E P I P H A N I E S F R O M T H E A N G L I C A N J O U R N A L For where your treasure is Non-stipendiary clergy g Divestment g Vows of poverty “To be poor in spirit is to claim nothing as ours by right, but to reconcile to God, at all levels, the demands of self-seeking, self-preservation, and self-security.” —From the Vows of the Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine I S S U E 2 | V O L U M E 1 | F A L L 2 0 1 9 C O N T E N T S 3 Trimming our sails Matthew Townsend 5 Tough talk Linda C. Nicholls 7 Something we can’t afford to miss Mark MacDonald 8 ‘Enough’ is enough Maggie Helwig 11 The unpaid labourers Matt Gardner 23 ‘We’re all in it together’ Joelle Kidd 29 Caught in a wave Tali Folkins 38 How much should I give? Susan Graham Walker 40 The paradox of poverty Joelle Kidd 53 Debt in interfaith perspective Compiled by Matthew Townsend COVER IMAGE: The Rev. Richard Bruyere baptizes a new member of the faith. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED E P I P H A N I E S is the online magazine of the Anglican Journal, published by the Anglican Church of Canada. Supervisor, Editorial: Matthew Townsend; Guest Managing Editor: Joelle Kidd; Writers: Tali Folkins, Joelle Kidd, Matt Gardner, Matthew Townsend; Contributors: Linda Nicholls, Mark MacDonald, Maggie Helwig, Susan Graham Walker, Bob McKeon, Moishele Fogel, Pervez Nasim, Joshua Paetkau; Design: Saskia Rowley anglicanjournal.com •
[email protected] FALL 2019 By Matthew Townsend S U P E R V I S O R , E D I T O R I A L IMAGE: DUDAREV MIKHAIL T R I M M I N G O U R S A I L S AS CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE CHURCH’S STRATEGIC PLANNING BEGIN, LET US CONSIDER HOW WE RESPOND TO THE MOVEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT “If you wish “to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” — Jesus (Matthew 19:21) ” E P I P H A N I E S | F A L L 2 0 1 9 | 3 g When the rich young man approaches Jesus to ask To borrow imagery from the Maritimes, balance sheets about access to eternal life, Christ sets a very high tell us about the soundness of a ship’s hull.