B. of E's. $42300 Plans for New High School Feared To
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,. ,11 I.,,«il Coverage News, Pictures x \,-wspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly ( ,|H. <,,mmunity Interest enbent - leaber And Impartially Each Week in SA iin.I ('|.,.,,, M ,||,,r WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1951 i.M Kvcry TburMny (PIH.T. \v llui.l,;,., \ Sired, W,xiilliiM(ti\ N .!. PRICE FJVF, CENTS •v Lack Town Starts Plans for Memorial Day Observance; Raid Alarm Hinder Tumulty, Hudson County Solon, Invited to Speak B. of E's. $42,300 Plans WOODMlinGF, — T. James assisted by Thomas Kath Sr., winding u;i at the monument In Test Slated Tumulty, Democratic Assembly- Stephen Thompson, Henry D. honor of the dead of both World man from Jersey (Illy, has been Nelson, William A, Gardner, Wars In the section of the park I ight invited to bo the principal speak- George F.sslk, John A. Kuhlman near Amboy Avenue. Saturday K.J er ;it thr traditional Memorial and Alfred Ryrrmha. For New High School It is expected that this year DM V exercises In Woodbridgc Stephen Thompson of Wood- an additional speaker will be on Park May 30. .11 Sirens and Wtiistles i bridge Post, American Legion, the program, probably a national Tito Hudson County represen- and Julius Prohaska,, chief of representative of the Veterans of To be Sounded at 12; f Miniated tative. Is a graduate of Fordhnm Foreign Wars. Mayor August F. Wnodbridge Fire Company No. 1, System Is Augmented War (lost Unlvrnv>y, Seton Hall College have been appointed parade Greiner will give the address of Feared to be Unusable and .Inlin Marshall CMjeire of marshals. welcome and Woodbridge High A. .;,.; \ meetlnK Is ti.fi. He. was first' ele^d to the I'm ticlpantJ. In the parade are School b'ludents will participate WOODBRIDGE—A test of all ' night aswmbly In November, '1943. asked to report to the marshals in the program. Wreaths will be ivll defense sirens and whistles nR Mroz vlli be conducted Saturday around n Vincent Chaney Is chairman at Woodbridgc flrehouse the day placed at the monument by rep- .,,.,..; of the Middle of Ihe Memorial Day • arrange- of the parade. As usual, the pa- resentative* of veterans' groups, iooh, Hqgh B. Qulgley, chairman Who'll Pick [/piState School Head Reveal* of the Township Civil • Defense ,, (|1iii.o Extermlna- ments committee and he in being rade will begin at 10 o'clock, and their auxiliaries. .,, m an effort to Committee, announced today. , ,ii|ipovt from the In addition the entire communi- He Has 'Yet to See' Any , Township's new Forgets to Lower Booingor(Jg :ations set-up will be tested, in- Tab of $42,300 •iimiittoii program. Essay Honors Won :ludlng six amateur, radio stations ;-!M , in this year WdWide CCarnage IIt CausedCd ind a corpa- of 40 motorcycles Concrete Local Proposal '•nli-d $2,500 to rhlch will be spotted around the If Plans Bust? '„ i i he pesty moa- By School Pupils WOODBRIDQE — Consider- In Water Pressure "ownshlp. , .,.„:. with officials able damage to three cars, a WOODBRIDGE - Will the WOODBRIDGE—The Township Board of Education ap- house and telephone and Public New sirens have been installed ;m,ir(l, of Kcyport. WOODBRIDGE—Essays written WOODBRIDGE — An appeal to Board of Education have to re- parently has no usable plans for the proposed new high Service wires was done Monday at the Woodbridge flrehouse on Sewaren last'by two freshman students at the Board of Public Utilities wll Bchool Street and School No. 7 in imburse the Federal Govern- .school, despite the fact that $42,300 has been paid for them, Woodbrldge HlRh School and pub- afternoon when the boom on a be made by the Board of Health In ment to the tune of $42,300 for it was revealed at a conference with Commissioner of Edu- li,.HI. results, re- truck ripped down wires. Fords. ;,.,,,t $3.500-will**' Ustai-in "Young America Speaks," an effort to secure Increased water Woodbrldge high school plans if cation John H. Bosshart last week. Attending were Town- V, ii' the annual Anthology of High The boom was on a truck pressure for the residents of .Mr. Qulgley also announced that the plans aren't jjsed?.. ', ;iic most-needed 1 men are taking the police in- snip Attorney B. W. Vogel, Committeeman George Mroz School Essays, have been selected driven by Frank Klimm, 47,1197 Woodland, Grant and Summit Grand Concourse, New York structor's course under the direc- This is still an unanswered . and'Township'Engineer Hownrfl ,• iiicern has made by a board of judges to appear in avenues In the Fords section. question. City, and owned by Herosa At a meeting of the health board tion of Patrolmen Joseph Sipos j Madison, representing ihr Town ,, of the Township a bound book on Americanism and and Joseph Dalton, who have been The sum was paid to Pierson I Committee, and J. H. Thayer Mar- Peace. Haulage Warehouse Corporation, Tuesday, Health Officer Harold J. .iinl spots which New York City.' assigned to the work by Police and MacWilliam, Board of Edu- Memorial tin, counsel for the Board of Edu- Ir.ist 1.0 fogRlngs The students are Miss Anna Bailey reported that residents in cation architects, early in 1947 Two cars in a used car lot of the area have difficulty with wate Chief George E. Keating. Approxi- cation, Commlsloner Wlnflrkl Firm mum- starting be- Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Suburban Auto Sales at the mately 10 first aid classes are in with the stipulation that if a and Supervising Principal Victor '.,n(l June 15. de-Edward T. Mann, 57 Correja Ave- pressure and sometimes find 11 high school were constructed the CeremonySaturday Intersection of Amboy Avenue Impossible In the morning hour: progress throughout the Township. C. Nicking. , much rain falls. nue, Iselin, and Miss Sandra War- and Campbell Street were dam- The civil defense head also re board must reimburse the.Fed- ,,, as follows: Sec-field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to draw sufficient water to "mak PERTH AMBOY—Dedication of The conference was called on a aged by fallen wires as was a ported that Joseph Dambach, chtel eral Government. Althounh no suggestion made by Senntor Vowel ivwaren and the Walter Warneld, 165 (freeman a pot of coffee." complete, usable set of second the Dr. Frank C. Henry Jr. Memo- car owned by May Hosseny, 409 "The difficulty seems to ba," de of auxiliary 'firemen, has his de •Iftl Wine at the Perth Amboy Gen- who protested igalnst 15-year i',jii Heading; sec- Street, Woodbridge. Both are mem- Alden Road, Avenel, and parked partment fully organized and In plane is as yt't available, It is <, ;ind all the area bers of Mrs. Irving Ooodstein's dared Mr. Bailey, "that the Urn 'i'(il Hospltnl will tnke plRce Sat- financing, of the $2,000,000 which nt the intersection of Amboy structions are now being given. understood they are In process, the Board Is seeking to borrow. ; Avenue back to English class. is small and old, and that the apparently with the Idea that urday at 2 P. M. at nn outdoor Avenue and Dunham Place. The Middlesex Water Company is ceremony in front of the recently The Township Attorney pointed ...i :i. Rahway Ave- roof support on a house owned Federal funds will' not have to ;,, vl.uicl up to the In making the announcement afraid to put on more pressure, completed four-story addition. out that with the financing of a the National Essay Association of by F. P, Bartow, 160 Dunham be repaid If entirely new plans Sewer Disposal plant facing the ml especially the It has become progressively worse are used. In the event of rain, Charles E. AnSeh wrote to Mrs. Good- Place, was also damaged. as the new housing development! Mossman Elected Gregory, president of the Board of Township as well as the construc- , .v:i?c outlet; se-c- However, last year J. H, IIills Road, heavily stein ns follows; "As this choice are constructed. I called the wate: Governors, announced that the tion of new schools it is a ques- was made from over a million company and then on April 3 Thayer Martin, board attorney. ceremony will be shifted to the tion of the ability of the taxpayer spots; sec- Commander of DAV expressed the opinion, "The ,s between Main manuscripts and only about 500 wrote a letter asking immedlati auditoi'lum'of Mis Middlesex Coun- to pay the bill, He said the pres- will appear In this book, it should Unlicensed Autos board should bear In mind that sure on the taxpayer would be ichlKhway near steps be taken to remedy the situ WOODBRIDGE — Thomas C ty Vocational School No. 2 on New be considered quite an honor. ation. I received no answer, Th any advance must be repaid Brunswick Avenue. impossible and suggested that the ertion 6, Keas- Mossman was elected commander when and as the board secures The book is a symposium of what other day I received nine calls Dwisht R. G. Palmer, chairman'! bond Issue be permitted to "run Americanism is and stands for andTarget of Keating of Woodbridge Memorial Chapter, legal authority to undertake an hour's time from residents DAV, at a meeting held in the of the board of directors of the the full gamut of 35 years." He list itemized contains some excellent works on construction." Thus, If.the first General Cable Corporation, Will be WOOMlMDHR - Police Chief Woodland Avenue complainin Memorial Municipal Building. plans cannot be used—and Mr. also objected to appropriating •, urs the Keyport the subject.