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SUBJECT: Jack the Ripper FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: JackThe Ripper 92 - &#39; *1 i P &#39;* {"5 O _ July 6, 1988 UNSUB; AKAJACK THERIPPER7 ~ SERIES OF HOMICIDES LONDON, ENGLAND 1888 NCAVC HOMICIDE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVEANALYSIS! The followingcriminal investigativeanalysis was Nationalprepared SupervisoryCenterby for the Analysis SpecialAgent Violentof SSA!John Crime NCAVC!,E.Douglas, FBI Program Managerof Criminal Investigative Analysis.At the torequest prepare ofanCosgrove-Meurer analysisof a 100-yearold, Productions,SSA Douglasunsolved was serial murderrequested &#39;case that "Jack the Ripper."occurred C Thishistorical casewas knownas- SSA Douglas was providedbasic backgroundinformation relative toeach case;however, it is noted thatforensic today,technology werenonexistent otherand investigativea century ago. techniques, Medicalexaminers we as knowof reports wereincomplete, crimescene photography was used typesparingly, ofthoroughness andpolice investigative evidencedtoday.reports _ donot reflectthe Whena case is submitted forinvestigative analysis, the reliabilitythoroughnessanddisplayed validityby theof the medicaloverall analysisexaminers,technicians,is hinged on completeinvestigators,as cases submitted etc.Although todayby muchmaterialsprovided more sophisticated werenot as law enforcementinformationby making agencies,certainSSA Douglas probablefilled assumptions. in the missingpieces of This analysiswill addressthe followingareas: _ Victimologycrime andcrime or scene profileanalysis; of victims; offendermedical traits andexaminer&#39;s findings; characteristics; andpre- post-offense behavioral patterns; investigative and/orproactive techniques;and interview] v interrogation suggestions. v A Ratherthan address each homicideseparately, &#39; 1 homicidesSSA Douglas as a commentswhole. willrelate tothe entireseries of ! ;..._<__-=_I .;-:-5-.,»_:».: - .,~-&#39;- ~ ~ ~.&#39;.;_~-.13.; = 1. ; &#39;_ -. r s§E§§¥h%%%$a2;ss§§<£a%a$wa¢?*ws%:@ir*zw._ ;;-:~.¢.¢~:.-.-.-"1:.§a:_;§§&#39;=-"&#39;-=.=:.&#39;_{3-<-,.:~ . - .L s T" _&#39;" &#39; " . ._"&#39;-I¢. .. ~. :1 Q;-. -I=_ - ie=--" - " 11!.-1-5.=?:?".3-&#39;f92":&#39;-Y-T3 " #:5?~4&#39; »- -_ _ ,&#39;: ?§§&§%§g&a*4<7%a5;paeS§ &#39; :r~a¥..», &#39; &#39; ._ :-~ -..~;~=-. - L---v, 7,;-;.v.--*-.2"-&#39;.&#39;§. V nw»wq»y~¢;~.~. ~~-.-.. -, 1*. .&#39;._.-,~.~..--.- v1,-.- ."4. .¥|- ,¢»A.. »- "§-,<&#39;,}pf1&#39;92"&#39;».-;.;,-_>_~_ _~..- . 45.,».. ».~ &#39;31.;" - _ _. H __ &#39;- ;j!=:;-$3- .1 15,21 ,_;¢<;--.--.-,1 .-_:-;$1 -;,_. ;T¢,».>&#39;-I.»&#39;+&#39;.~m#=1.*-*5.-1"_!i~~.-:_~ 4 92.;_..; ,.»»1~.&#39;.;.a--- -¢>;.pg-&#39;.1,_¢>&#39;--5"-.. -~.1-.. ~-== -i - ~ &#39;-» " ~- . --_ * &#39;~ ~* * - " I 92 - 0 i gt. it. _ .~ p - 0 - . -.,.._. 4 ,2? . &#39;.. N, y W_ g_p _ } 1 92 - . 1 VICTIMOLOGY qf In each homicide, the victim was a prostitute with a reputation of drinking quite heavily. These two ingredients place the victim in a "high risk" category. By "high risk," we define this as someonewho is very likely to be the victim of 92 violent crime. From aninvestigative perspective, this makes it F extremely difficult in reference to developing logical suspects. From a forensic viewpoint, if any evidence is obtained such as hairs and fibers, semen, etc., law enforcement would not know for certain if this evidence did in fact come from the subject. One hundred years ago, prostitution was not as organized as it is today, where wehave pimpscontrolling, monitoring, and protecting their stables. During the "Jack the Ripper" era, women worked independently.A femaleprostitute who drank heavily was looking for trouble. Wewould suspect that E? ..; there werenumerous instancesof these womenbeing physically 3 assaulted, raped, and ripped off. .4 Prostitutes 100 years ago did not dress differently I than other women at that time. In most cases, they performed I their "services" in dark alleys or in "flop" houses. The prostitutes targetedby Jackthe Ripperwere nearly twice the age of prostitutes soliciting today. They were not particularly attractive and other than their age, there were no striking similarities between them. It is noted that the last victim was 25.! The "Jack the Ripper" victims were targeted because they were readily accessible. Jack the Ripper did not have to »| initiate the contact. This wasdone for him bythe prostitute. This is an important feature in a case such as this and will be i addressed later on in this analysis under "Offender Traits and Characteristics." MEDICAL EXAMINATION i As stated earlier, the medical examinations conducted at that time werenot very thorough whencompared to autopsy examinations conducted today by experienced forensic . pathologists. However, evenin some parts of the United states today, autopsy examinations are something less than desired. The primary areas noted in this analysis were as follows: i l. No evidence of sexual assault. &#39; 2. Subject killed victims swiftly. 1 _2_ _ sass» - A . - - a "r rt r " x .>..~=;g>.-"I. -"1... -&#39;,¢..<., »---;,._.-_-La. &#39; ; .,_y __ -- , _wh¢w,h,W%dH_,&_.~_,_ ...x>._--_-.5---¢92_.-.1_-,,_»,--&#39;.~;;., . , ,,_; -&#39;.&#39;Y___-.__,_< *»92¢-.<.--.-~;. _,"..__ ! J!&#39; _* r .. _ &#39;. -&#39;l-r-f3?w&#39;&#39;*§;f§?&#39;<"i""*§&#39;5 "i?T-I!&#39;?~;.._§;1&#39;.&#39;.if:-._. ,__ 4 &#39; =- cw -.1 _-&#39;:._- ., . _ - .~&#39;@.-<*»~-~~ ..- .~,-=-- -.-- . < -< --., ;» . »~..:_, .- »-"*-&#39;~"&#39;~3.¬<§~.-;,,§§;;~,*r-<1:-»<~ . ~<.._ _. ..,..~_ &#39;:-.. - -"P3-.&#39;*&#39;0~ l::9292&#39;5 KW if §°"3-&#39;5" ~ - »~ » TT 1 i - &#39;1&#39;.*.*;:~;~l.&#39;.-___-:__j 1-.._-__92_;_~,;;;~w; ,92:_. .-,- -.__§.1g:._;_~~ .. 1-r;,&#39;-k&#39;;;-_.:..._1§_,_§_>92_-f§- ~, = .L~_,_.§: ;_i-_-_§;:_-1;;-.1; .¢. _~:- -1&#39;1.!; .,_._,; _f- _- <*"-es - .~I-E1: -~ J i I .-: .*~.-¢a»~>;;_;&#39;;-:;=¢-4»~=&#39;~-92.5&#39;§§;¢e.2,=,¢=&#39;-1*"-&#39; .,--<~»&#39;= ~ ... ~ *&#39;:.&#39;t".2-."=<.<1-1.- fa &#39;* 3 &#39; 92 - .&#39;..-.- . _,. , , .~- ~_ - . I - _ . -"- ,n &#39;4 - . ll 92 4 - 3. Subject was able to maintain control of . victims during the initial "blitz style" of attack. - 4. Subject removedbody organs i.e., kidney, vagina, nose!on someof the victims, indicating some anatomical knowledge. 5. No evidence of physical torture prior to death. 6. Postmortem- . mutilation. 7. Possible manual strangulation. 8." Blood from victims was concentrated in small areas. _ » 9. Rings weretaken fromone of the victims. p 10. The last victim was killed indoors and was the most mutilated. Subject spent a considerable amount of time at the scene. ll. Time of death was in the early morning hours. The abovelistedautopsy findingswill contribute to the overall offender analysisthat will be addressed lateron in this report. CRIME ANDCRIME SCENEANALYSIS with the exception of the last case, all victims were killed outdoors. All victims were killed swiftly, with the victims consequentlyreceiving postmortemmutilation. All homicides occurredwithin onefourthof a mile fromeach other and occurredeither onFriday, Saturday,or Sunday during early morning hours.After thefirst homicideat WhitechapelStation, the subjectmoved slightlyacross town onefourth ofa mile!. If a line is drawn from crimescenes 2,3, 4, and 5,a triangular configurationis formed. This is observed in other types of serial crimes. This triangular configurationis viewed as a - secondarycomfort zonefor the Ripper. This movement is caused when subjecta believesthat the investigationis heating up in his primarycomfort zone.The primarycomfort zonewould bethe location ofthe first homicide in the vicinity of Whitechapel station. It is the opinion ofthis crimeanalyst thatthere were other attacksin the Whitechapelarea that either wentunreported or for some reasonwere notconsidered byauthorities to be crimes of Jack the Ripper. -3- _ 5.. _,-:.j~:¢Z.-".";~. _ ¢ = _ :, _¢. &#39; "&#39;1-&#39;=_&#39;-~<-<~.>=g;.-&#39;;;¢!3;<=».1"1"":§&#39;-&#39;14.. W._.. C,,~ V , ., ~:-W 92. -! --. &#39;r .- _92.~ -&#39;-.; V. :1>. .. 4 .&#39; -q __;f;,-&#39;,>.;:~.,_-:*»&#39;*.=<;?&#39;¢*?=»1%¢<%:*?§12§92§§.;.v§£:§&;r=;-vi12¢ -__-.. v &#39;..;~_.f.__,1./_~92-=;- "~;92;.--=3»-.."&#39; ._;&#39;;¬41:&#39;-~7&#39;_i">,,:;-~. ,§-I #4" _~ -7&1 .~_-,y_&#39;I&#39;_=.,.. ;:..v;&#39;;;_,~~1;__».&#39;.-&#39;-.,_~ *1-.,;;>;;,_92."I;;L,:j&#39;-;;_ ._>- --_...-._¢, -_ -&#39;-,>_ 195:"f». IE7-_-_&#39;.___ _&#39;_-~_;_-_ » &#39; r.:..»_ V - " - &#39; &#39;. - __ &#39; __ _ __..;.j&#39;-4 --» S- 4"T-.~~.7.92---.-3,~lTff;-l.§¢. -_~34-I r 92 J .. r .¢.»-1 ¢§a&#39; "~ ié"*.;"" " , ;..,-»..s .. .. 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This is learned behavior. However,the personaldesires andneeds ofthe subject are expressed in the ritual aspect of a crime. The ritual is something that he must always do because it is the acting out of the fantasy. With Jack the Ripper, the target selection, the approach, the method of his initial attack, are his modus operandi. What takes place after this is the ritual. The ritual may becomemore elaborate as*was in the last homicide case. Here, the Ripper had time to act out his fantasies. As investigators, we should notnecessarily expectthe sametype of homicides in the future, particularly if subsequent victims are killed outdoors.
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