Wormley Family History The Wormley family of Yorkshire through 800 years Some members of the Wormley family in England in 2013. The highly-exceptional case of a family that can genuinely prove its ancestry back to a Norman knight living 1,000 years ago…and very probably to Rollo the Viking This is the remarkable story of one family, spanning 33 authentically-proven generations – in a single male line of descent, from the beginning of the 11th century to today. Our ancestors came to England from Normandy in 1066 and lived in Yorkshire for 800 years. But American researchers may find it interesting too, as Wormleys were important early Virginia colonists in the 1600s. It has taken nine years of very meticulous and painstaking research by two brothers, in their spare time, to discover and put all of this material together. We have carefully questioned a great many uncertain facts to ensure our findings are as accurate as possible, within the limitations of historical documents that still exist. Leading historical experts and genetical scientists have given us seriously-valuable assistance, and we hope you might consider our project a good job done to a high standard. If you can add any information please send us an email to
[email protected] We would be very grateful for your help. (Any emails we receive will be treated in complete confidence and not passed on or used in any way. We promise to totally delete any email addresses sent to us, if requested to, and to ask your permission before adding any details to this website).