- Digitally signed Loss, JUDGE & WARD, LLP Kathryn Ross HAMILTON SQUARE 7.03.06 60014TH STREET, NW, SUITE 450 .• 19:5b:i24-OS'OO' WASHINGTON, DC 20005 (202)778-4060 FACSIMILE: (202) 778-4099 LJWLI.I-.COM LEWIS K. LOSS (202) 778-4063
[email protected]>.COM U/O.MA N. NKWONTA (202)778-4089
[email protected] March 3,2017 VIA EMAIL AND HAND DELIVERY Office of the General Counsel. Federal Election Commission 999 E Street. N.W. Washington, B.C. 20463 Re: IMUR 6869R & 6942R Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the joint response of individual respondents, Howard G. Buffet. John C- Danforth, John Griffen, Antonia Hernandez, John I. Jenkins, Newton N. Minow, Richard D. Parsons, Dorothy S. Ridings, Alan K. Simpson, and Janet Brown, to the complaints filed in the above-referenced rhatters under review. These individual respondents also incorporate and adopt all previous filings by respondents Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank. Fahrenkopf, Jr., and Michael D. McCmry, who, in tum. aJso adopt and incorporate tliis joint response. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any additional information. ewis l<^Loss '' Uzoma N. Nkwonta Enclosures Loss, JUDGE & WARD, LLP HAMILTON SQUARE 600 14TH STREET, N W, SUITE 450 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 (202)778-4060 FACSfMlLE (202) 778-4099 LJWLLP.COM LEWIS K. LOSS (202) 778-4063 LLOSS(@LJWLLP.COM U7,0MA N. NKWONTA (202)778-4089 UNKWONTA(@L.IWLLP.COM March 3, 2017 VIA EMAIL AND HAND DELIVERY Office of the General Gounsel Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, N.W.