Digital Home & Entertainment Innovation Report Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education Training Health Care Information & Communication Defence rd (3 Edition) M11213 – January 2012 Contributors ► Laurent MICHAUD, Head of the Consumer Electronics and Digital Entertainment Practice Laurent conducts studies on consumer electronics, the digital home, video games, music and the related trends: changing uses, new uses and peripherals, technology innovation, piracy, content protection and rights management. Laurent has developed expertise in the field of economic development and capital project engineering. In fact, he is also involved in the studies conducted by IDATE on behalf of local authorities for the formulation of ICT development strategies. He conducts technical and economic analyses for OSEO and incubators on gaming and multimedia content development issues and participates in industry, market and strategic studies on ICTs, television, Internet and video. Laurent is the th instigator of the DigiWorld G@me Summit, whose 10 edition was held in Montpellier in November 17, 2011 during the DigiWorld Summit. This event is organised with the support of the major French and European video game players: SNJV, SELL, ISFE, EGDF, Capital Games, and AFJV. Laurent holds a Master of Economic and Financial Engineering.
[email protected] ► Julian ALVAREZ – Véronique ALVAREZ – Damien DJAOUTI Copyright IDATE 2012, BP 4167, 34092 Montpellier Cedex 5, France Tous droits réservés – Toute reproduction, All rights reserved. None of the contents of this stockage ou diffusion, même partiel et par tous publication may be reproduced, stored in a moyens, y compris électroniques, ne peut être retrieval system or transmitted in any form, effectué sans accord écrit préalable de l'IDATE.