Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents
Gc M. C 942.7201 R24p ' v.lO 1305033 GENEALOGY COL.L.ECTIOM ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00727 7517 THE RECORD SOCIETY ^wfjlication of 0tigtnal IJoctiments RELATING TO LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. VOLUME X. For the year 1884. COUNCIL FOR 1883-84. The Worshipful RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE, M.A., Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester, Glen-wood, Virginia Water, Staines, President. The Rev. the Hon. GEORGE THOMAS ORLANDO BRIDGEMAN, M.A., Honorary Canon of Liverpool, The Hall, Wigan, Vice-President. The Worshipful H. FOX BRISTOWE, Q.C., Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster, The Cliffe, Nantwich, Vice-President. JAMES CROSTON, F.S.A., Upton Hall, Prestbziry, Cheshire, Vice-President. LiEUT.-CoL. HENRY FISHWICK, F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale, Vice-Preside'nt. WILLIAM ALEXANDER ABRAM, 42, Adelaide Terrace, Blackburn. JOHN EGLINGTON BAILEY, F.S.A., Egerton Villa, Stretford, near Manchester. GEORGE E. COKAYNE, M.A., F.S.A., Norroy King of Arms, Herald's College, London, E.C. HENRY HOYLE HOWORTH, F.S.A., Derby House, Eccles, near Manchester. THOMAS HUGHES, F.S.A., The Groves, Chester. The Rev. J. H. STANNING, M.A., The Vicarage, Leigh, Lancashire. JOHN PAUL RYLANDS, F.S.A., 25, Stanley Gardens, Bclsize Park, Hampstead, London, N. IV., Hon. Treasurer. JOHN PARSONS EARWAKER, MA., F.S.A., Pensarn, Abergele, North Wales, mA 108, Portland Street, Manchester, Hon. Secretary. ^ El0t of %\it 2.ancasJ)ire Wills proved within the ^rtftlreaconrp of Jiicijmontr, and now preserved in somerset house, london, From A.D. 1457 to 1680; and of abstracts of ^antasSire 812aills (BELONGING TO THE SAME ARCHDEACONRY), IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, From A.D.
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