Teacher-Training Seminars Led by the Writers, and (3) Thedevelopment of Relevant Curriculum Materials
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 023 677 24 TE 000 927 By -Kohl, Herbert R.; Wirtschafter, Zelda Dana Creation ofa Teachers and Writers Center. .Final Report. Columbia Univ New York, N .Y.Teachers College. Spons Agency -Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Bureau of Research. Bureau No -BR -7 -0253 Pub Date Sep 68 Grant -0EG -1 -7 -070253 -3002 Note-75p. EDRS Price MF -$050 HC -$385 Descriptors -Creative Teaching, *Creative Writing, *Curriculum Development,*English Instruction, Experimental Pro9rams, Experimental Teaching, Fables, Inservice TeacherEducation, Lay Teachers, Pilot Projects, Poetry, *Resource Teachers, Self Expression, Student Writing Models, Teacher Seminars,Teaching Methods, Writing Identifiers -*Teachers and Writers Collaborative The Teachers and Writers Collaborative atT.,-achers College, ColumbiaUniversity,- was established in 1967 toinvolve teachers, children, and wrCters inthe creation of an English curriculum stimulating to the students. Threeinterrelated programs were developed: (1) the presence of professional writers inthe public school classrooms,(2) teacher-training seminars led by the writers, and (3) thedevelopment of relevant curriculum materials. In a related pilot prolect,college undergraduates developed a unit on contemporary poetry that theytaught at a vocational high school inBaltimore. Findings of the Collaborative suggested thatprofessional writers inspire students to write in ways that their teachers do not envision;that all children have an intense inner life and an awareness of sex, violence, power,and other strong emotions; andthat many teachers arewilling to change to less authoritarian teachingstyles. (Samples of children's writing are included) (JS) Let\ R , 7-6 2. 3 tr-corNa /1_)n -)EG I -670251-3-3cOL, kot1/4.1 I: /41. AA)b \AiR E- C LIT E.: Iptc \aeirei i9L2 f' EDO 23677 \AS (16 M E h rt (-Ac- Akib LFA-Kem- EALAe:Aie:Nrbt 1.510Ce 41"C\ C'',42 etle ere'LA U.S.
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