OfficialOfficial Publication Publication of of the the Iowa Iowa National National Guard Guard WinterFall 2011 2012 e Iowa National Guard JCEP = JOB SUCCESS IOWA - KOSOVO PARTNERSHIP GRUELING LEADER TEST Fall 2012 | The Iowa Militiaman | 1 4 Fall 2012 Th e Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Tim Orr Public Aff airs Offi cer Col. Greg Hapgood Building blocks to job success Editor/Designer Master Sgt. Duff McFadden Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden State Photographer Staff Sgt. Chad D. Nelson Contributing Writers/Photographers: Lt. Col. Travis "Chicken" Acheson Features 8 1st Lt. Brandon Cochran by 2nd Lt. Jeremy McClure Th e Iowa Militiaman is an offi cial publication Iowa-Kosovo collaborate authorized under the provisions of AR 360-1. It is Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy L. Harpold published by the Iowa National Guard State Public Aff airs Offi ce and is printed four times annually. News and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Adjutant General 1100 of Iowa or the Department of Defense. Full color version available online at 23rd Bataan Death March publicaff airs/militiaman.htm Master Sgt. Duff E. McFadden Follow the Iowa National Guard on Facebook » Ordnance award to Iowans 7 Staff Sgt. Chad D. Nelson 14 » A grueling leadership test Address all submissions to: Sgt. Adrian Muehe Th e Iowa National Guard Militiaman Magazine State Public Aff airs Offi ce 19 » Classic A-7 Corsair restored 7105 NW 70th Ave. by Master Sgt. Bill Wiseman Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824 or e-mail:
[email protected] 3 TAG Sends Comm: (515) 252-4582 DSN: 431-4582 Maj.