"HELLO EVERYBO II Ellello EVERYBODY!!" Recognize These Words? You Should
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GUY LOMBARDO LEADS BEN BERNIE IN JAZZ KING VOTING! The NATIONALad WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Volume 2 Chicago, III., Week of February 5-11, 1933 Number 16 "HELLO EVERYBO II ellELLO EVERYBODY!!" Recognize these words? You should ... They're familiar to millions of dial - twisters as Kate Smith's cheery radio greeting over the Columbia network. Now this famous salutation serves as the title for the portly songbird's first starring picture. A sensation in three mediums-stage, recordings and radio-Kate has added a screen triumph to her dazzling career. Critics and others who've seen previews of "Hello Everybody" stamp it as a great box-office attraction. Paramount regards the film as one of its outstanding pictures of the year. RADIO GUIDE regards it as a personal achievement for radio's greatest vocal- ist ... Kate proves she can act as well as sing. There's a reason-Kate exays acts . whether it's before a camera or when she frolics with the neighbors' children at the Ted Collins' family home in Long Island. Only twenty-three, Kate's golden voice, coupled with her friendly charm, has cata- pulted her to dizzy heights. Never before in radio or theatrical history has a person at- tained such honors in such a comparitively short time. Her (Continued on Back Page) ,.__.,,. www.americanradiohistory.com Page 2 RADIO AND AMUSEMENT GUIDE News! JAZZ KINO BALLOT News! Machine Age Cocktails Roark Likes It Making the "electric tongue" mix a My Choice for America's Jazz King Is When an author himself lauds a stage, technocracy cocktail might be described as movie or radio version of his literary brain- the experiment recently conducted by O. child, that's news. Roark Bradford, famous H. Caldwell, former federal radio commis- sioner, over the air waves. Utilizing photo for his Pulitzer Prize play, "Green electric cells, an industrial application of VOTER CITY Pastures," with its portrayal of a Negro the ordinary radio set tube, which has heaven, has every right to be enthusiastic often been called the nearest thing to man's Mail Ballots to Contest Editor, RADIO GUIDE, over Juano Hernandez's and Geraldine Mr. Cald- brain ever devised mechanically, 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. Garrick's handling of his "Black River well declared that this "tongue" is an in- fallible guide in testing various kinds of Giant" of Negro folk lore. drinks. (You Can Paste This Ballot on a Postcard) If there are any aesthetically inclined Sipping bottled water, for example, the devotees of the radio who still profess to `electric tongue" emits a low rumble be lugubrious about the state of American through a loudspeaker. As various other radio drama, let them hearken to "John constituents are added, the musical notes Henry." Thoroughly American, brilliantly, rise in pitch-also enthusiasm. In one Education Series Czar N. D. Baker laboratory experiment, classified under the performed, combining native legend into heading of "old-fashioned," a basic low Leading educators will be heard during Petty bickering and bitter acrimony that a dramatic and musical art form, this note was first produced, but upon the the month of February over NBC networks have marked the progress of negotiations newly introduced Sunday night CBS sus- admixture of bitters the tone immediately taining feature, a radio adaptation of went to a higher key. Then lemons were on "Our American Schools" program, pre- between American broadcasters and copy- added, the "tongue" broke out in a merry sented each Sunday under the direction of right owners, ever since the latter last Roark Bradford's recent book of the same peal of melody like the jingle of sleighbells. Florence Hale, first vice-president and radio Spring announced their intention of in- title, is for sheer artistry now considered by, Mr. Caldwell avers that by comparing chairman of the National Education Asso- creasing the scale of fees imposed for ex- many critics the finest dramatic produc- the tongue's pitch with that of a standard tion ever heard on the American radio. tuning fork or fixed piano keyboard, a ciation. tending to radio the "kind permission of technocratic method can be developed to As usual, Dr. Hale herself will present th'J copyright owners," will now give way N produce a potation of any exact quality the speakers and conduct the "Question Box to Iegal parleying of a higher order, with the retention of Newton D. Baker, noted by continuing to mix until the desired tone Period" during which she answers inquiries Love's is reached. from listeners on all kinds of educational Cleveland attorney and former Secretary Addition N matters. The programs are broadcast over of War in the Wilson cabinet, to represent an NBC-WMAQ network at 5:30 p.- m. the National Association of Broadcasters "One and One Make Three" is the prob- The speakers this month include William in copyright matters. lem in addition and college romance to be Japan's New Censorship John Cooper, United States Commissioner The appointment of Mr. Baker, an- solved Monday night, February 6, at 8:30 of Education; Augustus O. Thomas, secre- nounced earlier this week by' Alfred J. p. m. over WBBM and to be repeated the Japan, always more advanced than other tary general, World Federation of Educa- McCosker, president of the N. A. B. and Oriental countries, now takes its radio tion Associations; Robert M. Hutchins, director of WOR, Newark, grows out of next afternoon at 2:45 over WLS. The seriously. Because a well known professor president, University of Chicago; Mrs. B. the resolution of the recent broadcasters' threesome in the Princess Pat Pageant love of medicine at a Tokyo university, speak- F. Langworthy, vice-president, National convention in St. Louis authorizing the drama are Margot, played by Alice Hill;, ing over JOAK, Tokyo, used the Japanese Congress of Parents and Teachers; William enlistment of competent representation and Polly, by Dolores Gillen, and Donald, by, pronoun "Chin," meaning "we," but used J. Bogan, superintendent of schools of Chi- counsel in handling radio's manifold prob- Dick Wells. Vera in an idiomatic form reserved exclusively cago; Carroll R. Reed, superintendent of lems. Though Mr. Baker is by no means Caspary, talented play- for use by the Emperor himself, the chief schools of Minneapolis, and Milton C. to be regarded as radio's new "czar," so far wright of screen, radio and Broadway, and of the Social Education Bureau of the Potter, superintendent of schools of Mil- as copyright matters are concerned, the writer of many best selling novels, is author Ministry of Education in Japan raised such waukee. authority vested in him will be practically of the piece. a bitter protest that there has been a N dictatorial. Interesting in connection with the Prin- severe tightening up of the Japanese cen- N cess Pat Pageant's drama series was the sorship on all broadcast programs. The fact that last week's play, "Gladys or savant, seeking to brighten up his talks Air Coolidge Rites Venus," about posing in the nude in Chi- in answer to criticisms that programs over Hayton Satisfies cago's art colony, was accepted and broad- the station were too dry, also had made an Memorial services for the late President cast by WBBM but refused the studio allusion to marital life that raised an im- Calvin Coolidge by the joint session of Dissatisfied with former burlesque comed- facilities of careful WLS. mediate outcry from conservative listeners. Congress on February 6, will be carried to ians Tom Howard and George Shelton, N These incidents, it is reported from Japan, the country over CBS and NBC networks. Chesterfield has dropped their two appear- have conduced to a rigid censorship that The memorial program will start at 10:45 ances each week; filled the voided spots with is at all times severe. a. m. over an NBC-WMAQ chain, with modern concert music by Leonard Hayton's CBS Adds Novelist N music by the United States Marine Band. orchestra which has been augmented for the At 11 a. m. the joint session will be called purpose. Hayton's orchestra, very pleasing Ferrin Fraser, noted novelist and short to order by Vice -President-elect Garner, in its work to date, will continue to support story writer, has been appointed director Mrs, Roosevelt's Topic as Speaker of the House, CBS-WBBM picks the popular song recitals of Ruth Etting of continuity for the Columbia Broadcast- it up then. The Chaplain of the House of and Bing Crosby. ing System, succeeding Donald Cla'rk's With her husband's inaugural at Washing -- Representatives will then deliver the Invo- I-layton was formerly associated as pian- resignation. At the same time Marion R. ton drawing near, Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- cation, ' to be followed by the principal ad- ist -arranger -conductor with Paul Whiteman Parsonnet, actor -producer of stage and radio velt chooses "Official and Social Life in dress. This will be made by Chief Justice and Crosby and is but twenty-five years drama, has been named dramatic director Washington" as the topic of her tenth talk Arthur Prentice Rugg of the Massachusetts old. The new Chesterfield schedule: Ruth for the network. Fraser comes to radio on the Pond's program, to be broadcast Supreme Court. Etting, Monday and Thursday; Leonard from a highly successful career as the Friday, February 10, 8:30 p. m. over a lA iayton's orchestra, Tuesday and Friday; author of popular novels and magazine NBC-WENR network. The wife of the Pres- Bing Crosby, Wednesday and Saturday. All fiction. His best known novels include ident-elect achieved familiarity with her are heard on the CBS-WGN network at "Lovely Ladies," "The Passionate Angel,"' subject during the time when Mr.