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QTR_03 12 A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE BOEING EDGE In-Service Supplier Support 787 Propulsion System Reducing Runway Landing Overruns New Process for Component Removal Reduction Securing Airline Information on the Ground and in the Air Cover photo: 737-800 Engine Fan Blades AERO Contents 03 E nhancing Suppliers’ In-Service Support to Airlines Airline assessments of supplier performance enhance airplane support. 05 787 Propulsion System The 787 Dreamliner is powered by new-generation engines that offer improvements in fuel consumption, 05 noise, and emissions. 15 Reducing Runway Landing Overruns A combination of procedural improvements, flight crew knowledge, and flight deck enhancements help mitigate runway overrun excursions during landing. 21 15 N ew Process for Component Removal Reduction Automating the component removal reduction process can save considerable time and help operators reduce main- tenance costs. 25 Securing Airline Information on the Ground and in the Air 21 Protecting information and technology has become an operational requirement for airlines. 25 01 WWW.BOEING.COM/BOEINGEDGE/AEROMAGAZINE I ssue 47 _Quarter 03 | 2012 AERO Publisher Design Cover photography Editorial Board Shannon Myers Methodologie Jeff Corwin Don Andersen, Gary Bartz, Richard Breuhaus, David Carbaugh, Justin Hale, Darrell Hokuf, Al John, Doug Lane, Jill Langer, Russell Lee, Duke McMillin, Editorial director Writer Printer Keith Otsuka, David Presuhn, Wade Price, Jerome Schmelzer, Jill Langer Jeff Fraga ColorGraphics Corky Townsend
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