Series 5 XXXIV.—On the Homologies of the Cephalopoda

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Series 5 XXXIV.—On the Homologies of the Cephalopoda This article was downloaded by: [University of Calgary] On: 24 February 2015, At: 14:06 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 5 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: XXXIV.—On the homologies of the Cephalopoda J.F. Blake M.A. a a Charing-Cross Hospital Published online: 29 Jan 2010. To cite this article: J.F. Blake M.A. (1879) XXXIV.—On the homologies of the Cephalopoda , Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 5, 4:22, 303-312, DOI: 10.1080/00222937908679833 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at conditions Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:06 24 February 2015 0,2 tl~e Ll-omologles of dze Ce2]zalopoda. 303 Lelocel)l~alus aculeatus~ sp. n. Two lateral carin,'e,, along the u)iper edge...°f the sldcs as well as the median dorsal one. Supraorbltais very broad~ as ill L. iridesce~zs~ Gthr. Head as high as broad. :Nostril posteriorly in an elongate nasal shield. Scales on the top of the muzzle numerous~ polygonal, becoming larger towards the frontal region~ where they pass into the t~vo series of large intcrorbital platcs~ which arc closely iu contact. Three occipital plates--two rather large anterior, and one small posterior; two parietals on each side~ the posterior one being very large. Orbital canthus sharp. A single series of very broad supraorbitals bordered with some small scales on each side. Only onc elongate scale on tim cantlms between the upper angle of the orbit and the nostril~ there being two such scalcs in L. 6"ietesceJzs. Upper labials four~ narrow, elongate; a ro~r of eight small scales above them ; two rows of frenalsj with an elongate in~'aocular scale. Ear-opening about half as large as the cyc. Ihe scales are everywhere keeled, stmrp and dagger-like, with proiccting points. A median dorsal crest of erect triangular scales ex- tending on the tail ; a wcaker lateral one on cach side of the back. Tail long~ compressed~ nearly thrice the length of the body. Bronzed green, brownish on the sides~ with vertical streaks. A white stripe from the ear to the.fore limb~ and another superiorly from the car as far as the shoulder ; another white stripe descending from the lateral carina to the fore limb. m~lllm. Distance of snout from eye ...................... 10 ~ ~ ear ...................... 03 ,~ , fore limb .................. 4.5 vent ................ ...... 100 Length of fore limb ............................ 50 , third and fourth front toe .............. 16 ,, hind limb ............................ 85 , fourth hind toe ........................ 25 Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:06 24 February 2015 Five specimens of the above described species were collected by ZIr. Roff; they are from ~Ioyobamba~ Peru. XXXlV.--o,~ tha t[omologies of the Cephalopoda. By J. F. BL~Kr:, ~M.A., Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at Charing-Cross Hospital. TzzEP~e. are two points of interest in the relations of the Co- 1)halopoda wlueh• cannot yet b¢ said• to be settled. V]:h e first • 21" 304 ~Ir. J. F. Blake on t]~e is their relation in homology~ and thereby in their ontogeny, to the other classes of ~Iollusea; and the second, the relations of the Dibranchiate and Tetrabranehiate orders. These are questions on which our two great anatomists Professors Owen and tttuxley have expressed decided opinions, which have not, however, been accepted by all~ or perhaps the majority, of tbreign naturalists. Constant accumulations also of new facts, especially in relation to the embryology of the Dibranchiates; force on us a reconsideration of the ideas derived solely from older ones~ and even may lead its to put a different interpreta- tion on the latter. In order to compare the various classes of the .~Iolluscat we must place tlmm in similar positions as defined by the first part of their alimentary canal anti the eircumccsophagcal ganglia. *J?he primitivo form will then have a straight ali- mentary canalj ~-itb the cerebral ganglia abovc~ the pedal more or lcss below~ and the heart near the other end~ its affercnt vessels coming from the direction of the anus, and its effe- rent going towards tim head. From this ~rimitive form the rest may be deduced by a bending forwams of the anal end, carrying with it the heart and its branchke. On the direction of this flexure of the intestine great stress has been laid by I~tuxley ; but I have not found much notice taken of it by .foreign writers. It is obvious that such a ficxure n, ay take place in two opposite directions ; and these have been defined by Huxley, in his recent work on the Anatomy of the Inver- tcbrated Animals~ as follows:--ln tim first the cerebral ganglia lle within/lie general angle formed by the intcstine; in the second it is the pedal ganglia which lie within it. Unfortunately these two directions have been called respec- tively the "h~emal" and "neural." Of course the flexure must in every case be neural, as tending to bring the anus nearer to the nervous ccntrcs ; and it must generally be also h,'emal~ for the heart usually accompanies it in its changes. In particular the Cephalopoda are said to have a neural Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:06 24 February 2015 flexurc. In these the intestine is bent to the side of the pedal gangIiaj but yct its dircction is towards /lie heart, which lies on the underside. In the Pulmonata the intestine bends to the side of the cerebral ganglia ; and yet its direction is towards the hcart~ which lies on the upperside. These latter were formerly said to have a neural flexure; but it is now called h,'emal *. Taking this last view~ and substituting the terms "cerebral " and "pedal " for h,'emal and neural; the distinction between the classes is most marked; the I'teropoda " IIuxle3; ~Morpholo~- ofCeph. Mollusca,' ]853,and ~Introduction to Classific.' i~. 39, w~th ' 31anual of Invert. Animals,' p. 514. Ito,nolos;es of the ee2Z,,lo2od~. 305 alone agreeln~ withCeobaloooda in having a pedal flexur% that of all the rest~ except'Nudlbranchs and 'J_'ectibranchs (which have scarcely any flexure at all), being cerebral. 2k point of difficulty still l:emains respecting this. Although the heart always accompanies the intestine in its flexuresj and its affe- rent vessels come from the direction of the anus~ yet when the intestine is rectified it appears to have a different relation to it. When theintestine is naturally straight~ as in the ~udi- branchs &% the heart lies on the cephalic side---I believe, without exeeption. It would have the same position in the Ceplmlopoda and :pteropoda. But in the Heteropoda (Atlanta) eertainly~ in the :pulmonata. and~ I think~ also in the :peetini- branehs it would lie on the'pedal side. It is not easy to say whether the heart lies within or without the curve formed by the intestine (on which its position, when the latter is reetified~ would depend) when~ in point of fact, it lies at the side. :per- haps, however~ it is all a matter of accelerated growth. In the Lamellibranehs the intestine pierces the heart~ which therefore lies on both sides of it; and the branchim sun'ound the anus in Doris &e. :Both tend to develop most on the outsid% while the portion lying within the body aborts. Ac- cording, therefor% as the flexure is cerebral or pedal does one or the other part of the circle become persistent~ under the condition of being exterior. But the original flexure itself may have been caused b) the increased growth of that side which now lies outside. This does no b certainly, account for the one-sided hearts of the INudibranchs ; but it does account for the different direction in which the shell of a cephalopod and of a snail is coiled : the former has its eouvexity~ and therefore its greatest growtl b on the pedal~ the latter on the cerebral side. In both cases the convex side of the shell is on the side of the heart. In the case of the 8pirula~ not only the convex side of the shell~ but the whole last chamber of the shell lies on the side of the heart. We should conclude from the above observations that the Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 14:06 24 February 2015 Cephatopoda branched off from the main molluscan stem~ through~ the Pteropod%_~ at an earlier, period than the develo,p- ment of ordinary Gastropods ; and~ indecd~ we find their re- mains in deposits of earlier date than those containing the latter.
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