Is It Anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?
Is It Anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights? Conclusion Press, Philadelphia, 1990) is a history of the Council during the period just before the creation of the “Jewish state.” By Edward C. Corrigan After Israel's spectacular success in the 1967 1943, a group of 92 Reform Arab Israeli war, however, a change in the policy rabbis, and many other prominent Ameri- towards Zionism occurred in the Council, which can Jews, created the Ameri- softened its strict anti-Zionist position. can Council for Judaism, with A separate organization was subse- In quently established in 1969 called the express intent of combating Zion- ism. Included in the Council’s leader- American Jewish Alternatives to Zion- ship were Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron of ism (AJAZ). The new group, which was Baltimore; Lessing J. Rosenwald, the based in New York, continued the origi- former chairman of Sears, Roebuck & nal anti Zionist tradition of the Ameri- Company, who became president of the can Council for Judaism. Rabbi Elmer Council; Rabbi Elmer Berger, who Berger served as president of AJAZ and became its executive director; Arthur also editor of its publication, the AJAZ Hays Sulzberger, publisher of The New Report, until shortly before his death in York Times; and Sidney Wallach of the 1996. The American Council for American Jewish Committee. Judaism is still in existence. It is non- An example of their views on Zionism Zionist rather than anti-Zionist, but is “Palestine,” a pamphlet published by highly critical of Israel’s policies toward the Council in 1944, which stated as the Palestinians.
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