Du Cericentre D'études
les études du Ceri Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales The Technocratic Trajectory and Political Instability of Mauritania 2003-2011 Boris Samuel The Technocratic Trajectory and Political Instability of Mauritania, 2003-2011 Abstract In 2004 the government of Mauritania admitted that for the past ten years its national macroeconomic and financial data had been falsified. This admission revealed a small part of the fraudulent practices that took place during the Taya era which ended in 2005. But it also showed that the economic management of this “good student” had become ensnared in true “bureaucratic anarchy.” Beginning in 2005, when the democratic transition should have enabled the public administration’s house to be put in order, reforms were often motivated by a desire to improve the image of the regime and were thus less than effective. Then, following the elections of 2007, and in the midst of financial scandals, the government developed a technocratic approach which alienated the Mauritanian public who perceived a power vacuum. A new coup d’Etat occurred during the summer of 2008. The “Rectification Movement” of general Abdel Aziz acquired legitimacy as a result of its fight against terrorism in Sahel. Employing populist rhetoric and adopting the moral high ground in the fight against rampant corruption, the Movement favored lax management of resources and tight, even authoritarian, control of public finances. Trajectoire technocratique et instabilité politique en Mauritanie, 2003-2011 Résumé En 2004, le gouvernement mauritanien avouait que les statistiques macroéconomiques et financières nationales étaient falsifiées depuis plus de dix ans. Cet épisode levait un coin du voile sur les pratiques frauduleuses de l’ère Taya, renversé en 2005.
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