Dr. Keanu Sai Political Scientist P.O. Box 2194! Honolulu, HI 96805-2194! Phone: 808-383-6100! E-Mail:
[email protected] July 2, 2015 Mike McCartney Chief of Staff, Governor Executive Chambers State Capitol Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Re: Report on Military Government Dear Mike: Enclosed please find a report I authored, titled Military Government: Transformation of the State of Hawai‘i, for your consideration. As you know after we met on three previous occasions, this is a serious matter with profound political and economic consequences. After our last meeting I scoured through the laws and customs of war and international humanitarian law, and I discovered that the State of Hawai‘i is fully authorized to declare itself as a Military Government in accordance with provisions in the State Constitution and the laws and customs of war during occupation. The process will be reminiscent of Governor Poindexter’s declaration of a Military Government under martial law in 1941, but a civilian rather than a military officer will be the Military Governor. It will also be shorn of the military dictatorship that plagued the Military Government then, and, as you will see in the report, it will be pretty much business as usual with some alterations necessary because of international law. The State of Hawai‘i is currently playing in a negative-sum game and it needs to take the necessary steps to gain positive-sums. The State of Hawai‘i does not have the luxury of time on its side. I spoke with my client who is the Swiss citizen and he has agreed not to pursue the re- filing of the complaint to Swiss authorities, but only on condition that the State of Hawai‘i begins to comply with the laws and customs of war during occupation by establishing a Military Government.