Flewfountltantl 2Uartertlj ~ Summ¢R Dumb¢Rt 1937 Jolm J
~fie flewfountltantl 2uartertlJ ~ Summ¢r Dumb¢rt 1937 Jolm J. €vans. Sr .. Print~r and_Prol)ridor, St. Jobn's, l!~wroundland. -~bdr ma)~sti~s King 6~ors~ VI and Qu~~n €1izlbdb. THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY. BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd ST. JOHN'S, NEWf"OUNDLAND -- Established 1811 -- GENERAL MERCHANTS and STEAMSHIP OWNERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries and Ships' Stores Exporters of Codfish, Codoil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Seal Skins Agents fo r " Lloyd's" and Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Iron or Wooden Sealing Ships suitable for Arctic or Antartic exploration available for Charter Sportsmen who intend visiting Newfoundland will find no difficulty in selecting Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Food . Supplies from this firm. Address all Communicalions To ~ B_QWRJNG BROTHERS, Ltd., St. J~!::~undland. Established r8t7.- HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL. PRESIDENT-Sir Charles Gordon, G.B.E. GENERAL MANAGERS: Jackson Dodds, -- G. W. Spinney. Capital . ... ......... ............ ..... $36,000,000.00 Rest and Undivided Profits .. 40,036,534.00 Total Assets- In excess of.... 800,_000,000.00 Fiscal Agents in London for the Dominion of Canada. .$ .A& .$ .$ Bankers for the Government of Newfoundland. London, England, Branches-47 Threadneedle Street, and 9 Waterloo Place. Branches in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and every Province of the Dominion of Canada. Newfoundland-Curling, Corner Brook, Grand Falls, St. George's, and Buchans (Sub-Agency). St. John' s- H. 0. SUCKLING, Manager. 0. 0. ATKINSON, Asst. Manager. Commercial Letters of Credit, and Travellers' Letters of Credit issued available in all parts of the world. - Special attention given to Savings Accounts which may be opened by deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
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