Repton and Its Neighbourhood
Gc M. L 942.5102 R426h 1186803 GENEALOGY COLLECTION PUBLIC i^nrmilS m'ilf^iT?', LIBRARY 3 1833 00673 8725 T{ep\on Church. REPTON AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD A DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE OF THE ARCIL^OLOGY, &c., OF THE DISTRICT. Illustrated by Photogravures, &c. F. C. HIPKI NS, M.A., F.S.A., ASSISTANT MASTER AT KEPTON SCHOOL. SECOND EDITION. ^ i 1 . -5 / J. A. J. LAWEENCE, PRINTER, REPTON, Murccxcix. HEPTON : A. J. I.AVVKENCE. PIUNTEII. il888G3 PEEFACE. N the year 1892, I ventured to write, for Reptonians, a short History of Repton, its quick sale emboldened me to set about obtaining materials for a second edition. The list of Authors, &c., consulted (printed at the end of this preface), will V enable any one, Avho wishes to do so, to investigate the J various events further, or to prove the truth of the facts recorded. Round the Church, Priory, and School centre all that is interesting, and, naturally, they occupy nearly all the pages of this second attempt to supply all the information possible to those who live in, or visit our old world village, whose church, &c., might well have served the poet Gray as the subject of his Elegy, " Beneath those rugged Elms, that Yow-tree's shade, Where heaves tlie I'urf in many a mould'riiig Heap, Each in liis narrow (^ell for ever laid, The rude Forefabliers of tlie Hamlet sleep." In writing the history of Repton certain events stand out more prominently than others, t?^ , the Conversion of Mercia by Diuma, its first bishop, and his assistant missionaries, Adda, Betti, and Cedda, the brother of St.
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