Munich Personal RePEc Archive Zimbabwe’s Currency Crisis: Which Currency To Adopt In The Aftermath Of The Multi-Currency Regime? Makochekanwa, Albert 28 December 2009 Online at MPRA Paper No. 22463, posted 04 May 2010 06:00 UTC ZIMBABWE‘S CURRENCY CRISIS: WHICH CURRENCY TO ADOPT IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE MULTI-CURRENCY REGIME? By MAKOCHEKANWA ALBERT PHD IN ECONOMICS FINALIST UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA SOUTH AFRICA Email:
[email protected]. %eywords: Multi,currency. yperinflation, dollari1ation, currency 2oard, free 2anking 4EL classification: F31, F32, F33, F34, F41, F43 1 Abst act The study presented main features of possi2le currency options which can 2e potentially adopted 2y 7im2a2we in the aftermath of multi,currency regime. The currency options analy1ed are dollari1ation, 8oining the CMA and re,introduction of the 7im2a2we dollar 97:). The proposed management systems to underpin the reintroduction of the 7im2a2wean dollar are currency 2oard, free 2anking and Reserve Bank of 7im2a2we 9RB7). For each of the options analy1ed, the practicality of 7im2a2we in adopting and/or implementing such currency was also explained. Although any of the three options could 2e adopted and implemented, the study considered the options in the following descending order of priority: 9i) dollari1ation, 9ii) retaining the 7$ 2ut under the management system of a currency 2oard, 9iii) 4oining the CMA, 9iv) retaining the 7: under the management of RB7, with the institution having new management, and lastly 9v) free 2anking. 2 1 INTRODUCTION 7im2a2we@s severe and chaotic yperinflation trend in the new millennium and especially from the year 2000 to end of 4anuary 2009 led the country to voluntarily a2andon one of its sovereign sym2ols, its monetary currency, the 7im2a2wean dollar 97:) 2y adopting the use of other foreign currencies as means of payments, unit of account, store of value and standard of deferred payments.