in California.” Health and Place 16:539-46.

2009 King, Marissa, Christine Fountain, Diana Dakhlallah, and Peter Bearman. “Estimating Autism Risk in a Time of Increasing Reproductive Age.” American Journal of Public Health 99:1673-1579.

2009 King, Marissa and Peter Bearman. “Diagnostic Change and the Increased Prevalence of Autism.” International Journal of Epidemiology 38: 1224-1234

2008 Schneiberg, Marc, Marissa King, and Thomas Smith. “Social Movements and Organizational Forms: Agrarian Protest and Cooperative Alternatives to Corporate Hierarchies in Three American Industries.” American Sociological Review 73:635-667.

2008 King, Marissa and Heather Haveman. “Antislavery in America: The Press, the Post, and the Pulpit, 1790-1840.” Administrative Science Quarterly 53:492-528.


King, Marissa and Peter Bearman. “Conflict of Interest Policies and the Diffusion of Stimulant, Antidepressant, and Antipsychotic Medications.” Revise and Resubmit. Social Science and Medicine.

Olfson, Mark, Marissa King, and Michael Schoenbaum. “Stimulant Treatment of Young People in the United States.” Revise and Resubmit. JAMA Pediatrics.

King, Marissa and Ingrid Nembhard. “Changing Interaction Dynamics in Hierarchical Groups: Evidence from a Role Expansion Field Experiment in Healthcare.” Under Review. Administrative Science Quarterly.

Mendez-Duron, Rebeca, Marissa King, and Robert Vesco. “Networks, Knowledge Differentiation and the Publication of Clinical Trials for Depression.” Under Review. Research Policy.

Fleischman, William, Shantanu Agrawal, Marissa King, Arjun Venkatesh, Harlan Krumholz, Douglas Brown, and Joseph Ross. “Impact of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Payments to Physicians on Medicare Part D Prescribing.” Under Review. New England Journal of Medicine.


Zhang, Victoria and Marissa King. “How Does Regulation Impact Unregulated Organizations? Evidence from the Emergence of Healthy Restaurants in Response to Menu Labeling Regulation.” Working paper.

King, Marissa and Ingrid Nembhard. “Social Cues as Organizational Clues: Conversation Characteristics, Network Position, and Organizational Turnover.” Manuscript in preparation.

Yuna S. Lee, Marissa D. King, Daren Anderson, Ianita Zlateva, Paul D. Cleary, Ingrid M. Nembhard. “The Relationship between Healthcare Team Communication and Patient Health: Evidence from Sociometric Sensors.” Manuscript in preparation.

Kim, Margeum, Marissa King, and Jennifer Jennings. “Explaining Geographic Variation in Socioeconomic Gradients for ADHD: The Role of Remission and Restrictive Educational Environments.” Manuscript in preparation.

Dickstein, Michael, Marissa King, and Tanja Saxwell. “Learning from Experience Versus Edict: Evidence from Medicare Expansion.” Data analysis in progress.

King, Marissa and Adam Jonas. “Coevolution of Physician Networks and Knowledge Flows.” Data analysis in progress.


2015 Baron, James N., Marissa D. King, and Olav Sorenson. “Weird Science: Markets, Motives, and Misconduct in Academic Research.” To appear in Donald Palmer, Royston Greenwood, and Kristin Smith Crowe (eds.), Organizational Wrongdoing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.

2015 Olfson, Mark, Marissa King, and Michael Schoenbaum. “The Popularity of Benzodiazepines, Their Advantages, and Inadequate Pharmacological Alternatives-Reply.” JAMA Psychiatry doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.24

2015 King, Marissa. “Edward T. Walker: Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy.” Administrative Science Quarterly 60: NP26-28.

2012 King, Marissa. “Understanding Autism: Parents, Doctors, and the History of the Disorder. By Chloe Silverman.” American Journal of Sociology 118: 827-829.

2012 King, Marissa. “Antislavery.” In David Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam (eds.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley- Blackwell.

2010 King, Marissa, Christine Fountain, Diana Dakhlallah, and Peter Bearman. “King et al. Respond.” American Journal of Public Health 100: 390.

2009 Bearman, Peter and Marissa King. “Diagnostic Accretion: Reply to Commentary.” International Journal of Epidemiology 38: 1243-1244.


2015 James Coleman Outstanding Article Award from the Sociology of Education Section of the American Sociological Association

2011 Eliot Freidson Outstanding Publication Award from the American Sociological Association Section on Medical Sociology

2009 Roberta G. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Sociological Association Section on Medical Sociology

2007 Alex Inkeles Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, Columbia University


2014-2016 Jennifer Jennings and Marissa King. “The Effect of the No Child Left Behind Act on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis and Stimulant Use During Childhood.”American Education Research Association ($35,000)

2010-2014 Patterns of Psychotropic Utilization in the United States, 2004-2008. National Institutes of Mental Health. ($165,000 direct costs)


2015 “Networks, Conversation Characteristics, and How We Coordinate Health Care: Evidence from a Field Experiment.” Yale Institute for Network Science.

2015 “The Effects of Nurse Care Coordination on Staff and Patients in Primary Care Clinics.” Yale Health Policy and Management Colloquium.

2014/2015 “Networks and Nonverbal Behavior.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting and Junior Organizational Theory Conference at Haas School of Business.

2014/2015 “Gifts and Influence: Marketing Regulation and the Diffusion of New Medications.” Goizueta Business School, Haas School of Business, INSEAD Network Evolution Conference, and .

2013/2014 “Medical Adaption to Academic Pressure: Schooling, Stimulant Use, and Socioeconomic Status.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting and Junior Organizational Theory Conference at University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

2013 “Regulation, Contagion, and the Diffusion of Stimulant, Antidepressant, and Antipsychotic Medications.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting and University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

2013 Faculty member and lecturer at the 6th Annual Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization. Organized by Joseph Stiglitz and the Institute for New Economic Thinking.

2012 “Where Regulation Matters.” Stanford Graduate School of Business.

2011 “The Role of Resources and Regulation in the Diffusion of Diagnosis and Treatment.” Yale University Department of Sociology.

2010 “Socioeconomic Status and the Increased Prevalence of Autism in California.” Duke University and Yale School of Management.

2009 “Understanding the Increased Incidence of Autism.” Princeton University and Rutgers University (with P. Bearman).


2015 New York Times, “Continued Questions on Benzodiazepine Use in Older Patients”

2015 Washington Post, “Most Antipsychotic Drugs Prescribed to Teens Without Mental Health Diagnosis”

2015 NPR, “Antipsychotics Too Often Prescribed for Aggression in Children

2014 Huffington Post, “Teens May Be Taking ADHD Meds in Response to Academic Pressure”

2014 NPR/WHYY, “Kids Taking Summer Vacations from ADHD Meds”

2014 USA Today, “Study: Kids Likelier to take ADHD Drugs in School Year”

2013 U.S. News and World Report, “Medical School Ethics Policies May Affect How Doctors Prescribe”

2013 NPR, “Lesson Learned: A Curb on Drug Makers’ Gifts to Medical Students”

2012 Reuters and Fox News, “Older Parents More Likely to Have an Autistic Child”

2011 Bloomberg Businessweek & U.S. News and World Report, “Autism Diagnoses Still More Likely in Richer Neighborhoods”

2011, “On the Brain: Inside Autism”

2010 Wall Street Journal, “L.A. Confidential: Seeking Reasons for Autism’s Rise”


2016- Present Editorial Board, American Sociological Review

2016- Present Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology

2010-Present Reviewer for American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, BMJ, New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatrics, Health and Place, Sociology of Education, Journal of Health and Social Behavior


2015-Present Fellow of Calhoun College Yale University

2014 Organizer, Economy and Society at Yale Conference

2012-2014 Health Care Management Hiring Committee

2011-2014 Organizational Behavior PhD Selection Committee

2010-2014 Junior Organizational Behavior Hiring Committee

2010-Present Global Pre-MBA Instructor


2010-Present Managing Strategic Networks (MBA)

2010-Present Innovator Guest Instructor (MBA & eMBA)

2012-Present Organizations and Management Workshop (PhD)

2012-Present Organizations and the Environment (PhD)

2010-2012 Commercialization of Technology (MBA)