Notice of a meeting of Killamarsh Parish Council SPORTS CENTRE COMMITTEE To be held at 4pm on Thursday 15th January 20 in the CLUB ROOM at the Killamarsh Sports Centre


1. To receive apologies for absence As known at the time of the agenda: None

2. Declaration of members interests To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests to declare in subsequent items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time.

3. In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, S1, the Council is to determine which items, if any, should be taken with the public excluded.

4. Public Speaking A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public to put forward their questions. Technically, in line with the Standing Orders, only 3 minutes per member is agreed. Councillors should not respond to, or debate any questions raised. Following this time, if members of the public have any questions or comments, they should await the next Committee meeting or put their questions or comments in writing to the Parish Office.

5. Approval of accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held 5th December 19 - attached

6. NEDDC Subsidy reduction scheme proposal - update

7. Sports Centre report - attached a) Membership & demographic report b) New members c) Block bookings d) Non paid bookings since last SCC meeting e) EZ system update

8. Sports Centre Marketing

9. Road entrance - attached

10. Items from committee members to be included in the next agenda

11. Time and date of next meeting To be decided by the committee

Item 5 SCC 15.01.20

Minutes of Killamarsh Parish Council SPORTS CENTRE COMMITTEE Meeting held at 9.30am on Thursday 5th December 19 in the CLUB ROOM at the Killamarsh Sports Centre

Present: Cllr S Clough (Chairman), Cllr M Potts, Cllr L Robinson, Cllr N Whitehead, Darren Hibberd – Operations Manager, David Knapton, Sports Supervisor, Alana Morris – Minute Taker

1. To receive apologies for absence Cllr Mullins

2. Declaration of members interests None applicable.

3. In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, S1, the Council is to determine which items, if any, should be taken with the public excluded. There were no items proposed.

4. Public Speaking There were no members of the public present.

5. Approval of accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held 13th November 19 The accuracy of the minutes was agreed unanimously. It was noted that Cllr Potts asked the Clerk to cascade the safeguarding policy to staff not to write one.

6. NEDDC Subsidy reduction scheme proposal – update The Operations Manager gave a verbal overview of the progress made.

7. Sports Centre report a) Membership & demographic report The report was noted. b) New members The information was noted. c) Block bookings The information was noted. d) Non paid bookings since last SCC meeting The information was noted. e) EZ system update It was noted that work is ongoing. f) Sports hall lighting update It was noted that the work is now completed and we are awaiting receipt of the grant funds.

8. Safeguarding training The Operations Manager updated on the training received.

9. Disabled access Information for the reasons for removal of the automatic doors was noted. The Operations Manager is to ensure that the assistance intercom button is clearly labelled and to look into grant funding for disability audit once the NEDDC report has been published..

10. Astroturf Maintenance It was agreed to recommend to the Finance Committee to include 50% provision for the Astroturf rejuvenation in the 20/21 budget.

11. Sports Centre Marketing January promotions were discussed as well as ideas to get the local schools involved.

12. Smoke free policy It was agreed to recommend the policy to the Full Parish Council and to relocate the smoke bin away from the front door.

Item 5 SCC 15.01.20 13. Personal Training bookings It was agreed to look into this again when a new booking system is in place.

14. Budget 20/21 There were some reductions made to requirements for earmarked reserves. The Admin staff are to produce a report regarding the land for the overflow carpark as well as conducting a value for money for window cleaning and getting quotes to clean the guttering.

15. Items from committee members to be included in the next agenda There were no extra items proposed.

16. Time and date of next meeting Wednesday 15th January at 4pm

Item 9 SCC 15.01.20

Sheffield Road Entrance to Leisure Centre


Our records show that this piece of land by purchased by The Rural District Council of Chesterfield on the 13th July 1962 for £750.

The Parish Council of Killamarsh purchased the land from The Rural District Council of Chesterfield on the 18th February 1972 at a cost of £815.00. The conveyance contains a covenant that the land shall only be used for the erection of a village hall, a car park in connection therewith and a planting scheme. Area of land 1.41 acres – as coloured on the above map. I assume that between the purchase date and the Rural District Council being abolished in 1974 the initial village hall was built.

I have been unable to locate any paperwork regarding the building of the Library, but I suspect that this was built in 1974 around the same time as the village hall. There is a 99 year lease in existence between KPC & DCC for the Library.

On the 29th January 1975 a three foot wide strip of land was sold to 137 Sheffield Road for £75.00.

The Planning Applications from December 1975 reveal that the site was to have 13 Tennis Courts, 13 Bowling Greens, a Children’s Play Area, Junior Football Pitch and Adventure Ground along with an Extension to the Village Centre. The next application in August 1978 was a Sports Hall extension, followed in July 1982 with a Multi-Gym and Changing Facilities. Item 9 SCC 15.01.20 In August 1982 a counterpart lease of an Easement for a Foul Water Drain and Fresh Water Supply at Killamarsh Library was entered into with DCC, when the toilet was added to the library.

On 20th February 1981 a 21 year lease was agreed between KPC & British Gas for an area of 2.25 square metres for a Gas Pressure Recorder and appears to have been renewed on expiry for a further 21 years.

The Land Registry records show that the lease for the library is registered with them, the 2003 asset valuation states that the lease had 87 years to run from 14/11/1986. As compulsory registration had come into effect in the area, I suspect that it was around this time that the Youth Centre was added to the Library. The planning applications in 1985 & 1986 confirm that Construction of the Youth Club was requested then.

In September 1996 a planning application was made for major alterations and a CLOC Building, followed in 1997/98 with more detailed applications. The CLOC building was to be built on newly acquired land.

The above picture was taken from Google’s visit in August 2008.

Around 2008/2009 the Council planned the sale of the plot of land forming the entrance from Sheffield Road – to be sold as a building plot (I’m told for an ECO house). A planning application was submitted by Killamarsh Community Trust (Association) in January 2009 to construct a new access to the community campus. In December 2011, KCT(A) obtained planning permission for a Thursday Market in the Community Campus car park.

By November 2009, the access from Sheffield Road had been closed and fenced off, with the Council planning to market it as a building plot subject to achieving planning permission. Before this could be done, the issue of the restrictive covenant on the land needed to be dealt with. Questions were raised as to what permission had been granted for the comprehensive development of the land over the years, as the covenant only allowed “the erection Item 9 SCC 15.01.20 of a village hall, a car park in connection therewith and a planting scheme”. To date, this issue has never been addressed, as far as I can establish.

The report on development of the Community Campus that was presented to the cabinet at North East District Council in January 2009 regarding granting of alternative access arrangements referred to Killamarsh Parish Council committing £18,000 towards the phase one scheme. (Apparently this was carried out – I have not confirmed this yet with our accountant). The report also referred to a commitment to contribute the remaining amount of the proceeds of the sale of the site with planning permission, towards phase two of the Killamarsh Community Campus Masterplan.

I cannot find any documentation to show that the release of the covenant proceeded and certainly planning permission for the site was never submitted. Consequently as time progressed the fence was removed and parking allowed on the site.

The planning permission given for the new access to the Community Campus (09/00094/FL) included a condition that the Sheffield Road access would be permanently closed.

Planning applications for the locality submitted to NEDDC (No records available for The Rural District Council of Chesterfield).

Date Application Details Site Address Reference and details 13 tennis courts, 13 bowling greens, Ref. No: 75/00665/FL | Received: Wed 03 Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 03-Dec-75 children play area, junior football Dec 1975 | Validated: Wed 03 Dec 1975 | Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

pitch and adventure ground. Status: Decided Ref. No: 75/00721/FL | Received: Fri 05 Dec Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield

05-Dec-75 Extension to village centre. 1975 | Validated: Fri 05 Dec 1975 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Decided Ref. No: 77/00839/FL | Received: Mon 17 Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield

17-Oct-77 Extension to form bottle store. Oct 1977 | Validated: Mon 17 Oct 1977 | Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Status: Decided Ref. No: 78/00934/FL | Received: Wed 15 Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield

15-Feb-78 Erection of store. Feb 1978 | Validated: Wed 15 Feb 1978 | Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Status: Decided Ref. No: 78/00935/FL | Received: Fri 11 Aug Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield

11-Aug-78 Sports hall extension. 1978 | Validated: Fri 11 Aug 1978 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Decided Ref. No: 81/00736/FL | Received: Wed 18 Change of use from dwelling to Killamarsh Dental Surgery Stanley 18-Nov-81 Nov 1981 | Validated: Wed 18 Nov 1981 |

Dental Surgery. Street Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1EL Status: Decided Ref. No: 82/00672/FL | Received: Wed 14 1 Stanley Street Killamarsh Sheffield

14-Apr-82 22 No. elderly persons bungalows. Apr 1982 | Validated: Wed 14 Apr 1982 | S21 1EL Status: Decided Ref. No: 82/00726/FL | Received: Mon 19 Jul Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield

19-Jul-82 Multi gym and changing facilities. 1982 | Validated: Mon 19 Jul 1982 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Decided Ref. No: 83/00736/FL | Received: Thu 28 Apr 11 Stanley Street Killamarsh Sheffield

28-Apr-83 Ten old peoples bungalows. 1983 | Validated: Thu 28 Apr 1983 | Status: S21 1EL Decided Ref. No: 85/00716/FL | Received: Thu 06 Jun Extension to library to form youth Killamarsh Library Sheffield Road 06-Jun-85 1985 | Validated: Thu 06 Jun 1985 | Status:

club. Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Unknown Ref. No: 86/00649/FL | Received: Mon 28 Construction of Youth Club adjoining Killamarsh Library Sheffield Road 28-Apr-86 Apr 1986 | Validated: Mon 28 Apr 1986 |

Library. Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Status: Unknown Extensions and alterations to leisure centre, associated alterations to car Ref. No: 96/00607/OL | Received: Mon 09 park and sports pitches and Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 09-Sep-96 Sep 1996 | Validated: Tue 10 Sep 1996 | construction of a clock building Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Status: Decided (outline application) (Major

Development) Item 9 SCC 15.01.20

Extensions and alterations to leisure centre, associated alterations to car Ref. No: 97/00672/OL | Received: Fri 29 Aug Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 29-Aug-97 park and sports pitches (outline 1997 | Validated: Mon 01 Sep 1997 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY application - amended scheme) Decided

(Major Development) Ref. No: 97/00675/FL | Received: Thu 25 Sep Construction of a community Community Learning Centre Stanley 25-Sep-97 1997 | Validated: Fri 03 Oct 1997 | Status:

learning opportunities centre Street Killamarsh Sheffield Decided Extensions and alterations to leisure Ref. No: 98/00702/FL | Received: Mon 15 centre, car park and sports pitches Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 15-Jun-98 Jun 1998 | Validated: Mon 15 Jun 1998 | (Amended Scheme) (Major Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY Status: Decided

Development) Proposed Change of Condition 9 of Ref. No: 02/00264/FL | Received: Tue 05 15-Mar- Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield NED 698/428 in order to alter the car Mar 2002 | Validated: Tue 05 Mar 2002 | 02 Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

parking layout (Amended Plans) Status: Decided Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 04/01238/FL | Received: Fri 01 Oct Extension to existing toilets to form 01-Oct-04 Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 2004 | Validated: Fri 01 Oct 2004 | Status:

new entrance and disabled toilets 1EL Decided Installation of roller shutter door to Ref. No: 06/00135/CM | Received: Tue 07 Killamarsh Library Sheffield Road 07-Feb-06 be used for disabled access Feb 2006 | Validated: Tue 07 Feb 2006 | Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

(CD4/0206/176) Status: Decided Extension to create new lobby and Ref. No: 06/01191/CM | Received: Wed 18 Killamarsh Library Sheffield Road 18-Oct-06 office and internal alterations to Oct 2006 | Validated: Wed 18 Oct 2006 | Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

existing building (CD4/1006/112) Status: Decided Erection of 2.4m high security fence Ref. No: 07/00293/CM | Received: Thu 15 15-Mar- Killamarsh Library Sheffield Road and gate system to protect existing Mar 2007 | Validated: Thu 15 Mar 2007 | 07 Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

building stock (CD4/0307/187 Status: Decided Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 08/00920/FL | Received: Mon 15

15-Sep-08 Construction of extension to Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 Sep 2008 | Validated: Wed 08 Oct 2008 | 1EL Status: Decided Construction of a new access to community campus including revised Ref. No: 09/00094/FL | Received: Fri 30 Jan Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 30-Jan-09 layout to carpark replacement 2009 | Validated: Fri 30 Jan 2009 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY lighting columns and associated Decided

external works Construction of rear extension to Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 09/00087/FL | Received: Mon 02 02-Feb-09 church building (Revised Scheme to Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 Feb 2009 | Validated: Mon 02 Feb 2009 |

NED/08/00920/FL) 1EL Status: Decided Application for advertisement Ref. No: 09/00298/AD | Received: Sat 04 Apr Killamarsh Leisure Centre Sheffield 04-Apr-09 consent for the erection of 8 free- 2009 | Validated: Sat 04 Apr 2009 | Status: Road Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1DY

standing non-illuminated signs Decided Construction and extension to Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 09/00516/FL | Received: Tue 16 Jun approved planning consent 16-Jun-09 Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 2009 | Validated: Tue 16 Jun 2009 | Status: NED/09/00087/FL and minor 1EL Decided

alterations to building Extension to approved consent Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 09/00770/FL | Received: Tue 08 Sep 08-Sep-09 09/00087/FL and minor alterations Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 2009 | Validated: Fri 11 Sep 2009 | Status:

to existing building 1EL Decided Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 11/00830/FL | Received: Fri 09 Sep

09-Sep-11 Construction of new Gospel Hall Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 2011 | Validated: Wed 14 Sep 2011 | Status: 1EL Decided Use of car park at the Killamarsh Ref. No: 11/01107/FL | Received: Thu 08 Dec Community Campus for Killamarsh Killamarsh Community Campus 08-Dec-11 2011 | Validated: Thu 08 Dec 2011 | Status: Thursday Market (relocated from Stanley Street Killamarsh Derbyshire Decided

former Kwik Save car park) Demolition of existing gospel hall and Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 11/01155/FL | Received: Fri 16 Dec 16-Dec-11 construction of a replacement hall Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 2011 | Validated: Wed 25 Jan 2012 | Status:

(Revised Scheme of 11/00830/FL) 1EL Decided Application to discharge conditions Ebeneezer Gospel Hall Stanley Street Ref. No: 12/00325/DISCON | Received: Fri 30 30-Mar- attached to planning application Killamarsh Sheffield Derbyshire S21 Mar 2012 | Validated: Wed 25 Apr 2012 | 12 11/01155/FL for the construction of 1EL Status: Decided

a replacement building Application for the formation of a Killamarsh Sports Centre Killamarsh Ref. No: 18/00417/FL | Received: Fri 27 Apr 27-Apr-18 new external entrance to existing Community Campus Stanley Street 2018 | Validated: Wed 02 May 2018 |

Lounge Bar Killamarsh Sheffield S21 1EL Status: Decided