Fingerprinting Information in Javascript Implementations
Fingerprinting Information in JavaScript Implementations Keaton Moweryy, Dillon Bogenreif*, Scott Yilek*, and Hovav Shachamy yDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering *Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of California, San Diego University of St. Thomas La Jolla, California, USA Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA ABSTRACT employ additional means to identify the user and the sys- To date, many attempts have been made to fingerprint users tem she is using. Hardware tokens are appropriate in certain on the web. These fingerprints allow browsing sessions to be settings, but their cost and inconvenience form a barrier to linked together and possibly even tied to a user's identity. ubiquitous use. For such sites, browser and user fingerprints They can be used constructively by sites to supplement tra- form an attractive alternative to hardware tokens. On the ditional means of user authentication such as passwords; and (reasonable) assumption that typical users will usually log they can be used destructively to counter attempts to stay in from a single machine (or, at most, a handful), JavaScript anonymous online. fingerprinting allows sites to harden passwords against ac- In this paper, we identify two new avenues for browser fin- count hijacking with a minimum of user inconvenience. gerprinting. The new fingerprints arise from the browser's Destructively, fingerprints can also be used to identify JavaScript execution characteristics, making them difficult and track users, even when those users wish to avoid be- to simulate or mitigate in practice. The first uses the innate ing tracked. The most familiar browser fingerprinting tech- performance signature of each browser's JavaScript engine, nology is the cookie, a client-side datastore partitioned by allowing the detection of browser version, operating system domain and path.
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