EXHIBIT 5 Paxson 8/14/2020 AGENDA Committee on Excellence in Athletics Meeting March 12, 2020 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm I. Discussion of Committee Charge (Chris Paxson and Kevin Mundt) II. Briefing on Title IX and other gender issues (Eileen Goldgeier) III. Overview of the competitiveness of each of Brown’s varsity and highly competitive club teams (Jack Hayes) IV. Discussion of current and average roster sizes (comparing Ivy Group and NCAA average rosters), and the allocation of recruiting slots across varsity sports (Jack Hayes) V. Next steps ram: arguen ou <marguen
[email protected]> Date: Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 8:56 PM Subject: Committee on Excellence in Athletics Agenda and Materials To: Christina Paxson <christina
[email protected]>, >, >, Flores, Kathryn Qua racc1 >, Eileen Goldgeier <eileen_go >, Gonzalez, Christine A...---->, erre , eneva <geneva_ferrell@
[email protected]> Dear Members of the Committee on Excellence in Athletics, I am writing to share an agenda and materials in advance of the meeting on Thursday, March 12th. Attached please find the following confidential materials: • Committee charge • Agenda for Thursday's meeting • Background Material on the Athletics Department • Overview of Brown Athletics Buildings and Fields • Presentation on Trtle IX in Athletics As stated in the charge, please do not share any of these documents. The first meeting of the Committee on Excellence in Athletics will be held via Zoom with subsets of the group meeting in person in New York and Providence. A calendar invitation was sent today that contains information on how to join the virtual meeting. Please let me or my colleague Sue Brown know if you have any questions about Zoom.