. < ------------ -— S r r s vcmber5,1997 .so c c n ts '^friin^alb^Jaho/io/92nd year, No. 3099K. ■ - W e d n e s d a y , N ov< 7 ~ ^ G o o d ' m o ~rRNlNCf" i WKATMI'R s o o d T m Today;: wMostly 1 ^ s u n n y' w ith light e a s t w i n - C l o -i-W v -retains c o u nncilseat- c ----------------------------------- m l K e l O __ Lows 30 to 35. P ag eA 2 31-way . , race in Tvrwin Falls u«» - ^lli h li ||" I r v .By williamim Brock • £ M a g i c V a l l u v ELECTION TlfflevN*» m 'writer_____________ m Suspended: A prisonI sense ten ce is suspended in a vehicul^ar I'WINS 1FALLS - Voters B .- i v ■ I P atfA R 1 Jurned MiMayor Jeff Gooding S m anslaughter case. P a g e b l out of officeoff Xwcsday and W filled hislis City Council seat M School shopping: Highgh school Stu- wi'.*' P«l'lolitical newcomer i|| u- ,'^ f LlamcSicSlccle - who has lived 'dents cram on th e su b j ,lade Valiev only four -■ " ^ ^irasing a coliege. Mete election ' InctimUmlient Lancc Clow ^ E handily’ b<beat back two chal- re s u lts - B I S p o r ' i s lenRcrs,s, iwhile incumbcnt ______ alkington - who was id switching, yard and I netowntrea- scd - .s^vcpt to a n easy j ^ j ^j., iustrial park; Gooding I B: The victory. , , , , v oted te d for the rezonc, but ] tdenEaBles ll^cd fr^m wire to. gtcele:cle said she opposed it. I finish<sh ed anoth- uhinewi.i “I'm still p r o u d jhenom enal an unoffi th e ular season cial toia s io n w c ' lom e »' m a d e on .sdaynight^ Page Dl c 0 n-1 k ' j M j Gooding Goodin} s a id . ■ Not a Do(tger: PhUadel;jeipHia’s ■ th in k we m a d e th e Scott R olen was namned ec National votes hfst deci- League Rookie of thleY e "! e ar i-e w c-i’’ LancoCljls SaltSalne Steele. sion for the l\iesday. P a g e D l •c o m m u n i- ° m four rejre g istered v o te rs cast g^j|Sometime; you've got to ballots in Tuesd.ny’s m m id. tke a stand nnd I’m proud eased pres- poi ck-ctio;tion. the decision th a t w e made. iing summed up.his— ‘My opponent was'ncvcr ------ n t’s victorj- w id i a sin- Id to the standard 1hat an \vantsts Its o ffia als . giu word:_d: “Negativity.‘ :umbent is held to.” ily less on ‘■Alll«\I ever heard out ol Ms. Coodiioding added. Gooding has mt replay to Sicetc wwas negative com- ed jin the Magic Valley for Gooding said late 3(jye'iyears - 20 of th em in Twin a y . “ I d o n ’t h a v e a Us. the crease.” p ag e U4 clean last«:iste in m y m outh a fte r Steele - who declared her- what myny opponent and her ididacy only six weeks ago supporterte rs ha v e do n e." - coiil:onld not be reached for F ood 6c Hom.Ily i* The m<mosl divisivo cam- Timeni late Tuesday niglit. v tMWCfWUr.TX tt«.»~. !vsue w as th e c o u n a ls Steele, -IG, moved to the ^ewrestaih_ Another Ballot Is dropped Intoto thetl box as Precinct 19 voters ma<made their way to O’teary Junior HIjHigh School In Twin Falls decisi(m to rezone 110' igic Valley with her hus- 'ant: A cozy . acres east■ast of town for a mil; Tuesday. Tumout was slow Tue:ruesday, as fewer than 25 percentint oof the city's registered vqters weivent to the polls. Please see GOODING, Page A2 garden set- . tin)dng invites - p ^ dindiners to I J / z river-losess his whe’^ relax a ^vhile. X Vepubliea t anseapti ure Dri • Rage C l accident nearr Shosshone ^ Crispy bake: I t 0 ' state, ccity offi(ces ^ Hiis chicken By Kent MeM c ^ e a jy ^ W inn said. But the cab madeJe il 10 the opposite bank simmers in tlie oven. mayors w ere chosen in m'm o re th a n 220 Tlmes-Wflvra'ws WfHfl _____ ______________ ----------- of th e c;uial. th e rept,‘port said. cities. '• W hi-litman wins 0 heavy, the trailers siink.._____ .......... Voters in nine states; ssettled ballot SHOSIK^HONE-A semi tnitk inadu (iiii(iu ite a - -- "T he load w as w f cab rise," Winn said. Required; M artha Ste«;e\vari knows . ^ t issues, with Oregon voterers keeping an splash whenwh it c ra s h e d c a st of Shosliloslione a'>‘i n>ade th e ca "liverytliing was, vworking just right for ‘ tools for tlie creative. Page Cl INeV\w Jersey race assisted suicide law on th e iKKjks and T u esd ayy - -lik e a tidal wave. Washington stale votersTS rejecting a An Avo.vonmore West dual lankerr trtruck him." ; not wearing a seat bell, Tho Mtociattclatad Pfos^ __________________' ■ re<iuirement that new hailandgunshave with a fullfii load of whey went offtff IU.S. Schoolcraft was n 2 miles and had to lie extricricaied from Iwtween the trigger locks and their ow:)wners Iw test- Highwayly 26: a n d in to a c a n a l 2 1/2 m O p i n i o n ienger’s seat, the report iblican G(rtv.Chrisiie Wliitman e d and licensed. east i)f SinShoshone at a b o u t 7:05 a.m..,, IdIdaho d riv e r’s a n d passer . , . , , Repuhli n to St. Benedict’s Family Open up: Public officiacials should narrowlyt|y survived a Democnitic chai-’ While the close coio u n t in N ew S tate I’oliiolice reports say. The ilriver,;r, CG ary ^ “ d. He wiis ta k en I J out at Medical Center in1 JeromeJ for «hser\’ation. do the public’s businesn essin tlie lengc to win a second term in Neww jersey mixed the GOP• rmessage, the Schoolcrafra ft, -M, of R ichfield, passed on ’ Tuesday, while GOI’ candi-!*• Republican Party chairnrman said the the wheeleel iHJcause of u m edical conditndiiion, thL-reiKirt«ild, iditorialsays. Jersey i' piured, with the load get- public eye, today’s edii rolled to off-year election nin- elections of 1997 had1 Ibuilt "great and thee easibounde truck drifted off the trailers riipi J, tin g a-w hey dow n thtl e canal, s;iid A m eric.ui P ag eA 6 for governor of Virginia, nuiyor;’r m om entum ” for 1998. 'riglit side(Je of th e road, th e repi)rt s;iid. • District No. 2 Office . w Vork City and a seat in Iowa Gov. Terry Braranstad, chair- The trucktru went between the sidede iof a I'alU Reservoir 1 o f Nciv (lams. The trailers were Congress..•ss. mah of the GOP goveirernors, said canal hriiiridge and a telephone pole,lie, the Manager Mae Ada Milner- alnjut tlirce^iuanerers covered hy water, the COM M UNriY ■ W hitmriman made it with a 47 percentnt Whitman had suffered over(>' the alwr- report sasa id , a n d la n d e d in th e Mill percent count over upsiartrl lion issue. She had vetotoed a ban on Goodingg Caiia!t at about .'>5 mph, thee rurejiort rt"'?''" said. ns partially closed Get involved: Find outu t w hat is crat .Hin McGrcevey earlyly late-term alxiriions, stirrirring cims(-n'a- saitl. Thehe canal In ruiitiing afabout)ut ttw o- H ighw ay 26 w as 10 eijjit crews worked lo> recoverr the truck, the ;sj;iy — a margin of less than>« live wrath. thirds cap;apai:ity rii'.hi ik'W. w ith six to e . going on in your comnm ir unity, Wcdtiesd; canal c<mtpany crews had voles o u l of 2.3 m illio n ^ ist. Cov. Howard DeanI iiof Vermont, feel <if waier,wai canal cumiiany officialsIs siiSiiid. rep o n s;iid. A nd ca Page CIO 20,000 VOI ; to the ditch hank, the Jim GilGilmore was elected gwem oror chairman of the Demococratic gover- "The wholew! bridge w as w et. It prnb,mibably '<> repairs t ginia. Mayor Rmlopb G?«liani nors, said running closose, let alone threw ,vaterwat l!iO feet from th e truck,"■k." said report said. ^ i crews had a dr\- cab to second tenn in New Yorl^ andid defeating, a front-rank:k Republican ISPCpl.I. KevinK W inn. "T h e eiist bankikof ol the extrication c S k C ' I ' I O N h y SSHCTION I' irX Hiid. Vito I-os!ossella became the congress-5S- was a boost for th e n e x t; eelections. canal /aswas totally Siiturated with waiornor a n d w ork w ith, W inn siii any water in.iide the cab. om S ta te n Island, Republicans swept ththe other top diesel, llierelln was grass and moss fnminitii th e “T here w asn’l an « man from per towel inside, and it raens..... •..../ Mayorsors Tliomas Menino of Boston, priies. c anal all11 over."<i There was a pape Section A SarOei ' ile Siiid.
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