Cinema-by-Sea Cover Frontispiece Background photograph of Hove beach by David Fisher; A queue (of extras) in the rain outside the Rothbury stills from Grandma’s Reading Glass (George Albert Cinema, Portslade from Lady Godiva Rides Again (1951) Smith, 1900), Fire! (James Williamson, 1901), Curzon Kinema, Brighton (1936), Brighton Rock (John Boulting, This page 1947) and Jigsaw (Val Guest, 1962) Arrival and Departure of a Train at Hove (George Albert Smith, 1897) CCiinneemmaa--bbyy--SSeeaa FFiillmm aanndd cciinneemmaa iinn BBrriigghhttoonn && HHoovvee ssiinnccee 11889966 DDaavviidd FFiisshheerr TERRA MEDIA Cinema-by-Sea Published by David Fisher was Terra Media Ltd editor of the interna- Missenden Lodge tional media journal Withdean Avenue Screen Digest from Brighton BN1 5BJ 1974 until 2011. He also edited and designed around 100 other publications for Screen Digest. He was Executive Editor of Television—Journal of the First published 2012 Royal Television Society from 1978 to 1982. He was a co-opted member of the Interim 5 4 3 2 1 Action Committee on the British Film Industry and its successor, the British Screen Copyright © David Fisher 2012 Advisory Council, from 1982 to 1989. Among numerous other positions, he served as a All rights reserved. No part of this publication representative on the advisory committee of may be reproduced ot transmitted in any form the European Audiovisual Observatory in or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Strasbourg between 1992 and 2007 and was an including photocopying, recording or any associate fellow of the University of Warwick information storage or retrieval system, 1994-2003, where he taught part of a post- without prior permission in writing from the graduate course in European Cultural Policy.
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