ARTICLE NO: 1A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS UPDATE 2015/16 Issue: 9 Article of: Assistant Director Planning Relevant Managing Director: Managing Director (Transformation) Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor J Hodson Contact for further information: Mrs C Thomas (Extn. 5134) (E-mail:
[email protected]) SUBJECT: Applications Determined Under The Delegated System - 19/12/2015 to 22/01/2016 WARD:- Ashurst Application: 2015/0964/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Installation of a new 2.4m high perimeter fence to the boundary of the school playing field. Location: St James RC Primary School, Ashurst Road, Ashurst, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6TN Applicant: Tuneside Limited WARD:- Ashurst Application: 2015/1205/COU Decision: Planning Permission REFUSED Proposal: Change of use from Council land to garden and erection of 1.95m high fencing (retrospective). Location: 126 Melbreck, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6SZ Applicant: Mr S Pearson - 243 - WARD:- Ashurst Application: 2015/1242/PNH Decision: PNH Details Refused Proposal: Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required - Extension of dwellinghouse.Dimension from rear wall of original dwellinghouse - 5.97m.Maximum height of extension - 4m.Height to eaves of extension - 2.1m. Location: 20 Lyndhurst, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6UH Applicant: Mr J Doran WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2015/0449/LBC Decision: Listed Building Consent Granted Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Carryout structural repairs to barn