32 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 T +353 1 8897777 F +353 1 8872012
[email protected] Carlin House, 4-6 Donegall Street Place, Belfast BT1 2FN 2005 - 2007 T +02890 247940 F +02890 246898 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2005 - 2007 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CONTENTS Executive Council 2 Introduction 5 Towards 2016 Summary 9 Section Equality 19 Section 2 Organisation 43 Section 3 Pay and the Workplace 69 Section 4 Northern Ireland 103 Section 5 The Economy 113 Section 6 Health & Care 127 Section 7 International 133 Appendices 139 Congress Executive Report 2007 Executive Council 2005-2007 1 Brendan Mackin 8 John Carr AMICUS INTO 2 Peter McLoone 9 Shay Cody IMPACT IMPACT 3 Joe O’Flynn 10 John Corey SIPTU NIPSA 4 Mick O’Reilly 11 Eamon Devoy ATGWU TEEU 5 Larry Broderick 14 Jim Dorney IBOA TUI 6 Catherine Byrne 15 John Douglas INTO MANDATE 7 Rosheen Callender 16 Eric Fleming SIPTU (Trades Councils) 2 Congress Executive Report 2007 Executive Council 17 Brendan Hayes 25 Jack O’Connor SIPTU SIPTU 18 Noirin Green 26 Paddy O’Shaughnessy AMICUS BATU 19 Amanda Allaway 28 Clare Tracey NIPSA INO 21 Patricia McKeown 29 Owen Wills UNISON TEEU 22 Jim Moore 31 Rosaleen Glackin UCATT CPSU 23 Dan Murphy 33 Louise O’Donnell PSEU IMPACT 24 Patricia King 34 Linda Tanham SIPTU MANDATE Observers: John White (ASTI) Barney Lawn (PCS) Congress Executive Report 2007 Executive Council 3 Introduction For those who follow these things closely, the Executive Council Report to BDC 2005 turned out to be an accurate forecast of the challenges we would face in the period under review.