Democrats Triumph? 3929 Julie D

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Democrats Triumph? 3929 Julie D Property of the Watertown Historical Society TTimee C Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County a> in Vol.'41 No. 44 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00' PER'YEAR Car. Rl, P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS Nov. 6/4986. Election Scoreboard ••.,'fl Hem. Vk. Judson Swift Polk Total (68-01) (68-02) (68-03) (76-04) GOVERNOR •William A. O'Ncill (D> 1397 514 856 1162 Democrats Triumph? 3929 Julie D. llclaga. (R) 1055 424 S19 703 2701 Font l.onjjn (Ut 44 15 29 46 134 Republicans. Ousted -'From U.S. SENATOR, 'Christopher J. Dodd (»)• 1404 514 (W5 1217 4020 Koger W. Eddy <R> 1030 425 483 661 2599 Local State House Seats Eduaid J. McCaUuin Jr. TO 1,5 4 9 10 38 CONGRESS, SIXTH DISTRICT portion in the 76th district that ousted the one-terra incumbent Paul S. Amenta (D) 860 2,97 598 S4(, 2601 Mclaughlin Wins •Nancy I,-.. Johnson (HI 1574 638 760 i«28 4000 fro in office. STATE SENATOR, 32nd DISTRICT Walertown and Oakvi'lle went, Local voters followed the stale so 1 id I, y be h i n d Re pu b I i c a n i n - Joseph AX". Rod (Dt 750 261 536 793 ,2340 trend arid helped, rclurn incumbent Mamie McLaiiRihlin (Rl 1687 671 S2.2 2103 .5283 cumbcnls- Nancy L. Johnson, the Democrats Gov. William A. Sixth District congresswonian fro in .STATE REPRESENTATIVE. 68th DISTRICT O'Neill and U.S. Senator Chris- New Britain, and Jamie (68-01) (68-02) (68-03) Wcndbury Total topher J. D'odd to their respective *Sean C llullcrly ID) 1487 519 886 1104 " 3996 Me Laugh I in, the popular state Hcrherl A. Darling CR> 985 „ .428 483 1643 3539 offices for lour and six, more years, senator from Woodbury represen- respectively, and played a key role ting the 32nd District. STATE REPRESENTATIVE, 76lh DISTRICT in a changing, of the guard for the Thoraaslon Plymouth (76-04) Total Those two, a king with Rep- •Marie W... Galbrath (1» 1004 1345 1019 3368 68th and 76th House District ublican comptroller candidate Gary Francis J. Carpenter (R) 1484. 978 • 821 3283 representations,- A. Franks of Waterbury. were the SECRETARY OF STATE Sean C. Butlerly, a Water, town at- only GOP candidates, in the major •Julia H. Tastajian (D) 1185 414 765 1061 ',3425 torney who was uncertain of victory races to get the local, voters" nod. Pauline Kratir (K) 1161 475 ,542 729 2,917 even 45 minutes after the polls clos- However. Mr. Franks lost on the Joanne Chelednik (U) 18 5 7 1,7 47 ed, Tuesday, defeated Republican in- state level to Democrat J. Edward Sean C Butterly TREASURER, cumbent Herbert, A... Darling for the Caldwell, Upset 68th Winner * Francisco L. Burgcs (D) 11,21 395 749 1015 3280 house seat, by 457 votes. Alice Madeux, GOP registrar of Sebastian J. Garaifaio (R) 1157 494 563 753 2,967 In, a closer race for the 76th voters nominee, and Democrat when they decided over the summer Thomas S. Ross (U 13 5 4 13 35 House seat, challenger Marie Walter LeMay automatically win not to put, up a challenger. He thus W, Lerny Staib (I!) 13 • 3 6 IS 37 Gatbraith beat GOP • incumbent their seats, as each party is allow- retains his seat. COMPTROLLER Francis Carpenter by 8.5 votes ed, a .candidate. Some 6,940 of the 1,1,018 •j. Edward Caldwdt ID) 1049 391 " 699 • 973 311,2 districtwide. It was Mrs,,. Galbraith's Democrat Carey R. Geghan. in- registered voters turned out'for the Gary A. Franks (R) 1240 545 626 , 837 3248 victories in the Polk School district cumbent judge of probate, was en- election, or 63 percent. During the Salvatnre DiBetta (U) 19 i 8 16 49 of, Watcrtown. and the Plymouth dorsed by the Republicans as well (Continued on. page 2) ATTORNEY GENERAL •Joe Lieberman ID) 1495 5,29 898 1255 4177 Richard E. Amnld |R> •9,19 388 447 .588 2342 Authority Water Rate Hike SHERIFF Inside •Caroline C Vtiikrfidd (D) . 1204 42,2 764 1051 .3441, Going To Nov. 12 Hearing Karl F, Bradley (R> 1120 465 538 721 2844^ Automotive - -... .page 17 JUDGE OF PROBATE The Water and Sewer Authority Waterbury has said it, wants to Bethlehem. News / 3 •Carey R. Geghan (TO 1221 421 777 1060 .3479 will conduct a, public hearing raise the rale it charges Watertown Births , ..12. Carey R. Gcghan (R) 1158 480 544 748 2930 Wednesday on proposed water rate for water from 43 cents per 100 Calendars. 16 & 17 REGISTRAR, OF VOTERS increases that could reach as high cubic feet, of water, to $1.99 per 100 Church Services. , .8 •Waller A. LeMay (D) 1290 439 " 799 " 1088 3616 as 150 percent for authority cubic, feet. Classifieds 26 & 2.7 •Alice J. Madeux (R) 111.1 466 ,535 727 2839 customers. The city currently is building a, Dining Out " 14, 15 & 16 •Denotes Winner The hearing, which is open to the new filtration plant in the extreme Legal Notices. 27 northern part, of town on reservoir REFERENDUM QUESTIONS general, public, will be held Nov. 12 Letters 4 & 9 land. 684)1 6842 68-03 76-04 Total at, 7:30 p.m. in, the Swift Junior Nancy Johnson 19 Yes-No Yes-No Yes-No Yes-No Vis-No High School auditorium, 250 Col- Watertown has been protesting Obituaries . 4 Question 1 694-960 246-42* 41,3-588; 667-76S 2020-2744 onial St., Oakville. the rate, however, and since July 1 Realty News.. 6 Question ,2 896-8(14 350-330 469-539 590-675 2305-2348 The town has been postponing a has continued to pay only 43 cents Scouting News .11 & 16 2869-1625 Question 3 1119-518 427-231 582-392 .741-484 decision on new water rates until per 100 cubic feet. It would, take a Showcase Of Homes...,.,. .25 Question 4 385-292 524-458 674-589 2593-1999 the municipality and Waterbury 280 percent increase in, the rates to Spans 22 & 23 Question 5 1068-617 ,393-274 •§8-365 735-525 2804-1781 agree over what Watertown should meet the $1.99 figure, according, to Question 6 883-840 324-317 402-598 492-790 2101-2595 pay the city for water it purchases. (Continued on page 28') NO NIO r II It' ii n,:;,i f,i: m HUE U if UN (III IkE IID1DW l[fr pn Sita TIM ol taj(Fita»n jpjrajrite IISUM loir M onlirun ,£ Stall Ike T(,H of Wilt,*an ip 1 sum Sini! be » Onr liluli I S ill r arUil Inn nrl Ittio UP SI ill lip cm 1,1,.: • il HIE SIHE miirialt imm '•' CiHttml E imer Ed In lim i II Ir-r- n E nfl bi. ^mer Ell lu e 8 rjh*r, anm j Hi IT unn bam ni nrjle ailh r "•aK am Jnr arch tetMrd sein*ic^3 Bar rjrjE irnpriiinEmls Irn SIEEII In) ilnn) (trade SIIEEI to Btinlslte-Sired MEiwtt air rr-me lie ErigllEfflDDIJ AiEriue Do ArrarJ a AisnuE and MBun t 'KlhjE 'wm> l tol F'ak Oman inpniwimiEnls ad an fe SB*1 rl W i r,n rhn* nnili me * ii n In ff[ mnnt L nrJiriilF., In lit umrJaniE mil cuiitclpn lu I nn [Hill In in i[irejJl( ifprapirilm Vote on the ^ uerin fcr nc ni n linn s |i j ill b mi Hi r IIE n I-,) i linn il [ [II COO1 nilt n :i> SME annul 11 d;lr,)> ud ;p,;r:jr,.s1,' slnclcn ol i bui d,ng st CniUmint Fart, nd luintriie We iiaiie ml brn.fc K aolis in Ilk ane lo ifclni ait aippimpnalnrB' lit I ill Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page ;2 Town 'Times" (Watertown, Conn..) Nov. 6, 1986 Democrats an elated Mr.--Butterly.- • :' Mr. Darling took'Wobdbury by. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHe said. ML Darling, telephoned, a J.J643 to 1,1,04 vote, count, but 'the. (Continued from, page 1) him, about: 45 minute after 'the polls successful challenger won, all three . closed to concede, defeat. • last gubernatorial election, in 1.982, voting blocs in, Watertown., He car- "He called me to congratulate ried Heminway Park, by 502 votes, which also;featured a. presidential me, say it was a, fair win, and a race, 7,226 of the 1.0,772 eligible even though the Republicans have hard-fought fight," Mr. Butterly a 172. edge in registered party voters cast their ballots, about 67 said. "He was"very, very cordial.*" percent. voters. Mr.-Butterly said he doesn't think An unsuccessful candidate Also winning favor in Tuesday's an Uth-hour flap over misinforma- races 'were Julia H. Tashjian, against Mr. McLaughlin for the tion disseminated by the Darling •.32nd Senate seat, in 1980, Mr. But- secretary of state, 'Treasurer; Fran- campaign people that Mr. Butterly cisco L., Attorney General terly said 'the triumph culminated a resigned halfway 'through his Coun- "two- to three-year dream." Joe Lieberman, and County Sheriff cil term affected the outcome of the Caroline Wakefield, all Democrats. "' "I can't even express how great election, but he did get some phone I feel!" he • said. 'I'm "eagerly Closest, attention, locally was paid calls backing him, up:. awaiting to begin." to the contest between Mr. Butter- "There: were a, lot of people that ly and Mr. Darling, both Waiertown Over in the 76th District, it was called in the final days to say we - Mrs.
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