Operation ME11BERS 1
• • -- i A merica j C lz. e:Jd rJewdpapel' Copy:ig;,? 1959 b y U nited St a tes Chess Federation Vol. XIV, No.3 Monday, October 5. 1959 15 Cents Lombardy Wins U. S. Seeded Event William Lombardy, former World Junior Chess Champion. achieved Cyor-1924 NAGY one of the greatest triumphs of an already brilliant career, by winning Conducted by the U.S. Seeded Championship of 1959, topping nine other masters nnd grandmasters in this star-studded event sponsored by E. Forry Laueks in honor of the Log Cabin Chess Club's 25th Anniversary. Lorn· FRED M. WREN bardy won five games and drew foul' for his 7·2 score, and for the 1st Editor CHESS LIFE Prize of $1 ,200. The favored international grandmaster, Pal Benko, who had finished a half·point ahead of Lombardy in the recent Greater New York Open, In thc diagram at right White had to be content with a reversal of standings, which found him in tossed away a fairly easy win by second place with a score of 6% ·2%, compiled by winning four and drawing five games. Benko's grief at finishing out of first place was playing 1. Q·B8ch. After deciding probably somewhat assuaged hy the magnificent second prize of $1,000. wh<Jt he should have played, turn Also undefeated, with three wins and six draws, and a score of 6·3, came grandmaster Larry Evans, former U.S. Champion, to take third to page 8 (col. 1) to see how Black place and a $500. prize.
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