Prayer Calendar February 2021

Canon: Rowan Williams, Precentor Monday Lay Canon: Maria Steele 1 The various Cathedral congregations and the Community Forum

Diocese: The workplace: people working in the emergency and recovery services

World Church: The Diocese of All Saints Cathedral (Kenya) Canon: Sarah Brown, Missioner Tuesday Canon Emeritus: Peter Garlick 2 Lay Canon: Phil Rolfe

Residents and tenants of the Precincts

Diocese: The Knightley Benefice (, Newnham, , , Preston Capes) Rector: Malcolm Ingham Lay Pastoral Minister: Graham White

World Church: The Diocese of Aluakluak (South Sudan) Canon: Tim Alban Jones, Vice Dean, Bishop’s Chaplain Wednesday Canon Emeritus: Paul Rose 3 Lay Canon: Jackie Matthews

The Garden House staff, volunteers and service users

Diocese: Diocesan Mission and Ministry Centre at Bouverie Court

World Church: The Diocese of Amazônia (Brasil) Thursday Canon Residentiary: Ian Black 4 Canon Emeritus: David Wiseman Lay Canon: Mark Constant

Cathedral Music Department staff and volunteers

Diocese: Barby with Rector: Nigel Fry Assistant Priest: Kit Jarman

World Church: The Diocese of Amichi (Nigeria)

Friday College of Canons: Ven. 5 Canon Emeritus: Jim Mynors Lay Canon: Mary Hanna

The Cathedral Choir: lay clerks, choral scholars, choristers and their families The Cathedral Youth Choir

Diocese: Gen2 Children and Youth Team

World Church: The Diocese of Amritsar (North India) Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Saturday College of Canons: Gordon Steele 6 Canon Emeritus: John Willett Lay Canon: Andrew Roberts

Staff, students and governors of the King’s (The Cathedral) School

Diocese: Seoul Diocese: Ansan and Anjung Churches The Revds Anthony Lee, Paul Jung, John Hong

World Church: The Diocese of Andaman & Car Nicobar Islands (North India) College of Canons: +John Sunday Canon Emeritus: David Evans 7 Lay Canon: Pete White

The Cathedral Vergers

Diocese: Deanery of Rural Dean: Stephen Burrow Lay Chair: Helen Thompson

The Porvoo Churches: Worcester, Hamar

World Church: The Anglican Church of Burundi Monday College of Canons: Jane Baxter 8 Canon Emeritus: +Paul Barber Lay Canon: Andrew Presland

Cathedral servers, readers, intercessors and all who contribute to worship

Diocese: The workplace: Human Resources staff and all who make decisions concerning other people’s jobs

World Church: The Diocese of Saint Andrews Dunkeld & Dunblane (Scotland) Tuesday College of Canons: Steve Benoy, Helen Cameron (Ecumenical) 9 Canon Emeritus: Peter Woodward Lay Canon: Richard Tapp

Cathedral security staff

Diocese: Deanery of Daventry and its 25 churches

World Church: The Anglican District (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil) Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Wednesday College of Canons: Adrian Holdstock 10 Canons Emeritus: Mostyn Davies, Bill Croft Lay Canon: Miranda Robinson

The Cathedral Development Trust and fundraising activities

Diocese: Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury and Rothersthorpe Rector: Stephen French Readers: Ron Bridges, Maureen Hale, Judy Smith

World Church: The Diocese of Angola (Southern Africa)

Thursday College of Canons: Richard Stainer 11 Canon Emeritus: Roger Knight Lay Canon: Vyv Wainwright

The Friends of Peterborough Cathedral, the Company of St Peter, Hastings Trust: all our generous individual donors and benefactors

Diocese: , and Welton Team Vicar: Nat White Reader: Anne Parker-Tyler

World Church: The Diocese of Ankole (Uganda) Friday College of Canons: Beverley Hollins 12 Canon Emeritus: William Kentigern-Fox Lay Canon Emeritus: Richard Pestell

Cathedral Financial Officer, accounts and finance staff

Diocese: Catesby, and Staverton House-for-duty Priest: Mary Garbutt Readers: Angela Squire, Mark Lane, Chris Ward, Anne Parker-Tyler

World Church: The Diocese of North Ankole (Uganda) Saturday College of Canons: Philip Davies 13 Canon Emeritus: Timothy Partridge Lay Canon Emeritus: Brian Long

Administrative staff and volunteers in the Cathedral Office

Diocese: Seoul Diocese: Daean-Ri and Pyoungtaek Churches The Revds Augustine Kim, Simon Ryu, Kirfrian Kim

World Church: The Diocese of Northwest Ankole (Uganda)

Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Sunday College of Canons: Jane Butler 14 Canons Emeritus: John Roberts, Tony Lynett Lay Canon Emerita: Elizabeth Knight

Staff in the Cathedral Events, Operations and Diary team

Diocese: Deanery of Daventry Rural Dean: Stephen Burrow Lay Chair: Helen Thompson

World Church: The Anglican Church of Monday College of Canons: Miranda Hayes 15 Canon Emeritus: John Knight Lay Canon Emeritus : Julian Limentani

Communications, Marketing and IT staff

Diocese: The workplace: those who feel stressed or bullied at work

World Church: The Diocese of South Ankole (Uganda) Tuesday College of Canons: Nicholas Gandy OGS 16 Canon Emeritus: Philip Spence Lay Canon Emerita : Liz Holdsworth

Cathedral Education and Schools work

Diocese: Daventry Holy Cross Interim Priest in Charge: Dawn Stokes Readers: Angela Squire, Mark Lane, Chris Ward

World Church: The Diocese of West Ankole (Uganda) Wednesday College of Canons: Stephen Webster 17 Canon Emeritus: Brian Lee Lay Canon Emeritus: Clive Morton (Ecumenical)

Cathedral Welcomers and the Guild of Stewards

Diocese: Heyford, Stowe Nine Churches, Flore and Brockhall Rector: Stephen Burrow Reader: Nigel Strang

World Church: The Diocese of Antananarivo (Indian Ocean) Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Thursday College of Canons: Nicholas Setterfield 18 Canon Emeritus: Tim Short Lay Canon Emeritus: Christopher Gower

Cathedral Guides, all involved in organising tours and visits

Diocese: Stewardship Officer Paul Adams Giving Officer Pete Squires

World Church: The Diocese of Antsiranana (Indian Ocean)

Friday College of Canons: Charlie Nobbs 19 Canons Emeritus: George Burgon, Bruce Ruddock

All our cathedral volunteers Ed Bailey, volunteer coordinator

Diocese: , and Dodford Priest in Charge: Barbara Gallagher LLMs: Jennie Fuller, Steve Moore, Elizabeth Taylor

World Church: The Diocese of Araucanía (Chile) Saturday College of Canons: Brian Withington 20 Canons Emeritus: Peter Gompertz, Jonathan Baker

Honorary chaplains at the cathedral

Diocese: Seoul Diocese: Songtan and Paengsung Churches The Revds Francis Lee, Hugo Cho

World Church: The Diocese of the (Canada)

Sunday College of Canons: Steve Kelly 21 Canons Emeritus: Julian Bowers, Miles Baker

Clergy who assist with weekday services in the cathedral

Diocese: Deanery of Greater Northampton Rural Dean: Canon Beverley Hollins Lay chair: Sue Cross

The Porvoo churches: Peterborough, Meath and Kildare

World Church: The Church of the Province of Central Africa Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Monday College of Canons: Neil Clarke 22 Canons Emeritus: +John Flack, Michael Webber

Leaders of children’s and young people’s work at the cathedral

Diocese: The workplace: people who have just been made redundant or whose jobs are at risk, the longer term unemployed and those who support them

World Church: The Diocese of Argentina (South America) College of Canons: Steve Prior Tuesday Canon Emerita: Karen Jongman 23 The Cathedral Safeguarding Group

Diocese: The Deanery of Greater Northampton

World Church: The Diocese of Northern Argentina (South America)

Wednesday College of Canons: Rob Bewley 24 Canons Emeritus: Grant Brockhouse, George Rogers

The Cathedral pastoral visitors and prayer support team

Diocese: Abington St Peter and Paul Rector: Byung Jun Kim Reader: Alison Barnes

World Church: The Diocese of Argyll & The Isles (Scotland) Thursday College of Canons: John Westwood 25 Canons Emeritus: Derek Waller, Michael Bunker (Dean)

Cathedral Flower Guild

Diocese: Billing LEP (Anglican/Methodist/Roman Catholic) Great Billing St Andrew; Little Billing All Saints Rector: Richard Burbidge Assistant Priest: David Lunn

World Church: The Diocese of Arizona (Episcopal Church)

Friday College of Canons: Mandy Cuthbertson 26 Canons Emeritus: Jonathan Kimber, (Dean)

Cathedral tower captain and bellringers

Diocese: Police and Fire Service Chaplaincy team

World Church: The Diocese of Arkansas (Episcopal Church) Peterborough Cathedral Prayer Calendar February 2021

Saturday College of Canons: Hannah Jeffrey 27 Canon Emeritus: Lee Francis-Dehqani

Cathedral gardeners and grounds staff

Diocese: Seoul Diocese: Sanbon and Yeojoo churches The Revds Paul Goh, Daniel Lee

World Church: The Diocese of Armagh (Ireland) Sunday College of Canons: John Hall 28 Canon Emerita: Bridget Smith

Cleaners of the Cathedral and Precincts

Diocese: Deanery of Greater Northampton Rural Dean: Canon Beverley Hollins Lay Chair: Sue Cross

The Porvoo Churches: Canterbury, Down and Dromore

World Church: Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America