DIGEST Tomorrow
UN I I T ·Y . Hal. Mortin.son, erican SiP: Langua · Con_tinuing Etlucati ~ some q[ tbe.fundam tdeaf. The Americ esent just i, few at· dents and communi for. R~gistration f orr&in, ~~ already begun. SE : CAMPUS SPORTS: The Thunderbird footballers end the WOMEN'S season on the road at Cal Davis BASKETBALL: DIGEST tomorrow. PAGE 13. Star center Myndee CAMPUS NEWS: SUU's OPINION: Our readers-and Larson will sit out Office of School Relations works the editor-write about the in this season as a redshirt hard to bring the best students to classroom police arrest controversy. SUU PAGE 3. PAGE 9. year. CAMPUS ARTS: The now NATIONAL SPORTS: Juan running Dance Showcase is a Gonzales joined Ken Caminiti as SEE PAGES 14-17. delight and should be viewed by baseball's most valuable players all, say our reviewers. PAGE 6. yesterday. PAGE 18. I ' l • International Cultural Displays, 11:30 a.m. - IN THUNDERBIRD CffiCLE DINING: 1:30 p.m., Student Center. IFIR?JIJTI) A 1l Lunch (11-1:30): Burrito supreme, orange roughy, November • Video, Amazon: The New Eldorado, noon, Student baked potato bar, soup&. salad bar, grill, deli. Center TV room. Dinner: (5-6:30): Chicken tenders, roast pork and • Outdoors Club activity, "Reckless Weekend in dressing, soup &. salad bar, grill, deli. Moab," mountain biking, camping, rock climbing, meet in the Student Center parking lot at 4 p.m. WEATHER FORECAST: • Harvest Ball - girl's choice, semi-formal, 9 p.m. - midnight, LDS Institute, $2 with Institute card, $4 CLOUDY without, pictures $7. • Student Dance Showcase, "Life's Rhythms," HIGH: Mid 40s 7:30 p.m., Randall Jones Theatre, $2 students, $5 adults.
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