Goldhor Judge, Finkel Counsel

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Goldhor Judge, Finkel Counsel ESTABUSHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHP AND SCHOOI DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE VOL. XL, N a 8 : r i V V iB I U L . c m a ~A 3-9307-8 Teacher Quih De Gaulle Writes To Resident RP ^ ^SID E ^T parl. : 8-y DEC 3963 Over Penalty DTp LA ’ • • • . V Goldhor Judge, R ^ P U B U Q U E Mr*. Jean Keelan, High School each Thursday to protect boys English teacher who was penaliz­ ^ c w p flv ln Codlidge School who ed a $500 salary raise for in­ TtraveV to HUiden-kboker School subordination :in ju n e rla s t Wed- ' for manual; arts.J’arents of the Secretariat Barticulicr • nesday night a u b p l t t e d her —boys, had requested superviBloru— Finkel Counsel - resignation- to the Board of Ed­ P eter G, Humanik, board mem­ ucation effective December 31, It ber, disclosed that Dr, Branom was accepted by the board, ■ has bear, directed to engage two M rs. Keelan contended that the remedial reading specialists for Monsieur,— Airlines Accede To itt INSTRUCTIONS insubordlnatlomcharges resulted —the- elementary "SSh6Bls"for 1964- from, her resistance to] pining the 63 wSft- funds lt-0 be earm arked local branch cf the New Jersey :i,^r the puipose. in.the budget, _ 5!on,sieur Is Pr6sldsr.i; ie la R^puoli- ON ALL KNITWEAR, Education Association. H er cause. The superintendent had repcrt- qus fraagaiee pie charge de vous dire q.u'11 eat tr& s sen­ Curb On Takeoffs - i N Sfey p was espoused bytheUfllonCounty ed on the success of a similar sible a la le.ttre .q,us vous venaz de.-lui adreeser. -Airlines -which-use Newark Federal AviationTcdmTnist A FL«C10 Council - which- a ehw t •program lr. 'tlj®1ItS!fSSho61f" Airport have agreed to abide by to restore the regulation^ tima before.requested State Ctirvw AND'SH+FBt— - The asttmatad-sost of the pro­ the original conditions governing. inf -takeoffs TqjJThe wegi ; only mlsslcner of Education Fred­ gram will 1*415,000, D r, Bran­ ■ - V eu illez S-fere assure que l e GSii^ral ..tffkeoffStoT^T5:wssTtrontR.uflway when v^ndg-arg ~northwest erick M. Raublnger to investigate om said. Terming the project a de'!Jaulle et le 'peuple frangais prennent plelnement part 29, it was announced last week knots, one of the stipulations SPECIALS IN MOHAIR. the charge that p ressu re was . cosgerttive1 effortite'iie tsach- au.deuil aui frappe le* peuple aa^rioain. ■ ■ by Gov. Richard J* Hughes. under which jets'were permitted being hr.sught or. teachers hers te> e rsy-speciallsts, pupils and par-i . The Governor said in a letter by form er Gov. Robert B, M eyner . join the NJSA, ents, he said teachers would re- • to Township Committeeman Rob­ in-1961, - We invite you* It wee announced that D r. pulre assistance lr- preparation , ert ^Diamond, chairman of thev Recejit lnvgstigatlon.intQ flight ...■ ......____ TroiiS-jaris* d ' ag r ie x ,- M onsi'eur, l-1 ex- ' ■‘Hllliids A1 rdf'aft Hazard Com* ..Wayne .Ts Branom, Superintend- -"■of m aterials rcrnltlldfen" ln'Eaecl" Ptac:tices by Col. F ranbG erard, to drop in end ■ ■ ■...ent of-8eh’cfih rh a | arranged with ~ Of remedial reading. ~ ■ pressloa'*de aes sentlaents dlstingu^s. - mittee, .that the agreement, was Chief of the State Bureau of Aero­ • the Polios Department to station reached -~by~ representatives of nautics, had disclosed crossing gflirds ‘a'tPrlncetonAve. Miss Dena Schnelger was ap- the afrlines and, that the Port of dition had been altered last year brows© Qround ....and Blay Su and Liberty and : .pointed an English teacher in che New Y ork 'iatrih ^ and aircraft were taking off with Princeton Aves. s t ifiila A,M, 'Krgh'S'dHooli.' red* According to Diamond, Gov# northwest winds as low as six Hughes • said, the Port Authority. 'knots# . wiU request official' action by the * D < U t U U M t m M onsieur George TOiAUIK f Articles George Humanlk of 275 Mll- Asks School Board #HOW MUCH DOES IT PAY?1 Iskd Ave., e maiju»nanee worker St the Municipal Building, re­ SHi KNfW If ALL THCTTMI nd Ideals - HiLiLSira - i ( r . j , ) cently received .anZunsijEigted Rescind Prayer Act Ttllfer from p re sid e n t Charles The Board of Education lagt „ i attempted to- obtain public de' Gaulle, Although Huwgnlk ,WE DON’T KNOW w hether Pete HuiMnik* Recreation. S uperin- Wednesday^v-bJght-waB requested opinion : on c'Chet-"Subject. before '■haa sent a le tte r ^ de 'Ghulle, _tenderit.._aM- m em ber -of- phe---Boa-rd^o]HESticattOTr lB' addlSted, as bb™ rescind Its t’esplution on taking^ action. His request to Jte had not expected a* reply, many~are»-to the-purchase ofJrishSweep sticks ts, Buffrom an incident prayer and Bible reading In the rescind the resolution was re­ he related- recently; we suspect he is not, but you never cah tell Humanlk" had w ritten tfi" the public schools by Allan Weisen- ceived and filed# French. President thanking hiffi. J about those things. feld of Fairview PI,, secretary of 'fr.• Dr# Jerome Rothgesser of |or being, among the, first This is Tending up to 1 question he has been asked by m ore than i the State Board* o f. Mediation#-- North Ave. - raised the point • one person since his appointment to- the Union Cpfthty 'Vocational ■Jo announce he would attend the At its November 14 meeting whether a body sworn to uphold funeral of the late President John I and Technical School Board oLJEducation. ' ‘How^much does thS joB t-heC board adopted a resolption the Cpnttitution ' could legally F, Kennedy* ' | pay?lVwaS tftiTquestion. The answer is not one red cebt* to Instruct *M^0f Mildred Hess, adopt the resolution. G ilbert Says Ftete, “If fjferjob paid any money, I wouldn't get it'*. No man The letter fro m de Gaulle, its delegate-to the §tate Federa­ Chamberlin, board attorney., said with that attitude would be expected to gamble pn the long-odds reproduced herewith, was trans - tion of District Boards of Ed­ he saw no violation of the oath lated by Barbarti Skwlrut of Hill- Irish S.W€ipSr-On,the. other.Mash- ws have all read stories about ner- ucation,..- to . y.ot$ in favor of a _oft office in the action-, since it sons .buying Sweeps -tickets for many, many years' and once in a -sida^ student at M ontclair State . ^esduti«fi^-submiiC5d -by" would- then preclude -ifrieriarhent -G»llege-and par: - tim e employe wnile'wl^rfnem Mis. ■ Wildwood-. C rest ‘Board' of Rd- o f- ther ConstiCUtiOn’“gSI any time t'hr 'the mUeide Public Library ____P ete-has-a. penchant--fep~s«wine the~puWic Tn nOH-pa^hgfjditsr "tieation that • would—j^ltim ately as follows) • L etters convnending-the board He gets no money from the local Board of Education, either, and amend the U.S. Constitution to for its action were received from has- -Hfld m any jobs,' including high posts in both the National and "The President of'.the French perm it prayer and Bible reading Republic' undertakes to tell you Mrs* Louise Goftos of Leslie St. State Amateur Athletic Unions all without pay* in the schools. < and from K arl- B, Ross, Com­ that hs Is very touched at the BQt Vou never can tell,. One. d&y he may. accidentally slip into Mrs , Hess .reported that • the letter that you addressed to hip., mander of Hurden-Looker Post • one th£t pays a few bucks. Of course, he is salaried as Recreation 'Wildwood C rest ( resolution was 50, American L'egion, advising "Wishing to a ssu re you that Superintendent. Any appointment that pays real money might he tnn : lost at a meeting of the Delegate ■that the Post had voted un&ni* -Generatde-gaftB e red the French- _ much- of a sbpek,- - Assembly of the State Fed- mously to,silpport the board's" people take a painful sharing lr. eratioq, meeting 'December tin stand#,-. the mourning which has struck THIS ANECDOTE comes from an impeccable source and is . Trenton. At the opening of the meeting the American people. Weisenfeld cohteiided the lo­ -consequently to be taken at face value. M rs. Robert OrKirkpatricki President Ha rvey Stone calledfor., . _n...... t'pisgje aeeept, Measleur, the cal board’s ■flefloh’-was 'Fot_ an clerk of the Board of Education, whose son, Dwight R.y just received ‘a .moment’s silent tribute to the TOWNSHIP CLERK LOUIS A DfeCHLER, seated, and George expression of my marked sentl- administrative function and said a PheDt- fram.Rutgers University,'is a proud mother, natch. Hunianlk, peruse letter from French president- Chatles de merits.’’ m em ory of the late -President the board should at least have She recalled the time, when the young man was born and how she Gaulle. John F( Kennedy, ana her husband cast about for a name fpr the infant. It seems they picked Dwight Roger ju st because they liked the najne with little • land owned by the school has thought, for the family trees. always been on th e .tax rolls#. — When .Mrs, K had tim e to look-more closely at the first and middle Churches To Tell Christmas Story Pjngry Tax '.Sam uel K atz,- assessor, and other m em bers of the Board of namep -» Dwight Roger . she reasoned-with thoroughly feminine The Ghplstfnas Stopyw lll be choirs. December 24 at 8 p.m, ing, reetdr, will have Holy Com- told lr.
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