334 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 1979 No. 11400. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT, 1971 (a) WHEAT TRADE CONVENTION, 1971. OPENED FOR SIGNATURE AT WASHINGTON FROM 29 MARCH 1971 UNTIL 3 MAY 1971© PROTOCOL2 FOR THE FURTHER EXTENSION OF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED CONVENTION. OPENED FOR SIGNATURE AT WASHINGTON FROM 25 MARCH UNTIL 14 APRIL 1975 Authentic texts: English, French, Russian and Spanish. Registered by the United States of America on 22 October 1979. 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 800, p. 45, and annex A in volumes 813, 830, 850, 1123 and 1136. 2 Came into force on 19 June 1975, with respect to all provisions other than articles 3 to 9 inclusive and article 21, and on 1 July 1975, with respect to articles 3 to 9 inclusive and article 21, among the following Governments that had deposited not later than 18 June 1975 with the Government of the United States of America, instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, conclusion or accession or declarations of provisional application under article 8, and which held at least 60 per cent (exporting members) and 50 per cent (importing members) of the votes set out in annexes A and B, respectively, in ac cordance with article 9 (1): Date of deposit Date of deposit of the instrument of the instrument of ratification, of ratification, acceptance (A), acceptance (A), approval (AA), approval (AA), or accession (a) or accession (a) or declaration or declaration of provisional of provisional State application (n) State application (n) Argentina ......................... 14 April 1975 n 18 June 1975 « Australia .......................... 13 June 1975 Malta ..........................
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