Tools to Learn & Teach the Web - Online Northwest 2015 WEB LITERACY: USING & SHARING DYNAMIC TOOLS TO LEAR N & TEACH THE WEB - Tim Miller - General Reference & Instruction Librarian - Humboldt State University -
[email protected] - @tmillerLibrary Listing of quality tools to learn & teach about the Web. From creating content to understanding Internet Protocols. All resources are free and many are open- some are free/libre open source software (FLOSS), some freeware, and some are freemium. Tutorials/Courses URL Description Type Try jQuery (created by Code School) Learn the basics of using Instruction: video-heavy, jQuery and quite a bit limited written about the DOM tree as Work: tasks well Codecademy- HTML/CSS Basics of how web pages Instruction: Written w/ racks/web are constructed simple tasks Work: tasks & projects Codecademy- Javascript Basic programming with Instruction: Written w/ racks/javascript JS simple tasks Work: tasks & projects Codecademy- jQuery Basic application of jQuery Instruction: Written w/ racks/jquery to web dev simple tasks Work: tasks & projects Khan Academy - programming Uses JavaScript to teach Instruction: video mputing/cs fundamentals of Work: exercises - largely programming- not specific focused on animation for to web development JS Mozilla Developer References, tutorials and Written references and US/ tools to learn HTML, CSS, tutorials with suggested JS and more exercises MS Virtual Academy http://www.microsoftvirtualacade Tutorials on a wide variety Videos- many very of CS topics lengthy; quizzes to assess _MVA_FY14_MVA comprehension; 1 References URL Type W3Schools HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, etc.