Dynamic Leader Needed at Soldiers' Home
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Serving the city HOLYOKE since 1995 FREE the February 12, 2021 Local news. Local stories. Local advertisers. A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com [email protected] www.sun.turley.com Finance Committee More dynamic leader evaluates rideshare needed at Soldiers’ Home By Shelby Macri ing revenue in 2017 and started [email protected] distributing in 2018, and part of the receipt of the revenue is that the expenditure has to be HOLYOKE – The Finance By Dalton Zbierski Committee discussed the possi- spent on and in certain areas to Staff Writer bility of a municipal ride-share address the impact of transpor- tation network services. Such program after funding was HOLYOKE – Insufficient as municipal roads, bridges, received by the state. leadership enabled the COVID- and other transportation fac- Councilor Rebecca Lisi 19 outbreak at the Soldiers’ tors within the city. Wdowiak filed an order that the Holyoke Home in Holyoke to claim the explained that while they’re City Council create a revolv- lives of at least 76 veterans last receiving revenue they also ing fund for the city’s munici- year. It has become clear that have to report on the revenue, pal ride share funding that was more will be expected out of the so she felt that it’d be benefi- received by the state through next permanent Superintendent. cial for the city to put it in a the Transportation Network On Feb. 9, the Special revolving fund. That way all Company. City Auditor Tanya Joint Oversight Committee on of the revenue from the ride Wdowiak also spoke on this the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke shares are in one area and it’d subject though Finance COVID-19 Outbreak convened be easier to report on. Committee Chair Joesph for the second time in 2021. A After discussion McGiverin explained that they panel of state representatives McGiverin agreed that the should have a discussion, make and senators heard testimo- revolving fund is a sensi- a recommendation, and ask ny from numerous individuals, ble idea and that the need the Ordinance Committee to including multiple members of was there. He suggested put it in legal form as this is a the facility’s Board of Trustees. straightforward item. Wdowiak that the committee adopt the explained that the city gets order and recommend adopt- See SOLDIERS, page 6 revenue from the state for ride ing the revolving fund to the share assessments based on Ordinance Committee to be put company’s like Uber and Lyft. The state started collect- See RIDESHARE, page 3 A Joint Oversight committee is now meeting to discuss issues at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home. File photo Three public schools to receive roof replacements By Shelby Macri The Accelerated Repair cations so they will be the only invited to join the program on that in previous years the city [email protected] Program will be used on roof ones being repaired, but the city Dec. 7 last year and in a recent has received about 79% reim- repairs for three schools in the had used the repair program at press release, it was confirmed bursement from the MSBA HOLYOKE – The Holyoke district: E.N. White, Maurice other schools in previous years. that the city council approved and the Accelerated Repair Public Schools are partnering A. Donahue, and Lt. Clayre P. “We’ve been a part of the $270,000 for the schematic Program, and he believes that with the Massachusetts School Sullivan. program before, I’ve been here design process, and they’ll be they’ll receive the same amount Building Authority in their These schools were chosen 25 years and the first roofing contributing a 20% share of the for this project. There are still Accelerated Repair Program. based on specific criteria of the project was in 1996.” Anderson cost of repairs. a few more steps for the city to Maintenance Administrator program, these three schools said. “It’s all worked out very The MSBA will provide take before the projects begin, Whitney Anderson said that the have roofs 30 years old or older, well in the past and we’ve done the city up to 80% reimburse- Anderson is expecting to start schools have worked with the fitting the criteria. Only those a variety of projects at a vari- ment for the cost of the efforts MSBA on projects previously. three schools met the specifi- ety of schools.” The city was for this program. Anderson said See ROOF, page 5 Virtual Shoebox parade planned HCC president featured HOLYOKE – The Shoebox Parade Party. The Day in Holyoke, a city known Committee to Elect Rebecca virtual Shoebox Parade will throughout the region for its St. in ‘HERstory’ exhibition Lisi, mayoral candidate, today be a COVID-safe community Patrick’s Day Parade and week- launched St. Paddy’s Day event to celebrate St. Patrick’s end festivities. BOSTON second installment “The Holyoke communi- – Holyoke of photos in the ty has suffered a great loss due Community President’s suite to the cancellation of the St. College presi- to acknowledge Patrick’s Day Parade and all its dent Christina the accomplish- corresponding events for two Royal is among ments of women years now due to the COVID-19 the Massachusetts with connections to pandemic,” said Lisi. “There’s women featured in Massachusetts. no way that we could ever a photo exhibition “Every day replace the Parade and all the and story project I go to work in festivities leading up to that in the State House the State House, weekend, but my Committee unveiled today by Christina Royal I am surrounded and I thought that we could cre- Senate President by paintings and ate a small, virtual event that Karen E. Spilka. photos of prominent men could engage families and bring The photo exhibition from Massachusetts’ history,” the community together.” on display in the Senate said Spilka, the third woman Crafting and displaying President’s office suite cele- elected president of the shoebox floats is a popular chil- brates the often-unsung stories Massachusetts State Senate. dren’s event in communities like of women of color through- “The stories of the many, out Massachusetts’ history. A virtual Shoebox Parade is being planned for the St. Patrick’s Day holiday. Submitted photo See PARADE, page 5 “HERstory: Volume II” is the See HERSTORY, page 11 ◗ In The News Tribute show goes virtual at Mt. Holyoke SOUTH HADLEY – The Jazz his start in broadcasting at the age of 15 Ensembles of Mount Holyoke College at radio station WILI, in his hometown of present the 16th edition of The Big Willimantic, CT. He’s worked as a radio Broadcast! on Saturday, March 6 at 2 on-air talent for stations in Hartford, CT; p.m. and 7:30 p.m., in a free streaming Philadelphia, PA; Syracuse, NY; and version of what would have appeared Providence, RI. Brian has a Bachelor’s on the stage of Chapin Auditorium on degree in Television Radio Film the Mount Holyoke College campus in Management from Syracuse University. South Hadley. Now titled The (Little) In addition, he holds a certificate in Big Broadcast, it’s a one-hour tribute to Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi the 1940’s radio show, created by and State University. This is his 14th season directed by Mark Gionfriddo, featuring as WJAZ announcer and emcee “Fred the Mount Holyoke College Big Band, Kelley”. In 2013, the National Weather Vocal Jazz, and Chamber Jazz Ensembles Association named Brian “Broadcaster performing well-known tunes from the of the Year”. swing era and the American songbook. Brian loves performing as “Fred WWLP-TV meteorologist Brian Lapis is Kelley”. “The combination of the emcee “Fred Kelley” for his 14th consec- opportunity for me to perform, the cre- utive season. ative energy of the students and Mark Mount Holyoke College music fac- Gionfriddo, and the great music makes ulty member Mark Gionfriddo originally this far and away my favorite event of the There will be a presentation of “The (Little) Big Broadcast” next month. Submitted photo created The Big Broadcast! for a small year,” he said. “As a ‘student of broad- cabaret group he directed, and incorpo- Big Broadcast! is well-known to area public radio quiz show “Says You!” casting’, I am one who appreciates the rated it into the concert season at Mount concertgoers as a piano soloist, coach/ During the summer, Mark was resident Golden Age of Radio and just how huge- Holyoke College. It has since been desig- accompanist, composer/arranger, con- music director for Berkshire Theatre ly popular these variety shows were in nated as a Signature Event at the college. ductor and music director. A versatile Group for their productions of Peter Pan, their day. I’d like to believe that if I were The (Little) Big Broadcast!, accord- musician, Mark’s knowledge of diverse Seussical the Musical, Mary Poppins, around back in the 1940s, I would have a ing to Gionfriddo, is reconfigured for repertoire includes classical, jazz, rock, Beauty and The Beast, A Christmas gig like Fred Kelley’s.” challenging times. “We’ve got a series and popular music. Mark has been Carol, The Music Man, Tarzan, Shrek the Performance sponsors confirmed to of songs from the golden age of radio, based at Mount Holyoke College since Musical, and the Neil Ellenoff Musical date of The (Little) Big Broadcast! are: along with some radio commercials of 1986 where he is Coordinator of Piano Mondays series. Mark’s production of A Mount Holyoke College, and WWLP- the day. We’re featuring the Glenn Miller Studies for the Department of Music Class Act also appeared off-Broadway at 22News & The CW Springfield.