Edward H. H. Carlile. The undermentioned Captains to be Edward J. Upton. Majors: — John W. Scott. Dated 19th September, The undermentioned Second Lieutenants 1914. to be Lieutenants (temporary). Dated Brian C. B. Molloy (temporary). Dated 19th November, 1914: 29th September, 1914. William P. Robertson. Hubert C. Pilkington. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Leicestershire (Prince Albert's Own). Captains (temporary) : — Guy Rupert Finch Dawson (late Second Robert E. U. Hermon-Hodge. Dated Lieutenant of this ) to be Lieu- 19th September, 1914. tenant (temporary). Dated 3rd November, The Honourable Arthur G. Child-Villiers. 1914. Dated 29th September, 1914. The undermentioned to be1 Second Lieu- tenants : — The undermentioned Second Lieutenants Frederick Anthony Holmes Part (late to be Lieutenants: — Second Lieutenant, ). Dated Horatio A. Fane. Dated 19th Septem- 5th October, 1914. ber, 1914. Private Philip Musgrave Toulmin, from Wilfred Pepper. Dated 19th September, the Northamptonshire . Dated 1914. 19th November, 1914. Geoffrey H. Palmer. Dated 19th Septem- Second Lieutenant William Lindsay ber, 1914. Everard, from the 5th Battalion, Leicester- James J. Pearce. Dated 29th September, shire Regiment. Dated 19th November, 1914. 1914. Quartermaster and Honorary Major The appointment of Second Lieutenant Brighton W. Lidington is seconded. Dated John ,J. Ryan, which appeared in the 30th September, 1914. London Gazette of the 28th October, 1914, ; the undermentioned Majors is cancelled. are seconded: — Lincolnshire; Quartermaster and Honorary Charles C. Clifton. Dated 22nd August, Major Joseph Cowen, Retired List (late The 1914. Lincolnshire Regiment), to be Quarter- Ian A. Finlay. Dated 8th October, 1914. master, with the honorary rank of Lieu- George R. de Heriez-Smith. Dated 8th tenant. Dated 20th October, 1914. October, 1914. 1st County of London (Middlesex, Duke of (The Duke of York's Own Loyal Suf- Cambridge's Hussars); Captain James J. folk Hussars); Henry Wroughton Toulmin McEnnery to be Major (temporary). Dated to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 19th 19th November, 1914. November, 1914. Lothians and Border Horse. Westmorland and Cumberland; the appoint- Charles Henry Scott-Plummer (late Cap- 1 ment of Second Lieutenant William P. Wild, tain, The King's Own Scottish Borderers) which appeared in the London Gazette of the to be Major (temporary). Dated 22nd Sep- 2nd November, 1914, is cancelled. tember, 1914. Captain Mark Sprot, 2nd Royal Wiltshire (The Prince of 's Own () (Special Reserve), to Royal Regiment); Lieutenant Richard E. O. be Captain and Adjutant. Dated 19th Long is seconded. Dated 28th September, November, 1914. 1914. Northamptonshire; the appointment of Second Yorkshire Dragoons (Queen's Own): Robert Lieutenant Alexander B. Campbell, which Anderson Telford to be Second Lieutenant. appeared in the London Gazette of the 3rd Dated 26th October, 1914. November, 1914, is cancelled. ROYAL HOUSE ARTILLERY. Northumberland (Hussars); John Louis Met- calfe Ames (late Lieutenant, The Northum- Berkshire; Lieutenant Claude O. Goodchild to berland Fusiliers) to be Captain (tempo- be Captain (temporary). Dated 30th Octo- rary). Dated 16th October, 1914. ber, 1914. Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Bangers); Thomas ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. Fortescue Crawshay Frost (late Cadet, Gresham School Contingent, Junior Divi- 1st East Anglian Brigade; Claude Lindsay sion, Officers Training Corps) to be Second Corry (late Lieutenant, Reserve of Officers) Lieutenant. Dated 17th October, 1914. to be Lieutenant (temporary). Dated 19th November, 1914. Nottinghamshire (South Nottinghamshire Hussars). 2nd East Anglian Brigade. Benjamin Herbert Piercy' (late1 Major, Captain Robert A. Hat-ton to be Major (Hussars) Yeomanry) to be Dated 19th November, 1914. Major (temporary). Dated 26th October, Second Lieutenant Herbert R. G. Brooks 1914. to be Lieutenant. Dated 19th November, Second Lieutenant John Jardine to be 1914. Captain (temporary). Dated 5th Septem- Second Lieutenant William G. Trower to ber, 1914. be Lieutenant. Dated 19th November, Oxfordshire (Queen's Own Oxfordshire 1914. 1st Home Counties Brigade. Major The Honourable Eustace E. Twis- Christopher Henry Jose (late Lieutenant leton-Wykeham-Fiennes is seconded. Dated of this brigade) .to be Lieutenant. Dated 29th September, 1914. 23rd September, 1914.