Annual Report 2015 UKBMS Annual Report 2015 The UKBMS UKBMS partners The UKBMS is run by Butterfly Conservation (BC), the Centre Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Maclean for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), and the British Trust for Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB Ornithology (BTO), in partnership with the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), and supported and steered by Forestry Commission (FC), Natural England (NE), Natural Butterfly Conservation, Manor Yard, Resources Wales (NRW), Northern Ireland Environment Agency East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP (DOENI), and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The members of the UKBMS SG in 2015 were Tom Brereton (BC), British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, David Roy (CEH), David Noble (BTO), Deborah Procter and Anna Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU Robinson (JNCC), Keith Porter (NE), Dylan Lloyd (NRW), Simon Foster (SNH), Julia Garritt (FC) and John O’Boyle (DOENI). Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Team Peterborough, PE1 1JY Overall project management, conservation uses, biodiversity indicators Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Dr Tom Brereton, Butterfly Conservation, Klondyke Building, Cromac Avenue, Gasworks Business Park, Belfast, BT7 2JA, Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP. Northern Ireland. Tel: 01929 406019, email:
[email protected] CEH project management and research