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ORDINATIONS WILL OE HELD HERE SATURDAY HIGH SCHOOLS’ Contents Copyrighted— ^Permission to Reprodnee Given Alter 12 M. Friday Following Issue TEN IN CLASS POLITICAL ARENA READY FOR BATTLE JOINT PROGRAM TO BE RAISED While political observer* are giv DENVER CATHOLIC ing attention to the Republican national convention, which, at it* meeting next week, will undoubt THIS SUNDAY TO PRIESTHOOD edly nominate Kansas’ Governor I , ^Landon for the Presidency, we can • • I look around at the local political situation, see much food for ‘Bishop Vehr to Present Diplomas and Speak Fifteen Will Be Made Subdeacons by Bisbop tliought, and anticipate some lively — St. Francis’ Graduate to R EG ISTER Vehr— First Tonsure Ceremony times in the next few months. There was many a gasp of dismay The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have on the part of followers of Sen Give Valedictory Also the International News ^ rvice (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. June 8 ator Costigan not long ago when Ordination ceremonies will be held this Saturday morn he declared, because of the con Approximately 8,000 people will witness the annual VOL. XXXI. No. 42. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1936. $2 PER YEAR dition of his health, he would not 3oint commencement exercises of the Catholic high schools ing at 9 :30 in the Denver Cathedral, with the conferring, be a candidate for re-election. It of Denver this Sunday afternoon, with graduates of the six by Bishop Urban J. Vehr, of Major Orders on 25 was known that Governor Johnson would run for the United States parochial institutions of the city and Regis high school In Saturday’s Ordination Class candidates, 10 for the priesthod and 15 for the subdia- senate and it was predicted that participating in the program. The ceremonies will be held conate. Five of those to be raised to the priesthood will there would be a lively battle for in the Denver auditorium at 3 o’clock, with the Most Rev. be ordained for the Diocese of Denver, and four others, the Democratic nomination. Urban J. Vehr, Bishop of Denver, presiding, presenting members of the Benedictine order, will also work in Colo With the passing of Costigan the diplomas, and giving the address. In addition to the rado. The tenth in the group of the priesthood candidates from the scene, it seemed for a is being ordained for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. First time that the governor would go graduates, each of the high schools will have its entire into the primaries unopposed, student body present. tonsure will be conferred on eight young men at a ceremony state , of affairs that would not The high schools’ joint commencement program is ,an at St, Thomas’ seminary chapel on the evening of June 8. have displeased Mr. Johnson. Jdstj extremely picturesque affair, starting with a processional --------- - ’ ' ' ' iu Six of the candidates for subdiaconate are studying for . as fortnidable a foe as Senator onto the auditorium stage of the the priesthood in the Diocese of Costigan, though, has come upon pastors, Monsigpiori, guests, Bish Denver and two are for the the scene in the person of former op, high school groups, and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Each of Governor William E. Sweet. Hence graduates. After the singing of the following dioceses has one can our two Demodtatic aspirants for didate in the class: Wichita, Kans.; siM im iiiiiS the national anthem by the stu- nr ITRUT IS I the senate each find* himself fac- j ^guts, the valedictory will be given Los Angeles, Calif.; Concordia, mg an opponent who is extremely Robert Wilson of St. Kans.; Baker City, ()re.; Helena, hard to defeat. Francis de Sales’ high school and Mont., and Lincoln, Nebr. .Denver Ed Johnson holds the distinction j the candidates for diplomas will be liOUIICED Fim has four candidates for tonsure; rnoM m iivEii lo of having built up an almost un- presented to the Bishop, with the iV ' Santa Fe, two, and Los Angeles surpassed political machine, his g order of presentation and Sioux City, la., one each. All powerful following coming from taking place: of the members of the ordination small towns and rural districts. He St. Joseph’s high school, the classes, with the exception of the bested the Costigan forces two !• * IM S Benedictines, are students of St. SlUOf IN ROME V e ry ^ e v . Christian Darley, C. years ago, when they ran Josephine SS. R .; Regis high school, the Rev. Thomas’ seminary. Roche, a woman of no mean abil Bernard Karst, S.J.; Sacred Heart The annual retreat for laywom- 'There are two natives of Colo Rev. William Mnlcahy Rev. Emil A. Eckert Two students of St. Thomas’ ity, i^gainst him for governor. He high school, the Rev. T. Devlin, en at St. Rosa’s home, 952 Tenth rado in the group to be ordained seminary, who have just finished *is a sage politician. Lucky, some S.J.; St. Francis de Sales’ high street, Denver, will be held this for, the diocesan priesthood— the their philosophical course at that people say. But the fact remains i school, the Rt, Rev. Msgr. J. ,J. year from the evening of July 16 Rev. Mf. Anthony Elzi, who was institution, are to be sent to Rome that he get* plenty of votes. Gov Donnelly: Annunciation high to the morning of Monday, July born in Denver, and the Rev. Mr. in the fall to study for doctorates ernor Johnson has been very fine school, the Rev. Charles Hagus; 20. The exercises will be in charge Francis A. Pettit, who is a native at the Gregorian university. They in religious question*. He has not Holy Family high school, the Rev. of a Redemptorist Father, whose of Pueblo. The Rev. Mr. William will reside at the North American been afraid to show his friendship Mark W. Happen; Cathedral high name will be announced later. This J. Mulcahy was born in Boston, college. Bishop Urban J. Vehr to the Church. school, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh L. retreat is always one of the larg the Rev. Mr. Emil A. Eckert in this week announced that they are Rev. Francis A. Pettit William E. Sweet, once defeated McMenamin. est of the year, as a number of la Germany, and the Rev. Mr. John Frank La Tourrette of St. Phiilo- in a U. S. senatorial fight, has, The Bishop’s adress will follow dies from outside go to St. Rosa’s ........ Cavanart in Scotland. An account mena’s parish, Denver, and Geojrge nevertheless, been what is known the presentation of diplomas, after to join the residents in the exer of the Benedictine ordinandi was Spehar III, a member of a proimi- as a good campaigner. He is an which the high school group will cises. Arrangements for attend V I given in last week’s Register. The nent family_ of Crested Butte, extremely wealthy man, with a sing “ Holy God, We Praise Thy ing may be made through the "v< / Rev. Mr. Matthew C. Arno is a Colo. The diocese now has two strong political following and with Name.” The program will be con Franciscan Sisters, MAih 4311. native of Denver; the Rev. Mr. students studying at the Grego many friends' in the national cluded by a recessional. RETREAT AT LORETTO Philip Leo Boyle, of Stratton, rian— Messrs. David Maloney of administration in Washington. While the graduates of Regis TO OPEN JUNE 11 These five young men, students Nebr.; the Rev. Mr. Florian Bates, Littleton and Richard Hiester" of Sweet’s position in regard to reli high school will participate in the of St. Thomas’ seminary, a: of Winsted, Minn., and the Rev. St. John’s parish, Denver. They gion is also favorable. ' Years ago, The 13th annual retreat of the Mr. Charles L. Forsyth, of Atlantic, joint .program on Sunday, private Catholic Laywomen’s Retreat as to bo ordained to the priesthcrod also live at the North American when the K.K.K. controlled about exercises will also be held this la. The Rev. Mr. John Hallinan, college. The doctoral course re 80 per cent of the delegation at a sociation will open Thursday eve in the Denver Cathedral this Sat who will be ordained for the Friday night in the Regis gym ning, June 11, at 7:30 at Loretto quires five years of study in Rome, Democratic convention, he stood nasium, with Dr. Martin D. Curri- urday by the Mott Rev. Urban J. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, was born that is, one more year than the before the meeting and denounced Heights college, and the retreat- in Ireland. gan, regent of the University of master will be the Rev. Joseph Hig Vehr; All will work in the Diocese theological course at St. Thomas’ Kluxism— even in the face of ad Colorado, as the principal speaker. Father Elxi seminary. vice of Catholic friends that such gins of Pueblo, who has conducted of Denver. Anthony G. Elzi was bom in Joseph Stein will deliver the vale St. Thomas’ seminary offers two a procedure would be political many retreats in the state and else Denver June 8, 1900, the son of dictory and George Porter will years of collegiate work, two years folly. where. Sunday, June 14, will be Anton and Maria Elzi, both now read the elass poem. “ In Retro Rev. Anthony G. Elxi of philosophy, and four years of the closing day. More than 100 R*t. Jolia CaTasafli deceased. He attended St. Jos Charles Armstrong, present state spect” will be given by Walter theology.