Enumerative Geometry and Geometric Representation Theory
Enumerative geometry and geometric representation theory Andrei Okounkov Abstract This is an introduction to: (1) the enumerative geometry of rational curves in equivariant symplectic resolutions, and (2) its relation to the structures of geometric representation theory. Written for the 2015 Algebraic Geometry Summer Institute. 1 Introduction 1.1 These notes are written to accompany my lectures given in Salt Lake City in 2015. With modern technology, one should be able to access the materials from those lectures from anywhere in the world, so a text transcribing them is not really needed. Instead, I will try to spend more time on points that perhaps require too much notation for a broadly aimed series of talks, but which should ease the transition to reading detailed lecture notes like [90]. The fields from the title are vast and they intersect in many different ways. Here we will talk about a particular meeting point, the progress at which in the time since Seattle I find exciting enough to report in Salt Lake City. The advances both in the subject matter itself, and in my personal understanding of it, owe a lot to M. Aganagic, R. Bezrukavnikov, P. Etingof, D. Maulik, N. Nekrasov, and others, as will be clear from the narrative. 1.2 The basic question in representation theory is to describe the homomorphisms arXiv:1701.00713v1 [math.AG] 3 Jan 2017 some algebra A matrices , (1) Ñ and the geometric representation theory aims to describe the source, the target, the map itself, or all of the above, geometrically. For example, matrices may be replaced by correspondences, by which we mean cycles in X X, where X is an algebraic variety, or K-theory classes on X X et cetera.
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