A Preface to the Breviarium Aberdonense
NATIONAl. LIBKARY ' OFSCOIXAKP " a ' 5CS. tC.^i^ — A PREFAOE BREVIARIUM ,^BEllDOIsENSE. In binding this T7ork, the Sheets might be arranged in the follow- ing order : Yol. I. Title, Pars Estivalis. Londiai, Jeo4, 1 '^af. List of Members, April 1852, and F "itract from the Minutes of the Club, 3 leaves. ; The Preface, xxviii. pages. Original Title-page in red c d black, followed by the Kalendar and the rest of the Volmne. Vol. II. Title, Pars Hyemalis. Londini, 1854. of Members, February 1854, and Extract, 4 leaves. i L-"t O iginal Title, Kalendar, &c. Ao th end of the Yolumie might be inserted the two extra sheets no^ reprinted, Compast » Beate Marie, &c. AON*t, THE PREFACE. ; THE PREFACE. Of the various Kituals or Service Books of the Church prior to the Reformation, the most important were the Missal and the Breviary. The MissAXE is strictly the book of public worship, and contained, as it still does in the Roman Catholic Church, the Service of the Mass ; and, along with the Oi'dinary and the Canon, or the fixed and invariable part of every Mass, daily recited, a number oi'Missm or Offices, with Collects, Epistles, Gospels, Graduals, and Sequences, proper to each Sunday or solemn festival, and other special occasions.' At an earlier period, the name " Missale " was not so comprehensive. Lyndewode^ indeed explains the term "Missale, i. e. Librum, in quo continebuntur omnia ad Missam singulis diebus dicen- dam pertinentia." Mr Maskell, however, in his learned Dissertation on Service Books, remarks, " In the earlier ages of the Church, the Office of the Holy Communion was not contained in one volume, but usually in four the Antiphoner, the Lectionary, the book of the Gospels, and the book of the Sacraments, or Sacramentary.
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