Health and the Roma Community, Analysis of the Situation in Europe
Health and the Roma Community, FSG Cuaderno Técnico nº 97 Técnico FSG Cuaderno analysis of the situation in Europe Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Financed by: Health and the Roma Community, analysis of the situation in Europe. in Europe. of the situation analysis Health and the Roma Community, Health and the Roma Community, analysis of the situation in Europe Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain Title: HEALTH AND THE ROMA COMMUNITY, ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION IN EUROPE. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain Published by: • EFXINI POLI – Local Authorities for Social, Cultural, Tourist, Environmental and Agricultural Development. Greece. • FSG – Fundación Secretariado Gitano. Spain. • OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL FOR ROMA COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. Czech Republic. • PDCS – Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia. • REAPN – Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza/Portugal . • ROMANI CRISS – Roma Center for Social Interventions and Studies. Romania. • THRPF – The Health of Romany People Foundation. Bulgaria. Coordinated by: Fundación Secretariado Gitano Health Area. Nuria Serrano Rodriguez. Nuria Rodríguez Derecho. Edited by: Fundación Secretariado Gitano C/ Ahijones s/n 28018 Madrid (Spain) Tel-0034914220960 Designed and printed by: A.D.I. Depósito legal: GU-464/2009 ©FSG Madrid 2009 Cuadernos Técnicos Nº 97 This document arises from the project HEALTH AND THE ROMA COMMUNITY: ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION IN EUROPE which received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Public Health Programme. The views expressed herein are those of individual authors and can therefore in no way be taken to refl ect the offi cial opinion of the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.
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