Vol. 43 No. 5 - May 2014



In the Name of Allāh, the Gracious, the Merciful

Khilāfat Centenary Pledge

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allāh. He is one and has no partner. And, I bear witness that Muḥammadsa is His servant and His Messenger.

Today, on the completion of 100 years of Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya, we take oath by invoking the name of Allāh, the Exalted, and pledge that we shall continue to strive, until the final moments of our lives, for the propagation of Islām Aḥmadīyyat and the name of the Holy Muḥammadsa, to the corners of the world. For the completion of this sacred duty, our lives shall remain dedicated to Allāh and His Holy Prophetsa and, by offering sacrifices in ever-increasing measure, we will keep the standard of Islām flying high in every country until the end of time.

We also affirm that we will continue to endeavour, until our last breath, to safeguard and strengthen the system of Khilāfat and shall continue to keep advising our generations to remain attached to Khilāfat and benefit from its blessings so that Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya may remain until the end of time, and the dissemination of Islām’s message may continue through the Aḥmadīyya Movement in Islām, until the end of time, and the banner of the Holy Prophetsa may fly higher than all other banners of the world.

O ! Please enable us to fulfill this pledge.

Āmīn, Āmīn, Āmīn! (May 27, 2008) In the name of Allāh, the Gracious, the Merciful 38th Jalsa Sālāna Canada 2014 June 20-22 2014 International Centre, Mississauga

By the Grace of Allāh, Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya Canada is holding Objectives, Purposes & Blessings of Jalsa th its 38 Jalsa Sālāna on June 20, 21, and 22, 2014. Inshā’Allāh. as It will be held at the International Centre, Mississauga near Sālāna in the Words of the Promised Pearson International Airport.

This Jalsa is very important for the spiritual, educational and Purpose of Jalsa Sālāna training needs of the Jamā‘at and for propagating the message “The primary purpose of this Convention is to enable of Islām. In fact, this Jalsa Sālāna is a branch of the Jalsa every sincere individual to personally experience religious Sālāna that was started by the Promised Messiahas himself in benefits; They may enhance their knowledge and –due to 1891. The Promised Messiahas published a announcement on their being blessed and enabled by Allāh, The Exalted- their December 7, 1892 in which he expounded the importance of perception [of Allāh] may progress. Among its secondary the Jalsa Sālāna in the following words: benefits is that this congregational meeting together will promote mutual introduction among all brothers, and it “You must not rank this convention in the same will strengthen the fraternal ties within this Community...” league as other, ordinary, human assemblies. This is (Ishtihār 7 Dec. 1892, Majmu‘ah Ishtihārāt Vol. I, Page 340). a phenomenon that is based purely on Divine Help, Not an Ordinary Convention for the propagation of Islām. The foundation stone of this community is laid by Allāh the Exalted Himself. “It is essential for all those who can afford to undertake Nations are prepared for this, soon they will join the journey, that they must come to attend this Convention it, because this is an action of that Powerful Being which embodies many blessed objectives. They should for whom there is nothing impossible.” (Majmū‘ah disregard minor inconveniences in the cause of Allāh and His Ishtihārāt, Vol. 1 page 341) Prophetsa. Allāh yields reward to the sincere persons at every step of their way, and no labour and hardship, undertaken Aside from the five daily prayers, during the days of the in His way, ever goes to waste. I re-emphasize that you Jalsa Sālāna, dawn prayer (Tahajjud) are also offered in the must not rank this convention in the same league as other, mosque. During these days educational and spiritual lectures ordinary, human assemblies. This is a phenomenon that is are delivered by scholars of the Jamā‘at. Time is spent in based purely on the Divine Help, for propagation of ." supplications, remembrance of Allāh and prayers in a unique (Ishtihār 7 Dec. 1892, Majmu‘ah Ishtihārāt Vol. I, Page 341) spiritual environment. Thus, these three invaluable days Prayer of Jalsa Sālāna are an excellent opportunity for preaching, spiritual and educational uplift and training. Members of the “I conclude with the prayer that everyone who travels Jamā‘at should take full advantage of these days. for [attending] this Convention that is for the sake of Allāh: May Allāh, the Exalted, be with him, reward him in Members of the Jamā‘at are requested to especially pray for abundant measure, have mercy on him, ease up for him the success of this Jalsa Sālāna that may Allāh make this Jalsa his circumstances of hardship and anxiety and eliminate a very blessed one and make it a source of guidance for all. his anguish and grief. May He grant him freedom from every single hardship and lay open for him the ways of Further, you are also requested to participate in Jalsa Sālāna [achieving] his cherished goals, and raise him up, on the along with all of your family members and invite as many of day of Judgment, among those of His servants who are your non-Aḥmadī friends as possible since this is an excellent the recipients of His blessings and Mercy. May He be their opportunity for propagating the message of Islām. Guardian in their absence until after their journey comes to an end. O Allāh! O Sublime One and Bestower of bounties, May Allāh the Exalted enable you all to participate in this Jalsa the Ever Merciful and One Who Resolves all problems, and make you recipients of its spiritual blessings, and may do grant all these prayers, and grant us Victory over our you all be the heirs of the many prayers of Promised Messiahas opponents with scintillating signs, because You alone which he offered for the attendees of this blessed Jalsa. Āmīn. have all the prowess and power. Amīn! Amīn! Amīn!!” (Ishtihār 7 Dec. 1892, Majmu’ah Ishtihārāt Vol. I, Page 342) Shahid Mansoor Afsar Jalsa Sālāna Canada Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada An Educational and Spiritual Publication Volume 43 - No. 5 - May 2014 Rajab /Shabān 1435 AH - Hijrat 1393 HS

Pearls of Wisdom Amīr Jamā‘at: Lal Khan Malik Selection from the Holy Qur’ān and Aḥādīth 2 Chief Editor: So Said the Promised Messiahas 3 Prof. Hadi Alī Chaudhary aa Guidance from Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V Honorary Editor: Ḥassan Mohammad Khan Arif Summary of Friday Sermons 4 Editors: Articles Usman Shahid S. H. Hadi The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) 7 Assistant Editors: A Response to the 11 Allegations raised Nadia Mahmood by Opponents of Khilāfat About the Maham Aziz Insightful Address of Hazrat Khalīftul-Masīḥ IIIrh Amal Yousaf on the subject of Khilāfat and Mujaddidīyyat 11 Tahira Malik Manager: Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Press Releases 24 Mubashir Khalid

Graphics Layout: Farhan A. Naseer

Web Magazine: Muzaffar Aḥmad

The official publication of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada www.Aḥmadīyyagazette.ca ISSN 0229 5644 1. Aḥmadīyya - Periodicals. Current Issues - Archives - Contribute - Register - Contact I. Aḥmadīyya Movement in Islām Canada. BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada Inc., 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, Canada CANADA POST Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 - editor@Aḥmadīyyagazette.ca SECOND CLASS MAIL Mail Registration No: 40026877 The Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada is published by the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada. The editors of the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings of the Promised Messiahas or any of his successorsra, as well as the summaries of the sermons or addresses of Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad, Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa. Articles published in the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada reflect the views of their respective authors and may not reflect the views, beliefs and tenets of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada.

Table of Contents The Holy Qur’ān

1. In the name of Allāh, the Gracious, the Merciful.

2. Surely, We sent it down on the Night of Destiny.

3. And what should make thee know what the Night of Destiny is?

4. The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.

5. Therein descend angels and the Spirit by the command of their Lord — with every matter.

6. It is all peace till the rising of the dawn.



It has been reported by Nafi‘ra, that Hazrat Abdullāh bin Umarra paid a visit to Abdullāh bin Muti’ when the incident of Harra took place in the time of Yazid b. Mu‘āwiya. Ibn Muti‘ said: Place a pillow for Abu Abdul Rahman [family name of ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umarra]. But the latter said: I have not come to sit with you. I have come to you to tell you a tradition I heard from the Messenger of Allāhsa. I heard him say:

“One who withdraws his hand from obedience will stand before Allāh on the Day of Judgment in such a state that he will find no argument [in his defence], and one who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance [Baī‘at] dies a death of ignorance.”

(Sahih Muslim, Kitābul Imārah, Bāb Al-‘Amr bil-luzūm al-Jamā‘at ‘inda zahūr al-fitan)

2 Pearls of Wisdom So Said the Promised Messiahas

The descent from Heaven, that is to say, angels and the takes place only when a great human - an elect - draped in vicegerency and blessed with Divine Revelation, descends upon this earth. The Holy Spirit is specially charged to work for this man.

As indeed God Almighty Himself says in the Holy Qur’ān: what was hidden from them before. The angels who help “In it - the Night of Power - descend angels and a New the Vicegerent are not beings apart from the Vicegerent. Spirit, all by the command of their Lord and charged They are the light that shines on his face. They are the with every kind of affair. Peace it is, peace - till the many signs and symptoms of his courage and will. This rising of the dawn.” (97:5-6). light, that is, these signs and symptoms draw towards themselves men suited to the change, by their magnetic The descent from Heaven, that is to say, angels and the quality. Physical distance may or may not separate them, Holy Spirit takes place only when a great human - an the men drawn may be friends or complete strangers. elect - draped in vicegerency and blessed with Divine Revelation, descends upon this earth. The Holy Spirit is In short the stir towards a new conscience, a new specially charged to work for this man. And the angels, enthusiasm for truth that mark the change, come of they descend upon willing hearts all over the world. Then the influence emanating from the angels, who descend wherever there are men of good will and ability the light along with the Vicegerent. It may be the people of Asia emitted by this man descends. The whole world is then or Europe or America. It is angels who move them. This under the influence of a pervasive light. Angels enter is the law of God. You will find no change in it and it so men’s hearts and set them in the right direction. Love of easy and simple to grasp. It will be your misfortune if you the One God begins to attract. Simple and Straight hearts heed it not. This humble one has come from God with become charged with the love and search of truth. The Truth. Signs of Truth you will see on all sides. Time is not weak are endowed with strength. Everywhere a wind far, nay it is very near, when you will see angels in troops of wholesome change begins to blow. The cause of the descend from heaven, moving men in Asia, in Europe and reformer beings to prosper. A hidden hand moves men in America. to righteousness. Whole nations begin to feel the push. You know it from the Qur’ān that angels must descend So much indeed, that the ignorant among men begin to along with the Vicegerent: so that they may turn men’s think the world has taken a turn towards the right, all minds towards the truth. Better, therefore, that you wait on its own. In reality the change is the work of angels for the appearance of this sign. If no angels descend, and who descend from Heaven along with the vicegerent of no visible sign of their influence, no general - a more than God, and lend special strength for the acceptance and ordinary - movement towards the truth takes place, then understanding of truth. They awaken those who were you may think no one has come from heaven. But if all asleep and alert those who were lost. They give hearing this comes to pass, beware lest by rejecting the truth you to the deaf, quicken those who were dead, and raise the become a people rebellious in the sight of God. entombed out of their graves. Then do men suddenly (Fatḥ Islām, Ruḥānī Khazā’in, vol. 3, pp. 12-14) open their eyes and begin to perceive and understand

Pearls of Wisdom 3 Guidance from Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa The following summaries of Friday Sermons have been provided by Wakālat ‘Ulyā’, Taḥrīk Jadīd Anjuman Aḥmadīyya, Pakistan

Review of UK 2013 Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on September 6, 2013

On September 6th, 2013, Hazrat Khalīfatul Leone said that the Jalsa was extremely this also is a form of tacit Da‘wat Ilallāh. Masīḥ Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon at well organized, and every department Huzooraa thanked all the volunteers, Baitul Futūḥ Mosque, London. did justice to its task. The Jalsa is an men and women, who fulfilled their aa Huzooraa said that by the Grace of excellent forum for closing the divide duties efficiently and amicably. Huzoor Allāh, Jalsa Sālāna UK was successfully between different cultures. praised the departments of parking, concluded, leaving behind its blessings An eminent delegate from the Congo said hospitality under Tabshīr, hospitality for Arab guests, photo exhibition, and and inspiring us with a sense of gratitude that world leaders have no choice but to aa to God. Huzooraa said that our Jalsas are embrace the principles outlined by the Langar Khāna. Huzoor expressed the attended by dignitaries from all over the Khalīfa. He said that when the Khalīfa need for more volunteers who focus on world and they feel honoured to attend paused during his address, the silence their work and not on self-projection. and are grateful to the Jamā‘at for the was so complete as if there was no one Huzooraa also pointed out some opportunity. Huzooraa briefly quoted the present. He said, “It is a scene I will never deficiencies in departments such as sentiments of some of these dignitaries. forget, I have never seen or even heard of water and sanitation and instructed The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court such discipline.” that these should be managed better in aa of Benin praised the volunteers and A delegate from Turkmenistan said that future. Huzoor said that despite such the discipline. He said that the Jalsa the Jalsa had refreshed his knowledge minor shortcomings, the management had inspired him with devotion and of Islām and added to his love of God on the whole was excellent, and so spirituality. He said that despite such a and the Holy Prophetsa. He said, “The was the standard of the speeches. The large gathering, it had all been managed teachings of the Promised Messiahas have management and the volunteers deserve most efficiently. strengthened our sense of brotherhood, our gratitude. May Allāh reward them all. An official from Burkina Faso said that fostered our faith, and granted us the Huzooraa asked the Jamā‘at to pray for more than 80 countries were represented power of perseverance.” Aḥmadīs in Pakistan. At the end of the aa in the Jalsa and every Aḥmadī, without Huzooraa said that the spiritual sermon, Huzoor informed the Jamā‘at distinction of colour or race, loves the atmosphere of the Jalsa affects Aḥmadīs of the sad demise of Mr. Adam bin Yusuf Khalīfa. When the Khalīfa spoke, the and non-Aḥmadīs alike. No upright person of Ghana, and the tragic martyrdom of silence was such that it seemed as if who learns of the teachings of Islām can two Aḥmadīs in Karachi: Homoeopath the audience were not living beings but refuse to accept them. Huzooraa said that Dr. Syed Tāhir Aḥmad, son of Dr. Syed statues. the hospitality shown by the volunteers Manzoor Aḥmad, and Malik Ijaz Aḥmad, A Judge from the Supreme Court of Sierra had a deep impact on the visitors, and son of Malik Yaqoob Aḥmad.

Huzooraa said that the spiritual atmosphere of the Jalsa affects Aḥmadīs and non-Aḥmadīs alike. No upright person who learns of the teachings of Islām can refuse to accept them. Huzooraa said that the hospitality shown by the volunteers had a deep impact on the visitors, and this also is a form of tacit Da‘wat Ilallāh.

4 Guidance from Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa The Syrian Crisis Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on September 13, 2013

On September 13th, 2013, Hazrat Calamity of Damascus (Bala-i-Damishq) will be answerable for what is due to Khalīfatul Masīḥ Vaa delivered the Friday was fulfilled. Huzooraa said that quite them. Huzooraa said that both rulers and Sermon at Baitul Futūḥ Mosque, London. often some revelations are fulfilled again subjects should seek the one who was to Huzooraa expressed deep pain and sorrow and again. In that first instance, the come from God and hold on to him, only at the indiscriminate destruction of lives calamity was wrought at the hands of then will they be able to ward off these and property in the war in Syria. Huzooraa foreigners, whereas in this instance the calamities. said that the world is fast moving towards people have brought a calamity upon Huzooraa said that Aḥmadīs living in themselves for the last two and a half disaster, and the war in Syria could cause aa any country owe it to their sense of a massive escalation. If outside powers years. Huzoor analyzed the situation patriotism to warn their rulers of the become part of this war, it would severely in Syria and proposed a peaceful and approaching calamity. May God open harm not only Arab countries but some sagacious solution. people’s eyes and enable them to accept Asian countries as well. Such a war will Huzooraa cited some Aḥādīth in which the one He has sent. May He also open then not remain confined to Syria but the Holy Prophetsa has reminded both the eyes of western governments, so that might become the precursor to a world rulers and subjects of their obligations. they act justly and do not transgress. war. As Aḥmadīs, we need to focus on The Holy Prophetsa said that on the Day May Allāh safeguard Aḥmadīs from all prayers to save the world from disaster. of Judgment, the closest and most loved evil. There are many Aḥmadīs in Syria We should pray for the world in general by God will be the fair and just ruler, who are affected by the war. Huzooraa and the Muslims in particular. while the cruel and unjust ruler will be prayed that Allāh may also fulfil the ra aa farthest from Him. Once a companion auspicious revelation regarding Syria, Huzoor briefly outlined the history of sa Syria and cited a sermon given by Hazrat asked the Holy Prophet , “What should which states the following, “The eminent Muṣleḥ Mau‘ūdra in 1925 in which he we do if we have a ruler who demands ones of Syria and the servants of Allāh his own right from us but does not give from among the Arabs are supplicating spoke about the French occupation of the sa county, the resistance, and the terrible us ours?” The Holy Prophet said that on thy behalf.” May Allāh save the world aerial bombardment of Damascus. Thus in such a case they must listen and obey from the devastation of a war. Āmīn. the Promised Messiah’sas revelation, their ruler. The rulers will be answerable for what is due to him, and the subjects

As Aḥmadīs, we need to focus on prayers to save the world from disaster. We should pray for the world in general and the Muslims in particular.

The Holy Prophetsa has reminded both rulers and subjects of their obligations. The Holy Prophetsa said that on the Day of Judgment, the closest and most loved by God will be the fair and just ruler, while the cruel and unjust ruler will be farthest from Him.

Aḥmadīs living in any country owe it to their sense of patriotism to warn their rulers of the approaching calamity. May God open people’s eyes and enable them to accept the one He has sent. May He also open the eyes of western governments, so that they act justly and do not transgress. May Allāh safeguard Aḥmadīs from all evil. There are many Aḥmadīs in Syria who are affected by the war. Huzooraa prayed that Allāh may also fulfil the auspicious revelation regarding Syria, which states the following, “The eminent ones of Syria and the servants of Allāh from among the Arabs are supplicating on thy behalf.” May Allāh save the world from the devastation of a war. Āmīn.

Guidance from Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa 5 Essence of Spiritual Excellence Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on August 16, 2013

On September 20th, 2013, Hazrat jealousy, cruelty, and because such deeds His blessings. aa Khalīfatul Masīḥ V delivered the Friday are performed not for the sake of God but Huzooraa prayed that Allāh may enable us Sermon at Baitul Futūḥ Mosque, London. for acquiring fame. Upon hearing this, ra to do good deeds according to His desire Huzooraa began the sermon with an Hazrat Mu‘ādh asked that if this was and accept them. Our deeds should not extract from the writings of the Promised the case, then how could we ever hope be such as are thrown back in our faces as to attain salvation and be saved from Messiah in which he says, “Everyone sa because they are contaminated with should fear God, for only this will enable Divine chastisement? The Holy Prophet worldliness. We should pray that we may him to perform good deeds. In reality said, “Follow my , do not be proud inherit His paradise in this world and only that person is good and pious who is of your deeds, keep watch over your the next. May we mould all our actions good in the estimation of God. There are tongue, do not hurt anyone, do not utter according to God’s desire and reap their many who deceive themselves and think anything evil, do not see yourself as more rewards in this world as well. May Allāh, they are pious, but only he is truly pious virtuous and pious than others. Your by His Grace, accept our prayers. Āmīn. deeds should not be for the world, do not who is deemed pious in the eyes of God.” aa create mischief, do not turn one against At the end of the sermon, Huzoor Huzooraa said that if we bear these another, and do not show off your piety.” informed the Jamā‘at of the tragic teachings in mind, we will always fulfil aa martyrdom of Ijaz Aḥmad Kiyani Ṣāḥib our obligations to God and to His creation. Huzoor said that we can only do good of Karachi, and the sad demise of Abdul aa deeds that are worthy of acceptance if we Huzoor related a detailed ḥadīth which sa Momin Ṣāḥib, a dervish of Qādiān, and sa follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet . records the Holy Prophet instructing sa Sheikh Rahmatullah Ṣāḥib of Karachi. Hazrat Mu‘adra about good deeds. He The Holy Prophet said that we should Huzooraa led their funeral prayer in worship God with His fear in our hearts related how a person’s good deeds are sa absentia after the Friday prayers. carried to heaven but are rejected by just as he did, and that like him, we Huzooraa also asked the Jamā‘at to pray for the guardian angels on account of their should become grateful servants of the his forthcoming tour of some countries being tainted by back-biting, pride Gracious One. If we follow selflessly in which would last for a few weeks. and arrogance, self-love, ostentations, his footsteps and fulfil our obligations to God and man, we will continue to reap

Ahmadiyyat in Singapore, Indonesia and Malayasia Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on September 27, 2013

On September 27, 2013, Hazrat Khalīfatul true teachings of Islām so that people may world and to act accordingly. God’s help Masīḥ Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon at recognize the excellence of Islām and the comes to those who keep progressing in the TaHa mosque in Singapore. Holy Qur’ān. Huzooraa said that God has virtue and do not stand still. Aḥmadīs Huzooraa said that by the Grace of favoured us by enabling us to accept should pray for a positive change in the Promised Messiahas and to become their children. Your deeds should testify Allāh, he had once again been given aa the opportunity to meet the Aḥmadīs part of his Jamā‘at. It is now our duty to that you are an Aḥmadī. Huzoor said in this region. It is relatively easy to spread this message no matter what the that in the light of these teachings, we come to Singapore, and many Aḥmadīs circumstances. We have to present before ought to be mindful of how far we have the world all the beautiful aspects of the transformed ourselves, what we have have come here from nearby countries sa such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Holy Prophet’s life. At the same time we done for the proper upbringing of our Burma (Myanmar) and Vietnam, in should follow in his footsteps and attract children, and to what extent have we people towards Islām through our own conformed our actions to the teachings order to meet him. Speaking about the aa victimization of the Jamā‘at in various example. Huzoor exhorted members of of the Holy Qur’ān. Let us act in a countries, Huzooraa said that whenever the Jamā‘at to listen to his sermons and manner that compels others to confess the Jamā‘at is persecuted, Allāh produces other programs in order to bring about that Aḥmadīs are better believers than the best results for us and grants us many self-reformation. It has been noted that others. Seeing your example, they should new converts as a result and at the same some office-bearers do not listen to the gravitate towards Aḥmadīyyat. If you time it causes Aḥmadīs to grow in faith sermons regularly. These sermons are attain these standards, we will be drawn aa the need of the time and Aḥmadīs should nearer to God and all this persecution will and sincerity. Huzoor said that even in aa countries where there is no persecution attach themselves to these teachings evaporate into thin air. Huzoor prayed and Aḥmadīs are free to fulfil their so that there is uniformity in Aḥmadīs that Allāh may strengthen every Aḥmadī religious obligations, Aḥmadīs should everywhere as far as their beliefs and in faith and conviction, keep them under their practical lives are concerned. The His protection, and frustrate the designs keep watch over themselves, strive to as foster their faith and spread the message Promised Messiah says the Aḥmadīs of our opponents. Āmīn. of Aḥmadīyyat. They should spread the should always repeat their pledge to give preference to the religion over the

6 Guidance from Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmad Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa

The following is the address of Huzoor the Holy Prophetsa, always remained, it, so in turn, God with His powerful Anwaraa delivered on May 27, 2008 , and in accordance with the Sunnah of his signs, brings to light their [of has been take from alislam.org: Mastersa, eager to meet his most Exalted ] Truth as well as the Truth Friend. Allāh the Almighty, who sent this which they [the Prophets] wish to My dear members of the Jamā‘at, servant of His as Imām Akhiruzzman propagate in the world and He lets Assālamū Alaikum wa Rahmatullāh wa (the Promised Imām of the latter days), them sow its seed with their own Barakatuhū. while indicating to him that the time of hands. However, He does not let it Today, one hundred years of Khilāfat his death was approaching, consoled him come to full fruition at their hands. Aḥmadīyya have come to their by assuring him that, though his end Rather, He causes them to die at completion. This day draws our thoughts was near, He would not let his mission such a time as apparently forebodes to the history of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim remain unfulfilled. In accordance with a kind of failure and thereby He Jamā‘at, spread over a period of more His proclamation that He, Himself, had provides an opportunity for the than one hundred years, as well as of the raised him as the Imām of the Latter opponents to laugh at, ridicule, time when, according to the prophecy Days, Allāh the Almighty said to him: taunt, and reproach the Prophets. of the Holy Prophetsa, a chosen servant So my dear one, O’ you who And when they have done all they of Allāh, by His command, made the are extremely anxious for the could do in the way of ridicule and announcement in March 1889 about establishment of My Tauhīd in the reproach, He then reveals a Second the foundation of this Holy Community. world and the sovereignty of My Hand of His Power and creates such The objectives of his mission and that of beloved Prophetsa, do not worry means by which, the objectives the establishment of the Jamā‘at were about how your mission will be which had to some extent remained to establish a relationship between God fulfilled after your death. Remember incomplete, are fully realized. Thus, and man, to teach mankind to submit to that according to the prophecy of the He manifests two kinds of Powers. one God, to strive for establishing Tauhīd Holy Prophetsa, which is endorsed (1) Firstly, He shows the Hand (Unity) in the world; and, having united by Me, Khilāfat in the footsteps of of His Power at the hands of His all the nations of the world into one Prophethood will be established and Prophets themselves. (2) Secondly, Ummah, gather the whole of mankind will last until the end of the world. at the time, when after the death of under the banner of the Holy Prophetsa Thus, after you pass away, it is this a Prophet, believers face difficulties and to draw the attention of mankind to very Institution of Khilāfat by means and problems and the enemy gains recognizing and respecting the mutual of which I shall once again initiate force and thinks that now all is lost rights of man. The person whom God, the plan for the establishment and [as far as the mission of the Prophet having bestowed on him the titles of the stability of My last Sharī‘a in the is concerned], and is convinced that Imām, the Messiah and Mahdī, had sent world. it is the time when the community to the world, successfully carried out [of the followers of a Prophet] will be Thus, after this reassurance by Allāh wiped off the face of the earth, and his mission with the support and help of as the Almighty, the Promised Messiah , even members of the community Allāh for almost nineteen years—since addressing the Jamā‘at, wrote: the foundation of the Jamā‘at and the first start dithering and plunge into Bai‘at in 1889 until 1908 when he passed This is the Way of God. Since He despair, feeling so helpless, and a away—in spite of the extreme opposition created man on the earth He has few of them who are unfortunate and unfavourable circumstances he always been demonstrating this resort to apostasy, then, God for the faced, with such expeditiousness that Way by helping His Prophets and second time shows His Mighty Power every adversary who opposed this Messengers and granting them and supports and takes care of the Champion of Allāh suffered ignominy predominance, as He says, “God has community which was about to fall. and disgrace. ordained that He and His Prophets Thus, only a person who remains shall prevail.” And by predominance steadfast until the end sees this According to the Laws of Allāh, everyone it is meant, that as Messengers and miracle of God. As it happened, at ra who comes to this world has to leave it at Prophets desire that God’s Hujjat the time of Hazrat Abū Bakr Siddīq , sa one point—and that person, the chosen (that is His Will) is enforced on the when the death of the Holy Prophet servant of Allāh and the true lover of earth and no one is able to oppose was considered untimely, and many

The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) 7 ignorant Bedouins turned apostate. the second Power [of God]. So, while works wonders and is the Almighty, The Companionsra of the Holy waiting for the second Manifestation had promised that He would, through Prophetsa, too, stricken with grief, of His Power, you all together keep the bounty of Khilāfat, continue the became like those who had lost their yourselves busy praying.” (Risala Al- revolution brought about by the one who senses. Then, Allāh raised Hazrat Wasīyat, Rūḥānī Khazāʼin Vol. 20, pp. had the support and help of Allāh. And Abū Bakr Siddīqra and showed for the 305-306) the whole world witnessed the truth of second time the manifestation of His At last, as he (the Promised Messiahas) had this at the time of the continuation of Power. Thus, Islām, which was about Khilāfat when Hazrat Maulana Nūr-ud- said, the time came when he passed away ra to fall, was supported by Him and He to rest in the Presence of Almighty Allāh Dīn was elected as KhalīfaKhalīfatul- fulfilled this promise of His which Masīḥ Ira. In spite of the fact that the and the heart of each and every Aḥmadī as was given in, was filled with fear and grief. However, opponents of the Promised Messiah because of the prayers of the believers, were witnessing an organized and tight-knit community founded by the the earth and the heaven once again as witnessed the fulfillment of the promise, Promised Messiah , and in spite of the as it had been witnessed many times fact that they had witnessed the scene of (24:56), that is, “after the fear we the establishment of Khilāfat, they tried shall firmly re-establish them.” earlier, in the following verse: “And that He will surely give them in exchange by an organized effort to put an end to (Risala Al- Wasīyat, Rūḥānī Khazāʼin the Jamā‘at – the Jamā‘at which was Vol. 20, pp. 304-305) security and peace after their fear” (Ch. 24, V. 56). The great revolution that the established by God Almighty Himself and Again, he wrote: Promised Messiahas had brought about about which He had promised: “Call to mind My bounty. I have planted for you So dear friends! Since it is the with his advent was willed by Almighty Allāh to continue and be sustained (the tree of) My Mercy and My Power Sunnatullāh (the way of Allāh) from with My own Hand” (Tadhkirah,p.428). immemorial times that God Almighty through the great Institution of Khilāfat. shows two Manifestations so that At the death of the Promised Messiahas, Thus, in accordance with this promise, two false joys of the opponents can Maulana Abul Kalam Azad1 wrote in the they were defeated in their plan like be put to an end, it is not possible paper Wakil: always, even though they went so far now that God should relinquish in the ferocity of their enmity and That man, a very great man, His old-established Sunnat. So do opposition that one paper wrote: whose pen was magic and speech not be grieved on what I have said enchanting, the man who was the “If anyone asks us, then we are ready to you, nor should your hearts be embodiment of the marvels of the to truly say that if it is at all possible distressed. For it is essential for you mind—whose glance would cast a for Muslims, they should throw the to see the second Manifestation;, its spell and whose voice was the clarion books of Mirzā not into the oceans, coming is better for you because it is call of resurrection; one whose but into a burning furnace. They everlasting, the continuity of which fingers were entangled with the should not end the matter here, but will not end till the Day of Judgment. live wires of revolution and whose see to it that in the future no Muslim And that second Manifestation fists were two charged batteries of or non-Muslim historian mentions cannot come unless I depart. But electricity; the man who, for thirty his name in the history of India or when I depart, then God will send years, caused an earthquake and that of Islām” (Wakil, Amritsar, June this second Manifestation for you, rd storm in the world of religion; who 3 , 1908, Tārikh-e-Aḥmadīyyat, which shall always remain with you sounded like the trumpet of doom Vol.3, pp. 205-206). as it is promised by God in Barāhīn-e- and continued to awaken those who Today the history of Aḥmadīyyat bears Aḥmadīyya. And this promise is not were deep in the slumber of mortal witness to the fact—and the whole world for my person. Rather the promise is existence . . . The death of Mirzā knows it—that no one remembers the with reference to you, as God says: “I Ghulām Aḥmad Ṣāḥib Qādiānias is erstwhile opponents of Aḥmadīyyat. Yet shall make this Jamā‘at who are your not something from which one may by the blessing of Khilāfat, Aḥmadīyyat followers, prevail over all others not draw any lesson, consign it to is flourishing in the world and millions till the Day of Judgment.” Thus it is the passage of time and be content of people devotedly profess Aḥmadīyyat inevitable that you will see the day with that. The persons who bring as the true Islām. The enemies of of my departure, so that after that about revolutions in the religious Aḥmadīyyat crossed the limits of their day, the day of ever-lasting promise and intellectual world do not always absurd talk so much so that one paper, comes. Our God is He Who keeps His appear. These great ‘sons’ of history, Curzon Gazette, wrote the following promise and is Faithful, and He is the pride of mankind, very rarely to which Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira the Truthful God. He shall show you visit this world, and when they do referred in his first speech of Jalsa Sālāna: all that He has promised. Though so they depart from it only after “Now nothing is left in Mirzāies. Their these days are the last days of this having brought about a revolution head has been cut off. One man who has world, and there are many disasters in it. (Wakil, Amritsar, Tārīkh-e- been elected as their Imām is not capable waiting to happen, it is necessary Aḥmadīyyat, Vol. 2, p. 560) of doing anything except that he would that this world continues to exist, teach you (the Aḥmadīs) the Qur’ān in a until all those things about which Thus, Allāh the Almighty, having mosque” (Tarīkh-e-Aḥmadīyyat, Vol.3, p. God has prophesied come to pass. I made non-Aḥmadīs confess about this 221). came from God as Manifestation of revolution with their tongues and pens, His Power, and I am the embodiment showed that the Promised Messiahas had Remarking on this, Hazrat Khalīfatul- of God’s Power. And after I am gone the special support and help of Allāh. Masīḥ Ira said: “SubhanAllāh (Glory there will be some other persons But they did not realize that the Being belongs to Allāh), this is the most who will be the Manifestation of who has extraordinary powers, He who important task and has priority over all. 8 The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra shows how remarkable and crowning were the achievements of this son of the Champion of Allāh, the Promised Messiahas. After the death of Hazrat Muṣleḥ Mau‘ūdra the world of Aḥmadīyyat was once again plunged into fear, but according to His promise, Allāh the Almighty replaced their fear with security and peace and within a few hours bestowed on the Jamā‘at the bright moon of the third manifestation of the Qudrat Thaniya (Khilāfat). In spite of the opposition of the government of the time, and in spite of the organized and united efforts of all Muslim sects (before and after the passing of a cruel law against Aḥmadīs) the grand caravan of Aḥmadīyyat continued to advance, crossing the ever new landmarks of progress, one after the other, giving the message of love to the world, serving the poor of the impoverished nations, conveying to them the message of the Arab Prophet and gathering them under his banner. The time then came, when according to the Divine decree, Hazrat Khalīfatul- Masīḥ IIIrh departed from this world to meet his Creator. Once again, internal and external disorders and mischief arose. However, in accordance with the Divine Promise, the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at was consolidated and strengthened through Khilāfat Rābia and every mischief petered out of existence. Allāh the Almighty destroyed those who put constraints on the Jamā‘at through the provision of a cruel law and those who claimed that they would once and for all root out ‘the cancer of Aḥmadīyyat.’ Due to this law, which had been passed by the government of Pakistan, the Khalīfa of the time had to migrate. But this migration opened new vistas for the progress of Aḥmadīyyat. Once again we saw the fulfillment of the promise made May Allāh grant me the opportunity to prominent people, over-confident and in: carry it out.” full of conceit, as they were regarding Unfortunately, some prominent their so-called knowledge, experienced members of the Jamā‘at also did not and educated could not match a young Avenues for the missionary work of the appreciate the status of the institution man of only 25 years. Indeed, such was Jamā‘at were opened which had once of Khilāfat and conspiracists continued his exalted station that no one could looked like a remote possibility. During to hatch plans against it. But the tree equal or surpass him, with respect to his the time of the fourth Khilāfat, Allāh planted by the hand of God continued organizing of the Jamā‘at, the impressive the Almighty, through the creation and to grow. According to the promise made expansion of its missionary work establishment of MTA (Muslim Television as (Tablīgh) by him, his moral and spiritual Ahmadīyya), fulfilled His promise to by God to the Promised Messiah , the as small community comprising of devoted upbringing (Tarbiyat) of the Jamā‘at and the Promised Messiah , “I shall carry followers of the Promised Messiahas will the knowledge and deep insight of the your message to the ends of the world,” go on increasing, and no effort to inflict Holy Qur’ān he possessed. baffling human understanding. loss on the Jamā‘at can succeed. Many a time the Jamā‘at had to face great If we look at our limited means and When the time of the second Khilāfat suffering and severe opposition, yet the way in which this channel began, came, some prominent members of the with the blessing of Khilāfat it continued then the words of Tasbīh (Glorification) Anjuman openly and resolutely opposed to successfully move forward. A close and Tahmīd (Praise) of Almighty Allāh the Institution of Khilāfat. But all such look at the fifty years of the Khilāfat of naturally flow from the lips of the

The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) 9 Today, 100 years of this second Manifestation of Allāh’s Power (Khilāfat) have come to their completion. And every day we experience the fulfillment of the above mentioned promise made by Allāh to the Promised Messiahas with a renewed glory, as I have mentioned above in the short historical account of the Jamā‘at. Thus, it is the obligation of each and every Aḥmadī that he and she by remaining attached to the second Manifestation of Allāh should strive, mustering all his and her capacities, to fulfill the mission of the Promised Messiahas. Today, we have to bring all of under the banner of the Holy Prophetsa; we also have to bring the under his banner and we have to bring all the Hindus and the followers of other religions, too, under his banner. We have also to unite all the Muslims of the world through attachment to the Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya at the hand of the Promised Messiah and Mahdīas. believers. Today, from east to west and has been planted by God Almighty. No Promised Imām of the time), the Messiah north to south, this channel has silenced human being is responsible for planting it and the Mahdī has entrusted to you by every opponent of Aḥmadīyyat. Thus, and making it flourish. Rather, whatever the command of Allāh. He (the Promised God revealed through MTA, the voice of is happening is happening because of the Messsiahas), by stating that ‘this promise the man spreading the message of Truth Divine Promises and support. And Allāh is about you’, has placed on us this great straight to the homes of those who had the Almighty is fulfilling the promise responsibility. And promises are fulfilled wished to totally incapacitate the Khalīfa made to the Promised Messiahas in the only when the conditions which are of the time. Through MTA, the spiritual revelation: “I am with you and with those attached to them are observed. food (Maida) of the Ilm-e-Kalam of the whom you love”. as Believers of the Masīh Muhammadi Promised Messiah (that is his teachings, Thus, this is the Divine decree. This is the [The Messiah of Muhammadsa]! Dear his knowledge and his arguments in promise made by the very God Who does ones of the Promised Messiahas and support of the truth of Islām and for not make false promises, the promise the flourishing branches of the tree the refutation of the tenets of other that those dear ones of the Promised of his being! Rise up. Be ready to make faiths and creeds) as well as that of the Messiahas who, in accordance with his any sacrifice required for the further last Sharī‘a of God Almighty – the Noble injunction, have embraced the second strengthening of Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya so Qur’ān – has reached every home with Manifestation of the power of Allāh, it is that, by holding fast to the rope of Allāh, the grace of Allāh. they who will gain supremacy over the you may spread to the ends of the world, In accordance with the law mentioned world because God is with them. God is the message of the Holy Prophetsa the in the verse, “All that is on it [earth] will with us. Master and Muta‘ (the obeyed one) of the pass away” (55:27), like his predecessors, Promised Messiahas with which Allāh sent rh Today, 100 years of this second sa Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IV passed away Manifestation of Allāh’s Power (Khilāfat) the Messiah of . Also convey in 2003. At the time of his death, the whole have come to their completion. And the message to each and every person in world witnessed through the eyes of the every day we experience the fulfillment the world that his or her survival depends MTA cameras, an amazing, powerful of the above mentioned promise made on establishing a true relationship with and moving scene, which was available by Allāh to the Promised Messiahas with the One and only God; that the peace of through satellites live to every Aḥmadī a renewed glory, as I have mentioned the world depends on joining the Jamā‘at and non-Aḥmadī home around the above in the short historical account of of the and the Messiah; as today, world. Aḥmadīs rejoiced that Almighty the Jamā‘at. Thus, it is the obligation of he alone is the standard-bearer of the God had replaced their fear with security each and every Aḥmadī that he and she true Islamic teachings regarding peace and peace, and others wondered at how by remaining attached to the second and security, the example of which is not those people and that Jamā‘at which they Manifestation of Allāh should strive, found on the surface of the earth. We can had been trying to destroy for 100 years only fulfill the mission of the Messiah of mustering all his and her capacities, sa had continued to prosper and progress. to fulfill the mission of the Promised Muhammad and be united in faith of One opponent openly admitted, “I do not Messiahas. Today, we have to bring all of the Unity of God by remaining attached believe you to be in the right. But after Christianity under the banner of the Holy to Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya. It is this by which having seen this, I have to confess that Prophetsa; we also have to bring the Jews men of God will bring about a spiritual God by His actions has testified that He under his banner and we have to bring revolution in the world. is with you.” all the Hindus and the followers of other May Allāh enable each Aḥmadī to convey I am a humble person and am not very religions, too, under his banner. We have with firm faith this beautiful Truth to knowledgeable, yet, Allāh the Almighty also to unite all the Muslims of the world every individual in the world. has united at my hand the whole Jamā‘at. through attachment to the Khilāfat Wassalam, Every day the relationship between Aḥmadīyya at the hand of the Promised myself and the community grows Messiah and Mahdīas. Khaksār stronger and stronger. The world thought Aḥmadīs! Who live in all parts of the (Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad) that perhaps I would not be able to look world or in any country, hold fast to after the Jamā‘at and that they would this fundamental objective which I have Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V finally see the end of it [the Jamā‘at] for just mentioned above and fulfill the Endnotes: which they had been waiting for the last task which the Imām-uz-Zaman [(the 100 years. But they forgot that this tree 1. A famous Indian Muslim scholar and leader.

10 The Message – Centenary Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya (1908–2008) A Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat About the Insightful Address of Hazrat Khalīftul-Masīḥ IIIrh on the subject of Khilāfat and Mujaddidīyyat By: Maulānā Hadi Ali Chaudhary Sāhib

The following article has been translated into to present intellectual responses to all as well as the teachings of the Promised English by Sarmad Naveed Sahib and edited their venomous allegations. Messiahas. In this way, they regard as false by Usman Shahid Sāḥib and Dr. Ijaz Rauf Here, it is again important to clarify the prophecies mentioned in the Holy Sāḥib. from the outset that the Jamā‘at Qur’ān, Aḥādīth and by the Promised In the May 2013 issue of the Aḥmadīyya Aḥmadīyya affiliated with Khilāfat of Messiahas which clearly indicate that Gazette Canada, an exposition of Hazrat Islām-Aḥmadīyyat, which is the Khilāfat Khilāfat will continue until the Day of Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh, titled “Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj Nabuwwat (vicegerency on Judgement. and Mujaddidīyyat - An Exposition,” the precepts of Prophethood), firmly In this regard, Respected Hadi Ali was published. This address was very believes that Khilāfat and Mujaddidīyyat Chaudhary Ṣāḥib has responded to the insightful and full of Divine wisdom. are now united in the form of the eleven allegations raised in relation to the Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh delivered Khilāfat of the Promised Messiahas and address delivered by Hazrat Khalīfatul- it on November 6, 1977 in , will continue until the end of time in Masīḥ IIIrh by these opponents of Khilāfat. at the National Ijtimā‘ of Majlis the light of the Holy Qur’ān, the sayings His answers are researched and based on Khuddāmul Aḥmadīyya, Pakistan. In of the Holy Prophetsa, the words of past realities. The replies are presented below his comprehensive treatise, Huzoorrh Muslim Saints and Reformers, and the for the benefit of the readers. presented sound reasoning and teachings of the Promised Messiahas textual evidence to prove that Khilāfat and his Khulafā’. Based on the clear Wassalam, Aḥmadīyya will last till the end of time, and unambiguous explanations of the Lal Khan Malik as based on the Holy Qur’ān, prophecies Promised Messiah , Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya Amīr Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya Canada of the Holy Prophetsa and the Promised has firm faith that Mujaddidīyyat has Messiahas. Huzoorrh proved that according been absorbed, infused, and united with as to the Promised Messiah’s commentary Khilāfat. It believes in the unquestionable (1) The first allegation raised is: of the prophecies of Mujaddidīyyat in reality that now there is no such concept Islām, Mujaddidīyyat has now merged of Mujaddadīyyat that can be considered “It does not make sense why the into an elevated station – Khilāfat – and independent (or opposed) to the Khilāfat author chose to build up his views will continue to exist till the end of time; of the Promised Messiahas. on the basis of some ambiguous and thus, Khilāfat is now the channel for sayings of a few scholars prior to Every individual who gives the pledge as Tajdīd dīn (revival of faith) and progress Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd whereas he of allegiance to Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj claimed to be the third Khalīfa of and victory of Islām. In order to further as rh Nabuwwat also believes that there Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd who has elaborate his argument, Huzoor also is no dichotomy between Khilāfat presented references from past Muslim dilated (expounded) upon this and Mujaddidīyyat. Rather, after the subject covering it abundantly divines and saints. as Prophethood of the Promised Messiah in all aspects in his books and rh Since Huzoor presented what was an both of these functions converge into sayings.” established truth, alas it was bound to the Khalīfa appointed by God. That is to be received with dislike and contempt say that one individual will now perform Answer: In the Holy Qur’ān, it is stated in by those who often run from the truth. both of these functions and this will Surah An-Nahl verse 44: And with false interpretations, certain continue in succession until the Day of deceivers raised such baseless allegations Judgement, based on the prophecies and in response to Huzoor’srh address teachings of the Holy Prophetsa and the published in May 2013 that clearly Promised Messiahas. Inshā’Allāh! reflect, from every angle, their utter Opposed to this system which is aided wickedness and hypocrisy. In the guise of That is to say, when a subject requires by Allāh, there are people who ascribe explanation for a person lacking aliases, hiding their real identities, these exclusively to a belief in Mujaddidīyyat, anonymous deceivers also sent these knowledge, wisdom dictates that the while distancing themselves from Khilāfat “Ahl Dhikr” or “people of understanding” allegations to members of the Jamā‘at in opposition to Divine Commandments, via e-mails. In light of these hypocritical sa should be sought after and referred to. It sayings of the Holy Prophet , writings of is for this reason that textual evidence has moves, it was of paramount importance Muslim Saints and previous Reformers,

11 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat always been a fundamental component the teachings of Hazrat Masīh term “Khalīfa” means the Rank of Islāmic Theology. It is following this Mau‘ūdas? Also, the third Khalīfa’s and the term “Tajdīd” describes principle that the Promised Messiahas statements in the Pakistan his function. The effort of the repeatedly referred to the writings of National Assembly of 1974 that author to unnecessarily confuse past Islāmic scholars and saints for no Ummatī Prophet will come the readers is highly deplorable.” as supporting evidence to the truth of his after Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd in the Answer: The alleger has quoted the claims. Therefore, precisely following Ummah was in direct contradiction following reference from Malfūzāt and this Qur’ānic methodology, the Promised of Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd’sas clear as has claimed that Hazrat Khalīfatul- Messiah presented countless excerpts statements that Ummatī Prophets Masīḥrh has attempted to “confuse the of many past Islāmic saints in order shall keep on coming in the future readers.” In actuality, there is not a to elucidate his writings. Now, those as well (see Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. single individual from this community who reject Khilāfat and adapt opposing 20, p. 227).” associated with Khilāfat who would views even undermine the views of great Answer: This is an absolutely false have been confused after reading this Islāmic saints of the past, dismissing their accusation against Hazrat Khalīfatul- passage. On the contrary, those who read references as “some ambiguous sayings.” Masīḥ IIIrh that he has denied the coming it with sincerity found it most satisfying What, then, can possibly be expected of of an Ummatī Prophet in Islām. Never and faith inspiring. This is, therefore, them in regards to understanding and in any circumstance has he given such a false allegation he has attributed accepting the truth? a statement. This is a whopper of a lie to the members of the Jamā‘at. It is a Moreover, the Holy Qur’ān itself, apart by the opponents of Ahmadīyyat, and demonstration of grave impudence to from Prophets of the past, has also is stricken down by the safe records his Holiness, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥrh. alluded to other people and their sayings. of the Assembly with just the stroke Ironically, the alleger is even too We ask the opponents of Khilāfat, would of a pen. It is rather strange that if the senseless and ignorant to realize that the they now raise this same allegation Third Khalīfarh makes references to the very excerpt [of the Promised Messiahas] against the Holy Qur’ān? That instead of sayings of revered Muslim Saints, they he presented, in fact, uproots his own presenting more examples of the Holy are “ambiguous sayings” to this alleger false notions and words, like a rotten Prophetsa why has Allāh referred to and and yet he is so readily impressed by the tree. The quote of the Promised Messiahas quoted the sayings of previous Prophets lies and false allegations raised by the beautifully explicates that the role of and various other saints? opponents of the Promised Messiahas. Khilāfa is that he revives and reforms Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh has, for He is ready to use false sayings of these religion. He says: instance, presented a reference of Imām con artists as the very foundation of his “The meaning of ‘Khalīfa’ is a Muhammad Tahir Gujrati. Indeed, evil views. But then again, are these not successor who revives faith. Those these opponents seem to have a strange the wicked ways always adopted by the who come after the Prophets to understanding! On the one hand, they opponents of Khilāfat? It is said, remove the darkness, which ensues insistently call for a Mujaddid to the extent the era of the Prophets, are called that they out-right reject Khilāfat, while Khalīfa” (Malfūzāt, Vol. 4, p.383). on the other hand, they fail to consider How is it even possible for a rank to be that the very Islāmic saint, whose sayings at variance with its function? Allegers they declare as “ambiguous,” is accepted That is to say, when a crow becomes the th have always attempted to split these as the Mujaddid of the 10 Century! Even leader of a nation, it will certainly lead two, while the Promised Messiahas has if the word of a Khalīfa of the Promised them to destruction. If these people as referred to them as one and the same. Messiah was unacceptable to them, at choose to follow the falsities of the That is to say, the ultimate function of the very least, they should have accepted opponents of Aḥmadīyyat, their fatal Khilāfat is revival of faith. After this clear the saying of this Mujaddid! What are the outcome is quite obvious from the above explanation of the Promised Messiahas, consequences of hatred and prejudice? couplet. these two cannot be separated; neither Indeed, it is observable in this instance In short, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh can Khilāfat be separated from Tajdīd, that a person who rejects one source of nor can Tajdīd be separated from guidance out of hatred, simultaneously gave no such statements in the National Assembly of Pakistan; this is an absolute Khilāfat. The very function of Khilāfat blocks other modes of guidance. is to further the works of the Prophet, Therefore, beginning with hatred false accusation forged against him. These liars have resorted to their original which includes the revival and ultimate against Khilāfat, they end up dismissing victory of faith. Any other explanation the sayings of old Islāmic Saints and ways completely misconstruing this incident by the use of contextomy (a type that is contrary to these sayings of the Mujaddidīn as mere “ambiguous” words. as of logical fallacy). The mark of a liar is Promised Messiah is unacceptable! (2) The second allegation raised is: that he runs from the truth and relies on Another point which must be understood “The history of the Jamā‘at and its falsehood. The alleger should have tried is that reformation is an act that literature is witness to it that up to understand that ultimately it is always restrains the community of faithful from until 1968 it was the unanimous the truth that wipes away lies and not innovation, wrongfulness, and negative faith of the Jamā‘at of Hazrat vice versa. notions. Khilāfat, in addition to the as Masīh Mau‘ūd that Messengers, (3) The third allegation raised is: work of Tajdīd, also serves to propel Prophets and Mujaddidīn shall as the Ummah (Community of Faithful) keep on descending in the Jamā‘at “Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd has in a positive direction, setting it upon Aḥmadīyya (i.e. true Islām) until defined that a Khalīfa is the the enlightened path of peace, progress, the day of resurrection. What substitute of the Prophet who worship, and submission. These are prompted him to put forward rejuvenates the faith (Reference: not two distinct concepts, as they are this innovation contrary to Malfūzāt, Volume 2, p. 666). The simply two manifestations of the same

12 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat continuous work. There is no need to 14th century. So it simply means of the 10th Century, that since the present any example to support this; one that in the previous 13 centuries word “Mann” can be used for both the simply needs to compare the practical there was only one Khalīfa in singular and plural, the Hadīth of the conditions of the Jamā‘at, under the each century and it refutes the Holy Prophetsa indicates that in each leadership of Khilāfat and the Jamā‘at in innovation of the author that century there would be many people opposition to it. The Jamā‘at associated the Arabic word “Mann” in the who would perform the task of Tajdīd with Khilāfat is making infinite progress ḥadīth of Mujaddidīn may mean dīn (reviving the religion). However, and shining forth by leaps and bounds, more than one in a century. Can this point has not only been pointed while the Jamā‘at in opposition to you provide a reference from the out by the third Khalīfarh. In actuality, Khilāfat is facing terminal decline and writings of Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas the Promised Messiahas has repeatedly ruin in every aspect of faith. to this effect? Why should an elaborated on this subject in his book Aḥmadī disregard the teachings entitled Shahādatul Qur’ān, saying that Dear readers! The meaning of Khalīfa is as successor; hence the Khalīfa carries out of Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūd the there has been abundance of personages his duties in reflection of the prophet. “Hakam” and “Adal” and prefer among Muslims who, in their number The Promised Messiahas, along with others over him?” and works, resemble the Prophets of Banī being a prophet, was also the Mujaddid Answer: Who is overlooking the Isrāīl. He writes: for the last millennium. That is why teachings of the Hakam and Adalas “Now, one ought to consider that the Khulāfa’ of the Promised Messiahas, and who is following them? The God has taken such extraordinary in succeeding him, will also hold the answer becomes quite obvious from precautions even with the Law of rank of Mujaddid and carry out the the hypocritical actions of the alleger! Mosesas, a law neither meant for duty of reviving faith. This is decreed However, as far as the question of a the entire world nor for all times, through the Promised Messiahas and this Mujaddid in every century is concerned, by constantly reviving it through shall continue to be the case until the if Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh stated that thousands of Prophets, . . . How, then, end of time. This is the comprehensive the Promised Messiahas is the 13th Khalīfa can this nation, that is named the interpretation of the saying of the Holy and the Reformer of the 14th century, how best amongst all nations, following Prophetsa, which points to the need of a does this imply that each century only the greatest of all Prophetssa, be Mujaddid in every century. Not only is had one reformer? Use of such logic only so unfortunate as to be shown the this a perfect fulfillment of this hadīth, reflects the crookedness of his thoughts! Mercy of God for only a period of but simultaneously, an excellent proof of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh only 30 years and then be abandoned in the continuation of Khilāfat until the Day elaborated on this point to clarify and utter darkness, after having been of Judgment. explain the hadīth of the Holy Prophetsa shown this Divine light?” (Shahādatul After his own coming, the Promised and the stance of the Promised Messiahas. Qur’ān, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 4, p. 344) Messiahas did not associate revival of That is to say, that it was not possible for That is to say, just as there were faith with an independent Mujaddid; any century to be devoid of a reformer. In thousands of prophets sent to the nation instead, he very explicitly linked the task other words, there must be, at the least, of Mosesas to revive religion, so were of reviving faith with Khilāfat. Hence, one Mujaddid in every century. If there there many holy persons sent to the from now on, no century would be devoid were more than one, they would all fall nation of Muhammadsa, the greatest of of this blessing. within the Arabic word “Mann” [who/ all nations, who carried out similar tasks whom] which is in question. The fact as those of the Isrā‘īlite Prophets. The This is the subject which Hazrat as rh that there had been no other claimant to Promised Messiah states further: Khalīfatul-Masīḥ III so thoroughly th explicated, leaving no ambiguity. Every Mujaddidīyyat in the 14 century is, on “It is extremely important that the one hand, testimony to the validity of single word he used simply presents and sa during the times of tribulation and supports the clear and manifest truths the hadīth of the Holy Prophet and, on disorder which ensue after the era of as the other, testimony to the truthfulness sa expressed by the Promised Messiah and as the Holy Prophet , such reformers nothing more. of the Promised Messiah’s claim as should appear who are given one of Mujaddid. The Promised Messiahas has Thus, any person who goes against this the tasks of prophets: invite people presented this proof in the following to the true religion and eradicate and claims to be a Mujaddid will certainly words: be in direct opposition to this clear stance every innovation that gets mixed as “It has been made clear by the with the religion . . . .” (Shahādatul of the Promised Messiah . Such a person sa would, indeed, fall in the category of the Holy Prophet that the coming of a Qur’ān, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 4, p. 346) people mentioned in the verse: reformer in every century is crucial. Then, regarding the abundance of Now, can the ‘Ulamā, who apparently prophets in previous nations, the claim to follow Hadīth, honestly Promised Messiahas writes: tell us who has claimed to be the reformer of this century, having “There is need for reformers and been Divinely Revealed? . . . Who else spiritual successors in this nation th just as there was a need for earlier “Then whoso disbelieves after that, has appeared at the helm of the 14 century claiming to be the Reformer prophets.” (Shahādatul Qur’ān, Rūhānī they will be the rebellious.” (24:56) in the manner that this humble one Khazā’īn, Vol. 4, p. 340) (4) The fourth allegation raised is: has.” (Izālah Auhām,, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, We have now presented both references “The author has admitted the Vol. 3, p. 178-179) of the Promised Messiahas regarding the claim of Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh has very coming of one reformer in every century that he is the 13th Khalīfa of Islām clearly explained, in reference to Sheikh as well as the reference regarding the who descended at the turn of the Muhammad Tahir Gujrati, the Mujaddid coming of many reformers in a century.

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 13 Based on the above quotations, it is quite (15:10). The Promised Messiahas writes the book Shahādatul Qur’ān, without obvious that the Promised Messiahas has the following: prejudice and hatred! used the word “Mann” for one individual “So this verse [meaning Ayat (6) The sixth allegation raised is: as well as many individuals. These Istikhlāf] in essence interprets this “The author has stated that writings provide conclusive evidence second verse that the alleger has uttered complete there is no mention of the word lies. And that the statements of Hazrat “Mujaddid” in Holy Qur’ān. But Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh were entirely true doesn’t he know that there is and based precisely on the writings of the providing an answer as to why no mention of the words “Masīh Promised Messiahas. This was the very and how the Holy Qur’ān will be Mau‘ūd”, “Qudrat Thāniya” and belief held by past Mujaddadīn. This is safeguarded. Thus, God the Almighty “Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya” in the Holy says that He will periodically send Qur’ān? Then why did he believe also the belief of the Aḥmadīyya Jamā‘at. sa And God’s practical and continuous Khulāfa’ of the Holy Prophet . Here that?” testimony bears witness to this fact! the word Khalīfa indicates that they will be successors to the Prophet Answer: When prejudice and hatred It is shameful! Had the alleger even and will have a part of his blessings, rise, they make a person’s head boil and considered the last quote of the Promised just as it has been done in previous whoever suffers from this, he is only as Messiah just presented above, in all times.” (Shahādatul Qur’ān, Rūhānī bound to say such things as said by the honesty, he would not have dared using Khazā’īn, Vol. 4, p. 339) alleger. He should have considered that such language towards His Holiness if the terms “Masīḥ Mau‘ud”, “Qudrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥrh, who himself is a In this quote there is no hint of Ayat Thāniya”, and “Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya” are Istikhlāf being a “subservient exposition.” not found in the Holy Qur’ān, then on the fulfillment (Nāfila’ Mau‘ūd) of the as prophecies of the Promised Messiahas. Rather, the Promised Messiah has called same lines, the term “Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj it an interpretation (“Tafsīr”) of the Nabuwwat” is also not found in the Holy (5) The fifth allegation raised is: other verse. This is in precise accordance Qur’ān! So does this mean that, God “Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas has with the fundamental principles of forbid, the Holy Prophetsa was wrong or described that the verse “Innā Qur’ānic Tafsīr (Commentrary). There mistaken when he said “Thumma takūnu Naḥnu Nazzal Nazzikr . . . .” is no discussion of subservience here. Khilāfatan ‘alā Minhāj Nabuwwat” [“Verily, We Ourself have sent Even if it was so, it would make no (Masnad Ahmad bin Hanmbal, Masnad Al- down this Exhortation, and most difference, as God has said, Kufiyyīn, Ḥadīth Nu‘mān bin Bashirra wa surely We will be its Guardian”] (Al- Mishkātul Masābīh Bābul Anzār wal Tahzīr)? Hijr Verse 10) is the fundamental Similarly, terms such as “Dajjāl” are verse regarding this subject and meaning that one part of the Holy Qur’ān also not found in the Holy Qur’ān, but the Ayat Istikhlāf is subservient does the Tafsīr (commentary) of another does that mean that one should, God forbid, raise allegations against the Holy exposition of the same (Reference: part. This is a fundamental principle of Prophetsa? This is clearly their crooked Rūhāni Khazāin, Vol. 6, p. 338). interpreting the Holy Qur’ān. The Holy thought, which is the direct result of The hadīth of Mujaddidīn is Qur’ān, in its entirety, is the Word of denying the truth! further exposition of both above God and one cannot undermine any mentioned verses, but the author part of it by calling it “subservient.” Perhaps they [the allegers] should prove has not taken into his account this the mention of Mujaddidīyyat in the Holy The meaning of this quotation of the basic fact in his article.” Qur’ān [since they are so adamant and Promised Messiahas is quite evident. It Answer: Obviously Hazrat Khalīfatul- means that the very task of safeguarding seek to give it precedence over Khilāfat]. rh was not going to cater his words Masīḥ III the Holy Qur’ān mentioned in the verse However, they will never be able to do based on the wishes of the alleger. He was “innā naḥnu nazzal nazzkira . . . ” is this! Nevertheless, the inference [or going to express the Promised Messiah’sas actually explained in Ayat Istikhlāf; that indirect reference] they would use to try stance on Mujaddidīyyat and explain the the Khulāfa’ mentioned in this verse and show that it is indirectly mentioned facts and truth of his teachings regarding will carry out this important task. It is in the Holy Qur’ān will be precisely the it. The third Khalīfarh did absolute justice also clear from this quotation that the same as that, which they have blindly in presenting the Promised Messiah’sas Promised Messiahas has declared Khilāfat attacked! Not even with all their stance making it clear in a very decisive to be the fountainhead through which combined efforts can they ever show the and conclusive manner. the promise of safeguarding the Holy word “Mujaddid” in the Holy Qur’ān. This Dear Readers! The reference which Qur’ān will be carried out, in addition to not only proves their own defeat, but the alleger has presented from Rūhānī the other blessings of Khilāfat. This quote also shows that they are merely creating Khazā’īn (Vol. 4, p. 338) is incorrect, as of the Promised Messiah’sas should oblige disorder. nowhere on this page has the Promised a pure-hearted person to accept Khilāfat, Never has anyone, from the Promised Messiahas written in regards to this and through the blessings of Khilāfat Messiahas to Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ matter. Rather he has written in regards equip himself for safeguarding the Holy Vaa [including the Third Khalīfarh], to this on the next page, 339. Nevertheless, Qur’ān and benefit from all its blessings. been in denial of Mujaddidīyyat. The in no context has the Promised Messiahas words of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Before raising allegations against the even hinted that Ayat Istikhlāf (24:50) IIIrh are clear; that based on the Holy Third Khalīfarh the alleger should have is a subservient exposition to the verse carefully read this quotation from Qur’ān Khilāfat is the fountainhead, of “Innā Naḥnu Nazzal Nazzikr . . . .” while Mujaddidīyyat is its subordinate.

14 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat If Tajdīd (reformation) is established one sent by God], Prophet and that it is stated in the Qur’ān ‘Wa Qaffainā and is to continue to be established, Muḥaddith have the same rank’ mimba‘dihī birrusul.” the only way it can happen is through (Rūhāni Khazāin, vol. 6, p. 323). Even the average reader will easily its attachment, absorption and b) ‘Mujaddidīn and Rūhāni understand that here the Promised complete dissolution into Khilafāt. It Khulafā’ [spiritual successors] are Messiahas has not used the word “Mursal” cannot exist in opposition to Khilāfat. needed in the Ummah just as there [those who were sent] to mean “Rasūl” As far as the term “Masīḥ Mau’ūd” was always a need of prophet’ [Messenger of God] but rather he has not being mentioned in the Holy (Rūhāni Khazāin, Vol. 6, p. 340). used it to mean “those who were sent,” Qur’ān is concerned, the principle From the above two quotations because these “Muḥaddith” were not regarding it is that the Holy Prophetsa “Rasūl” in the way understood in the as it can be concluded that since it is the real light, while Masīḥ Mau’ūd is necessary that the holy spirit conventional sense, but they were is his shadow. Similarly, Prophethood descend upon the Mujaddid, and certainly “Rasūl” in the sense of being is a primary Manifestation of God “those who were sent.” In other words, this comes in the garb of a prophet, as and its representative is the second therefore signs to recognize him the Promised Messiah clarified a subtle Manifestation – Khilāfat. In the same point: God constantly sent Messengers are the same as that of a prophet. as way, when the Khilāfat mentioned in the Moreover it is incumbent upon a and Prophets to the Ummah of , Holy Qur’ān is present, it is primarily whereas He sent Muḥaddithīn to the believer to recognize the Mujaddid sa in relation to Mujaddidīyat, which is / Imāmuz Zamān of his century Ummah of the Holy Prophet . In so far its representative. When the primary is and believe in him else he will die as they are Mursal [those sent by God], absent, only then the secondary takes in a state of ignorance. Did the Prophet and Muḥaddith hold the same its place. The primary, in any case, is author ever announce his claim status. That is to say, they have both been always mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān. As to be the recipient of the Holy “sent” and from this specific angle [of far as, the secondary are concerned, the Spirit?” being sent] they are both equal. The Holy representatives, the shadows, etc., are Prophetsa has rendered these “sent ones” all either mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān Answer: This is yet another libel with the honour of or otherwise they are mentioned in the against the Third Khalīfarh that he has Aḥādīth, etc. in some way undermined the status of rh rh a Mujaddid. The Third Khalīfa himself Hence, whatever the Third Khalīfa has was a great Mujaddid of his time how that the Scholars [Divine] of my Ummat presented is the reality and truth that could he undermine this station. will be equal to the Prophets of . the biased people still choose to avoid Although, they are not Prophets, yet and instead concoct false notions. It is an A) In the book and page from which the by status and rank there is a complete absolute fact that the word “Mujaddid” alleger has presented his argument (a), resemblance in the two dispensations. cannot be found in the Holy Qur’ān, while we find that only a few lines above this the mention of Khilāfat can be found reference, Hazrat Masīḥ Mau’ūdas has It is absolutely impossible for any Aḥmadī as stated: to be opposed to this statement of the literally in it. Yes, the Promised Messiah as has proved Mujaddidīyyat in the Holy Promised Messiah . Here, the Promised “For about fourteen hundred years, Messiahas has not even mentioned Qur’ān, by way of inference and has said Hazrat Musaas was bestowed with sa Mujaddid; he has written about Prophets that the statement of the Holy Prophet such servants of the Sharī‘at who regarding Mujaddid in every century is and Muḥaddithīn. How, then, has the were Messengers of Allāh and were rank of Mujaddid been undermined here, absolutely true. However, the question inspired by Allāh . . . Similarly still remains as to what difficulty does sa which the alleger is trying to “redeem” our Prophet was also granted by way of dishonouring the Khulafā’ of this issue pose to the alleger? It is the such servants of the Sharī‘at who as sa the Promised Messiah and insulting the belief of the Holy Prophet , the Promised according to the Hadīth ‘‘Ulamāu as blessed scheme of Khilāfat? Messiah , the Khulafā of the Promised Ummatī ka Ambiyāi banī isrāel’ as Messiah and the entire Jamā‘at were Divinely Inspired and were When the Holy Prophetsa said that Aḥmadīyya that the Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj Muḥaddith.” the Divine Scholars of this Ummah Nabuwwat, which was to be established as are like the Prophets of Israelites, he in the last age, would not have a limit and After writing this, the Promised Messiah certainly did not undermine the rank would continue till the end of time and goes on to raise a question himself, which of those Prophets. Rather, he elevated that Mujaddidīyyat will also continue, he then answers: the rank of the Divine Scholars of being infused with Khilāfat. Apart “If it is said that in the Mosaic Islām. Likewise, the Third Khalīfarh from Khilāfat, there can be neither a dispensation Prophets were sent for the [in accordance with and Mujadid nor a Walī. If anyone stands up help of faith, and Hazrat Masīḥas was also writings of the Promised Messiahas] against this Khilāfat, he will miserably a prophet, then the answer to this is that has elevated the ranks of Mujaddidīn fail, as has always happened. in being a Mursal [one who is sent], a by by including Mujaddidīyyat with (7) The seventh allegation raised is: Nabī [Prophet] and Muḥaddith [Reviver Khilāfat! Therefore, with the coming of of faith] both hold the same station. the Promised Messiahas the amalgamation “The author has tried to belittle Just as Allāh has decreed Prophets to be of Mujaddidīyat into the firm and vast the rank of Mujaddid while Hazrat Mursal [ones who are sent], so has He system of Khilāfat has not only elevated as Masīh Mau‘ūd says: also declared Muḥaddithīn to be Mursal Mujaddadīyyat but also granted it an a) ‘In so far as being a Mursal [as (ones who are sent). It is for this purpose unending status.

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 15 It is quite obvious that if such scholars, and how the Holy Qur’ān will be after a Prophet, his Khalīfa is the Imām as mentioned above, were present at the safeguarded. Thus, God the Almighty of the Age. To pledge his allegiance is to time of Khilāfat Rāshida, they would have says that He will periodically send pledge the allegiance of the Prophet. To surely given their allegiance to Khilāfat Khulāfa’ of the Holy Prophetsa. Here leave his allegiance and join an opposing and thereby maintain their exalted the word Khalīfa indicates that they claimant brings one into the category of status. If, however, being present at that will be successors to the Prophet people described in, time of Khilafat Rāshida they would have and will have a part of his blessings, not given allegiance to Khilafat, they just as it has been done in previous would be categorized according to the times.” (Shahādatul Qur’ān, Rūhānī following verse: Khazā’īn, Vol. 4, p. 339) Then without due consideration and indiscriminately, the alleger has setup Now any clear sighted person can see a criterion for a claimant - that he must that those through whom the Holy announce the descent of Rūhul Qudus that is, “then whoso is ungrateful after Qur’ān will be safeguarded, those who (the Holy Spirit). However, can the that, they will be the rebellious” (Holy will be Successors to the Prophet and alleger present examples of the claims Qur’ān 24:56). those who will inherit the blessings of and signs of Mujaddidīn from previous a Prophet, these will be the Khulafā’. In argument (b), the alleger has presented centuries who were blessed with the Holy Hence, to break away from the Khulafā’ is Spirit and were recognized by the people an excerpt from page 340 in the same tantamount to severing the ties from the book mentioned above: of their time using the same criterion blessings of Prophethood and Prophets. as used for recognizing prophets? If the “Mujaddidīn and Rūhāni Khulafā’ The rejection of the allegiance to the alleger was true in this forged criterion [spiritual successors] are needed in Khulafā’ is nothing but spiritual disgrace! for recognizing Mujaddidīn, he should the Ummah just as there was always Then in continuity, he further states, on have presented an example of every a need of a prophet” (Rūhānī Khazā’īn, the same page: Mujaddid from each century that has Vol. 6, p. 340). presented his claim and along with “The Holy Qur’ān has promised it announced that the Holy Spirit has From this quote of the Promised Khulāfa’ in this Ummat, as has just Messiahas how can one possibly conclude descended upon him. According to the been mentioned above. The Holy alleger, the signs of their Mujaddidīyyat that only Mujaddidīyyat would appear Qur’ān promises that in their times, in the Ummat but there is no need were the same as those of the prophets religion will acquire stability, moving and that they should have invited people for Khilāfat? On the contrary, in this away from decline and chaos, peace as to accept them, just as Prophets did. very line, the Promised Messiah has will be established after fear.” explicitly mentioned Khilāfat. Hence, in However, he cannot present such proofs light of all the writing of the Promised The signs mentioned in this quote are all and will never be able to present them. Messiahas this quote also means that he blessings of Khilāfat Rāshida mentioned As such, every new day will continue to has presented all the different stations in Ayat Istikhlāf. These are the signs of testify to his falsity! by combining them into Khilāfat and Khilāfat ’alā Minhāj Nabuwwat. Hence, If the alleger has made this criterion that has said that the coming of Khilāfat is the Khalīfa Rāshid is the bearer of the a Khalīfa must also announce the help “better” for us. Leaving that which the greatest spiritual rank of his time. of the Holy Spirit along with his claim, Promised Messiahas clearly declared as Under point (b) the alleger has also then is he also able to provide examples “better” for one’s contrived false beliefs, stated that since the Mujaddid comes of such announcements of the Khulafā’ which exclusively evokes something of in the manner of Prophets, they should Rashidīn who came immediately after lesser value, is nothing short of blindness! be recognized and believed, in the same the demise of the Holy Prophetsa. Or will When presenting this quote, why did way as a Prophet. Since it is necessary he, according to his erroneous criteria, the alleger fail to read the previous to recognize the Imām of the age, the also consider them [God forbid] liars? page? Had he read this book of the Mujaddid should be recognized with the But if he considers them to be true, and Promised Messiahas, which is saturated same signs that are used to recognize the which they most certainly are, then by with spiritual wisdom, without the veil Prophets. way of logic the alleger must necessarily of prejudice, he would surely have been While these criteria of recognizing the be a liar! able to see who were these Reformers and Mujaddid in the same manner as the It is a matter of principle that the Holy Divine Successors! Just one page before Prophets can be correctly applied to Spirit and Army of Angels descend upon this quote, the Promised Messiahas clearly Hazrat Masīḥ Mau‘ūdas, for the reason that the Khulafā’ of Allāh Almighty. Allāh has stated that these are the successors being a Prophet he is granted a distinct appointed angels for the Khalīfatullāh (Khalīfa) of the Holy Prophetsa. That is status compared to other Mujaddidīn. from the start. If one cannot grasp why the Promised Messiahas presents This criterion can in no way be applied this concept, it can be learned from Ayat Istikhlāf and explains: to other Mujaddidīn. If there was such a Hazrat ‘Abdullāh Bin Salamra who said So this verse [meaning Ayat Istikhlāf] principle found in any source, the alleger the following words to those creating ra in essence interprets this second should have presented it. Mere claims do commotion against Hazrat ‘Uthmān : verse, not prove any principles. It is correct that “Cursed are you. Madīnah is to recognize the Imām of the Age and surrounded by the Angels of God. pledge his allegiance is necessary, but By God! If you attempt to kill him then it is also an unshakeable truth that ra providing an answer as to why (kill Hazrat Uthmān and destroy 16 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat the blessings of Khilāfat), then And till that time when someone esteemed Khulāfa’ of Hazrat Masīh remember these Angels will abandon inspired by God with the Holy Spirit Mau’ūdas. It is in regards to such people Madīnah.” (Tabarī) is raised by Him, all of you should that the Holy Prophetsa said: But this truth can only be witnessed by work in harmony with one another.” those who have the spiritual insight of (Al- Wasiyyat, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 20, Hazrat ‘Abdullāh Bin Salamra and not by pp. 306-307) meaning that if you don’t even have the those who by way of denying Khilāfat The righteous people whom the slightest bit of shame then go ahead and create disorder. As to such people God Promised Messiahas speaks of after do whatever you please. says, “wa inna tad’oo hum ilalhudaa him are a representation of the In his allegation, the matter which the la yasma’oo wa taraahum yanzuroona second manifestation, which would be alleger has brought forward cannot be ilaika wa hum la yubsiroon” (Al-A‘arāf established in a similar manner as the found in the book Shahadatul Qur’ān on ra verse 199). Meaning that if you call one beginning with Hazrat Abū Bakr ; page 338 rather it is on page 337. Either them towards guidance, they will not these are the very Khulāfa’ regarding way, the Promised Messiahas absolutely as listen; and you see that they are looking whom the Promised Messiah has did not deem this narration to be false. towards you, yet they see not. If such annunciated the glad tidings in his will. However, he expressed this much that if as people cannot see the Prophethood of The Promised Messiah has established this narration is evaluated based on the sa the Holy Prophet , then how can they the very foundation of Khilāfat after him Holy Qur’ān and the ḥadīth of Bukhārī, see the army of Angels associated with with the Holy Spirit’s descent from Allāh. then there is room for scrutiny. In this Khilāfat? This is a fundamental distinction of true book, the Promised Messiahas did analyze As far as the descent of angels and the Khilāfat. this ḥadīth in comparison to others and Holy Spirit on Khalīfatullāh is concerned, Although these allegers have malignancy said that it is not possible that Khilāfat the Promised Messiahas writes: for the second Khalīfa, Hazrat Musleh should only last for thirty years. Indeed, Mau’ūdra nonetheless, his words in Khilāfat Rāshida did last only for thirty “The descent of angels and the Holy years, but even after that in every Spirit, meaning their coming down regards to the descent of Angels through Khilāfat are presented. He writes: century and at every time, the Khilāfat from the heavens, occurs when of the Holy Prophetsa continued in one there appears a great man wearing “One way to attain the blessings shape or another, whether it is through the robe of Khilāfat and is honoured through Angels is to cultivate a Muhadithiyyat or Mujaddidīyyat, with Divine Converse. The Holy sincere and true relationship with or in the form of spiritual Khulāfa’; Spirit is particularly granted to such the Khulāfa’ appointed by God and to the Khilāfat of the Holy Prophetsa is a Khalīfa, and the army of angels obey them . . . Having a relationship everlasting until the Day of Judgment. that comes with it descends upon the with the true Khulāfa’ also results This is according to what is in the Holy alert hearts in the world prepared in a relationship with Angels and Qur’ān and what is in Saḥīḥ Bukhārī. In to accept him.” (Fatḥ Islām, Rūhānī makes one a recipient of Divine contrast to this, the Promised Messiahas Khazā’īn, Vol. 3, p. 16) Light.” (Tafsīr Kabīr Vol 2, p. 561) has been against the notion that Khilāfat This means that the descent of the Holy There is no harm in verifying the truth. was confined to thirty years and did not Spirit, accompanied by the army of angles, The alleger and his friends are invited – if continue afterwards. Hence the Promised upon Khalīfatullah is so fundamental to they also wish to have a relationship with Messiahas has fully recognized this ḥadīth the true Khilāfat that there is no need as Angels, then come and have a sincere and acknowledged it to be authentic such for its announcement; for without relationship with Khilāfat and obey and from this very ḥadīth has provided the Holy Spirit, Khilāfat is not really true it. They themselves will witness that evidence that Khilāfat would remain Khilāfat. It is for this very reason that those against whom they have harbored permanent in the Ummah even after neither the Khulāfa’ Rashidīn ever made rancour, have stated nothing but the thirty years. How then can the alleger such an announcement after the demise truth. May Allāh enable these people to say that the Promised Messiahas has not of the Holy Prophetsa, nor did the Khulāfa’ pledge allegiance to the Imām of this age given this ḥadīth any significance? as Aḥmadīyyat after the Promised Messiah appointed by God! In addition to this, God’s practical need to make any such announcements. (8) The eighth allegation raised is: testimony also demonstrates that Khilāfat Hazrat Masīh Mau’ūdas also states: “The author has based his thesis Rāshida remained about thirty years “Let the righteous people of the about Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya on the precisely according to this narration. Is Jamā‘at who have pure souls accept ḥadīth stating Khilāfat Rāshida this not the greatest argument in favour the Baī‘at in my name. God Almighty will be for 30 years, but Hazrat of its legitimacy? desires to draw all those, who live Masīh Mau‘ūdas has not given Another point is that the alleger has in various habitations of the world, much credibility to this ḥadith made another false allegation that the be it Europe or Asia, and who have (reference: Rūhāni Khazāin, Third Khalīfarh has based his statement virtuous nature, to the Unity of God Volume 6, Page 338). Therefore upon the narration of Khilāfat lasting and unite His servants under one any reference for the author’s for thirty years. However, it is clear Faith. This indeed is the purpose of approval of it is simply an to anyone who reads this article that God for which I have been sent to imputation and “Dajjāl.” while presenting the beliefs and stance the world. You too, therefore should as Answer: The accuser has shown no of the Promised Messiah , his Khulāfa’ pursue this end, but with kindness, and the Jamā‘at, the Third Khalīfarh did moral probity and fervent prayers. decency in boldly disrespecting the

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 17 not make this narration his basis, albeit oppose any Commandment of God or (Hujajul Qirāmah, Nawāb Siddiq Khan, p. he did partially discuss the subject. a single act of disobedience to any of 138) sa However, his real basis is found in the the successors of the Holy Prophet Meaning that in the end, Hazrat Isaas, the living proofs provided by God, which makes a person a kafir.” (Haqāiqul sa Prophet of God, will come with signs and the Holy Prophet and the Promised Furqān, Tafsīr Sūrah Al-Nūr, Vol 3, p. miracles and he will reform the religion Messiahas have both presented. When the 198) sa of the Ummah. And some from amongst Holy Prophet spoke about the Khilāfat Then a few lines later he writes: us will be the Imām of his namaz. He then which would be established immediately writes: after his death, the only limitation he “It is the promise of God that He will put on it was that after the Khilāfat, a always make Khulāfa’, and for this monarchy would be established, and in very reason Islām is superior to the Meaning that after him there will be left continuation when referring in detail to entire world. (Haqāiqul Furqān, Tafsīr no Mujaddid. the establishment of Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj Sūrah Al-Nūr, Vol 3, p. 228) In his statement Imām Jalāluddīn Suyutīrh Nabuwwat in the latter days, he attached A prophecy of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ no limitation to it. That is to say that ra has rendered this veritable prophecy I , which has been fulfilled many times, that based on the sayings of the Holy Khilāfat will now continue to remain in is presented below. He states: sa this Ummah. Similarly, the Promised Prophet since after the Imām Mahdi Messiahas, after receiving Revelation from “The institution of Khilāfat will and Masīh Mau’ud, Khilāfat Rāshida God, gave this announcement according remain until the Day of Judgment. [Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj Nabuwwat] will be to the statements of the Holy Prophetsa The opponents of Khilāfat in the end established, in its presence the advents that the second coming of Khilāfat would will be humiliated.” (Haqāiqul Furqān, of other Mujaddid and their Tajdīd dīn be established in similitude with the Tafsīr Sūrah Al-Nūr, Vol 3, p. 226) [reformation of religion] will no longer Khilāfat of Hazrat Abū Bakrra. The coming Nowhere in these writings has a separate take place in the same way, as was the of this will be better for the Jamā‘at, it mention of Mujaddidīn been made. This case before the appearance of the the Imām Mahdi, and after Khilāfat Rāshida will be everlasting and will not be broken can only mean that every Khalīfa is the sa until the Day of Judgment. Mujaddid during his time of Khilāfat. [of the Holy Prophet ], in their absence. That is to say, Khilāfat Rāshida is a Whosoever chooses to gasconade these Outside of Khilāfat Rāshida there can be no Mujaddid. During this time superior form of Tajdīd dīn [reformation perfectly clear sayings of the Promised of religion]. Hence, the Khulafā’ of the Messiahas, he is intellectually and there is no greater position than that as of the Khalīfa. Khilāfat takes priority Promised Messiah , as his successors spiritually careless and runs along the and as a part of his Khilāfat, are his precepts of Dajjāl. over Mujaddidīyyat. Mujaddidīyyat dissolves or becomes combined with shadows in reforming the people and the The alleger should have thought to religion. Just as the Imām of the time, Khilāfat or any other higher rank, just as inculcate some decency when using as it was combined with the Masīhiyyat, Hazrat Masīh Mau’ūd , has stated: “After words such as “imputation” and “Dajjāl” Mahdīwiyyat, and Prophethood of the him, there will be no Imām and nor any when speaking of the esteemed Khulafā’ Promised Messiahas, and Mujaddidīyyat Messiah – except he who will be as his as of the Promised Messiah . On one hand was not its own entity. Similarly, after reflection (zill) . . . This Imām, who has these people claim to be followers of the him Mujaddidīyyat will always become been called the Promised Messiah by God as Promised Messiah and on the other they one with Khilāfat and will not remain as Almighty is the reformer of this century do not hold back any chance to disrespect its own entity. as well as the last Millennium” (Lecture his esteemed Khulafā’. The Promised Sialkot, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 20, p. 208). Messiahas has stated so eloquently that: These alleging people have gone about chanting “Mujaddidīyyat” (9) The ninth allegation raised is: “Mujaddidīyyat”, causing them to move “The author’s assertion that his away from Khilāfat. If they are truly views are in accordance with serious in their actions and they do the teachings of his predecessor not wish to create disorder, then they Khulāfa’ is incorrect. The First ra Meaning that gibing the righteous does should have no trouble in accepting Khalīfa states that Qudrat the guidance of a great Mujaddid of the Thāniya means that Mujaddidīn not actually taunt them, rather it only ra proves the giber to be reprobate. Ummah, Hazrat Jalāluddīn Syutwī . He will keep on coming in support is one of the religious scholars who have of Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira states: very pompously made the claim of being (reference: Badr, 23 May 1913) . nd ra “Aside from the one chosen to be the the Mujaddid. Hence, we cannot expect Similarly the 2 Khalīfa says the Khalīfa, no one at that time is worthy that these allegers, who apparently same in Tafsīr Kabīr, Volume 9, to hold that station.” (Haqāiqul uphold the greatness of Mujaddidīyyat, page 319.” Furqān, Tafsīr Sūrah Al-Nūr, Vol 3, p. will negate what a professed Mujaddid Answer: This is yet another exaggeration 226) has said. Thus he states: by the alleger and is clear deception. The He then further states: truth can be found in what the Third Khalīfarh stated, as every word of his article “The word ‘kufr’ has been used for in question is based on the teachings of those who oppose the Khulāfa’, the Holy Qur’ān, the teachings of the because that is the Divine Holy Prophetsa, the writings and will of Commandment. No matter in what the Promised Messiahas, as well as his form one disobeys it, it amounts esteemed Khulāfa’. to disbelief . . . Let alone the Holy Prophetsa himself, I say that even to The alleger has written that Hazrat

18 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira has presented an Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira to claim on the one Attarāsal Islamī, Beirut). excerpt from the newspaper Badr of May hand that Khilāfat holds the highest rank That is to say, Khilāfat has always 23, 1913, when in fact the truth is that this of its time and yet, on the other, say that been established after Prophethood. newspaper was not even printed on this Qudrat Thāniya is Mujaddidīyyat, rather Consequently, the appearance of the date to begin with. Secondly, in the May than Khilāfat A’la Minhāj-e-Nabuwwat? nd second manifestation mentioned by 22 paper, there is no statement that Based on the collective sayings and as ra the Promised Messiah in his book, Al- even remotely hints that Qudrat Thāniya writings of the First Khalīfa , the Wasiyyat (The Will), will be based the [Second Power] means Mujaddidīyyat. above quoted text can only mean that example of Hazrat Abū Bakrra. Hazrat Abū He has, however, stated at the end that Mujaddidīyyat continues to exist, by Bakrra was a Khalīfa Rāshid. Therefore, Mujaddidīyyat is combined with Khilāfat. means of its complete immersion into ra according to the writings of the Promised That is why when the First Khalīfa the institution of Khilāfat. It is in this Messiahas and the guidance of his was asked about the meaning of Qudrat way, through a complete immersion into Khulāfa’, the primary meaning of Qudrat Thāniya he wrote: Khilāfat, that Mujaddidīyyat becomes a Thāniya is Khilāfat Rāshida, which was “When the founding father of a nation part of Qudrat Thāniya. This is for the very to be established after the departure of reason that according to the instructions as completes his task, the Hand of God’s as the Promised Messiah . It is everlasting Power appears to carry it forward as of the Promised Messiah , Mujaddidīyyat and cannot be broken until the Day of it is stated in the Holy Qur’ān: ‘This holds no bearing independent of Khilāfat. Judgment. Indeed, in the presence of day have I perfected your religion for Every spiritual status is now immersed in Khilāfat, as long as Mujaddidīyyat is a you and completed My favour upon Khilāfat and is subordinate to it, and this part of Khilāfat Rāshida, being merged you,’ the manifestation of which was is exactly what Qudrat Thāniya is. The and integrated with it, will it fall under reason for this is that when the Promised seen during the time of the Holy as the definition of Qudrat Thāniya or else Prophetsa. This also continued after Messiah , in his book Al-Wasiyyat [The it has no meaning. As long as the Khilāfat the Holy Prophetsa, during the time Will], gave the news of the manifestation established after the Promised Messiahas of his Khulāfa’ and Mujaddidīn. They of Qudrat Thāniya, he very powerfully exists, Mujaddidīyyat cannot be an were all a part of Qudrat Thāniya. and authoritatively gave the news of the independent entity. establishment of Khilāfat. He wrote: Furthermore, there can be no The second point of consideration is limitation on Qudrat Thāniya. Even “So do not grieve over what I have whether the responsibility given to when a nation becomes weak, God said to you; nor should your hearts be the First Khalīfara after the demise of Almighty, according to His Will and distressed. For it is essential for you the Promised Messiahas was that of Judgment, fills the voids by sending to witness the second Manifestation Mujaddidīyyat or Khilāfat. Even the Qudrat Thāniya.” (Badr, May 22, also, and its coming is better for children of the Jamā‘at know that it was 1913, p.403) you because it is everlasting, the the responsibility of Khilāfat. Those who Here Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira has continuity of which will not end till were present at that time witnessed this provided an extremely clear explanation the Day of Judgment. And that second miracle, vis-à-vis how God the Almighty as to the meaning of Qudrat Thāniya Manifestation cannot come unless I established him as a Khalifa Rashid, and has ranked Khilāfat to be its highest depart. But when I depart, God will on the pattern of Hazrat Abū Bakerra form of manifestation amongst the send that second Manifestation for in precise accordance of the will of the designations to come after Prophethood. you which shall always stay with Promised Messiahas. The newspapers Al- Knowing all the facts, the alleger has you.” (The Will, page 7) Hakam of May 28th, 1908 and Badar of June attempted to deceive the readers by only Furthermore, the Promised Messiahas 2nd, 1908 both contain a letter written presenting the position of Mujaddidīyyat. equated this establishment [of Qudrat by Ṣadr Anjuman Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya It is clear from these writings of the first Thāniya] to the example of Hazrat Abū to foreign Jamā‘ats. It contained the Khalīfara that Khilāfat is the highest Bakrra, as he writes: announcement of his election as Khalīfa, rank of Qudrat Thāniya. After that come “Thus one who remains steadfast advising members of Jamā‘at: various other leaders and subordinates, till the end witnesses this miracle “After reading this letter one should including Mujaddidīn. There is not of God. This is what happened at the perform the pledge of allegiance a single iota of doubt in this writing. time of Hazrat Abū Bakr Siddīqra” [Baī‘at] either in person or through When faith and righteousness no longer (The Will, page 6) a letter at the blessed hand of Hazrat remains in the Jamā‘at of believers, and In short, amongst other matters Hakīm Al Ummat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Khilāfat no longer remains, then such wal Mahdī as soon as possible.” leaders and Mujaddidīn take their place. discussed in this quote of the Promised But as long as Khilāfat remains intact, Messiahas, the most important and So now in the presence of all these then all the later positions have to fundamental matter is that being a truths, there remains no room for immerse and become one with Khilāfat prophet, it was necessary that Khilāfat Mujaddidīyyat to leave Khilāfat and and move along as part of it. Hence, one Rāshida, that is Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj acquire its own identity. It was through who disassociates himself from Khilāfat Nabuwwat, be established after him. It is Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Ira that a Khilāfat cannot be a real and truthful Mujaddid. to this he refers to when he says it will similar to that of Hazrat Abū Bakrra was He can only be an image of: appear after he departs. When a Prophet brought into existence in the Jamā‘at departs, it is Khilāfat that succeeds him, of the Promised Messiahas. Along with not Mujaddidīyyat, as the Holy Prophetsa the Khalīfatul-Masīḥ, the believers, the as Instead of reformation from such said: household of Hazrat Masīh Mau’ūd , Ṣadr Anjuman Aḥmadīyya and all the an individual, one can only expect ra subversion. Ṣahāba had converged in this regard. It was for the stability of this very Khilāfat, How is it even possible for Hazrat (Kanzul A‘māl, Vol 11, p. 259, Maktabah for which the First Khalīfara spent his life

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 19 in a Jihād while defending against any ways and aberrance [Dajjāl] because Messiahas this condition meant that and every noxiousness that rose against adjacent to this quote only a few lines during my life you should supplicate it. Furthermore, he created the means earlier, Huzoorra says: so that you may experience the first for the establishment, permanence and “Because an imperfect reflection Khilāfat, and during the first Khilāfat perpetuation of the Khilāfat initiated by is also a reflection, that’s why this this prayer meant, God, please grant God the Almighty through the Promised us the second Khilāfat after this as ra verse also includes an indication Messiah . The First Khalīfa , rejecting about the imperfect reflections, and during the second Khilāfat this any thought or any whisper against meaning that as compared revivers prayer meant that you be granted Khilāfat, states: of such times when there will not be the third Khilāfat, and during the “Whoever deserved to be the Khalīfa complete spiritual darkness however third Khilāfat this prayer meant that was made so by the Hand of Allāh people will feel the need for a new you be granted the fourth Khilāfat; the Almighty. Those who go against life. It is found in narrations that at let it not be that the consequences of it are liars and transgressors. Be like the head of every century the need your own works close the door of this angles in your submission to Khilafa, for a warner will be felt in the world, great blessing! Hence, always remain do not be like Iblīs” (Badar, July 4 and that in Islām, in order to fulfill engaged in supplications at the 1912). this need, God will send a Mujaddid threshold of Allāh. And remember this point very well, that as long as ra at the head of every century.” So according to the first Khalīfa the true Khilāfat remains amongst you, no picture and the foremost interpretation After these words follows the rest of the nation of the world will triumph over of Qudrat Thāniya is a Khilāfat similar to quote which has already been presented you and you will be victorious and that of Hazrat Abū Bakrra, a Khilāfat ‘alā above. The alleger has tried to take an triumphant in every field because Minhāj Nabuwwat. advantage by presenting the quote out of God has Promised it in these words: its context. As the readers have just seen, It has always been the conviction of the ra faithful members of Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh II has used the that in order to fulfill the desire of the term “imperfect reflection” to define the Promised Messiahas there will be such Mujaddidīn; that is to say, in comparison people under every tenure of Khilāfat who to Prophethood or Khilāfat, Mujaddidīn will work for the reformation of religion are imperfect reflections. Leaving the however, you must also remember and by doing so they will strengthen strong system of perfect images of Khilāfat established after the Promised Prophethood, one follows imperfect Messiahas [as in the Qudrat Thāniya and reflections rather follows those who are in direct clash with the Khalīfa, then he Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj Nabuwwat], and will (Khilāfat Rāshida, Anwārul Ulūm, Vol is doing something very erroneous. This help accomplish the tasks of Khilāfat. 15, p. 535) After Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas the only scheme of true reflections in the Jamā‘at as The poor alleger has made vigorous way to help his cause is to obey Qudrat of the Promised Messiah according attempts and has gone to great lengths Thāniya, the true Khilāfat, and support it to his will and desire, is the second to try and get just this one sentence just as the angels do. Anyone who does manifestation of Allāh the Almighty’s from the commentary of Sūrah Al-Qadr this with sincerity and loyalty will surely all-encompassing power, and continues to prove his point but that in itself has see their role fulfilled in the reformation based on a permanent infrastructure turned upon him. If his intentions are of the religion. that cannot be broken till the Day of Judgment. honest and he truly wishes to do some The alleger has merely presented the ra research, then he must read the books ra The Second Khalīfa’s understanding of reference to the Second Khalīfa’s Tafsīr the Promised Messiahas and his Khulāfa’ Qudrat Thāniya can be assessed from his Kabīr, from volume 3, page 319, but has with a pure heart. Certainly, he will not own writing: not provided the actual text. We present find [anywhere] the real and foremost the original excerpt for the readers. “Just as the Promised Messiahas meaning of Qudrat Thāniya to be While providing the commentary for advised, you should remain busy in Mujaddidīyyat; on the contrary, he will Sūrah Al-Qadr he writes: “ . . . There is supplication so that Qudrat Thāniya find its true and prime meaning to be the a prophecy in this verse regarding these may continuously manifest itself true Khilāfat. Inshā’Allāh! Mujaddidīn as they are on a fractional among you. Do not be like those In summary, whatever the Third Khalīfara basis subordinates to the Prophet unsuccessful, fruitless and nescient has stated is a hundred percent based on Muhammadsa and their manifestation people who have rejected Khilāfat. the sayings and teaching of the Promised arises at a time of partial darkness.” Rather you must always remain Messiahas and his esteemed Khulāfa’. engaged in supplication so that God Dear readers, see for yourselves! Does Either the alleger is himself a victim of may always raise the manifestations the above quote in any way show that deception, or he is intentionally seeking ra of Qudrat Thāniya among you so that the Second Khalīfa considered Qudrat to create it [deception]! Thāniya to mean Mujaddidīyyat? His religion remains established on firm foundations and satan is forever (10) The tenth allegation raised is: Before we delve into the discussion of despaired from creating hindrances. “The author further says that it the Second Khalīfa’sra clear stance on the is not necessary that a Mujaddid meaning of Qudrat Thāniya, let us first You should be aware that the should announce his claim. But we analyze the quote above. In actuality, condition of supplication, which as find in the practice of Hazrat Masīh when presenting the above quote, the the Promised Messiah entwined Mau‘ūdas that prior to his receiving alleger only quoted a small part of it with the coming of Qudrat Thāniya the rank of Masīh Mau‘ūd in 1889, and thus quotes it out of context! This is not exclusive to a specified time. earlier he was granted the rank act alone reveals the alleger’s deceptive It is rather meant for all times. During the lifetime of the Promised of Mujaddid in 1885 and he did 20 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat announce it (Reference: Rūhāni revived. But the objective of Ḥadīth a person claims to be a prophet, against Khazāin, Volume 2, Page 319). Did is that the Promised Reformer the will of the Holy Prophetsa, then he is he do an unnecessary thing by (Mujaddid) at the turn of century guilty in attempting to belittle the rank announcement of him becoming a will be sent by Allāh and will possess of the Holy Prophetsa . However, because Mujaddid?” spiritual knowledge and special of his false claim, he is himself proven to Answer: Dear Mr. Alleger! The Third heavenly signs for identification be liar. Despite this attempt, he does not rh purposes. Now tell us, if this humble succeed in reducing the rank of the Holy Khalīfa most definitely did not say sa that a Mujaddid cannot make the one is not true, then who is it that Prophet . Hence, this allegation, which announcement of being so. He simply has come and made the claim of the alleger has raised against the Third being the reformer of the fourteenth Khalīfarh stems from the craziness of his stated that it is not a necessity to make rh the announcement of being a Mujaddid. century in the same manner as this own mind. The sayings of Huzoor did Only an ignorant person would interpret humble one has.” (Azala Auham, not carry these meanings. this writing [of the Third Khalīfarh] to Rūhāni Khazāin, Vol 3, pp. 178- 179) As far as this statement of the Third mean that the Promised Messiah’sas That is to say, the Promised Messiahas Khalīfarh is concerned, when read in announcement of being the Mujaddid are has presented a simple argument for the context, it is obvious the Third Khalīfarh useless. These are merely the designs of truth of his claim; other than him, there used the quotation of the Promised your crooked and hateful thoughts. is no other claimant of Mujaddidīyat in Messiahas [see below] to clarify his [the this century! The Ḥadīth of the Holy Promised Messiahas] stance. Since the It is a proven fact and an unequivocal truth sa as that it is not necessary for a Mujaddid to Prophet is a testimony to the truth of Promised Messiah was “Mujaddid Alf-e- announce his Mujaddidīyyat. That is why his claims. In actuality, it was a Divine Akhir” [Mujaddid of the last millennium], rh Marvel that He only raised one Mujaddid no Mujaddid can stand against the will of aside from Hazrat Jalaluddīn Syutwī , as Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Thanīrh, Hazrat in this century. Hence, to take this the Promised Messiah and the Khilāfat Shah Walīullah Muḥaddith Dehalwīrh miraculous claim and question whether established by God, the Almighty. and the Promised Messiahas, it is highly this announcement was useless is totally Anyone who defies Khilāfat and claims to senseless and ridiculous! be a Mujaddid is also disobedient to the improbable that one would find any as other Mujadid announcing their claim to (11) The eleventh allegation raised is: Promised Messiah , standing in defiance Mujaddidīyyat. Even if he were to find one to him and therefore attempting to “Further, the author says that if as or two [although it is highly improbably] belittle his rank. The Promised Messiah someone believes that after Hazrat writes: even then, it will be impossible from Masīh Mau‘ūdas any Mujaddid him to find announcements of claimants should come, he belittles Hazrat “The seventh millennium, in which from every century [the onus is on him Masīh Mau‘ūd’sas position. To such we are living, is for guidance. to find announcements from the head thinkers, the question is this, that Since this is the last millennium, of every century and then make this some time after the Holy Prophetsa it was necessary that the Imām claim]. Far from being able to show such the Khatamul Anbiyā (Nabī-e of the Latter Days would be born announcements of claims [from every Akhiruz Zamān), Mujaddidīn and at its commencement. After him, Mujaddid] at the head of every century, Ummatī Prophet have appeared there will be neither an Imām nor he would not even be able to find such but Hissa position has not been a Messiah – except one who will announcements of claims within each belittled; rather hissa beneficence be a shadow of his attributes [zill] century! Practically, then, you [the increased, then how can such because the age of the world will alleger] become the foremost in denying come to an end in this millennium. sa occurrence belittle the rank of this saying of the Holy Prophet about Hazrat Masīh Mau‘ūdas.” All prophets have given testimony to the coming of Mujaddidīn! By raising this this fact. This Imām, who has been particular allegation, therefore, you have Answer: Respected readers! It is clear called the Promised Messiah by God yourself cut off the very basis [or root] of that either the alleger has not been able Almighty, is the reformer of this your argument! We are thankful to you! to understand the writings of the Third century as well as the reformer of We request that in future also you should Khalīfarh or he is simply lashing out in the last millennium.” (Lecture Sialkot, sit on the very branch you wish to cut- hatred. Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 20, p. 208) off! Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIIrh has stated He also states: Now remains the question of the purpose, that one who does this belittles the rank need and wisdom for announcing of the Promised Messiahas [attempts to the claim to his [Promised Messiahas] belittle his rank]. He did not say that his Mujaddidīyyat. The Promised Messiahas rank is in actuality belittled! To [attempt writes: to] belittle, and to actually become belittled are two different things [i.e. “It has been proven by the Holy sa concept vs. reality]. An example to help Prophet that it is necessary for explain this can be found among these the coming of at least one Mujaddid very people. They downplay the rank of at the head of every century. Now Khalīfatul-Masīḥ and the institution of those scholars who claim to be Khilāfat. However, in their doing so, this adherents of the Ḥadīth should tell attempt does not actually belittle the us without any bias, as to who has Khalīfatul-Masīḥ or the esteemed system Translation: “I am at the station of come in this century bearing Divine of Khilāfat. Yes, this does have one the pinnacle of ‘Wilayat’ (sainthood) revelation from God Almighty that just as my Master, Muhammad outcome, as it goes in Persian: “they prove sa he in fact is the Mujaddid. As is the themselves to be impious.” Similarly, if Mustafa was at the station of the norm, religion is continuously being pinnacle of Prophethood. He was

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 21 the Seal of the Prophets and I am the favour of the Jamā‘at until the Day all other aspects. Not only did they Seal of the Saints – there is no saint of Judgment.” (Concluding Address, void themselves of the blessings of after me, except he who is mine and Annual Ijtimā‘ Majlis Ansārullāh, Prophethood, which continued through comes through my ways” (Khutba October 27th, 1968; Monthly Ansārullāh, Khilāfat, they became a manifestation Ilhāmiya, Rūhānī Khazā’īn, Vol. 16, p. February 1969). of the warnings of Hazrat Hunzulatul ra 70, 96). How clear, truthful and pure is this Kātib . Hence it is the responsibility of a believer to look at all the writings of the So according to the explanation of the statement, which fulfills every promise as Promised Messiahas in regards to Khilāfat of Khilāfat and Mujaddidīyyat, without Promised Messiah as a whole in order and Mujaddidīyyat, Khilāfat takes the need for either of these ranks to ever to understand their true meanings. Even precedence and is established according become void. One is indeed very surprised more important is that a true believer to the establishment of Hazrat Abū at the stubbornness of the allegers, must accept and follow all the inferences Bakr’sra Khilāfat, whereas Mujaddidīyyat who cannot stand to see Mujaddidīyyat of Khalīfatul-Masīḥ with great zeal of is combined with Khilāfat and moves and Khilāfat combined, because doing obedience. Otherwise it is impossible to along with it, being nothing separate so will destroy their machinations. It is be safe from a dismal fall. from Khilāfat. The Promised Messiahas very unambiguous that if the Promised After the Third Khalīfarh, consider the has presented them both together. This Messiahas was a Mujaddid, Muḥaddith, following words of Hazrat Khalīfatul- explanation is true, veritable and helped Musleh, Masīh and Mahdi, all the while Masīḥ IVrh, which once again layout a by God, as witnessed for the past century holding the rank of a prophet, in fact a Divine Decree that has been set in stone. by the true Jamā‘at Aḥmadīyya. God, the combination of prophets, then why is He says: Almighty’s help and support is based on it not possible for Mujaddidīyyat to be “Verily, I say unto you with absolute this truth and it is exactly this reality combined with Khilāfat? In fact, the as truth that if such people were to live which provides a guarantee for the rise Promised Messiah was a combined a hundred years and die, they would of Ahmadīyyat and the victory of Islām. If fulfillment of the all the Mau‘ūds still die in a state of frustration, anyone makes a claim against this, then (Promised Ones) expected in all religions. never seeing the face of a Reformer! simply put, he attempts to belittle the Not only this, different Mau‘ūds stated as Even if their offspring were to live rank of the Promised Messiah . in the Holy Qur’ān and Aḥadīth are also long and then die and then their ra combined in the person of the Promised In terms of the Third Khalīfa’s above as children were to live long lives and mentioned statements, let’s view the Messiah . All of this is possible! And yet, then die, by God! Other than Khilāfat explanation that he himself provides in regretfully, the opponents of Khilāfat Ahmadīyyat, they will never see the the following: would never accept the combination of face of Mujaddidiyat! This has been Mujaddidīyyat with Khilāfat, no matter “One branch of the first system of appointed as the way of reformation, how many undeniable arguments are which will always suffice the needs Khilāfat, which followed the Holy given, no matter how many practical Prophetsa and comprised of thirteen of the Jamā‘at at the head of every testimonies [by God] and Divine Succour century”. (Monthly Khalid, May 1994, Khulāfa’ and Reformers, came to is shown to prove Khilāfat! completion upon the arrival of the p. 4) Promised Messiahas. It is true that If the meaning of a Mujaddid appearing At the end, here is some advice from everyone should always be in search at the turn of the century means the Imām of the time, Hazrat Khalīfatul- for the Mujaddid of the next century. abandoning the Baī‘at of Khilāfat and Masīḥ V (may Allāh be his Helper!). He However, one now seeks a Mujaddid accepting the pledge of allegiance to says: a so-called Mujaddid, then the Holy at the head of every century, other “This [Khilāfat Rāshida - Rightly than the Promised Messiahas [who Qur’ān, the Aḥadīth and the writings of the Promised Messiahas clearly state that Guided Khilāfat] which was going is the Mujaddid of these last one to be re-established was to be thousand years], his Khalīfa, or his this will not happen! Never in history has there ever been a case that in the established by Hazrat Masīh shadow [zill] does not set his eyes on as presence of Khilāfat an individual made a Mau‘ūd . The silence of the Holy the face of a true Mujaddid. But the Prophetsa after mentioning the second branch of the first system of claim to Mujaddidīyyat, in opposition to Khilāfat. After the Promised Messiahas the establishment of this Khilāfat tells Khilāfat, which is a part of Khilāfat us that it is perpetual, and this is a Rāshida, continues to exist in the Khilāfat will remain established until the Day of Judgment. Any other Divine rank, Divine Decree; and the mischievous form of the shadows of the Promised people, rather no one at all, have the Messiahas [meaning his Successors]. be it Muḥadīthiyyat, Mujaddidīyyat or as Wilayat, will have to be a part of Khilāfat, power to alter this Divine Decree. The Promised Messiah stated, This second manifestation, or the “Carry on fulfilling the conditions by way of fully immersing into it; without this, it will have no relevance! institution of Khilāfat, is going to of faith and righteous deeds; Allāh continue forever Inshā’Allāh. If it is promises you the manifestations of The fact of the matter is that after ra presumed that the time span of the His second power, Khilāfat Rāshida, Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ I the hearts of Khilāfat after the Holy Prophetsa was until the Day of Judgment.” May various elites became crooked and they 30 years according to the prophecy Allāh make it such, that by His sheer too adopted the habit of picking out one of the Holy Prophetsa, then the time Grace the Jamā‘at can stand firm facet of the writings of the Promised as span of this Khilāfat is unlimited, on correct beliefs, strong faith, and Messiah in relation to Prophethood and also in accordance with Holy pure actions so that this promise of wrapping themselves in their self-made Prophet’ssa prophecy. Thus, in terms His can continue to be fulfilled in explanations, completely disregarding of the duration of this Khilāfat, the

22 Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat era of this Khilāfat has no relation to disbelievers were at the threshold of interpretation of [verse] the era of the Khilāfat after the Holy killing him, he also said: sa Prophet .” (Khutba Jummu‘ah, May “If you kill me then by God after me 27, 2005) there will be no unity amongst you and this is mentioned in Ayat Hence, this is that Divine Decree, and you will never be united to say Istikhlāf in the words “ ”]. which has been established and is now your prayers in congregation and His heart is the Empyrean of Divine continuing, and no power of the world after me, never will you be able to Manifestation and his bosom is filled has the ability to eliminate it. In fact, unite in order to fight the enemies.” with abundance of blessings, and his anyone who dares to confront it will (Tarīkh Al-Tabri, Zikr Al-Khabr an prosperity is a reflection of God’s be shattered into pieces. The Promised Qatl Uthmānra, p. 35) Glory. His popularity is an image of as God’s beauty. His wrath is the sword Messiah says: Hence, the only vicegerent that comes sa of destiny and mercy is a fountain of “Our Holy Prophet has established after Prophethood is Khilāfat, which gifts [in his appearance, blissful and that there is a need for a Leader of provides the Divine guarantee of uniting wrathful reflection are in semblance; the time (Imāmu Zamān) in every and allying a nation. This is the only this is what exactly divinity is]. century and has clearly stated way to achieve the unity of a nation Renouncing him is like renouncing that whosoever goes towards God and this is the means, which Allāh the one’s destiny and opposing him is Almighty, not having recognized Almighty has provided for the victory of opposing the Almighty Lord. The the Imām, they will go in a state of Islām. Any system and anything against excellence that is not spent in his blindness, and will die a death of this institution is utterly invalid and service, we think is completely ignorance” (Malfūzāt, Vol 5, p. 102). is completely rejected. Any scheme or ruined and the knowledge that is Who are these leaders of the time (Imāmu plans which stems from the institution not used to express his glory and Zamān)? of Khilāfat is destined to be accepted reverence is a void thought and and blessed by Allāh the Almighty. Any useless. Any bearer of excellence “Allāh the Almighty has extended explanation or commentary which is the advent of the Khulāfa’ till the that compares his excellence with initiated by Khilāfat is true and worthy him amounts to associating partners Day of Judgment and this special of implementation. honour and superiority has been with Allāh the Almighty. A sign of bestowed on Islām for its support Since the alleger holds a great deal of the bearers of excellence is that they and reformation. Mujaddidīn have ill-will for Khilāfat he cannot attain are always busy in his service and been sent in every century, and will insight into the Holy Qur’ān, the sayings are drawn to obey him, never claim of the Holy Prophetsa, and the Promised equality to him and consider him at continue so into the future . . . All the as times Khulāfa’ served and reformed Messiah’s teachings, writings and the place of a prophet. the Muhammadi Sharī‘a and will sayings, which are best understood by Rightly guided Khalīfa is a “Nabī continue to come to do so till the end the Khalīfa of the time. Hence, at the end, Hakamī” [meaning because of his of time.” (Malfūzāt, Vol 10, p 262) for the benefit of the alleger, an excerpt elevated station he implements the from the writings of Hazrat Sayyid commandments of the prophet and Within the span of the Promised Muhammad Ismā‘īl Shahīdrh is presented, Messiah’sas reign of a thousand years, provides them continuity. Because which should be read with full attention of this authority he resembles a Khilāfat Haqqa (the True Khilāfat), and an insightful eye. He says: Khilāfat Rāshida, and Khilāfat ‘alā Minhāj prophet]. Although he does not Nabuwwat are the only means for the “Rightly guided Khalīfa is a shadow attain Prophethood, however, the reformation of religion. The Promised of God Almighty, adjoined to station of Khilāfat is adjoined with Messiahas writes: Prophets, Messengers, a treasure the Authority of the Prophets of for the progress of religion, follows Allāh.” (Mansabe Imāmat, Hazrat “(The word) ‘Khalīfa’ refers to a the footsteps of the angels [this is in Syed Muhammad Ismā‘īl Shahīd, successor who revives religion. After accordance with the interpretation translated, pp. 86-87, 1949 by the era of prophets, when darkness of “ ” [submit to Adam Hakeem Muhammad Hussain of spreads, those who appear in place that he follows the footsteps of Momenpura Lahore) of the prophets to dispel darkness angels in submission], center for are known as Khulāfa’” (Malfūzāt, In short, as a vicegerent of Prophethood circle of all possibilities [meaning there is none equal to Khilāfat: Vol. 4, p. 383). he inherits a portion from the The alleger has written that in order to power of creation (God’s attribute establish unity, we must act upon the of “ ”)]. Furthermore, all the teachings of Allāh the Almighty, the Holy possibilities of the triumph of Islām Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas. that exist in the future are centered around the rightly guided Khalīfa. “Khilāfat is the fortress of peace and faith So far the alleger is correct in this For all the reasons, he is cause of regard, but he must extend this further in the favour of the bright nation [Islām]” as pride and officer of the leaders of to say that the Promised Messiah has spiritual knowledge and insights; And all praise belongs to Allāh, Lord of declared that Khilāfat is the means of he is the chair of the office of all All the worlds! achieving unity after him. In fact, during ra the fellowships [what is this office the time of Hazrat Uthmān when there of fellows? This is the purpose of was animosity against Khilāfat and the creation of human beings. It is the

Response to the 11 Allegations raised by Opponents of Khilāfat 23 Historic Arabic Address By Khalīfa Of The Promised Messiah March 25, 2014 - To mark the Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmadaa said: th 125 anniversary of the founding of “On this day Allāh the Almighty Aḥmadīyya the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community, its honoured Hazrat Mirzā Ghulam World Head, the Fifth Khalīfa, Hazrat aa Ahmad of to be the Promised Muslim Jamā‘at Mirzā Masroor Ahmad has delivered Messiahas and the long awaited an historic address to members of the Mahdi because of the loyalty and Press Releases community. love he showed for his Master, the Photography Courtesy of Makhzan-e-Tasaweer For the very first time, on 23 March 2014, Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.” His Holiness delivered an entire address During his message, Hazrat Mirzā in the Arabic language - the language in Masroor Ahmadaa also quoted extracts which the Holy was revealed. from the writings of the Promised Speaking from his office in London, Messiah in which he expressed his Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmadaa spoke absolute love for the Holy Prophet of the truth of the Founder of Islam, the Muhammadsa and his great respect for Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and of his the Arab people. devoted servant, Hazrat Mirzā Ghulam Addressing the Arab people, Hazrat Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah as Mirzā Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised and Imām Mahdi . Messiah and Imām Mahdias said: Speaking about the blessed status of ‘No nation would be able to obtain the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, Hazrat aa your glory and status. Most Mirzā Masroor Ahmad said: sufficient is the honour that Allāh “Surely, we bear witness that our bestowed on you by commencing Master and Guide, the Holy Prophet His revelation with Adam and Muhammadsa, is the Messenger of completing it with that Prophet, Allāh and the Seal of the Prophets who is from amongst you and from and we proclaim to the world the your land, which was his abode, perfection of his excellences.” his shelter and his place of birth… sa Commenting upon the purpose of the It is Muhammad the Elected One, advent of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat the Pride of the Prophets, the Seal Mirzā Masroor Ahmadaa said: of the Messengers and Imām of all Mankind.” “After the era of decline and as darkness, we witnessed the revival The Promised Messiah further said: of Islam, with all the major signs of “O, dear Arabs! Allāh has favoured the prophecy of the Holy Prophet you with His extraordinary blessings Muhammadsa having being fulfilled, and special qualities and with His on the 23rd of March 1889. It great Mercy. Amongst you is the testified to the truthfulness of the House of Allāh, which has endowed Holy Prophet Muhammadsa who was the mother of towns with blessings the Seal of the Prophets.” and amongst you is the tomb of the The Khalīfa spoke of how the truth of Blessed Prophet, who spread the the Promised Messiah’sas claim had unity of Allāh to all corners of the been supported by countless signs. He world and clearly manifested the gave the example of the lunar and solar Glory of Allāh. From amongst you eclipses that occurred during the months there were people who supported of Ramadan on certain prescribed dates Allāh and His Messenger with all of as prophesied by the Holy Prophet their hearts, all of their souls and all Muhammadsa. of their minds. They sacrificed their wealth and their lives to propagate Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmadaa said: the religion of Allāh and His most “This phenomena [of the lunar and pure Book. You are the ones who solar eclipse] never occurred as a have been bestowed these special sign for any other claimant. And blessings and certainly one who so this prophecy testified to the does not honour you is committing truth of the Holy Prophet (peace be injustice.” upon him) and the truth of the One At a time when parts of the Arab world who had been sent as the Promised have been torn apart through internal Messiah and Mahdias.” conflicts and warfare, Hazrat Mirzā Speaking about significance of the date, Masroor Ahmad asked the Arab members

Press Releases 24 of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Community to wisdom to all Muslims, especially by becoming one Community. Be convey to the Arab World the need to those who speak the language of Helpers of the Promised Messiahas stay united and to accept the Promised the final [law-bearing] Prophet, who by conveying his anguish and sorrow Messiahas. was the dearest to Allāh Almighty… for your people by telling them to Addressing the Arab Aḥmadī Muslims, Inform them that their safety and raise aloft the peaceful and loving Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmadaa said: prosperity is determined in their banner of the Holy Prophet (peace be being united and all joined at the upon him) across the entire world.” “Go out and preach with full of hands of the Promised Messiahas and Aḥmadīyyat! Amīn! achievements of the two brothers. May Allāh grant them both success Announcements • By the Grace of Allāh, we would like in all their future endeavours! Amīn! to share the very good news that For details, please see the link: • By the Grace of Allāh, on March 11, Adel Rahman and Navid Rahman http://m.bramptonguardian.com/ 2014, Kashif Rajput [son of Bashir [sons of Anis Rahman Sāḥib] have sports-story/4410179-brothers- Rajput] received a Recognition been offered a soccer scholarship in continue-their-soccer-dream- Certificate from York University Niagra University. They have both together/ for starting a special program for accepted their scholarships and are newcomers to the university. He committed to playing for the Niagara presented the idea of the program University Men’s last year, which was approved by Soccer team, the University and he was made which plays in Bashir A. Khan, ll.b. incharge of it. In appreciation the NCAA Division BARRISTER & SOLICITOR of his services the University 1. A feature article NOTARY PUBLIC presented him with a “Certificate titled “Brothers of Recognition,” which also counts Continue Their 521 Bannatyne Avenue as extra curriculum credit to his Soccer Dream Winnipeg, Manitoba Degree. By the Grace of Allāh, he will Together” was R3A 0E4 complete his Bachelor’s Degree this published in Phone: (204) 297-0780 year. May Allāh grant him success in the Brampton Fax: (204) 219-1245 all his future endeavours and enable G u a r d i a n Email: [email protected] him to be a devout servant of Islām recognizing the PRACTISING IN IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE LAW EXPERIENCE The Difference between Finding a Home and a House

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