Advanced Probability Alan Sola Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics University of Cambridge
[email protected] Michaelmas 2014 Contents 1 Conditional expectation 4 1.1 Basic objects: probability measures, σ-algebras, and random variables . .4 1.2 Conditional expectation . .8 1.3 Integration with respect to product measures and Fubini's theorem . 12 2 Martingales in discrete time 15 2.1 Basic definitions . 15 2.2 Stopping times and the optional stopping theorem . 16 2.3 The martingale convergence theorem . 20 2.4 Doob's inequalities . 22 2.5 Lp-convergence for martingales . 24 2.6 Some applications of martingale techniques . 26 3 Stochastic processes in continuous time 31 3.1 Basic definitions . 31 3.2 Canonical processes and sample paths . 36 3.3 Martingale regularization theorem . 38 3.4 Convergence and Doob's inequalities in continuous time . 40 3.5 Kolmogorov's continuity criterion . 42 3.6 The Poisson process . 44 1 4 Weak convergence 46 4.1 Basic definitions . 46 4.2 Characterizations of weak convergence . 49 4.3 Tightness . 51 4.4 Characteristic functions and L´evy'stheorem . 53 5 Brownian motion 56 5.1 Basic definitions . 56 5.2 Construction of Brownian motion . 59 5.3 Regularity and roughness of Brownian paths . 61 5.4 Blumenthal's 01-law and martingales for Brownian motion . 62 5.5 Strong Markov property and reflection principle . 67 5.6 Recurrence, transience, and connections with partial differential equations . 70 5.7 Donsker's invariance principle . 76 6 Poisson random measures and L´evyprocesses 81 6.1 Basic definitions .