Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis

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Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Zea E-Books Zea E-Books 2008 Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis Armand R. Maggenti University of California - Davis Scott aG rdner University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook Part of the Biodiversity Commons, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons, Marine Biology Commons, and the Other Animal Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Maggenti, Mary Ann Basinger; Maggenti, Armand R.; and Gardner, Scott, "Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology" (2008). Zea E-Books. 61. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Zea E-Books at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Zea E-Books by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, Scott Lyell Gardner Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti, Scott Lyell Gardner An exhaustive dictionary of over 13,000 terms relating to invertebrate zoology, in- cluding etymologies, word derivations and taxonomic classification. Entries cover parasitology, nematology, marine invertebrates, insects, and anatomy, biology, and reproductive processes for the following phyla: Acanthocephala Gastrotricha Phoronida Annelida Gnathostomulida Placozoa Arthropoda Kinorhyncha Platyhelminthes Brachiopoda Loricifera Pogonophora Bryozoa Mesozoa Porifera Chaetognatha Mollusca Priapula Cnidaria Nemata Rotifera Ctenophora Nematomorpha Sipuncula Echinodermata Nemertea Tardigrada. Echiura Onychophora Entoprocta Pentastoma Cover images courtesy of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Agriculture. doi:10.13014/K2DR2SN5 ISBN 978-1-60962-001-1 Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology In memory of Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, a good friend and teacher 1934 – 2001 This book is dedicated to Mary Ann’s sons, Timothy and Peter Maggenti Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Compiled and directed by Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California, Davis (emerita) and Armand R. Maggenti, Ph.D. University of California, Davis and Honorary Curator of Nemata Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology University of Nebraska State Museum University of Nebraska–Lincoln Edited by Scott L. Gardner, Ph.D. Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology University of Nebraska State Museum University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0514 http://hwml.unl.edu Tel: 402-472-3334 Fax: 402-472-8949 E-mail: [email protected] Zea Books Lincoln, Nebraska 2008 The authors wish to acknowledge the dedication to this project given by Mr. Gaylen Paxman. Copyright © 2005 Armand Maggenti and Scott Gardner. Published as The Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology (September 2005) at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology/2/ Composed in Zapf Elliptical types by Paul Royster. Zea Books are published by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries. UNL does not discriminate based upon any protected status. Please go to unl.edu/nondiscrimination Third printing December 2017 ISBN 978-1-60962-000-4 hardcover ISBN 978-1-60962-001-1 paperback Abbreviations a. adjective MD. Middle Dutch A.S. Anglo-Saxon ME. Middle English Ab.Am. Aboriginal American MESO Mesozoa ACANTHO Acanthocephala MF. Middle French adv. adverb ML. Medieval Latin ANN Annelida MOLL Mollusca Ar. Arabic n. noun ARTHRO Arthropoda NEMAT Nematoda BRACHIO Brachiopoda NEMER Nemertina BRYO Bryozoa NL. New Latin CHAETO Chaetognatha Obs. obsolete CNID Cnidaria OE. Old English Corn. Cornish OF. Old French CTENO Ctenophora ON. Old Norse D. Dutch ONYCHO Onychophora Dan. Danish pert. pertaining dim. diminutive pl. plural ECHI Echiura PLATY Platyhelminthes ECHINOD Echinodermata POGON Pogonophora ENTO Entoprocta PORIF Porifera F. French PRIAP Priapula GASTRO Gastrotricha ROTIF Rotifera Ger. German Russ. Russian GNATHO Gnathostomulida sing. singular Gr. Greek SIPUN Sipuncula HEMI Hemichordata Skt. Sanskrit Hind. Hindi Sp. Spanish It. Italian Sw. Swedish KINOR Kinorhyncha TARDI Tardigrada L. Latin Turk. Turkish LL. Late Latin v. verb LORI Loricifera v.t. verb, transitive Mal. Maldivean The roots and origins of the terms presented in this dictionary were taken from textbooks and from the original literature. Wher- ever possible the original first reference was located so that the original meaning was preserved. Original use, subsequent or cur- rent usage, and common acceptable uses of terms are also present- ed. Many of the terms were taken from Charles T. Brues and A. L. Melander, Key to the Families of North American Insects (1915), and their Classification of Insects: A Key to the Known Families of Insects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods (1932). A abactinal a. [L. ab, from; Gr. aktis, ray] (ECHINOD) valvia) Rubber-like block of protein of the inner Of or per taining to the area of the body with- hinge ligament of Pecten. out tube feet that nor mally does not include the abductor muscle The muscle that draws an append- madreporite; not situated on the ambulacral age or part away from an axis of the body. see area; abambulacral. abactinally adv. adductor muscle. abambulacral see abactinal aberrant a. [L. aberrans, wandering] Pertaining to a A-band That zone of the sarcomere composed of deviation from the normal type or form; abnor- both actin and myosin filaments. mal; anomalous varia tions; different. abapertural a. [L. ab, from; apertura, an opening] abient a. [L. abire, to depart] Avoiding or turning (MOLL: Gastropoda) Refers to being away from away from a source of stimulation. see adient. any shell aperture. abiocoen n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; koinos, abapical a. [L. ab, from; apex, top] 1. Pertains to common] The non-living components of an the opposite of apical and thus the lower pole environment. of spherical organisms. 2. (MOLL: Gastropoda) abiogenesis n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; genesis, be- Away from the shell apex toward base along ginning] The theoretical concept that life can axis or slightly oblique to it. arise from non-living matter; spontaneous gen- abaxial a. [L. ab, from; axis, axle] Refers to being sit- eration; archebiosis; archegene sis, archigenesis. uated outside of or directed away from the axis see biogenesis, neobiogenesis. or central line. see adaxial. abiology n. [Gr. a, without; bios, life; logos, dis- abbreviate fascia (ARTHRO: Insecta) A fascia ex- course] The study of inanimate objects; tending less than half the wing. anorganology. abcauline a. [L. ab, from; caulis, stalk] (CNID: Hy- abiotic a. [Gr. a, without; bios, life] Pertaining to, or drozoa) Per taining to polyps that extend out- charac terized by the absence of life. wards from the common stem. see adcauline. abjugal furrow (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) In Acari, abdomen n. [L. abdomen, belly] 1. (ARTHRO) The the line sepa rating the aspidosoma (prodorsum) posterior of the three main body divisions of and the podosoma of mites. insects; not homologous with chelicerate opis- ablation n. [L. ablatus, taken away] Removal of a thosoma. 2. (ARTHRO: Crustacea) The trunk part as by excision or amputation. somites (with or without limbs) between the aboral a. [L. ab, from; os, mouth] 1. Pertaining to, or thorax and telson; the pleon. situated away from the mouth; surface opposite abdomere n. [L. abdomen, belly; Gr. meros, part] An the mouth. 2. (ECHINOD: Asteroidea) The sur- abdomi nal segment. face opposite that bearing the mouth and am- abdominal feet see prolegs bulacral grooves; abactinal; apical; dor sal. see abdominal filament see cercus oral. abdominal ganglia (ARTHRO) Ganglia of the ven- aboriginal a. [L. aborigineus, ancestral] 1. Of or per- tral nerve cord that innervate the abdomen, taining to an aborigine, the first, original. 2. Na- each giving off a pair of principal nerves to the tive fauna and flora of a geographic region. muscles of the segment; located between the al- abortion n. [L. abortus, premature birth] Arrest or imentary canal and the large ventral mus cles. failure of development of any entity or normally abdominal process (ARTHRO: Crustacea) In Bran- present part or or gan rendering it unfit for nor- chiopoda, fingerlike projections on the dorsal mal function. surface of the abdomen. abranchiate a. [Gr. a, without; branchia, gills] Per- abdominal somite (ARTHRO: Crustacea) Any single tains to be ing without gills. division of the body between the thorax and tel- abreptor n. [L. ab, from; reptere, to crawl] (AR- son; a pleomere; a pleonite. THRO: Crusta cea) The postabdomen of water abduce v. [L. abducere, to lead away] To draw or fleas terminating in two claws. conduct away. abscised n. [L. abscissus, cut off] Cut off squarely; abduct v. [L. abducere, to lead away] To draw away with a straight margin. from po sition of median plane or axis. abscission n. [L. abscissus, cut off] The separation abductin n. [L. abducere, to lead away] (MOLL: Bi- of parts. absolute 2 absolute a. [L. absolutus, finished, perfect, com- (epipharynx) in scarabaeoid lar vae. plete] Any en tity existing in and of itself free acanthophore n. [Gr. akantha, thorn, spine; phoreus, from impurities or imper fections. bearer] (NEMER) A conical mass that forms the absorption n. [L. ab, from; sorbere, to suck] The pas- basis of the median stylet. sage of water and dissolved substances into a acanthophorites n. [Gr. akantha,
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