, . ... - _.--.-.... .-. J SAVE TIMEr HOOVER ACCEPTS Send Your l.ettel"§ ~~ "~lI"e % for r tract. Irmll tilt PI c IMntlal n 'jllllnoc'~ Air Mail ~ uddres8

I ------~~~~--~~~------~, ------~~------Vohae 28 6 PAGES Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, August 12. 1928 FIVE CENTS Number 66

Leader Raises Battle Two Killed, Three Injured,, Ne~f Yve~t Branch , Car Crashes Into e $ $ C • ;,S.,O$,ooo;,:,$ The Busy Executives By: Quin tHall Two Fratemities, Standards for Fray We.temera Eat t I ~ Family Walking Elephant Steak Two Sororities Law Enforcement, Religioua Tolerance, Faml Relief, and Direction :of Economic LEWISTON, Ida.. Aug, 11 on Ma;n Highway (AP)-Lewlston III Ced up on ele· to Build Houses Progresa Receive Stre.. ·pho.nt steaks. . It came about as the resull of Structures Represent By JAMES L, WES'l' : "1 Mother. Baby Escape the elephant stampede hore Thursday In which five circus Combined Cost of (Associated Pres& Stl\ff Writer) Unhurt; Father's , pachyderms stamtxfed through STANFORD UNIVERSl'l'Y STADIUM, Ca L, Aug. 11 (AI?, Leg Broken the ;,treet for two 'hours and $255.000 - His voice heard arollnd the world, Herbert Hoover today enun· were not rounded up unlll ona ciated the principles upon which he asks the American people of them had been killed. Four fraternlUffland sororities are Lela Lincoln, G ,ears old, and What to do with a dead ele· ',un,lIn~ houses at a combined cost to send him to the while hOUlse as the third successive republican htr brother Lloyd, 11 yeara old, phant became 8. problem. Then of more thRn a Quarter of a million prel>ident. ' "ere killed last nlgflt when Bome one Quoled carl Ackley, Inllar~. Thrbe of them a~ of Eng· He reiterated his stand against repeal of the eighteenth am nd­ 8lruck b, .. Ford COUJMI driven big game hunter, as having said lIsh type ul'ohltccture. while the ment and the rigid enforcement of enabling acts under it; pro­ bl Donal,1 Malher of Springdale, elephant meat was 11.8 palatable fOllrth will be American colonial. on fh~ hlrhway a half mJlIt Ihll as pedigreed, beef. The nelta Zeta's were granted .8. posed farm relief thrO\lgh It three·fold plan'; declared for reli­ .Ide of Weat Branch. Meat cutters webt to work building permit yesterday to erect gious tolerance and pl'omised the direction of forthcoming prog­ TIlelr 'IlUler, Uoyd Lincoln, and soon had the two and one· a $60,000 home On tllelr lot at Dodgo gress in support of the mora! and spiritual prograss of the nation. • lanner IIvlnr near West half tone of elephant carved up and J3urllngton 8treets. It will be As he read slowly and concisely the 8,500-ward message ae: JJranrh, received a Iwoken lee Into steaks, chops and cutlets. of rough Indiana limestone with ...... !reVi6re brullle8 .bou~ · tbe val·l·colored slate roof. The house cepting the nomination voted him by thc Kansas City conven~ion ··,,···'·· .... *0· ••• t • , head and Itrm8; " 81ster, Verllne, wlll accolllodlLlo 38 girls, and the two months ago, the adopted sou of California faced II. vast army 1 yean old, was brtdly dazed, dormitory System will be used. Th£ of his countrymcn banked ticr upon tier in this huge amphi- but not IIfrioUllly Injured, and' CI'owl construction compe,ny are the theate,' Who rccelced his declara· Wilbur, 4 ye.tr8 old, who Willi Hoover's Address eontra.ctol's, and they expect to have tlons with noisy demonstrations. holdln, hl8 father'a hand when the hou"" finished by homecomln·g. tbe car struck, ,",celveti only' Hoover choso this setting, ·here upon the I'olllng campus of the. unl· rinor acrat~hea. Officially Begins Uedlral Group to. Build Phi Beta PI, medical fraternity, Tropical Storms verslty where lie enl'olled 8.8 a first Mrs LIncoln and' a-baby, who was al80 granted a pel'mlt to can· student, and his fellOW cltlzens reo were with the victims at the time ~O'p, Campaign struct a new home. The e8!lmated BPonded with perhaps the greatest of the accident escaped uninjured. cost of the house Is $76,000, and It Take Heavy Toll outpoul'lng that ever had attendetl The accident took place about wIll be built north of the. Nu Sigma a notification ceremony In any etata 1;4. p.m. when the family waa wallt· Cliarges of 'IBigotry" Nu house on Templin road. In Man· In the union. More than 75,000 Ing toward West nranch. ville heights. Dark brick In the of Life; Property peoplo were gathered In the Htadl. um, almost filling It to capacity. The lwo children died at almoet :Arise Against old English style will be used. The 1.I) U88 will be 145 feet long by 36 the kame time, about 9 :06 p.rn. Heard Throughout World Al Smith feet wide, and will accomodate 34 Torrential Rains Fall; LOUd speakers carried his voice The dl'tvel' 01 It,e auto slopped an(. men. The [lrst floor will conla.ln Air Mail Placed to the furthest reaches Of the bowl, java his name to otrlelals and did WASHINGTON, Aug, 11 (AP)­ a living room, sLalr hall, study broadcaRting apparatus transmitted ~verythlng possible to aid In caring The republican campaign Is orflclal· room, dormitories and a guoot on Trains his voice lO more than one hundred tor the Injured. l'OOJl1. lyon Its way, lifted from six weeks stallons In this country, a network The coronel' has Impaneled a. jury of silent preparation by the Hoover The second floor will be all study ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 11 (AP) - reaching froln border Lo border and The Carolinas todny relt th~ effects and nn Inquesl will be held at 9 a. notification ceremonies toda.y In far· room, and the basemenl will have a coast to COMt, while his utterance. m. Monday. nway California. rer,;,clory tYPe dining room, the kit· of lbe tropical storm as It moved wcre lakcn across the seas on short slowly up the Atlantic seaboard The Injul'tld wer., rU8hed lo a. doc· How energetically and visibly It chen and chapter room. Normile wave lengths to Grcat Britain, A ue· while sections of Florida and Geor· lot'. ortlee at West Branch Immedl· will progress remains for develop· and Emory or Dea Moines are the tralla, the BAwallan lslands" tbe gla continued to wrestle with Its lt~ly and Mr. Lincoln was brought ment, for .Hoover headquarters o.n­ olIlI o'llnL.ler, wnnO! tuff of • • .- ~h' 80tlhtl tOl'ces of n~'lcultura1 re- liDtHUJIl& 0'" TU" A .... O fATBD PB"E88 ' a reUI,rJoWo Wit un>. Ht'rp gOt'll! IS Those Invisible millions have .1· co~~t!·uc tldn . our I>lutfol'm Inys a The At,t'lClntM Press ,s uclu ".Iy .nUlled to woe th" nall)' trorfi 10wI\ and \'iolalion on (OYery l"t'odl' heard Crom l{ansa8 Ity the POlltl baSis upon which we per e<>nt 10 In .-dera ~aut~ or cun npuhUca.tinll (I( nil ne\ ~"", "lrq"'U'lu-e cr Itt.""l to it or nOt homl will soon form a bad opinion or any fe din of Our party principles. puJlil. It of[crs 'nn llffh-matlve pro- otherwlJ!& <' .....Jltrd III 11> uav- r .•nd alllO the I.-I newa II' L at<'''' ~ H) ~ »ybUahed l.l.:n In oily where ueh thing, pxi t. They would wish to hear from me ,grrun. • '{,hou 'and. of vi itor,' come to Iowa ity not a dlscour"" ul,on the Illa[fO"m- An adequate. tarlft 19 the founda· John To,",~ FI""d rick, 83Jd to M Tho w. annuolly. Why not give them all a good In which r fully chn hr-but some· tlon of ' farm rellet. Our consumers a l ..... h"". "rltl~. anI! no,·,,11l t uf thIng oC tbe 8plrlt and ldei\i, tvlth Incrllase faste,. than Our producers. BUndy, c impI'('."sion and make them wish to com~ more Or I..... nwrlt, baR a P<'t anee· wblch It 18 proposed to carr), It Inlo The domestic market must be pro- O. M. Ilt do~ to lIIu tratl.' Insincerity. !-I again r administration. I tected. Fot't'lgn ,,,.oduct8 rnlsed lohn A. etatp!I thllt a aurv II Of coal I! all'l" • • • under lower standards of living are )fr•. C. mad& by a IMdh", .. TEt.EPHOl'.'EOI: I,,.... With thl.! occasIon tQday c?mpetlng In Our home Illllr· Jl$plds. , v led the tuandfulr faet t ~C jnaugut~te The Decline of Trust Busting In the camlllilgn. IL .hall be lUI honest kets. I would lise my of{tc. and in· bY at th ~s 44 ·1 116 /If" nL (ad,' nlslng compWgn; e,'cry penny " 'hi be pub· Jluence to gIve the farmer ~ the tull ,nte. HOARD 011' Tit H'I'~E8 rI h r r\~~ tor rrocLor and Gum­ The brl lie I)' "coounled Cor. It 8hllil be Il "erlelll of OUI' historic tar!it policy. Vran" L. Molt. chllirman: Ewen ~'acEw.n: Raymond PAIR qn('~tion to ask at thi'! jlln ture bl.-, of thl'm rfORd Hnrpt'r. Or tb" B. Klttredce: Rldney O. Wiater; ROY r . POrter: n~I1!Ch.1 true crunpnlgh. We shall Use word. A large portion ot the spread be­ .1)01\ flow O. Lancdon; Jllm-a B. Cal'rQU; Fred rio A. Selmeller; Ais: 11 0"(' th Aml'ricall l}Popl r rgot· Allantlo fonthll' In pr~~n<'e to sieter, an' John D. :raIYey. 1.oll)!'rty or OnJ\K\'r Tratt. "to convey our mennlng. not to h1dl! tween what tne fllrm!!/, "ecelves tor It'n their long hostility towards thl' t. ,Is products nnd what the uilimal. pOrt will , HARRY S. BUNKER. Oen~Tal n81\'1'. In lne vlth thnt "tor". balnn('p "tl'U t," that i . the larg scale bu ill J • • • onsum~r payS I. due to Inhea.ed Mf88 B' a barr I of It In roeh hand l\8 you "here sbE JIlDITOBIAL 8TAPlf organization telldiJlg tOWDl'ds monopoly' No pttrt)' ~ver accepted u' more ran8rlorl!J.tlon charges. Incretl.e I. Harry E. Boyll...... _.. ___... _ ...... _ ...... ,...... Editor I rn tlUl I til<' Mlnn"apollo pr. h r eororlty I ~nsk aUway rate. has been one of Ihl ~IDh P. Yo~nl,: __ .. _ .... _ ...... _ ...... Manal'lng .Edltor It ix 8 fair '(lll!'stion b!'CUIISt> the political abovo mentlonl'd cl 1m. thot Il D\JI,o I[flcult or recon'l,tructlon than' Vlrall L. LAwl .... __. _._____ .. _._ ...... Clty FJalLor enaltles or tho war. Tl)estr In· frOm Jow lot'lty oT th rtoftd('rll or MV "01 bfo{ d the r I)Ubl1~rut" Plirty In J921. Grace Clark...... _ ..... _. ___...... Cllmpus Editor wudd iN IInlisliully ilt'nt tn this multer, ,'eascs have been added 10 the cOIl BI~ce thai d.m In hlo attl!st£'<1 thut the (rhe record of th ~,e " ven a nd one· )farlorle Gllb•• t .... _ ...... _...... _ ... __. 9ool.t)' E. t. nnd half year. cOllsLHU les a period of 1t L R fair qu stion becal18C the trend hd foreIgn markets a nd result M~QuakiE B1l81l1"E88 STA .. II' ,..,.d most habItually , W!l>l 0. col· art courage In lea<\er8hlll and COn· l.. reCore ln "etl uctlon of his prIces. )lr. Ber WUllam T. Hageboeck.. ... __...... Bu.lne.. MM ..,er tow{lrd~ large ale monopolistic organiza­ umn of ·'R.nnon"tt~"" written rur tructlve ncLion. ll'rllJlcla J . Tobln .... _____. Clrculallon MlU1&&"er Il nce h8!! been made. dIll' ,· elb.· he farmers Of foreIgn counlrle. wbero ' he W. tion is JUore pronounc d at pre nt than it IIUId PIl(><-.... by thl! alorementloned p;pil80n I Ape. SchmldL _ ..... _...... Accoulllant lions wllh other natl9ns have :td· ,,~ve. thus been Indirectly aided In has beeD for year. cll"fll"YIDan . 1'010,1 Lhe Inasm h as tho anced Ihe Ideals or law a nd ot heir competition Willi the Ameri. Sunday, August 12, 1928 Th r may he 8 nmub!'r or elplanations eae. In sub.tltutlon for force. an farmer, Nalure has enflowed rjrembero N\Ch bad II. (',)ml f'(>1. II. porlJl ternlly. a ror 111i8 !lilence. Hove thp Aml'l'ican peo­ Federal expenses have been t't'duc~1 s wIth a great system Of Inland .tlClk/n. !l. C&l'toon. II. m~np l)IIg~. honorary N.(lII·l· RWR EmTOR by two billion. pe,' allnu~l. The vaterways. Their modernization - I(ulll M. WHblte nle a nmed. since the Claylon Anti~Trnst ud n "'a ,It I,. III .. PI'" )1.81 co nclu· Tl'llu l 'fl"M fill ur" , or "rail runretil," til hld.... n flUlle of man, fM' r· jfraduated sIon of nd hatlonol debt hl~ been reduced by ~i11 comprise a mo.t substantial acl 01' 1913, thot monopolisli growth i, 'Chilli Lh8.l ..u r fl'/ from lou UN'f'k. Ill' bel,,!:" sludled "alln Ihe 6upef'vhdoll ol W. 1'. 84Jr1and PIerce ~Ix and II half billion.. '),he fo,..,lgn ontrlbuLion to mIdwest farm rellet In J ~ftn_pdlla 111 a da hed pNlvarlca· tobo\'I", ,Urerlur uf Ihe I"ttrlltat" C'onunl'n'e ('omn,1 slon', bu ...... p of ,"'lIh the p rmanentJy ell ck II and the question set­ to • 9 bt. have been ._elllell In 1I11'ge ncl to the' devcloprttent of 20 oC OUr Hoover Will Run! K:lfpty. Tht' 1II.. 1u flsur.. II, • r!tll hud trl&hlt taUUIi • I.lf'I!ak 'ollo,,'1'd tled' part and on t "ms which have reo nterlo\, stutes. This model'lllzatJon b~U. • •• b) !lw hnttfrlng of the t~1 traM (1JO.d." ents would mean e6 large an In· L has aceepted that nominatiou. game. IoInleaa I've und~'·"' llm ..Led of nlUdel'n "lvIlIUltlon I" subJj t to "Tl Int rnal 8I.rnlnfl directly In· COmmel'c~ and IndusLry have reo Whatever the answer to the quc tiOIlS, vlved. Although Ihe agrIcultural, he';'.nt In' farmerg' p"lee$ as 10 B('yond th'll. ill 0. good many words, he YOUr borodot'll. !l. number of 111 •• anti th mO't Inten called 1 low Is PUt Into !l. stille ot our aollcltude' and aSSistance. yeL nlJ !:lut we must not stop here. MdrLle Lltc waiting public. hns divulg d that mys· "Y8 III "ext)e(·tol'"t .... In ¥ II,<.. I ot l"nslon. 'rJ':U18Vt'..... flllllUre~ are Ihey have made Bu11Stantlal prog· law, have bt'en gOing ahead ~teadiJy dur­ Imll cn nr~r . llnd an pldom be An outstanding proposal of Ihe Waterloo. terious and mi 1'IlCU I 011' plan fol' til aid of "Lh t nasty uth wo,d." JWlt dl'tW't ...1 \lntll thp .Iamag" III don , fornJro In Ihal ZOIl of melAl which re-sa. ing the past two y('ors. al'c ly a wcek has arty prog"urn is the wllOle-hea,'1M Aa'gu$t 4, , Y', hl'l' mOlh r wu aOOul to put a Wit" flNlt Id"nurlt'll nMrll' 1 ). 111 I \Jut Into a llAt ot t nalon." • • • the indigent rano which pilln, upon adop­ I dge to undertake L/le reorganlza. clnlrcb ot not 'een /lOme gigantic recombination of dll.mpcr on h r enLhu'" lie r{-murkM. "1<0 WI' k on the L.,hlgh Invp IlgClLen unoJil to tion by congress) i\l gUlu'anteed by rel)ubli­ ail!:r ... Oreal prosre", has been made In Ion of the marketfng system upo~ Yaggy rea ehl! gulped, ;'011, ~Il~u m. 1 have VaJlpy 1,,111"011<1 aL Manchr,ler. N . ftnd nny m~t8Jlurgk8l reilllOn tor 'upital, or the almo t complete merging of .labUlzation at COmmerce ",nd In· ounder and mo,'e economical line •. pn'~ence 0 CBn newsmong.)rH to b com the universal to ph!" Y., In whit'h " num ... ·r IIvf'tl w('J'e tho oNKln o[ lIj. fl8J!Ure8 . nOr have ~ the firll1 ill some Oil Ci Id. Indeed, con­ or dustry. Th~ job ot overy man has Wo have already contributed greatly 004ple. panacea for all agrarian ill . they bet'n a1>1t' to ogre<' on whetlier solidation of railroads hal! be n encOttrag d · .. lo~l. Hln." Ih"n II hus ,*"n 1"('('01\" thu! been made moro secure. Un· 10 this purpose by the acts support· The coup Ihl'Y ar uHll'IU\tl' rt'tIulO! or ft('rvlce The sooth 'oyer (republican) will IIdvi nlz"fl "" the cau of Il numbe,· of employmenL In the .enSe of dlsLress Ing farm co·operatlves. the e.b,ll- rlet Crosby by IpgislEllion. A rURh of merging and con­ l'1"c·ho.Anllb' Is df'ralhnpntlJ. conditions Or d6t~'CtA In the m1111nr til' farmers to vot tbe republican ticket, 18 widely dlaappearlnr. lishment at Intermediate credit Lee Lltch solidation is remaking the ouLomobile field. "That !l'u)' J ck Illlrul 18 nn n.wful " 'TIl(' tntnAVp~ tl u~ ," lillY! \\'. "1'0<" '.""8. Pro"re"! toward n. solu· We In America today ar nearer banks. the regulation of stockyard" bt1degroom. and r ap abundllnt harvests. The farmers P. Borland. IIlr""t .. of th .. Hurt' u Ilan has ~ .. n mad!', however, and qf 'dark bit Ntrang ly. then' has b('en D(\ prot!' t in 1)lp; t OIln'l InUI 'Ine wh ... Owr hi. to the final triumph 0 er poverty public exchanges and the expansion lmdolll,ll'd ly will voto the republican ticket. o[ .:\C('t y Of lh.. IntH.... tD '1)1,1, Lh" work III \JrtlCN'dlng at various .w~etheart congl·ess. TIlt' lldministration ho. b!'en si­ nura" droPl)!II hIm out 0( h' cl':\(110 than ever b~fore In the l,I8tory of pf the d(!IJarlment of agrleullure. tn"rr!' romm"... lon. "js a vpry Pl'IJm· pl' C(>jt und r tho dlrf"Ct1on or Dr. j Both Mt"8 BuL if tll~y 1\0, it will b becau th(Oy ar 0 ,' If he bumped hl.~ hM.t1 on th any land. The poorholllle Is vanish· !rhe 1,laYo"m proposes to go much ll'llt. CVI'Il tacitly lIppl'oviug. III the general Huward. band attem , l'cpublieon~. lind not because Hoover's lIag ' nul'llt'ry furnltur ." 'n nt Cttu'" oC wrf'Ck •. and they or" Ing frOm among us. We have not t"rther. It pledges the creation ot I d('clin!' of prices from wllr lpvels, th COll­ 1<"II"'llli y bud w'·f'CkJl. Tht' physl. yet reached the goal but given a Federal Farm BOll.l"d at represen· Lltohfleld ystem oj' farm rcli r i~ anything mol' than • • • a mem !;UnH~I' haH been IInCOIIRCiOUR of any Rlr ·ngth­ Th tfllo, whO drlv~8 a ~porL ml l"l'lIlOOn. to,' Ihl·lr UlllplllY '" ch,me Lo go forward with the poU· aUve farmers to be clothed wllh wp.s an am)lI "'I('aLioD 01' III!' pla nk offered in th' ".I,lt,ln.I'I"," (IOrerlty. M mod I ~oUPe n eOn't worry about Palsenger Traffic ole. of the last eight years, und we uthorlty und reSOUrces with wblch ening of liw gr at pl'odurerij' positions. ot Sigma CI republicall purty !llllllnrm. a ny n>ar'H I art vie frum lhe rum· It I nllall7 1'0 "rotli'll f'llC- ~hall 800n wllh the help of Ood be POt only to stilI further aid Carm· Tltis last fact probably xplains th silene ,, ~be cou!>1 \ deliw'I'ld bl ..ompartnwnL. turo, nr Inlt'rlo/" origIn," hp x plnJ nil. Small Thi. Year In sight of Ihe day when poverlY ers' co·operatlvcs and pools and 10 But, huving him. elC of that bit in Mlnnesol of the American propl('. hilt 1M unllkf' thl' nrdlnttry manU .' will be bltnillhed trom this nnLlon. assist Generally In solution of lnrob or s coni I· hand wiHt10H ', and llavinp; mad a • • • Illurn to W But if Irup monopoly re lIlLH from thelle "The Atmosph re That Boo' " lIltlon .. I)f rall fwtlllu!' In thot It CHH"A(10. Aug. II (AP~"otal There IH no guarantee against pov· problems but especlaUy to build UP hI' w() llid £01' the vot 1'1 of WOUl{'n by a 1Jel~ Is as~ -What yuh b~en robably will I", '''lall r Inan In nl1tlll'p remllinR Il!I greedy n. it ha~ b (On ill eOll!'1 0,· '1'1;ot Is Iho primary I)Urll08e ot the and tarmer·controlled stablltzatlon clectOl'ate amI a plea for th l)ft'servation - Nllw; I JURt gol 11, nct' unUI It lilt :"·(",,lI y rt'O.rlwd nny YNlr olnc" 1909 It WM said In economic policIes We ndvocAte. ~orpol"lltlon. which wIll protect the f he pa ~t, Illlother olllbnr.;t of passion on ~~­ , or the sanctity 01' the bome and fOI' more Iowa. City. 0 .. • out",· llurfal'{·. Til 1I(·O .... ·~l o p· th~ rllrr~nl 1.lIe ot nltllwuy ~e. y e8peclally rejOice In the ettect la"mer from the depressions and tht, trust (""'" inn i~ inl'vitabll'. • • • P,"(jllPh Lo tI .. vpl pmpnl or n. d vic!' relen/! tI todny. ot our Increased national eWelency \emorallZRtton ot 8easonal gluts and PE and b Hel' leetric washers, Hoover gets " J n th montha of 1928 (or whIch To SUPI,I~mrnt.h Le p VI' r ",11 (or dot!'CUnIC 1111 Ill'\:. net' beCor the upon Ihe Improvement of' lhe ' Amer· erlodlcal surpluses. ' . oown to bu. inc and ~:ly8 somet hing. aUprtf'fl rltll ('1"II('kll up untl r a Lroln MtnU.tlrl urI! QVllllabl It hill! been , Wll('n Heipnt iN!. 8Y'P throll It dil!cl1k~il1g 111m of (lofta Koppll )'oPPIl .ororlly. leRn hom ~. ThIlt Is the sanctuary at O~jcctl6h has been made ,tbat Ihll }Mytrle 0: Time WM wh n Hoovl ... wnR nol a I"a l·ty fUa' buMor uperlnt uJent .. have' h~H 1"_'0 liVId .. by Elm"r . ~I".rr~·. Rlx p .. r ('(>nt IPH~ than In the CO"r~k - trntnent wlthoul obligation upon the guestg of tI party- having, in fact, be ome it~ nominal The l..exleoarapher's IlIp·rte L lohoralory \('.'0. I 118 than 31.800.000.000. a d clln le;n In our nation today Is In agrl· Individual farmer. With that 0lJ. "Farm Relief Note: Railroad freight or 1 G.600,OOO,OOO.OOO or 33 per eent Otlh. leader, h is "till a mol' or I f'~11 indep 1ll1~nt culture. II must be .olved It WI! pction 1 have little pallence. A rnl ·s on cbeck 1'1) and eh cker boards ha ve nwtully,-··K.A,T.," Ilka.loo8ll, 10.. Dr. .1. m l'J. Howllrd. l'nlfln",'r· linN' 1920. are to brlhr prosperity ana content· atlon which, as spend}11g nlnett Ora.ce Cia , statesman, and politi:ll cl'lunp his styl'. lIe - If th'" lwo a woman who ~uty physlcl8t oC tI,p bureau, whoooe pro· "N~,lll~g ,'0111(\ !Jetter Illustrate 1'1'0 ntly been l' dllced.- D tI'oit News. ment to one·thlrd ot our people dl· 1I110na a year can well afford 4n Ihr home ) doeR bi political duty in the early portion Insplre8 owe. til 'n "",rhaps 0110 fe It" I r~rol coverlor &.bout h(lJr1thl' r ,'oluUon In ""'l!nl years In the mtght be pennlttl'fl to UII9 the ex· rectly and to all ot our people Indl· xpendlture ot a few hundred \t!st ot tbe : ," of his speech. '1'hat job over, he heaves a - CI·n"",. (I! aclcnUfl(' Inv ligation ta.lt~1I anti h btt~ (If the Am rlcan tooUy. We have pledged ourselves Il1Ion .. tor II. workable prograln ,jho has be< .AJ Smith h811 lost the 1I11PpO\'t df the l,relJtjlon. "Queen EII7JI.IJNh WIUl ShOWN thllt hI' hua mlul" moro ~xa('t peoplo than the fCect they have h!ld sigh of relief, nd tmns hi lill ntioll to ser­ awfully be(luIUul." hul awfully Us d to find a aolu(lon. hal will give to one·thlrd of It! lJ'e Zeta Til. W.e,T. ., but the bllrtfndel's nnion- what Le8tll on thl' Jlhy ~Ic-(' 1 Proll rLi('" of On tM rollroUl,l 1'>t'IO,' to 1920 there Tn my mind most agricultural dis· opulatton their fall' share of l~e ious buSin s. ro,' v~ry 18 ('olloqulal. with her. there ii, left of it- will stMa by'him. mot ,.1 III Lhl,n tiny other IIvlnll" nutll. wa. an In('n'aAI' In lI(l8('nier busl. eu alona go wrong because of two aUon', prosperity. Nor does thit He mllkes a mllgnificent, ratiwT non-parti­ • •• • hUll bN'n " ludyl • tlw Lr n8V '(Is· n_ !lImo t V ry year. '1'h(' In · ral~e premises. The fJr.t · Is that roposal put tbe government Inl• I Oenetlcve , , "~f.J .. " Fore8L ("It)'. In. .•- The Aurl'H .. Inr~ th .. Monel .... pr 'vre<'k. (Or Oll In tht' 10 yeMS trom 1910 saIl plea for efforts at world pea.ce. .. We agrlculturfl Is one Industry. It IS uslne'" except so rar as It Is cnlll!l\ fhlld wei fa, iO r"rll1('r tll,n· II,'" almost Invnrlably on tht' aIde Nl'lson'8 flagHhlp. the Victory. whiCh nltencll.'t la noL required. ~eached a pOlnL comparable wllh rarlable problems of agriculture not apartments. Anyhow J We Learned a Lesson wh~,·(' th'" wll('('l,. ImplOl'" nnd "ure ha~ rt.... mUy lH!en romplet Iy ovrr· l'ealw II/' 1'/'I·JII.lw,' /llIIl I'm .,. to IIrl,)itr'Itit'l1l ~re· war. Agriculture was n~t upon nlY tOday but which will arIse In lob ' to spen( ·.. ('ltu.... ~1 hy til,' InLroduction of Intern· hOUI d, ar 10 be lold as lIOuvenlNl. r satisfactory basi. betor~ tHe war. he Cuture. I do not believe tfull lLIld j h. tI '11' 1'HIIlllllioll CIt' ri>llil lIoll 1\1'1111" bUI, bU88.-"S.0.8,," nurw~l1. N('h. e. 1,1I.ve8. ThE tFrom Th~ n~trolt NeWIll Thfl abu.ndoned tarms 01 lhe north· ny sIngh'; numa n being or grOUp ba~l:d 111'"" 11111'1"1111111111<11 law, ' .,n.Vij ..\It. -Y"u are right in your AU"mlJ, but W' lire glad to co­ ~(lmes ca n contribnt mueh to amity alnong V(\t;8C1, Scotch colloquialism tor '1 ' Mrs. Phy1 Official Dail~ Bulletin Increa ... In Carm land value •. Even h'8t slep Is to .oreate an effective operate with the I 'ague in its cnelen \'01'11. " Ihp nations il may be thllt Ihe Amsterdum kiM," Tou could not expect to Get /lvenue. wi\) very far vln. such a melhod. Th u or more Importance Is th~ great ad- gency di rec tly for these purpOsI!I jA., City, M( 'fhat np"lect of an 9Pporhlnity to attack gnmeR, now in th ir concluding ph81!e~, hove vanCe In standards of lIvlng 01 all lnd to give It authority and reo a devicp of t h oppo ition marks 1\11'. lLoov'l' 10 HhorL as In mUd. occupations elnce tile war'. Some '"I h her h' a certaiu \'alue as tenching"U~ that humIlity • • • ~.811~, Bulll'Lin8The nnd Universitynnnounreml'nta forof th Iowa .. OfCklnl Dally ,ources. These are solemn pledl/8 From there branches at agriculture have great· and Lh ey will be fulfilled by the (to as an (·nlightened party man, rnther re· Wllich 'l'ennysOIl reckoned lhe Itigbeflt of the wre>lled. (wr st.Ied.-"L.B .. '·Cl.ms­ }Julll'tln roll/mn rnuat be In the Summ"r St""IOII orflco. tQrnla on a I Iy recovered, but tnken a. a whole fUblican party. It 18 a definite pLitt Jnarltnhly he 'fol' Lh IJolilical inhibitions forth, la.-llls not right to say that room 6 Old Cnll1tol. by 4 o'clock In the - him. ven Lho t~ oce:u!!on was n wil! return ,\[r. lIoover takes a Rhot at cOrT"uplion in mission with a latger mORS of favorable dd­ ~ Volutne HI, No. 2fi3 ;\ugu~t 12. 1928 There are m!ln>" causes for lallure )>rlatlon. to PUL It In iorce. - Wl"t'8111ng nlalch, Your cdltor prob· Of agrlrullure to win Its tull .hare D I t 1 government. Tbere has b n orruption in vallc 11lIblicity thllil this Am riean O1YIl1,­ a.bly m nl to ROY. "wrested." 01 national prosperity. The aCtel" Ur ng my term as secre ary . , both pllr1ips, h SlIYS, accnrately cnough, pic squad, and few athlete!!, Jf any, have • • • ommerce I have steMlly endeaf' ~ ~rr. a nd war deflation ot prices not only br(t to build up a system of co-oj;@f. daughter. Jo. but it is I"tlirIy obvions that it is hi. inten­ ever entered a competition wilh as many pole·vaullM.-"A.F.T.... Iowa City. llt.-Th N w Standard Dlctlonary WEEKLY CALENDAR brought greaL direCt losse. to Lhe atlan between the government oM ...ere the GU tion to dl',·lu re his 011'11 al:lhorrence of lhe pI' liminory olaims to pre-etnitretlllc as Ll\>yll ~ontaln" no lnfol'nlllLlon concerning '"flller but h~ was otten lett !rl· buslnes.. Unller the.e co.operatJl'II lIId Mr •. F. corruption of th Harding rcgim , and to l\JONDAf, ;\l'OeST la debted In Inhlll~d dollars to be paId netlons all elements Inlerested' I ~ .treet. Hahn, for xample, or nay ongel' or 'that aLhletic t~rmlnOiogy . It Is probably ) , .. anhounce hill own intol" I,woe of nny such self-adverti inK but OtbCl'1fise attract!v cor root to so.y, "lIe pole-vaulted 1:00. Il.m . Publlr Lt>~ture : "COOJ)l!r." (Illustrated with moving pIctures) In dennt~a doll&.r.. Prices lire otten the problem of a particular 1M! by J. Whitman. hemlslry Auditorium. demoralized through KluLs In OU"!ry SUch as manufacLUI'er, IllsLrlb . F. ,. Boyl situation in his OWn adllltllisll'alion. puformel', . Ther ia food f01' .:\8 1·2.''' L. • •• TUESDAY. ACOt: T J4 Inark t~ during the harvest sea80li. or. \vorke •.• and consumer have be ~.Qt to Ch i, Secretal'Y Hoover goi 'C~ one more proof 1I0W burniHty in realizing thnt r v learns knoek oul.-"S.o . T~," ()oraJvllle, 1 :00 p.m . ChorUA reh a f'IIO I: Regul"r reheJll"tiII.l of UnlverlllLy Chorus. Local hutet have been Increased 'to ~a ll ed Into council together, not f~ ~ n d • tew of bis essential inriPl'cndrnce, and of lID ad­ htwl' hown n litH freouvplle88 in pro­ IlL-The term knockout with Lhe Liberal Arts Assembly. provide the Improved roru:f~ and a 8 1~ l:le occa.lon but (ot" contlnU' Iwth return 01 toll'l'"II(''' l!enl!e to strike Or dllSh oUL wlLh n. WElISESOAl', ACOllST 15 ""hoole. The tariff oh ' some prod· dUS work. These efrort. have bellil mirable when he ref rs to the per­ portion to th hope alld favoruble assump· ucLA j~ proving Inadequate'to pt·o· , " 1011 bee.vy blow. dal<'9 from 8hakespea.r· 8:00 p.m, Three Sea PlayB: In Ihe ZOne, The Long VOYll/l'e ' Oal'ol wlm secution 01" hi~ (~l1a ker ancestoJ'1j. "By tiolll! of their pOJl!lQrs. ~ Home. lle. teet him from Imports Crom abroad. !lucces.ful beyond any eXllectal ill' Ia.n lImee Lltlon wllh ohe an· trlbuLlon. lower prices to the cial manner of Dring. The il1AJl wbo fin· ~ whloMr.-.. C.O.D.. .. TIWn. Ia..~ StudIo Theatre, Memorial Union .. c~i ~t. K IT. scielicc." In that Slutl'lUf'ut. ~\J r. Hoover ished Iirst in the Olympics in. allclent There eust8 nO such word a8 which' FRIDAY, AUGUST n olher In the 118~ at their Product, 8Umer. and more stable emp l oy m~;l "'om Bouldel otten depre88lng prices be low those and prottL. While the proble,], VII' haa been expresses hiB own im pHHt"J e II 11 h any at­ Ore ce }Vas the only winner. There was no er. The phraae "lhan whkh there S:li p.m. Concert; Schubert concert. by UnJverelty rf'ati~ • is no whlcher" Itt a mere vocal ges­ Summer Session levels thaL could be malnulined. les wIth every different commodi1.Y tempt to make the r£·~igloll s IS! u.e a part of such thing as I, winning" l!ccond plAce, nor Chorus. Natural Science Auditorium. lure e ..preSSlng nothing. It prob­ SATURDAY, ACOUST 18 The wholf> tendenCy of our clvlll· nnd with eve,'y dltferent part !It " Lowene B, • the camplligll. lie condemns tho' persona is there, officially, at AmsterdlJlD. .A~ th~ IIbly reters to the zenith of whlch· mUon durl0\l" tbe lul 50 years has OUr great country. J should WISh ,~ "j\\ be. a w Who would Iii I hhold their votes from his conclusion of the track IIlld field IlX~tSj the been tOward an Incruse,ln the size I\pply the same meLhod . to agrlO~ e ot Vlrg "MA. or tile unIt. ot production In order ture aO thllt tho leadors ot ev• ., rivW, Alfred J.:. mith, simply because of a Reore this year stood, nRed states, 8; lexlcographer.- .. N.U.T.... Mexico. ~"~ Ine. Mo.-A lexlcogrtlpher Is not. a. you NOTICES to l!CCur« lower COIItS lind a more phase of each group can advIse a~ , diffl'rence in reli gions faith. British empi re 6; Finla~d, 5;, and .tapad, orderly adjustment ot the floW' of organize on pollcle$ and con8trucLl ~ ' .unest. One Who answers foolish 'I Winslow T Tilat is a portsman's gesture, imd one weden, and France, 1 II l~ce .. WII lhtew II qllMtions and Lrlee to humor un· AUGUST CONVOCATION commodlUes to the derri~ nd . BUL 'meaSUf'e8. I am convinced Lhat tilli! tbe or!l'lInlzation at Into torm of .action. It nns Done "I_pending whlch will not lose Hoover any vote . tr mendous squad into 8 cotites14 and by grammatical perl!On~. fie Is rother The August convocation will be held. Thul"8dlly evenln,. Auruat U agrlc ultu~ as 'Ill larger unit. muat not 1;Je by en· other Industries, can grelltly ben~tll ~ty wIth [I' 1Ie did not announce any hrewd diplo­ . sheer force of numbers were able tOJllile tip Jl IIIP' m~ authority on langunge. There will be no "'asses, Friday. August H . I l'fiJIo Is a ju Ihe coml,lIer or edllor of a dlctlon· Summer ~S8lo n OCtlce. lar!l'ed farms. rhe fartrl~r hb B' (armer, dla!t'lbutor, a nd conaurner: matie plans. He did not reveal nnw lin unofficial point seore 41f173, 7], ah~ild ~ho",n be can IncteaAe the skin oC The working out oC ag rlc ultu~ I~tclne at ""Y. It Is his dl>lY to a.cL n8 Impar· lIb year, Is I seheme of farm relief nor did he furtll l' of Finland, a conntry of about 3,500,000 hla Indtilllry wllh611t lalVa op~ta · · ,..,llef constitute. the mosL Impo~ t.lal judge nccordlng to Lbe merits It~dle. th l. , persons. MR. NICHOLSON. SPEAH"fta tlo.n.. I. tMay prOdu cl n, 20 alit obligation the next i illumine hi :- own attitnde on probibition, of thl! dl tloo. presented. He ot adtnl~n\.li' 'oralty Of P ,Mr. Nicholson. BristOl. England. will be the ..leaker at the rBgular per ceht more lhlln elghl ,88.1'1 ngo traUon. I stnnll pledged Lo til , or on half a dozen other issues of the cam­ Sti LI , the true sportsman, 8nQ t)lltticula~­ · .. 4elphlo. B.Y.P.U. meellng Sundny evening. Augu8t U. ' :45 p.m .• BaptISt cliurch. '.. plljgn. On specjfic questions his speech Iy the true amataur, does no 8Oj>8 'fol' proposal.-"A.T.O." Town. City. I a.. wIth abotlt the sanle Rcrea,~ and proposals. The obJecL of our ' Btle.k. Friends of Mr. Nlcholsoli a nd a ll nlel1lbera of Young Peoples Sooletles of Is -A proposal Is a wrllten offer by peNl/mnel. Farming lind mUg( cles Is to eetabJlsh tor our tllrmetti . S.• ' . Cdl whs lit ti" more than 8tl amplification of the wounded pride 01' balms for 8b.tt~red hoP.etl. a l1Idder for a contract. I.e .• an offer the city are cordlafly Invited to attend. Mr. Nlcholson'8 topl(l will be. continue to be n Indi\tllluaIl8t1p an Income equal to those ot otlW repnhhc.m party plottonn. But within A!l we have ] anted In the last deeade thllt "Stud"nt Lite In England." E TlJER DEMPSTER. pre.lden!. .reet, will I' proposing something 10 be adopted bu.lnea of amall unll.fl anti Inde· occupatlona; for the tarmers' w~ 'IIi fWl).w~ek8 broader limi ts, Herbert Hoover oullin d we are only one in a large world, potillcalI,y, IIIr conllridenld. No, Ihls uoage did pendent olvnetahlp. Th, . fal'ni' 18 the Bame coin tort. In her home ~ CHORUSREU£AR8ALS llier. where indepelJdt'nt. con .. trnctiv pwicillll wbich so we are rem inded bow that in Dunly fields ."t evolve fro'" ttl!> custom of con· more than a bfl8I'*'j., It til Il lIIale women In other groups; tor the carjil~ f1Jh.~ph. A regular rebeal"lllli will be held .n L .A. a,SIeJlIbly, Tuellda)" AUI!'1Dt 14. tn t.racl marriage. of IIvln,. We do not" lib/h' if obll· boys and glrle the same op\)(irtu ~~L"'r' will COUl llH'nO him Ih.. free·thinking memo there are greater nlbJde-s thaD iIlIy we -blve 7:00 p.m. ~ . • • • verted ' In£o a InIl8l ptodllctrqR nla .. 'Ues In lire 118 other boys ana '~I, ,b 'Mr. B. y, will commend him tn the freer-thinking produced. If the modern OI)'DIPics do nbt _ being loved.-"V.L.L." IOWa City. The tlnll.l rehearsal ot chorus will be In the Natural SeleDce Audllor!. chIne. Therefore. It I the Carmers' 80 far 8!! my own a bllltlb. may members of ,both part il'''' fully meet the hopeful intention of those la.-Tbls 18 wh9-t 18 known to gram· um. Thursday. August JG. 7:00 P.m. ~~t returnf poeItlon I, to be inlptOtoed by !&l1Pr lOt Wervlce, J dedIcate tMm ~o 'I ~re he hal wholl8w in them an instrument of concord, maUlIt" lUI a J)Il88lve participle. The operatlon8· 1t • must be done nol on secure Pl'08perlty and contentment .. phraee, "by an IoWa co-ed" doee not CON()ERT i ~'Y8 tranllllct 1 Tex Rickard doesn't figure in the head- tbey do provide occasion from tbfte to time the farm ' but In the fff!1d or' dlll~l· In tnal Induatry where 1 and lilt lines much, but he was a winner in Thurs­ fol' relinquishing national pride for a noblel' chaoge Ita passivIty. Wbere did you A Schubert concert wilt be given by the Unl\lerslty S\lltnner ae.ton butlon. Alriaulturt\ hill ptirtlllll" • _ ~et that nollon? kl,thsr,ne choru8. lUI8lsted by Miss Alvaretta Weat. FrldJly, Auguat 11 ••: 11 p.m. advanced 18 thJt ' 4tfeetIoD tln'oU.h do)' night's bout. virtue. EL ?[ONO Natura! ScIence Auditorium. If, hll! rei ~ ••••• I' •• ••••• ' •••• ! •• ••• • ,. , • ••• • •• I r ,...,- ...... " w-oper&U,.. all4 POOle. ftt.... (CONTINUED, PAOm " COLt1~ " ~re 8~e hi - ,_._------i• e 01 Mr. fOl'merlr ------~ - _. • 1st 12, 1928

SuDday. AUgIlIt 12. 1928 -~- 'I1ie DaiJylowan, low. CilJ

; ; ; . •• c l[ ,· , , , . "PTTTT n w w. ~ , " , , • • , • , • • • • • • , • TT"::;;:;;:;,., ~l i Laurence C, Jones, Iowa Alumnus, e Is loUen no S~ith to Begin Biggest. Battle Alumni Briefs !on lUI to botb • Social E~ents \ Goes to l\laQuoketa Helps Southern Negro Children ha ve re\ard~ ~~A~~~AAA""~L~A""""""A44444~~44- 1 Mrs. Bello M. Stout, M.A. '28 of l constructlvij I in Acceptance Speech at Albany lowa I"alls, will teach ed uca lion a nd t is our plain Twcnty-one years ago a negro Since that time the 8chool has psychology at the.Ma\luoketa junlo.' youth. Lau"cnce O. Jones, received grown, but no tUl!te .· limp the de· the common Roberts, Lura Deal college this rhoot tn ~1t ~H I ", <= lll'll. R,;I , Southern Call1o''nla to devole morc n11y Nll"n n l"r-: lIW C' t :lhh." 1 1vln~ . Th'" ur home milt. Rapids, will take 1)lace at noon to- Mr. Roberts, son of Mr. and. Mrs. even yet he I ~ not 6")th~fi("1. f Ol Lime lo his law practice. '("1"11 lw (Jrlln· ~ . nnr1 rlnat .... "("nmln \. · o((ice and In· 48Y at the home of the bride's par­ D. W. Roberts of Des MOines, at­ lV"ltI!:") I, ~ ' c- .... b·' n.:- t o") hnn(l l'p'l 'i o r ~!nns ('onFim In t.')~· k R In t1,,~i" ""h"'8~r. ~rmel' the full ents. tended Penn college at Oskaloosa, .,n .... r o ,.h l1 '·'''n Iln ~r1\I"'ltln n thnt be' storrcl In Lubonltor)' 11nn of ",""1,. Th,..",C" nunll~ J1'\US' ~ tllr!ft policy. T~e bride WIll be attended by Mrs. and later took work In the college of "m'e hla t 'mp w(\~ Imp"""llblp, hC' rnmp l et~ bpfor~ they arc glvcn cre· the spread be· Don Howard ot Chicago, a soro ..... y medicine at the university Henry StofCel, D '28 oC l.lechanle8· 'i",Tl7"' !iI thnt- thn,'p arl') sUU hundredb Y II I ~, hIlS accepted a position In a lit tol' the course. ~r receives tor a1sler, and Robert E. Sass of Daven­ The couple will reside In Chicago. , " "iOV(l 'I "'1 (rl··'s f.11 nt nr .... f'lf"In1f"4)'· ·1.. nl,,1 IUlIur"Lo.·y In noellester, t the ultim al~ port will serve aB best ma n. wl!ere Mr. Roberts has a position ' n- ,,, .. 'h ~ O)'lpo,·tunlty he has for 'I'he great' problem or the r('hr ": --.;:, Y. g to increaMd MI88 Bundy attended Coe college, with the SilenCer Lens company. J1 "" '1. has al ways been I scc u rln~ fun c1<1:. •. I ncrease In .here sbe was a. Delta. DIllta Delta """,'lin7 oul In 1907 with un Iowa The pupils them"elves c'lOnot a.rfo i , n one ot thl sorority girl, and later graduated + + + U l'llensteill 10 (Joe 11 .. ·,.. . ~ 'l • "" Itrh g-Iven him by a to pay Hufficlcnt feeM to make lh ~ Vemon Lichensteln, '28 01 G"and r. T~ese In· !rom Iowa State college at Ames. rl',,'ernlty to,' whose membe rs he Institution .elf·supPOr tlng, so to ala Since that time she has done secre­ lound, wlll Leuc h English at 'Coc ",,<1 ,lono 0,1" 1ob~, n nd a littlo cash, In raising funds the school sends ~ led to the C0iI1 Mrs. Chesley ,·ollege. Ced"r R3 1)llIs, this l'ear. Ihlng seaboart t.rlal work for J. W. Coverdale of he wont to Mississippi. Here, In the glee club to tour the country, D.p. , and reaull ~.!lquakle mills, at Cedar Rapids. tollowlng year. he bought a rough p ~arlng before negro melodies. a nd Mr~. 1<'"slgn Oles ot his price" Mr· Beman attended Coe college. Honors Fayette ' hack. a nd with (Ift.v doll ars capita l, telling the story· of their school a nd Mrs. Lewis V. Ensign, '03 of lE'oder. . IJgn cOunlrlf.'f! ",here 'he aWliuted wl tb Delta Pht storted the Piney Woods Achool MO"gantown, N. C., died Aug. 6 at cctty aided In )!:pl lson fratornl'y. L,tol' he at­ MedaL \A/ 'Lnners fto1f'fl the lInl\,r>f\l ity, and became a the home ot her sister In Des J1 the Amerl· Moines. Berore her marriage Mrs. tenchers' Institutes in I1IInois dur­ were married at the Little Brown rlrember of Kappa Sigma aoclal fra­ Mrs. E. A. Che~lel' of Iowa. Clly, • has endowed EnSign was Eleanor Hosfeld. Ing August. church at Nas hua, Aug. 2. lem at inland lernlty, and Scabbard and 'Blade, entertained six fO"mer ~'ayette high Jones was a member ot Phi Kap­ modernization hqno"ory military "·aternlty. He school pupils, who were winners of Runs for County Attorney pa Rho, a ncl has been teaching In ",actuatcd to'om the college of com­ the Sons of the American Revolu· Lois Taylor to Indcllenciencc st substantial l_ols E. 'faylo.', M.A. '28 of Mar­ l"ol'l'"st B. Olsen, L '08 of Iowa the h igh Hc hoo\ at Hawkeye for the ,st farm rellet lIIerce In July. He Is now associated tlon history medal, at a tuncheon City, has recently announced his past three years. with the Federal Check Protective Friday. These awards are g iven Ion, wlIl teach En!;lIsh and French .t at 20 01 our in the junior college Ilt Indcllcnd­ candidacy tor the position of John­ modernlzntion b~reau. each year by lIlrs. Chesley tor Orunlleland-Yager encu this yeat'. son co unty attorney. great MIssl", + + + IICholastic ability 111 hlsto.·y. Frank Eldle Grundeland and Wa ller D. joining ot the E_ Chesley, 80n or the donor, started Yager, '18, both ot Calmar, were To Teach in (.'olorodo Goes to Seymour the heart ot .' this custOl1l u nd Mrs. Chesley Is married Aug. 1 at the Little Brown Margaret Crosby Detty Ul'ooks, '26 of Shell Rock, Roy W. Newell, M.A. '28 of Sey­ I the gult, but contlnulng the aWIl"d In memory ot mour, has returned to that town churcli at Nashua. I'e Great Lakes Married to Dean him. She has also made anange­ will tcach physical education at the state nOJ'mat of Greelcy, Col., this to ussume duties as s uperintendent lese ImDrOye· ments for Its perpetuation. ot schools. Litchfield, Aug. 4 The guests at the luncheon, win­ tall. Last year she was ~mp l oyoo Museum Students • large an In· In the same capacity at Drake unI­ prices as to " I ners of the medals since 1923, In ­ versity, Des Moines. Alunma DIes at Nevada Study Sparrowl ruction many {Margaret Crosby, daughter of Mr. cluded Betina Rlnch, 1923; Owen Mabel V. Barton, M.A. '18 of Ne­ no mOre vital In~ Mrs. F. C. Crosby, of Coggon,. Anderson, 1924; Dorothy Carcey, vada, died at her mothor's home In ' nd Dean Litchfield, son of Mrs. 1926; Marjory Lyford, 1927; and Gracis AII110UllCe Engagement Tho classes In museum traIning that city, Aug. 6. taught by PrOf. Homer R. Dill, dl­ op here. Mertle Lltchlleld, 207 Logan avenue, Phoebe PCeICfer, 1928. Jannis Catherine T. Osgood, '28 at Es· Ws.terloo, were married Saturday, Brown, the winner In 1925, was un­ therville, tlnd 'Wulter H . Penrose, reotor Of the university museums, )posal at th. Gov. Alrred E. Smith will begin his t\\'ellileth and lectioll IL~ democratic presIdential nominee. The cere­ ,lal ust 4, at the First Presbyterian able to attend the courtesy as she Is D '28 of BurlIngton. lIill be married ;. ; ;.,0' ; ; have used mor~ than 60 0 English whole·henrtt!d g"catest poBtical battle Aug. 22, when Sen. I{ey Pitt- mOlly will jnl'6 1)lll('e on t he steps of the New Yo rl, ... ch urch ot Waterloo. Rev. O. M. visiting in California. Aug. 22 In Esthervl1le. sparrows for laboratory work this he reorganlza· man or Nevada (rlt;ht) orriclaJly Jlotifles him or ILls se' slate capltolnt Alblll.y (ublll·e). Yaggy read the ceremony In , the Following the luncheon, which Miss OsgOOd was active In swim­ Wed din,. of Iowa Alumni summer. system upon Only lWo spal'l'nw traps have been Inomical Jines, presence of close relatives of the was served at the Bu,kley tea room ALBANY, N. Y., AUG. 11 (AP)­ Cleveland, who governed from a Iy and a close circle of personal ming while here and was a Delta ....,.. ',.".".",..,."""_"" ... ' '''''''.''''''''''''''''''",.,.''''''.... ~ Delta Delta. Penrose was a mem­ used to cateh all Of the blt'ds, one 'Ibuted greatly oo uple. the guests M'e "e taken on a tour The opening gun at h is twentieth previous capitol, and to Theodore and political friends, will be grouped Schaeler-Peters The couple was attended by Har­ about the univerSity buIldings after political battle-the greatest of them Roosevelt, who occupied the same behind Governor Smith on the plat­ ber of XI Psi Pht dental ft·aternlty. on the luwn Of Prof. Frank. E. acts support· Jeanette Schaefer, ot Davenport, lJora.ck. 120 N. Dodge slt'cet, and riet Crosby, sister of the ibrlde, and which they wellt to Mrs. Chesley's ail-will \>e fired, by Gov. Alfred E· office nowl used by Oovernor Smith, iorm at lhe ceremony. A hundred 'S, the eatab­ and H. D. Peters, '27 of Cedar Rap­ the othor at the home ot Proiessor edlate credit lJee Litchfield, brother of ,the home for a. visit. At the close of the Smith A Ugllst 22, when he delivers the governorship of the state was thousand IlIllrs of eyes will tum Opens Des Moines O!tl ~e J. o~ Id s, were married July 3 In Ana­ D11I, In Black Spl'ings_ of stockyard8, bridegroom. The bride wore a gQwn afternoon light refresbments were hla speech of acceptance here in but a stepping stone to the 'Whlte townrd him as he launches his cam­ Lconr,rd Grltflth, D'26 Iowa mosa. Th(" En~ l j 8h sr.al'rOw wns IntrodU­ qt 'darll blue georgette, and ca~rle(l served, r~sponse to the orflclal notification lIouse. paign, and a million ears 10111 listen City, hns opened offices In the the expansion MI·s. P tora attended the univer­ ced In this country les8 than G5 f agrlcult ure. Iwpetheart roses. of his nomJnatlon as democratic The park, surrounded by huge at radio sets for his opening phrases. Ba nkN's T"u"t buiidlng of Dea MOinell, ilnd will practice there. For sity for three years, and was a yeat·s ago, and now they are to be I to go much BQth Mrs. Litchfield and her flUS­ preside n Ual candidate. shade trees, !Lnd interlaced by His speech ot accel1tance ,,·m be mcmber of Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. fou nd nil OV~r NOI·th Arn~rlcu, and le c"entlon or bind attende<1 the university. Mrs. Nineteen times In, the 1)ast quar­ paths, "ill accommodate close to one of (a,·ewell. He has deelaroo the past lhree years Dr. Orlftlth has and Peters was a SIgma PI. even In the nawilliun Islands. j I'eprosen· t..l tohtleld graduated In 1922, Frances F engel, ter century the erstwhile newsbOy 100,000 11e"s0I18, but It Is expected that he will not return to Albuny been employed In the clinic here. or Their home wlll be in Cedar Rap· clothed with wJIS a member ot Gamma Phi \'leta ) f P 'lrk Row has gone Into battlc that It wIll be fill ed to ove"flowln!' In nn official eap.'lclty-that his lororlty. Mr. Litchfield Is a member LatiUlIJl to Cellar Fa lis Ids. lS with wllich Dr. Herrick Wed '0.· political position. He has been COl' the notification. A buttery ot wO"k here is finished. When he re­ Elks Ladles to her aid tarm· ot Sigma ChI fraternity. kreated once. microphones will be so arranged as sumes his seat, the battle will be Orval It. Latham, Ph.D. '28 ot H(lid i\lceling :I'he coul}le left for a weddln.g trIp at Bride's Home Ida Grove, will become president 'or Barrett-Little pools and to Twmlly·f1vc years ago Alfred E . to catch tho slloghtest whisper of on. At Its close, Insteud of being in Mlnneaota, after which they will tho nominee. hU"lIng It to the far­ the chief executive ot a stnte, he Iowa State teachers' college Aug. 26. Phyllis C. Barrett, '22 of Dunlap, A nlPeting of the E lk's Ladles or­ utlon ot la.·'" The marriage of Frances M. Smith, who had been a clerk In the was married to Bemard E. Little, y to build up ~\ u r n to Waterloo, where Mr. L\tch­ thest COI·.WI· of the land. Sen. Key will elthe.' belong even mora to the "anlzation will bo helel at tho cluh­ Fengol, of VIllisca, and Dr. Perc~ omcp of the Commissioners of Jur' MinneapolIs, July 28 . tarmer·owned ~e14 Is assocIated with the Lltch­ Pittman of Nevada will make the IJubllc, Or he will have withdrawn Interne in Des Moines house, Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 2:30 p.m. W. Herrick. son of Mr. and ]\f,·s. Ul'S In N "\I York city, tlrst came to Mrs. Little belonged to Delta stabilization '~d manufacturing company. Albany an aSsemblyman. He notification address. Into the Inner circle of his family Floyd A. SpringeI', M '28 at Car­ The rlrst part or the afto"noon will G. W. Herrick of Scranton. look as Delta Delta sorority. Her husband be devoted to the business or the II protect the belongoo then to the people at his Those who have been nearest to and frlendR. once more simply Al­ so n, HI now working off his Interne­ I vlacc Sunday, July 29, at the home Is a gradaute of the University ot club following which b"ldgc will be )resslon9 and I home City. To tho peoplo of tbe him th"oug hout the yenrs, his furnl· f"ed E. Smith. ship In Des Moines. of the brlde'.8 parents, l\fr.and. M.·s. Minnesota, and ot the .MIchigan played. Orfte~1'8 of the clu b will onal gluts and PERSONALS New York state capital, proud of Julius Fengel. The Rev. L. B. Cal" Gets Count)' Attorney }'ost law school. have charge Of both the buslnes! " their tradItions nnd thelt· long line­ GhllirH Wanl penter, who oftlclated, read the AlI'S. Seyde! Hostess Joo B. Tye, L '23 of Marshalltown, Their home will be In JllInnoapo· session and Lhe social hour. nade that thll Gaffin and Mytre single ring ceremony. age, he was ~Imply another untried to Bridge Club Ento.·tains Cl nb by :the ·pp.tly }'~y trle St~rd& hO!I heen chosen to till the vacancy II •. Ve"na Fcngol, ~rsler Qt the bride, lej."I ..lator. Members or: the L. A. 'Yo bl'ldlt v~~nt : graauntestuttents In the col· Miss Glady Wal'll of No.·th L lber· caused ,by the I'cslgno.lIon of Roy thaL several lege 01 commerce, and Jll'lss Gat­ was bridesmaid and Clark jo'engel, Since thut time he has been ac­ club were entertained Friday after· ty, entertained the North LJberty L. FIliI as county attorney at Mar­ Tlsdale-G I'OS8ell bacher )lIars at capl. fin'. uncte, Frank Dennison, wlll claimed as their own by the people noon by ~It ·s. George E. Seydel, 403 her brothel', was best man. Adra Whippool'wlll club at he.· home Sat· shalltolV'n. lie has been assistant Ruth A. Tisdale, '21 of West e tedel'al gOY' .pend the week·end In Cascade. the or the enUre stntp. Untutored In Soth Lucns street. High scores we,'e "WBAT NO~UNt\TJON?" Jones, the bride's cousin acted a. urday afternoon. The meeting lust­ attorney there tor the past three Union, and Alvin Grossenbacher, of Llion UI)On the guestlr ot the Rev. and Mrs. J. C. rlngbearer. lhe way" of statc poliUcs and com­ won bj- Mrs. Helen Krall of Ward, Tlth that oil­ ed from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. yeul's. Passaic, N. J " were mat'rled Aug. A (IUestion with a bl!, sugglll!­ OI'th. The bride attende« Iowa State paratively unsl,IIIed in public de­ S. Dal,ota, a gucst of Mrs. Joseph 1 In St. Paul. pallenee. A tlon. "A part 01 t ho public" Teachers' college at Cooa.' Falls fo.· halp, the young legislator did not Gervel'. Mrs. Ethel Abbott won the Mrs. Grossenbacher was a memo ,dfng nlnett find that first lerm In the assembly Announce ,Engagement Orace Oark. Ja of Moulton, lelt two years, and later, Simpson col­ cut Ilrlzc und the consolation M':lS Marjorie E. ,Preston, '28 01 Cedar bel' of Delta Zeta, PI Lambda. Theta, would not be raught asking such ell attord nn \Itogether pleasant. But h~ came awarded to lVII'S. James ·Wllklnson. Cornog Speak at t9r home yesterday to spend the lege at India nola. Rapids will be mLU'rled to Louis A, a nd Phi Beta Kappa. here, a nd I" .. QuesllOIl If they rend The Re­ ~ew hundred "~.t 01 the summer. Helen EIIIs, The bridegroom Is a g "adw,te of rogaln. to batt\e his way upward. + + + ,ble progrliln Chemistry Meeting Hansen, Chicago, Aug. 14. Mi ss also afClllllted with tho P. E. O. vIew of ReI'lows, the »est politi­ .Iho has been visiting Miss Clark al the college of dentistry of the uni­ first to the position of democratic ElIl'ek,. J.ocl ge chapter In West Union. cal news book in Amcriea. It ,-third ot 1\8 (Ioor leaeen selected as the scene Gift Shop. Allpl'Oxll11 n t~l)' 25 r; u~sts University Theatre "lot her, Mrs. 1..<)1101' P atterson. She Wlssellnk reacl' the ceremony, In tho tor the firing of the opening g un of nand appfb. WlI! retu l'R Sept. 1. were Innclu<1ed I the rOUl·tosy. presence at the Immediate Camilles. a nre,ldentia t campaign. orce. tla. ll'ox of Davenport served as secretary 01 To Martin Van Buren and Grover 33¥3% maid of honor, and Kenneth Fox off .d lly endeaf­ _,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Novak, ,and Studio in the Iowa Union ·lilughter, Josephine ot Cedar Rapids was best man. The bride wore a - .------m of co-al>ef: white chiffon gown, and carried or­ Oraphlc Outlines 01 History were the guests on Frldny o~ ' Mr. ~ rnment aii ~ chids and roses. 1928 Hupmobile Sedan co·ol)eraU... and Mrs. F. J. Lechty, 719 Reynolds Oakdale News Following the ceremony, a. wed­ In tcrested Itt ~et. 1928 Pontiac Sedan lp ding dlnner was scrved, a!tcr wh ich Dr. H. V. Scnrbo"ough left Thurs­ Icular l na~ Dr. and Mrs. Schultz left fo.· a wod­ day for Northwood wh ere he wlIl Presents 1928 Dodge Victory Sedan reI', dtstrlbji· ' ~.' /. Boyle, 633 Oakland avenue, weQt to Chicago Thursday nig ht to ding trll) In Minnesota. 'I'hey will hold a ollnlc for th e Iowa t ubercu­ 1928 Whippett Sedan er have belli be at home In Pella after Sept 1. losis association i)'rlday. He was ac­ ther. not I~ ""'od a tew days on b u slnes~ . He 1928 Studebaker President Sedan for canUtiu­ ....11 return on Tuesday. ' Mrs. Fox Is a graduate of Pella com panle(l hy Dr. William M. Spear 1928 Essex 4 Door Sedan .. , high school anrt Centro I college . of the Oakdale medical staff. Win· '" have be,. Dr. Schultz Is a graduate of the ston Scnrbol'ough of Oakdale al.o Three 1928 Pontiac Coach expectatl6/l', .' (Jarol Williamson, 222 S. FairChild pUsh ed wlill, lIlreet. and Mrs. Beulah Beals', 836 college of dentlsl.·y at the univerS ity. accompanied hi" falher. 'I'hey wlIl 1928 Hudson Sedan, U8-inch wheelbasc Out ot town guests at the wedding 'gU lallon III ~ ll'kwood avenue, left yesterday "elum on SatUl·day. 1928 Chevrolet Coach Included Dr. and M.·s. Ruy Fox, 211 have secul'fitI Uternoon Cor a two· weeks vacation Dorothy Scarberou!"h has retul'lied 1928 Nash Coach remedy fOr lIn ' Chicago and Des MOines. N, Madison street, Iowa City. rrom leO'Te"t City where She wa~ Sea Plays the guest 01 Ann JIa nsen. Martha 1928 Chrysler 62 Coach loIaste, redllF' + + + .ion a nd 1118- 'Ca therlno Wjfide, stenographer for Grlmos was a lso In the party. They by 1928 Master Buick Sedan to the clll!; Tfnr. E. H . La uer, retorned F~lda.y visited at Lakot" with Oel'trude 1928 Star Sedan nl'PPSm{ln, a sorol'ity sister of Mi ss emp l oy m ll~ 1 :rY!Im Boulder Junction, Wls .. ,,'here Miss Pantel Weds 1928 Nash Sedan problel]' vai- '~h ~ has bcen spending her vae/ttlon. Sea,·borough's. I ~ r t Former Iowa Man P hilip Newsom, a graduate ot the 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan l commDdltl 'I' -- 3nt part rJ Lowene Barger, AS of IOwa City, university now em ployeel III the )Uld wlah wO\ be a week-en a visitor at t he Mrs. Blanche Pantel of 'Wapello ehemlRlI'y department of the Enst­ Eugene 0' N eiLt ,Id Also Gordon Seat Covers at 33 1/3 Off I to agrldUl, ~e ot Virginia Votaw, AS of Mus- announces the marriage or hel' ma n Kodak company, Rochester, N. % rs 0/ eveW !lIne. ' da ughter, DO"othy, to Oliver Castle, Y., 18 spenmng n sho.·t vilcatlon with 1 advise 1;\11. son ot Mr_ and Mrs. E. C. Cas lie, hi s pOI'c nts, MI'. and Mrs, .T. W . ~T' co n8~rucU~ · which took , I}lnce at CrUwn POi nt, Newsom at South Engli sh . . He 18 a In The Zone II t WI08low Tompkln, M3 ot Clarion, ~ ed that tlllil Ind., Tuesday evening, July 31. npphew of. Margaret Thompson, Oak, 'lInE JAMESTOWN has done 'Qj I :11Pendlng the w e~ k· eJ1(l In IolYa. The bride Is n graduate of the hig h ,11\ 10. SE'rT l. "~~rENT eally benetlt h~Y with friends. MI'. Tompkins, school at Wapello. and attended the E lmo. McKee, nurse nt the medl· Auto ~walnc. consumer;, t , n 18 a junlo.· In the ('all ege at university of Southern California on l hulldlnl{, has gone Cor a month's The homl'l! of th~ .Jamestown s t­ at the UniverSity Of IIowa tlemt>nt 1Vt>"P bu ill In AmaJ1 The Long Voyage Home agr l c ultu~' :r~rClne last year, vacation at Council Bluffs nnd other ... year, Is plannll)S' to resume his The bridegroom Is a (ormc.· stu­ pillecs. !"'OU I)S sa that ,; ,'~ater P1'otectlon nost ImPjo . ItUdies this coming fali at the Un l­ might be had C,·om . the Indians. ext adhi n I. den t of the uni versl ty and Is now ~fl' s. Ida S. Cltlrke will sl)end the terelty Of PennsylvanIa at Ph ilia- ,'heRe ",p"e culled stockadeS'j Now Price ed to th~ employed In Chicago whero the comlnl:' week visIting her sister, -¥2- {Jlih \\'ooden W'lll" were nlaced ot our ~ rhla. i ' c01.lJ)Ie will make their homc. JlJra. WinIfred McCleary, at Oxford. lIe t -.=-:: • "ound thQ enllro group. A"ound our farmtli'l S. F . Crlt7., 314 N. Van B Uren 'he itlslrle of th~8e wnllR l'an a' Save Your Upholstery, Make Your Car Cooler, Buy Ise

Pick Cor

STAMf London, scales. W track an, tile Brltls tbls after .- ode worl' ~eAslon 01 'Eeney and Bride North i~mer. Co ..... 70 i 70) 7 ~, 'Is Pennsylvanlo ...... sal 83t Ill' .nees. High Lights in \Vheat Up; Corn Down Southern P acific .... 11 9 119 119 Forty·tl ·tud_baker COI'!l . .... ~U 70~ 71 , witnessed T... "as Corll...... 611 60t 61 callS by t to six, til Hoover's Speech Wholesale Undoing STOCI\ MARICh'T AVER'AGEs UI,lon Pacific ...... 19211 1926 ~92' 20 Ind. 20 lUll. U. S. RubJ)e r ... _...... 32 31! 32 tbb scorln rCONTINlJlIlD .1\0)( PAOm II of Spread Trade. Saturday ...... 194.9 3 14 t.llS U. S. Steel ...... 143 13911 1421 ' 'l'he Ya Friday ..... _...... 194.35 H 2.S8 'Voolw or tl~ & Co .....1 82 ]82 182 ror'i>fal1l~r. w~.... bOrn an~ n~nrly Changes Holdings W eek ogo ...... 196.53 14.'1.14 Yel. Tl·. & CoaC h .... 3H 31B 311 te~18tered II Of m)' to.mlly "till olllnin their Y~ar go ...... _...... 165.48 142. 46 American lI"eHhOOd. l1JCAGO. AUIf. 11 (AP)-W h~a t High 1928 ...... _ ... 209.04 l~7.Q3 wMn n q' ~ . . ,,,·nt up anil corn ao ' n today, InrI/e· Low 1928 178,84 138.36, Markets at a Glance ~ Bih'd, M( I)' a" I\. I""ult of IVholN.llle undoing ., and e;)me ,'ht' republlran pftrt)' M. Pver Total stock sales 765,400 .h1I res. or Ilr MI tmdp. In which ~orn bad distance I Iw"n th" f'xfIOnpl\l Of protM'1I0n 10 NEW V'OIiI< . hattedng L« n I.htl'('r dellv.ry or COrn Bonds-Qulet; high money Tate~l '~ e have alway. fllught tor tariffs Irregular Unaer featured t w~rt' I.ttlnll' 110 Of th.lr Corn ],o!(l· dp.lgnpd to •• tnbllllh thl p,'Ott'cllon restrict trading. , Quarter·m Ir" t\.d"y, nna wprp buying wheat Firming Money F'o~elgn exchanges-Easy; Japan· (rom ' mpor«'d gOo<:I8. WI' nlllO havp ling 'fed "He will cOme, It-lC 11e'8 riot too owtully tied up ,,1th bURlnr".,·' rnll red to mAin' Ull Ii RpN'ulntlvp \ he.H ~se yo n at' ne'\\' 1928 low. ~nact('d ~1t'ktfo n 8 u(>On IInml"rd' jY6rld's m C~lIa . ••.. .1IOrI9AP' of ~orrp.llOndlnll' n mount. N)l:W YORK, Aug. 11 (AP)-The , Cotlo n~Lo lV e r; forecast tavorabl{. tlon tllr th pl'Oteclion ot labo,' (rom Ch')slnlf (IUOtations on \\ hMt weri' nlng s tar thp Inflow ot 'workere ttl ll'r (hun bond mark t continued Irregular a1ld weallier . ' aochor Ie! CONCERNING T IlE ACTION AND congratulations. Oh. I h d a won· rJrrn. je 10 Ie Il~t higher. wllh com f.'asy tOdAY. Under the InOuenc!> o[ 'Sugar and Coffee-Holiday. " " w~ n.n tlboorb Ih ~m without b,.."k· Jimmy B, (,If,\ R,\/:TF.RS t1~I 'ru t ttme. Too wondN·rul." R rIlJl);ln.:- 4c Gecllfle to Ic advance. nrrn1ng money rRtrs . Ttmr mD1lflY CIt:rC'A'G O 1; dow1l OUr ,"lg , vel •. Ill' nine y gnve a wMk Iltll" laugh. "That'. I"" MIa unchnngfltl to Ic up, nnd pro' at Gl \)er cent \V08 the chIef Intlu· Wheat-Steady; beller demand . .' 1 CELIA DREW, na~ bOO n obllg d, A K~fleral t+dIJ'lfoh b1 the fklltt vi ;ons uncllan M! to rll!(> or 20c. AJnerlC31H why I'm JlI now." en~e toward liq uidation. 'Corn-Stendy; 'JnCa VOl'atile ' 1'6' . arter the death or Mr tdiller. to IVO II Id tldmll a r100il of roods t 1'01'11 were 493· C IIll ('Qulrtn't ~ p"ak . Rhe r 11~ WhNlt pMc~ gllln8 In ("h.lengo too, U. S. government Issues resisted J)Or-ts Nebraska. I Jf • go to work. She Is tho B\!CrcttU'y Obl·Odd. It W'O'uld InJUN! (WHY Birbutl . tha algnltlen n ~l> o[ h~r mothpr'. Nn· dn" w.ro '" Ihp (11(,('1 or unpxJlt'<'led the 1t'!ownward trend hOlding 91 :!tes· nltle-Irregular. , ':I or hom~. TI Will rlU Our H .... ~tll with (eSllion. Ifow Wll.q .he to hi' In to d,,;vnturna In Liverpool quotnllons, terdny's quotations, eave ,(or Llbetly lfo~Sleady. l!IENJA1I,flN rtARRINOTON. and II' tell her that ahA had 110 hu8bll.nd­ Idl workers. .;.. ,Lft. : r.Otwllhatandlng nn oCClclal noport The m e 3t's 'Which drOpped 99 .18, a new To\v pertOI'ma n en gaged to his lIOn, only 11. nume .. nd the money or n • • • thnt thl' ('(mllltlon DC th 8(1rlng tor the yenr. ' .. if. .. '" .11' In by Dou TOM. Tho lIa l'rlngtonH dlsnpprove mnn no", d,'ad? ~.".~ wh""t 1'1"01'1 In ("aoo.,o I~ 107 ngaJrl8t St. Paul 5'8 were the outl!lnndlng T hp Immlgrntlo'l1 quolll bllHI. now ~fI~J..\ h amblihg middle dl, loll 103 II Y r "",,0. 1I0w~vl'r, the up­ ResU1~1 i~, '~ at tho mntch, hut CellI'\, dot's not " [ worrJf'd nbout you," her In ~rt!'ct can1.... out the e ntl,,1 strong point In the Irregular mil know this. She has ree nUl' reo mothor comlnupd, CRrp"HlnK Celln', wal'aclttc 6's and Frisco 4&'. "I thought your lire was ru1nocl. hi hride r 8. II'\\' days. 8h('" , fomll'rly :'I[i .To, pphin ' Dnnn thnt ""port "u~l"e~, In whNlt today shOWed Slight Improvement. tOG In". In HORACEl VAlL. one of lIarrlngton's ror n new Ulurl .. (>t IIlIots8. DER MO l NER. Aug. l C (All)-,' mile and buslne.s IUIsoclatps, and lncuryed DurJn.:- Ih .... lonll' ev nlngs thnt I . . 0' Port Wllshlngton, L. T., nnd hA~ knOWll the fighl('r for Jl<·nrly to\oll><1 1,300,000 hu., larll'ely No. 2 hlcngo & Eric lilt 6's nM Chi· . thn~ "I,,-nt nlone, I saW my ... lr dylnK' IInle No, With or w lock d in her orNce l\l mIdnight r lIzo.Uon hy th f'flllllo),l'r th t th 6's making emali golna. Standard or Al,e regnrd<'d ('"lInrondly. and our nU'l'rhnnt mnrln(' In th~ Althau·h Ihl' ("lInadlan govern­ l3. M. ~aUSed the assignment 01 I' ln ten 0 with hht h t 'Practlcebl WilKe I. the I'OI\d N~w Jersey 5'8 however. wrre under 'll.lIIa. finds herselt flnllN' or til lirt's I tt Ilalld. "hH'h@I' tlwrE' II fl' (10m rrbln noml· ('mIt IIfy dnughter, marrl d to 11. riM higher r 1 wag 8. drl('ft lIot pf'I'Tntl thl' l'''mp" of Her 80 le defend" r Is ,"1(1 \Jqptuln IlK of II\lrl'OAe. The "hleh (10 not acrord a true Index or NEW YORR S'Mcr{S !Jerv lc. Is h aving Its ()wn pecu~ar lilmped 25 younlt mfUl," Hht' whl"IIPr ...1 proud· The M'J)uhncnn J)lutrorm fl'lv • tllo GWEN BURNS, who Is rich and r8\mdntton or Anwrledn buSl'l1I'. I. many 11111'OII~nt """~li()nH . hOI'" "xl.Ung roo(lItlona, and theretore Alnerlca n Cnn...... ~~3 928 92'1; t,·ouble. with the public call bootns. F Iy. '''1'ell ml', deal', did hp poma pledge or lhl< )'Inrty to tho AUPVOrt at n Inl~r tlmt' to .IIH<'II. Ih~ .1<·v"l. ~ p ccll\,l SOCially prominent. Larry, nghlUlt thl' Indpft{>llon81l)l1l11 ot th 1),,1· IUW('f l~V"1 tOdny, \vhN-eM Ihe more Dodge Broa...... 18! lSI 1S! \)ullt, has completed $59,lS5,laG. meet when n turlJ r(,l'tJurn,~, n'lp:t.urt·~ tor rur 4 ~A J [, aA'al n propo.pd to h"r. women. " I want .0 mu~h to lee inu.t undertak I\. larllPr vlelont'd lot bo". T would wl.h that tIl~ dlsllInt montl,a were compnratlvely Erl R nllroad ...... 61 601 60! wol'lh 'Of ronds I n the llnst foul'. 4!O·yal'd 81 ItI.r /'rMomy 10 1I'0vernm~nt and Btn) t~ UNA13Li": to obtain anothel' him. lip will ro",('- I.ter·r" development or our wnter rfOOurC"". WOIl'l n or our rountr)' oult! ",bra' tiMn. At on lime, Sept. corn was N I'lls. Funds are obtained lhroUg<1! r",lnrtlon or tUlr.-s_1I o( whlrh 0.(. Oeneral Electric .... 14 9~ 147 14 9\ ilas more ' position. Ilnd Owen urges h r to "Lat~r-yes," ella rnltl'r!'d. We eannot develop modern~ d thl~ problem In cltl?;('n hlp l1li J)~ruil. He bu· hel under the cloel ng QUO' a ga.soUn e tax, licenses a nd federal I ronl ]'I1·oiJl,'rn. lit thp CIl'8t o",I<'r, a Ceneral 'Motors" ..... 18U 182 182i K' hurdle cc go 10 NoW York. "My poor ehlld WIIO( D. nlty J waler IrAnlporlatlon by 1IIOIII.Ied pro. Itrly Ihelr lI"'n. If th!'y rOuld u l'ply tallOns or tho previous (lay. A little Hudson Motors ...... nl 781 79 Ald. The two SIt);) finally goeR. I would ,·Iolnt .. fill' ~on8c1ellce tln~ huv mad~ this H.par~U(1IJ net:~s' ) ~ct.. W e Inu.t de velop It n. n thtlr hJghpr 8('nse Of sel'vlc.. and hnprOI'Nnr'nl w~s 1I0t"d 1n the cooh Inter. H ~ rv ester .... 2661 266l 266l -the 400·0. AFTFal>ollrd • ONER, who Is wrlUng hili me· our Il~rty tod y. Pre"I.] nt Cooltdll'P or your furs ulnn, H er uJlon It er, ell& whIBP~M: to our need. tor mor... land. II('('ome, al Il Ihould lieromp, nn huyh\g or MIA KIlVC .. nrm under· molr•• ha~ not only glvM n m('mornhlp or]. It's Cool in the sseU ra "Very n,uch." All thellt> llroj~cta will probnbly IMUP of profound IlIllrloll"m. Th. lune tl! th Mt. mll.rk~l. mlth ran iN HIs HOM'f.: she meets his at· "Oel!Crllll' him to mil-my IIO n·ln· requlr", ttn ~lIJlendltur .. or upwardll wholo plnn ot p<>lItie.'I.1 Iir~ would fnlnl.lrntion, h~ Itn. I.rt An hnllrl"t torney, JAJ\1ES ANNESLEY. IIr I'('(-tllud~ nntl atAt Am n.hlp upOn Ort~rlnA'. or pro"lslons w~re light, Inw. Whnt does ho lOOk Ilk!>? 18 ot nnp 1I110n donr8 Wllhln thp n!'.l I ItftPii. th ... [oundatlon. or d mo- tho history or nul' ~ountry. HI. anll til re was 80mI' IICIltt red buy' A PLEASANT friendshIp springs he dark or Calr? Tall or s hort? Hns rour yenrit, It 8 ustlflP .. nl('(> votr~? I s h e nrroBllnt, wllb growth. ner· lion or our rount!'y rrom th .. d".tfuC. whom Falron"r looka IIPon as a nI l hl~ w" Ith?" h·y. Thes .. "'orke which will prO- ncp. will ~tl lI rind outl)rpnk or In· son. JII" n arest kin, R ICHARD ~lIl\ ~Mt about (l(,Hllertltely tor vldp j('on· Basel Jo'ALf'O.NER, the .('<'ond, Is I\. 6my to 11. 1>rlnl'lplp of Kovprnon nt. Ih etnclt-nry nnll productivity oC Eome escape trom thl. hnlJaas . And kO rar ns IlI'l1etlcnble be adJultt'd to .Iy enct'stel's W('I'e llI.'r.. "cUted COr Ilcapegl'llce, nnd the old mnll hM Our ('oulltty hut Illi (Innl purpose yet ti h ' dru-ed not he.ltnte lo ng. Not lnk& up tb& eJn.ck of unelhployment th Ir beller.. ll.,re they lIOulfht !ln~ fl " hAS .. hart... 1 Ih ....our .... of our dls lnl,e\·Jted him. 18 'hap!)1 I' hom('". with tho anxious. (] mandlng eyes Is where. tount! 1'('111(1011" trl'edom. By blood tlll.t1 nn nOd our ""rtl' over m:1ny Come Te4a, NA1 YAL ONER sends ror CellI\, one Nil ull" l>I'lI"v U,e C IlIJplraliona Ullon her. Sh KI\.V U d~""rIIJlIon 'Full Text on PrOlIlbItfon "-nd convtctlo'l1 1 stand tor religlolls VI'''''. to com. It I. not only Ilvenlng whl'n hl8 denlh 18 only n dnll ho"e. ("In btl I' all_f'd In a day. tile rlrst man she could think 1 my VOsltlon on tol ranee both In nCI and In 8])11'lt. dut), but It I. the l)o'lrt or staIrs· MONDAY or TUESDAY matter or hours. rec~ntly 8tal.~ Annesley, ns h stood on the statlOJl the ~Ig h.~ nth ftmendTtlpnl. I The glory of our Am ~ rlenn liTcals n,nnqhlp th l w~ IIdb"re to thlB Pro"r~"" or rl'medy lies often HE MARRTED lJEn on hi. death rnoUKh nt th. hllnd IIf s tnte nnd ..... platform w h. n her train hnd Dulled ~ taM (or th eWe I nt -nCor emenl Is the rlghl or (\v~ry m~n to wor8hll) eol.l~. b(ore th" Iot',tl I:Ov"rnlll~nt. nllt the n.wak ~ n. Every Golf Fan in J h.n out . of thl' Iowa e no cted thoreunder. Ood "('('ordlng to the dictAtes or hl8 , ~ , ,",, ' CEI.fA planli Il. trip abroad, but 18 whkh Am~rl· Ing ot thp natloMI conscience nnd She enid, gulpIng I'\, lItl! : Wh O\lv~ r fs choM'n Jlr\ostdl'lIt hU OW1'l co n l!Cl~ne\!. mighty rOreN! rnmlry County Shou ld Try and See cn.ll~d Ilome by he rmother'. 111· "rt.. Is tall. And Quito dnrk. Very undP. hi" onth the -80lemn duty to • • • con lI{e haa the right to promise tit ~lImu l .'tlo n ot rvcry remcdlal the Champion Golfer- ' ness. soullona at his hand ttIone. ,Ill that ilttl-MY Is Indrpd I\. function of the -CLEANERS'; nice lOOkin g, with the kindest p~rll lt. tills courlll'. In the jlnst YClIrft th.re ho" ""en ston ...... In the world. "Vhpn he wnnts "Our counlry hu dPI\blItately un. corruptJon pa rticipated In bY Inrli. lin honp"t mnn con sny I ~ th~t with. nnllonal A'ovrrnment. • Phone 68 GHAPTER xxv. 'I n the "xt"nt ot hi. obllltll'H a nd Th" nNlSldency Is more thnn an .:....--- IIndelphl, to be kInd. But he can be cold tlB dl'rtaken Q g~enl soclnl oM ~conom' vldunl oCflclAls n nd memherA or both .. THE WI'lA VlNO OF ,\ LIE his authority nnd In co-operatlon ri<1nllnlstrpUve ortlcr. It must he Walter Ye! a nd mnl. Tt and munlclpnl nCCI\J... Too orten \vlth the conlll'l'M nnd wllh 1.. ,,(1"8 Ihr Ry mhul oC Amp!'1 nn Ideals. The mua~ . Bo.ton 4 e.. 18 beUer, but you mus t not ta lk "But III he alwilYs kind to tie \~ol ' ked OUt cOnstruotively," t his corruption h as »e('n viewed ,,1th or: PVE'1'Y (\Iempnt In O\lr J)Poplf', lht'~f'I h l~h nnrl the lowly must b. problems .hall Ill' <,ournp:eou&ly met '~i1l1 U'" Mmr r)'.~, ml't In he !Ill.I1le Bagen , l'hlladelpl to her long. And l'om mb I. to hull.1 In thl ~ n"d un" It mll"t und~r the g uidance Ghlcal(o a !t'. ller heart, you know. H .. r com· Thill, at lensl. was th tlon ot (pct find C(\ USCIi can II10ne rontld nce not ooJ)' In It. nl,l1Ity nation n. hum:," soclpt". not 0 n eco· or the Almighty Int rpret and follow :tloston al panlon will te ll you ev('ry thlng-." "And he Is teHlbly In dl'fPrJ1\lnr tile wlll(o . method ot cor but In Its IntegrIty. DI~hone.ty In nomic syot.. m. \V(' wish to In~I'l'lI'P Ihnt cl)nscll'nce. PhJla!lelpl CellI\., shortly 0 n er Fnlcon~r's you, my child?" r~C'tlng them, C rlni ~ and dl-ob!.. government wllether n/\.Llonal, IUlt. .. EM(;LERT del\,th hlld persuaded her mother to , lIa mnnaged a la ugh, and dlenec or law cnnnot he ""rmltted or munlclpnl Is a double wrong. It , ,....,. r:::: .... " T , .... I AME engnge a componlon. She WM "Now, dearest, don't ma ko to break do.... n the con stltuUon and Is treoson to the state. lt I. destrur· t hl\.nkful that, with her money, s he b088t." IA"'~ or thp Unlted !'ltatu tlv" or selr-government. Govern· ew York! could give her motber every luxury. "But you? You love him?" MOillrl~JltJOh Of hre .enforc!'menl ment of the United SUlt~.. resta not liThe 'Great StaT ' lilladelphla A. she mounted the aWrs. she A note of excitement In her moth aWl! whlCl, WQuld permit thnt whlc), o!'tly u pon the cons!'nt of the gover- . Louis ... . shuddere(1 to think ot what the .,t· er's voice wllrnl'(] Cella to be the consUhJtlon (orbld ~ I~ n .1Ittlh' ned hut upon the <:o nllClenee of the 'Ben Fiu':"! Ileago ... . uatlon might have bPen, hau 8h(' s U11 (ul. tlon. ThlJ! t'le Am p r! ~' h fI<'Opl o wfll naUon. Governmeht Wpak1'llR lll" eveland .. Men a secretary In Hnrrlngton's oC· "Pm crazy about him," not countenance. Chhnll'~ In th" mom~'I1t that It9 Integrity \. even Irolt ...... flee. 8\\"el'ed tlmply. constitution ca.n 4114 mullt be doubt ~ d. There mus t be~ or the \Ve have every desire to eo-oper­ BOston at 1" I told Gwen not to 8end tor you. CeIJ.a. lJooqtltution b)r Indirection. ' itEo 1\OUh othei' naUons tor l:lence. f l's npthlng, really. And 1 didn't "Miss Page has been Whoever 1M el",'IMl IIM'R!drnt ht our pMP/e hn,,(' determlnell that Make Your .Car' W "'ant you to leave your husband," to me," enid Ihe Invalid. ln1tcnrl th~ exlg~nclea or the old work!. tn , It had dnwned upon her that he.. " Miss ,Page Is a tYJ"an t." smlleq "Of1"UlltI()n 'of lhp {'\Itf'l! 8tal<'8. 'luhlu3.nce of thl .. Our countrY hns The "MiJiiax" Way Am ~ 1 ~o th er belieVed ller marrlttge wAll Mrs. Drew. "but I'm being I ''',,"hl J,J' nn lru. '/1 ' (h ...... J:tp~' r p(lI.ed membershll) In the Lengue COlumbus ,n ideal mntch-'!J. marriage OC love. becnuse I want to set well IIU 'i""tlItlnnp, h~h ' ue '0 td" 01 h ot ot· ' f NlItions. but we are gll\,d to 1'0, St. Paul : , , l!'he hesitated. perplex!'il a nd uneel" 90 you can go back to your "'I'.. \.pr~ , T., I" del'la .!, olh er'l'len ,>perote with the leagu ~ In it.. endea· Indl ttnnpol taln •.~ how to lell h er the truth. band .... My dnughler 18 n nn. rNlllhU ..n" ,, ~... h\r nlJt h1v. vors to turther SCientific, economic This splend id endLirirlK and ec()nbmjcal anon. CI "Cella, darli ng," Mrs. Drew went MISg Page. She I ~Ct her young .""""Inrllv ,MQmmr n ~.'" In con lf~ ,nd ",oclal weW,re and to s('Cure hacquer f inish is unaffected by-extreme Wtut~ 1t'" Ott , " I'm 110 happy. J think It was ba.nd, after being married ,,,... It '"O\jrif, oi ,' nn1;v • lviliv re.h)l.'p ' Imitation at a.rmament. heat or eold. GasbJlne, OlI, Grease, and G~ or .lttmAWct tecnuse I waa too happy that 1 :,e. (ew weeks, lo COme to her old ~"" n sp. Of hU~~~8 rW. tft~lr con ' Wt' bette,,l\l--1Joo CO"I i h~ M,," /' In ~Uo n or methods nnd agenCies by ~ IT '" "Three RU8Slan rarrled 110 well. You can't Imagine to return , d.arllnog, llromllMl m e ~n"n."mp n.f": . -~- 'Il Iff Alld 1nrlt'~ "'hich " m tHtlLude of Incidents may 'ow l worrJed a nd suffered, after your huaband wlll <:ome to ,.... ".'~t8 n t ",,1 I'n~'fl\""" naliona l be transferred tr'On, the realm or . "{f~ "~~'ttfln. t awful aftalr . All my frl~nd. you. I m usl see my IIO n·ln·I:\",." ",,'II't•• i'OII'" Wlo " M,o'\('l'l"(I If w' prejudice ~nd fotce to Ilrbltatloll . -alSo -showing- opped me; I wasn't In vited any· " He will come. I(-It he'B not ~M'(l .I'''''~ ~ h r ..· ouri! n l: or nil nd· and the dctennln'llrlon ot TIght dnd Beall Bros. here; e "en my hospltnl board stop' awfully tied up with buslne8B," ...... lnl ...... lI 'f' ,~j> " I' ..... ,f,. "."" t" on" wronll: 008('« upon Interna tiontU LATEST NEWS geendJ ng me noUces of lh e meet· leN!(! Cella.. wllh a sinking "''''''r 1l11 l"'n .. " "" ,,. ~I~"'" ",!",01.. . low, Auto and F-umiture Refinishing PATaE gs; nohody ClIme 10 see me, ezcept She descended to th li ving IIltv • .,., .·,lhnl'\l v, r hftvp hnd We hnve been nnd IVe ore portle­ of the .. twen-{)eru-, sweel girl. [ wnnted "What have I done?" Ahe n,.. ".no" ,.,,..; ..," tn \)0' .~"I . t .. Mrt')' " ' ~ .l'v "".. t rps Of fWlherln !!; thl' lim I. 205 South Car. itol WORLD EVENTS dllt . . . And when your letter hersclr, In acute dismAY· nllt "" ph "nrnnl""tnn I" r ~'nect In laUon or nrtnnment8'. But In t he Basement Stimmel Mowr Co,· FABLES m (' , telling abOul your m ,u"l'lag'e, have I done?" tw. ,..." ...... m prtt f\' ('''h\.,.,,...... I''., 'Th n menntlme IVe k nol\' lh~l In nn arm· PHone 297 fot estimates A SELEcfED· COMED:Y t d Owen saw 10 It t ha t evel-ybody ..... 1111 . h - " . Amlliv lUll Irled It ~ II'" i.d ",otlll ther" Is only On~ c('rtdln Prj~es- knew wlls t a. . 'encild m ' t~ h )'oll'ft ('l'O BE CONTTNUED NEXT ISSUJil) ".n'lloll to lIth-r 'a-tnr!",d;' . ~h I!:uulln lee ot rrl!\ld

funerican Athletes All Stars to Meet Witwer GroTer. at Those Famous Sewells ,~ Get Eight Firsts Cedar Rapid. Park

10'1\':1. CIty's new~8t addItion to English Rate Six the seml'pro ranklt ot southwestern Ruth, Gehrig, Combs Iowa l'mll teams, the All Starll, will tangle bats wIth the Witwer Grocer Figure in Scoring ~r In the 10\\'a Inte'·c oll~gtate confer! Pick of Olympic Men nlnc of Cedar Rnplds thIs afternoon. ,Local Paatimera Play ence. HIs tea mmatps o"e cOm lJOIled The game wll1 be 'plnyed al the Hits iorgely or fortner and "resont col- Compose Team for Bunny ball park. Minus Services of lege stars. The local squad has had two hard Of! to a good start by their de· BOSTON. Aug. 11 (AT')-Combs' Uncle Sam , "Skim" MiUer whrkouts this w ek to put them o~ clslve vlcto,'y f"om Hills Inst Sun· rlple, Ruth's slnltlt! and Lou Oeh· dny, the local aggregation will at· , edgp. r..emon, Davenport Semlpl1l STAMFORD BRlDGE FIELD, Ig's twenty·flrs! home run gave the Local baseball tans are IlTQmlsed star, wllf probably be on the a1l1l> tempt to make theIr second consecu· Yankees th(ee runs In the ninth London , Aug. 11 (AP)-The UnIted a real exhllbtlon this afternoon When (or Ihe Independents. A g"lzzele'" live wIn. Reports from Cedar RaJ)­ ·her. lodnv nnd 5 to 2 vIctory over Stites, with tho plcl( o[ Its OlympIc Idft IndIcate that the Grocers have ' the Iowa City Indel)p'H1Pl1t, Ulke on ora veteran from Pennsylvania, John tho Red Sox. the much toutett A IbU"nett IndIans. track and fI eld talent, barely beat 0. stronger lineup than that of sev, Bender will probnhly tltke hI. tur" Score' ~ -1'" 'lf1III Han(lIenpped by the 10SH of "SkIm· the Brlllsh Empire's combined forces eral weeks ago when they gave t he at the boX! and try hIs eastern stuff Ihls urternoon In a meet marked by I(.wa. Clly Cube a. trouncing. . ~EW' YO'RK- A:B. R. H . PO. A.E. mer" },1\IIpr, stnr catcher', and Mort on the visIting nlM. Just '\"ho win on world'. rocoN and Il. rapId suc' Pltul Clo"k 01' SmIth wll1 do the fornI>!!, cf ...... 5 1 2 6 0 0 Koser, outfielder, \,le local nine still ~6 the r ' elvlng In Miller's plae/! 701 7t, ~~slon ot other sensa 1I0nai pertorm' '(10..",110, 3& & 2b .... 5 1 1 0 0 1 feel confIdent of vIctory. Is nes. m.mber of the UnIversity of Iowa Ruth, If ...... _... 4 1 1 3 0 0 'rhe vIsiting learn has hung up I-1ogllh, regurar third basembJ) U9 119 Forty· fI ve thousand spectators pitchIng statt last season allhough 'Gehrlg, lb ..... _...... 5 1 2 6 2 0 stme Impressive vlctorles In tho ~ho sustained an InJu,'y to I1ls han~ 70' 7t 'II1tnessed the trIumph of the Amerl· he failed to get Into n sIngle Western ~reusel. 1'( ...... 5 1 1 2 0 0 post season. WIns have bee.n regl!:!t· ~l'vCl aL weeks ago will take Koser'. 601 61 ~s by lhe narrow margin of eIght conference game, 'w ll1 probably get } _" _"'''''''' 1 0 0 0 0 0 or the lineup will remain the same. • 18 2 182 The Yankee one·mlle relay team former Independent 'Player, may see Bongough, 0 .... _...... 4 0 3 6 0 0 Begin 118i-d Scr1e8 H 311 Ui qlstered the most sensational action In the All Star Infleld In place Hoyt, P ...... 4 0 1 2 2 0 Joe Roeder, of Iowa Stnte Te~h' The game thIS afternoon will star't ers coll ege at Cedar Falls \vJlI be on American trIumph on the track of Hall, regular short stop. ~he local team on 0. hard serIes '1'r I.ben a quartet co nsls llng of George Totals ...... 42 5 16 27 8 1 the. mound for thE> rndlans. Roedel' ~ames that will make or b"euk the~' Baird, lIforgan '1'aylor, Ray Barbutl 'Batted for Durocher In eIghth. has n n ImpressIve record as a hurl· phances tb wIn the southeaslel", and ~merson Spencer covered the uu4.. .. u .... b_... utu heuuuu u cmfwyp _,,______"" ~emlpro champIonshIp. Next su~. dIstance In 3 mInutes 132·5 seconds, U,S, Swimmers BOS1'ON- AB.ll. H. PO. A.K fillY they wlJl tllngle wIth the 1\{~. s~/I.lte'·lng the world's record by Rothrock, 11> ...... 6 I 1 8 0 0 SImmons, J) ...... 0 0 0 0 0 O. hnnlcsvUI<\ nlrrc, nnd the fOllowIng three seconds. :\lyer, 3b ...... _.. . 3 0 1 0 0 0 ------veek they 'l1l1l meet the Solbn Plr· Taylor, whose forte Is Imr(1llng, Climax Week of Rogell, 3& ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 Totals ...... 35 2 8 27 7. 2' /ltes, wlthl n. return game wIth th.e feAtured this I'ace by reeling off his Flagstend, of ...... 4 1 3 5 0 0 same team on Sept. 2. Quarter·mlle In 472·5 seconds, equal. K. Williams, If .... 3 0 2 4 1 0 New York ...... 000 0111 013-5 The fIrth lind flnlll .game of Ihe Boston ._ ...... 000 011 000-2· ling Ted Meredith's long standIng Wins at Olympics Regam, 2b ...... ~ 0 1 1 2 1 Berles will be rplayed wIth thIs air Wbrld's mark wIth the alcIJ of a run· 'rallt. rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 greg'aUon at Solon on Sep!. 9. Botb nlng stnrt. Spencer, runnIng the mpl~e s-Vangl'fi flan. Berr'Y, c ...... _.. 4 0 0 5 1 0 and Connolly. lhe 10cllJ nIne and the PIrates Have anchor leg In 48 flat, beat his rIval, Score Firsts In Five G~l'be r. ss ...... 3 0 0 1 2 1 a game to theIr credIt In 'a wIn over Jimmy Ball or Canada, to the tape ~!a~F'ayd e n. J) ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 TIme of gnme-2:03. the other. by nine yards. Times of the other Out of Six Final Americans In the record·bustlng race ======~,======~======Qm=rr==~~======Vi re 493·5 [or BaIrd nnd 482·5 tor Water Events " . Barbull. Lowe Runs 880 AMSTERDAM, Aug. 11 (AP) - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The most spectacular IndIvIdual ClimaxIng 0. w~ek of trIumph In ~rormnncet however, wns turned Amsterdam"s spacIous pool. aquatic In by Douglas Lowe, famous ~rltlsh ,tors ot the UnIted Slales today middle dIstance star and OlYmPIc wound up the OlympIc water com· Phone ZC90 m·meter champIon, who nnchored petition wIth five vIctorIes In the winnIng two mile and medley relay Ilnal sIx events. teLm.. In the later race, hIs two· During the week men and women FOR SAJ,E HELP WANTED- mil e and slashIng halt·mlle In one swimmer. and dIvers Of the team knlnute 51 seconds bettered ' tho ·scored ten Clrst places In slxt en FOR SALE-MODERN SIX· ROOM \ I tr E A C II E R S- COLLEGEl AND VIlIrld'. half·mlle re ord by three· events, plllng up 17" points out ot house and large g .. oun. Jimmy Score: J)en~e of the ottler. The UnIted and vehemence of the prote.ls. "et the sprint ma"k fOr women, one li"lst fights enSued on sev~l'a l oeea­ penlng of 'fhoo!. Box sprIngs reo ulnn, Henry CummIng and Henry CHICAGO- A.B. R. II. PO.A,E. StiLte~, defending champ·on~, l'OnlH'Id $1000 PROFIT-FOR A SMALL mInute, II seconds flat. '.rhe new lii oJ1!1. APARTMENq1g nade. Line ot coverIngs. Prices sse It ran the rei ny, and Mac Reck. S9 ...... 6 0 1 3 2 0 thh'd wIth two seconds nd a thIrd. 0. mark cliPPed a full second aM 2·5 I down payment we will sell home ['Igh t. Phonl 8040 a; meal tlme or mlth ran the dlstqnce cvent. Maguire. 2b .. ,...... 5 0 1 1 3 0 Holland was fourll, wIth one first from the record Ethel L..'l.ckle set at at 8uch"a rIdIculously low prIce that FOR RENT-ArARTMENT. Phone venlngs· J,;r;-: ~rY8Ch. . ,;uyle,·. rf ...... 5 1 2 1 0 0 and one thIrd. we teel perfeclly safe to gua"antee ParIs In 1924. I 763.W. L. Wilson. (!f ...... 3 1 1 3 0 1 !l '1,000 11I'oflt withIn 0. year. All ~ 'rOli-RENT-- - Relay Wim 1 n the opInion of rlnltalde expe,·ts - ' . . - r ~ Tf!am Stephenson, If ...... 3 1 1 3 0 0 to rg aln. Nothing to lose. Call 492·J. I One of the greatest dnys of tri· Grlmm.- Ib ._ ...... 4 1 2 10 0 0 Argentina deserved to .ranl< fh'st he· "USE A. . , FOR RENT-APARTMENTS. FOR RE~T-SMALL FURNlSftED umph America ever has seen In caus of what were termed unfulr' '" ~ Baseball Standin~ Hartnett, c ...... 3 0 0 5 1 0 f1 I FurnIshed or unfurnished. Bee J . , bome. 427 So. Dodg~. Phone %7211- Olympic competltlon opened with McMillan, Sb ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 dec Isions In two oC the final bout~ UJ ...· NT AD LOST AND FOUND A. O'Lenry. Phone 793. the record smashIng vIctory of the Blake, p ...... 4 0 2 0 0 tonIght. In the featherweight claSH, I ~.1-' mon'g relay team, CO mlJOsed of Aus· Va ll l(laeveren, o[ 1l01l1ln<1, was _____ ...~- _ _ - .._- LOST- AN ORGANIZATION PIN. OR RJllN'r-DESlrtABLE MOD· NATIONAL LEAGUE lin Clapp, George Kujac, and WeIss· . rnltlals B. C. S. on bacle. Loave ,FOR RENT-QNE THREE ROOM ern Houses-j. R. Basch'nare] 4 Totals ...... 36 6 11 27 8 1 and also two room apartment. On. Phone l~6. W. L. Pet. muller. The AmerIcans turned In fit Dally IOWlln ortlce. Re'wa rd. .024 ST. LOUrS~ A.B. R. H. PO.A.I!:. ,NIcely rurnl.heil. Close In. 328 N. I i------~~~----:--­ . Louis ...... 68 41 II. performance of 9 mInutes, 3G 1·6 DouthIt, cf ...... 2 0 1 3 0 0 'LOST-BROWN OSTRICH LEATH· Dubuque. ~fj4 -".'OR RBNT- '~'URNISHElD HOUSE· a,v York ...... 62 41 .602 seconds to establish a new Olym· Holm, 3b ...... _ 4 0 0 0 2 0 er purs~. Call 729· W or 344. keepIng apartment wIth garage by hlcogo ...... , ... 62 49 .660 pIc record and trounce handily F,·lsch. 2ti ...... 4 0 2 3 3 0 ear. 41& So. Summit. ~lnclnn a U ...... -60 48 .556 Japan and Canada, closest rIvals. FoR RENT-APARTMENT IN Bottomley, 1b "_" '" 4 0 0 8 0 0 ttBburg h ...... _..... 66 49 .533 f.'OUND-BLACK SHELL Hl!.. Burlington or SummIt. Phone The only break In the straIght Hafey, If ...... _._ .... 4 0 1 2 0 0 OR RENT-1 npoM HousE; :ALL oklyn ...... 63 65 .491 glasses In brown len.ther case 2592.J. sweep to vIctory came through the Harper, rf ...... 3 1 1 3 0 0 'Cnll at Iowan and pay lor thIs ail ______modern ImprQvements, "g90d gar­ ston ...... a2 6G .327 smashing trIumph of MIss MarIe J. Wilson, c ...... 2 0 1 5 0 0 ge; close In . .Telephone ~~3. elIadelphla ...... 28 j2 .280 Braun, youthful Dutch bark stroke RENT-NEWLY DECOltAT· Maranvllh!, 8S ...... 3 0 1 3 3 0 LOST-BLACK CONKLIN FOUN· FOR Veslerl)ny's Jlesul ts PR01i'E's8I()NA;!O'~';':'-- ace, In the 100'meter fInal for worn· Johnson, p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 taln pen- name on pen. Leave at , ed, well furnished aPartment. ---+-'o'--~ '1 Chicago 6; S!. LouIs 1'. en. Haines, p ...... _.... 1 0 0 0 1 0 rowan ofClce. Close In . 419 E. WaShln8'lon. Two D r. Charlotte MacDllu,aU ' So.ton 4; BI'ooklyn 2. Mrs. Betty Recker PInkston, of ·Wllllamson ...... _..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tooms with or wIthout sleepln:r OSTEP~THlC PHYSICIAN $30. Also light hOUBekeeplng Phllndelphla iI; New York 4. Delrolt, beat out her team·malle, "HIgh ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 FOR RF. NT-ROO~S porch, Orrlce. over Couts" 'I CIncInnati I; Pltlsl)urgh O. __ and sleeplnl' room.. Phon~ t ~lllf!< Georgia Coleman, of Los An' .'.Smlth ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 I,'OR REN'r-rN NEW COOL ,rooms 2t S. CHitto" ' phonlt· lSO'W, Games 'fo.lI1Y 'gelbs, fo,· the women 's hIgh dIvIng , home, furnIshed room 'with prIvate 1_6_5_0• • _--- -.------­ i , '. . Ch Icago at St. LouIs cliarnplonshlJl. w Ith four European Total8 ...... 32 1 7 27 10 1 bath. rhone 3541·W. 1I08ton at Brooklyn rlvalH tralllng. .Batted tor Wilson In ninth. FOR RENT-ROOMS IN DESIR· ~R RElNT-FINE FURNISHED III se Dlii". row-atl' PhiladelphIa at Cinclnnatl Pete Des JIll'd l n~8, Qf Mamaron· "Ratted fOr Maranvllle In nInth. able home--;,oard If desIred. 824. flat, mode..-n, four rooms, Ihla.Jd eck. N . Y., won the men'a HIgh dlv· ."Batled tor Ilalnes In nInth. E. Burlington, phone. 3904. no.rdwood floors, large sle~plng I AMERICAN LEAGUE Ing competlllon wIth Slma.Jka of Chlcogo ...... 100 004 000-5 (porCh, garage, garden, lawn, front Wartt Ads for w. L. ' Pct. Egypt second and MIchael GaItt,en, SL LouIs ...... 000 010 000-1 J.~OR RENT- 3 NICELY FURNISH· ,Porch, hot and cold water. R~tel'· ed rooms-prIvate bath and .enCe requlrM. C. H. Dayton 416 :::0 . ow York! ...... 76 35 . 686 or , third. Summa"y-Runs batted In, L. I Restilts garage 19G·J. -SummIt. lIadelphla ...... _.. .. 71 39 • . 64. Wilson, Ma"anvllle, Stephenson, , . LouIs ...... 68 65 .613 New York GiaoU Shut Grimm, McMillan. Blake; two bMe IVlTlnA\ §~IA\lmrTllJ}L'rIRA tVif\\' , .. Icago ...... 51 60 0466 hits, FrIsch: three base hIls, L. leveland ...... 60 Gl .450 Out Philadelphia 4 to 0 Wilson, Stephenson, McMillan; sac· Tllntl OfItIiIIlIJIe. 'onigJlo 1I,I!lers of troll ...... 48 GO .444 rlflces, J. Wilson; double plays, DIREC1'OR"Y Bshlngton ...... 49 64 0434 NEW YORK, Aug. Jl 'AP}-Carl Maranvllle to F"lsch, MaranvlJle to slon ...... 40 G9 .367 Hubbell outilltchcd John 'MllI!ga n , Il. FrIsch to Bottomley; lett on base, MISCELLANEOUS RENT-A-FORD Yesterday's Resulls P htladelphla. recruIt from Syracuse, ChIcago 7, St. Louis 8; base on balls, i------"lIf--...;..;..:;...--.:~-''-· :· --.... New York 6 i Bostoll 2. . i and the GIants shut OU I Ihe Phlllles, off Blake 3, Johnson 2, TIalnes; Ilf)NTIA( 'I~ WaAhlngton 2; PhiladelphIa 3. 4 to 0, he"e today to clean up theIr struck out, by Blake 5, Johnson 4; PRODUCT 0 ' GBNE RAL WOT OR8 JOh N C, R UDNICK Det"olt 10; Clevplancl 4. speond strllJght agaInst lhe tllJI end· hILs, off Johnson, 9 In 52·3, Haines, Pilano Tunlnl: CARTER'S Kennbllllur-RebuDdlnr St. LouIs 4; hlcago 2. ers. 2 In S 1·3; wild pItches, Blake; balk In answer to the widespread demand (or a low­ lcmPer' 11 yrs. experIence In Stelr.wa, RENT.A.FORD Games Today Score: Johnosn; pll8slld ball, J. Wilson; 108' priced six of ultra.smartneaa, all Pontiac: Sls Prelleli Dry St. LouIs at ChIcago Plano Cactory. 7 years t!Ullnr all ., .CJeattb.w PhiladelphIa .... 000 too ooo~ 6 0 Ing pitcher, Johnson. AI".,..... , to de Detroit at Cleveland body types have been made available with planoR Cor School of Mu. lo. a ll4l New York ...... Ol~ 300 000-4 7 0 Umpires-RIgler, Hart and Jorda. 110ln ' ...... 109 s.. cu..toa PhiladelphIa at WashIngton TIme of gamc-2:04. broadClUltlng elation. , ... MJI BatterIes: MUllg... n, and !.erlan; epecial sport equipment. P hone 1797-1182 E. Waahlnctor Pbolte II BOston at New York HubbeIJ, and HOgan. Six wire wheels in attractive cotora-two 1parcI' W esterll League • St, LoW. Srowu with chrome·plated ciamPi cradled in fender Des MoInes 2; Ok lnllolna CIty 3. Cincinnati Red. WiD LOlA CLARK 100BBLL, BRAN·DEES wells-a (olding trunk rack • _• all are Included BENT-A · FORD Omaha 6; T ulsa 8. r Pitching Duet With Bran. Beat White Sox, .4-2 .,.... of w_ .Puebto 10; Wlohlta 11. CHfCAGO, Aug. 11 (AP)-Wlth at a sUght increase in price. Low na, Batet Denver 6; Amarllio 7. Sam G ray II nd Ogden hOldl ng thell' .... 1Ia.... '.8 ..... ".eo Per Nlild PITTSBURGH, Aug. 1 (AP)­ colt PRONB "Red" Lucas all owed Pittsburgh opponents to sIx hlta, St. LouIs took On no other six of comparable lithia uJtn,;' m Am r l~a n AlI!IOI'lntlon " , .. B. ()oUe" only two hits today and Clnclnnatl the second game of Its serlca with IIIW't and ultra.new equipment obtainable. ii i Col umbus 4; Toledo 6. CJIIdDa.... I' WHaa YellOw (W blanked the PIrates 1 to • Lucas the White Sox, 4 to 2. today. 'l'he 801lI'l I to • P .... St. Paul 2; II{lnncallOlls O. jut u no other low·priced Bix providell the hatl the better of 0. pitchIng duol Browns scored one run In the eighth Indianapolis 3 LouIsville O. ·~C------~jr-----~I------~-.~~------~~~~ wIth Orlme., und n inth InnIngs to breal< the tIe. tnherent atyle advantalel of Bodiel bv Fbher anslls CIty 2 Mlhvaukce 4. Score: Score: and the performance superioritiel of a 186 ~ I ------~ Cl nclnnall ...... 100 000 000-1 6 0 ChIcago ...... 000 000 200.,...2 6 2 In. enline with the G·M·R cylinder head. The DR. F RED T. BAUER ~~e Bows Before J, Plth!lJurgh ...... 000 000 000-0 2 2 Sl, LouIs ...... 002 000 011--4 11 3 Dentist Batlerles: Lucus. a nd PIcinIch; price b only $95 extra. lnveltipte thie excep­ !H Dey Dulldine oit Tigerl 10-4 Orlmes and Hargreavcs. Ninth InDin, RaBy tional "buv" today. Office hOlln: ! bL'E!VE IJAND, Aug. 11 (A P)-Bat· 8 to li a.m•• t to I) p.m. g sprees In the second, fou rth nnd Athletic. D,feat Win, for "ton Braves E,vllnln,. IJy IIPIIO]lltmllllt. hth InnIngs of today's game wltl! DROOKLYN, Aug, 11 (AP)-A Telephone I e Cleveland IndIans enll>bled. Dc· Wubita,ton Senators, 3-2 ra ll y In the nInth agaInst Watl!On offlre 1728 n eft, 2699· \V olt to take the second gnme ot the Clark guve the Bra.ves two runs and ------rlee 10 to 4. PIIHJADELPIlIA, Aug. 11 (AP)­ a 4 to 2 decIsIon ovor Broo)9yn here Score: The Phlladelphla Athletlcs defeated todny, evonlng the aerIes. Kent - Use trolt ...... 120 200 050-10 17 2 th~ 'Wnshlngton Senators here today Greenfield IJltch~d for thq( vIsitors, veland ...... 000 100 003- 4 8 2 3 to 2 In a wInnIng rally. a llowIng the RollIns only t'lil'ee hit... Batterle8: Sorrell. and Harg"eave; Rcore: Score: J. A. O'Leary Iowan Want Ad. allte. Bayne. Harter. a nd L. Se· BaUerles: Hadley, and R uel; Earn· Boston ...... 001 000 102-4 9 1 rtn'lent Building-Iowa Cit I " .. I • II' I IIbaw! Grove &lid Cochrane. Brooklyn ...... 100 001 000-2 8 2 S.louth end Iowa A P ~~ ~ J "'((I 91f 9" .C,<,' y, owa IJ JJ. HlI" tta . ~ 1.. .t ·. J ,hl ,J L. _~ - , 1f'lq , \.; )'J Taken for a Little Ride City Council Will ~~~ ~~~~otT~~ 1 -.. let Contract for No UDion ~rviee ToUT Becaulle of the chautauqua which Is meeting bere this week. th~r8 will Paving Tomorrow be no union IM'rvlce thlll evcnlng. LeaTetI for Home Work Will Include Mrs. Sarah P. Hottm1ln, 503 S. Clinton street, hat! rtCently received ...---: Nine Blocks on a. letter trom her lIOn, Jillrry P. Hoff· Vo!UJJle ~ man. a. petty officer ot the ship . Four Streets Ethan Allen. In which ho BIlY8 the - Ihlp will leave In about a week tor The city council of Iowa ClI)' will the Panama. canal zone. Starting Tuesday meet tomorrow night In the city hall '. -t to open 1)lds for pa vement on four Prefel'll AaAuit ()barCH ., sl.... ete. James Tesar pre(erred charg of The streete to be '!)aved are. Mc­ assault against Richard MehllUc)' .' Lean street. from Fel'8On avenue to yetlterday afternoon In JusUce ot ,. Beldon avenue; pavement 24 feet Peace Elias J . Hughes' court. lIIe· wtde with curb and guller; Myrtle haCfey plead not guilty and wns N!' avenue trom paving on Riverside leue6bale Enilltlh LutMral) northern a.r At 4:10 o'clock this mornlm: oW· o'clock by th Dohemlon chlldr n· \\' h · 'I~ve,· e(foct tho Smlth·Stra.t­ 'iV. B. Dnlnger. pa.tor; church loke where cers and me n of Troop A. 113 en vu I­ Tile plaY, which Wl'. wrltt n by Ion m ling may have, th'e pendulum .~hool, 9;30 morning worship, date a. wid ry. and 186th hospital company. 10ft VIWlta Podhnj8ko.. I. to wkc place at n.na.; ot attack nnd detenllO has Ilwung extendJng t on n BPccl I Rock leland tral n tor the C, S. P. S. hnll nnel will be &'Iven 10 :45 ".m.• ""rmon br the Rev. C, R. 'lI'ht mprrlly Within the democra.tle Douglass, .tud~nt putor of tho l're.· M'oorhaven Camp Dodge, where th~y wl11 op nd enllrely In Bohemia n la n!;1loge. ranks In tho IruIt tew claya. hutchee rJvj their annual Iii day encrunpment. Local Bohemian children have ot· bYl rlan church; Luther I~allie It produc d an exchang of WOrdH luncheon, 6:80 p.m.; Luther league A1I'endy a The commanding ottl"cro In tended the lIumm('r school conducted .... tM... '" j31.hot) Cannon ot tho di llC U -Ion 6:30 p.m.; Intermediate ",.mOl·y OC charge ot tho troops aro Capt. Will annuully ~1th ;)11'8. Anna White nnd .l"thodlsl ~;pl8Copal church, 8Outh. JNI U • 8;10 p.m. 88 a result, J. H[lyck o~ thc cavillry nnd CIII'l. IIIrs. Mary Wl\lRh ot thl. cily 08 In· structors. The (llny Sundoy eve· ,ntl Chairman Ruskob of the d rna­ ---.- the lake wa George Moreoh ot the hospital compo l'utlc nntlon"1 commltt , who As the co-author of the "Bettina Cook Book'· as trlbutar) any. nlng. will concludf thr school thl. F11'111 P.".,byterian hnrsl.'d tl' · bl"hol' with ··blgotr)'." volumes fl'O Twenty·(\vc ot the cO valrym~n 8ea80n and the proceeds will be used John OrIllItor; Curtla for equipment nnd c hool expcn.es. t " .... ~ tn l'f"'t)ly to the rhurchmll.n'8 Jl. l)(tugl ...... etudent postor; BIble series, Louise Bennett Weaver will bring her tailing stead lind six men und ono officer from heated rejoinder to Rukob's curlIer An entertainment of vaudeville )lchool. 9:10 n.m.; primary depart· th6 hoo1,ltol company ,,·tl1 relu"n for lhllt lmll4)rtan" lJOuthrrn La stunts. reo.dlnll'", lind musical nUm· ment o[ the Sunday IICbool, 10 ; ~5 ". duty at Weot Branch durIng the Methodlste had warned they would I articles and menus to the hous~wif~·8 breakfast Lakeport, ~'111 m .; mo~nlnll' wor8hlb, 10 :45 a.m .; I. Hoover cclcbrntlon thcro AUg, 21. bers tnke pluce hetwcen acts. .... mIdway bet • j, ~\V th Ir t1nanclll.l ,U!lpor un· At the closo of the ('vl'nlng At ..... sermon by Prof. E. J. \V kes of Rnd Mooreh ~Ka the pulpit attacks on Smith table. Twenty yeaJ's of experience has brought Ruth Crayne nnd Mrs. Sarah P. l3cre", college. Brea. Ky.; "The' dated and Hoffman wlll pte.ent a. tlag to the .nn""". Tho hlHhop addod another Chrl.Uan Platlorm nnd ltl C m· chllptor IMt night by Q.8scrU ng that ",unities ha school. 'J)8lgn." her the reputation of being a nationally known toda),. Instructor Takes The ploy Is under thc dlrecUOn ot lhl' appointment of Ra.okob, "lhls chumberlaln ot the house ot tho Meanwhll, Mrs. \Vhlte and Mra. Walsh, with )O,lT8t BaptIst which< lashe. • '. ' lK ('on1mttteo chairman W(l.8 home economics consultant, Don't miss her musical numbers In th ~ cha".e of 11Iblc school, 9:30 a.m.; mornlll~ em HI' of t Western Postion lofr8. Blanche Sha\la. an "oCfl'Ont to ,outhern d~mocmte." wvrehlp, 10:4. a.m.; rmon, "Spl /:lenntor ~;d\Vard!t oC N w Jereey trom Key \' The eIlst Inclul1~,,: Wholesale lleal­ tlng Wood," by l'lu""~11 C. Ro~; hns said that Smith I. bolng wbls· "Helping The Houaemaker." to Boca G"a Prot. naymond Stlte•• who was er. Stella. Sulek; !)onu!IC. his daugh· Y. p . U. luncheon. 5 : ~ S Il .m .; aery 80uth ot Ve, Inslructor In history of art at the ter. Josephine W alHh; Vera. his 1)P'·l.'d a8IUMt h\'Co.uAC ot hi. religion. ():45 p.m .• "Stud nt Life In Ens-land. and &>nator Rol>llU!on. the gover, Ing north-n( university during 1927·28 , has reo daughter. Pauline Toba; Elleka. his by Or. John Nichol cn, of th Unl· nor's runnJng mat, ..... y. that min· Rnd near g a1,ned .to acocpt a position II tta (Iau&hler. Bell.le tIou.1, k , Mar , \'~flIlY or Brltltol, ~llKJ(lnd: 8;00 P.IO, . , Every Morning R tPJ '~ "Invite laughtrr when th'y In,. 10Dg' p . art departmont at the University oC the old bous kerper, Vl&810 Bocek; union tiervjc e. whisper thnt It Mr. Smith becomes ,.,.edlrled In Color;,do nl Boulder, next y~ar. Mate', a. gardner, Olle Bocek; Queen lro. dent the prle!ll3 will domln to tonight. Prot"""or Stiles Is at present In of roses. Lllllon \Vol. h; B~ar (tho Zion Lutheran No dama COlOrado Cor hlo health. and Mr•. h gfl\·"'nlmrnt." Everyone in Washington, from the president prince). Albert Houchek; GYP81 8, A. C. Prochl, pa6tor; change In Irom the dl' SLltes nnd the children. lIIargaret "('arprt Ilogger" la (Jry Ellen White. Dorothy Sybl, Lola !4Chedlll ; f!lindlly 8Oh901 and Ing taken te lind Oretnl a"o leaving to JOin him Tho antI·Smlth oampalgn goee on. down to the youngest office boy knows "Simp­ KanaK. Edward Kontb, Olio Loplc, clruls, 8;45 n,m,; ~ fmon by putor. generally W' thero. Mrs. Stites will also tench r h A cry ot H\,"flrlJct baggCJ''' W&.3 Robert White. Cntherlne Orlmm (In 9:30 a,m. "'rhe GlflS ot the Spirit;" ih\> storm, 1 In the art departmont at tho Unl· miMed In NW'\hvl\lo when l.'ennes· a special gypsy dllnce); Buttertliu, 'It wcuther PQrrntt, 0. church ouling caution. H verolty or Colomdo during the com­ "<' r~PUbllcaD8 met to sel t a cam· son of The Associated Press." As ~ reporter of Allee Kanak. Arthur Konak; White will be held Ilrter thO c1oso o~ tile rain aceomr Inf! yenr. 'illtn manl\ll ,'. It was voiced by rose8, small scholars of the IIOhool; 8<' rvlce. All mcmber~ and [rlends ot z. rellO.'led trt 'luI H . I mente, relirlng chairman ~o appoIntment hu yet been Cate. boys at the .chool; Bate. larger lh church oro tnvlted to come to many years exp~rience in the national capital. ot the 8Ulto 'x6Cutlve cOntmlt~, Other mad to till tho plMe or Proteosor students or Ihe school. the Chris Scrup grove· TrunSJ)Ortll­ Ir' "O('lared "lh t.lmc has not comll HaNing pr Stites here. tlon will bO furnlohed from the (. I'Mcrt to cnrl,ct bag rule In th Kirke L. Simpson will take you behind the 8nce no\v c church attcr the service, Summer Chorus IIl r ty and wo don't ncecl anybody not of great "lIt In t./"I'(lo from the outeled., .. eau meteoro Eyerly t. Plml's Lutheran scenes of the big news in Washington with ·u A Mrs. Opena to Give Schubert \\'hlle the mnjor partl II hove bUll' Ing the prog Julius A, ~'rledric h. pastor; regular Sandwich Shop on Nt thcm ~e lve8 to oppose ell olher, reported nO, Memorial Concert 110 prohibition pa,·ty h"" gained lile eer\'lce at 10 :45 a.m.; sennon. "The Kirtle L.: Washington 'Bystander." atorm, evld Jmportnnc of [{nowlng th Time ot "mite" Washington Street 'limp on bOth. Thot party's prelll· It .' .. blowing wes The unlvel'slty summet· ch'ltup 'rnllnl nomin e. WlIllam Jo' . V\ll'· Our VlsltnUon." 181e of Pin, under the dl".rlloll of i\lIIdl'p(I ' ~!' . nrcepled hi. nomination at whllG the Ir.. .)If:'\rJorl E Y4'rtr ,l'estcrd"y 8dentlllt Banxlu8 Paddock, wltl J;"lve a Schu ' 'C kvllie Centr~, New York, with VhrIJJtJan cro!llled the opened h~r "Mald·Rlto" sandwich Sunday school, 9:30 .a.m.; 111I/80n Every Morning shop. On Wa" hlngton street opposite bert Concert ('ommcmoraUn.. 11" hp "tMemenl thaL tbe rrpublleans . was centere· Franz Schuberl ('ontonnlol. next ~'rl 8 rmon, 11 n.m., u8bJect, "Boul." \ th~ liberal arts buildIng. tor the I:od betl'"Yed th eight nth amend· Lucia.. day at 8:15 p.m . tlrst lime. ,~ nt and thlLl there wall nothing In A 'noted authority children and herself ·a Urgent c This wJU h n t h ~ Cf(lln'-''l tl r f"mf"('r' tho democratic pro81)cct to In,plre Methodl~t I loti than 60 tall Sh~ w,lI handle all kinds 01 sort W, C. KOfler, mlnlater; C. O. 1"ort, the choru8 h~ ~ ~I"j"t n 1h · ~ Mummer hupo of unythlng helleI'. the 8wellln~ " "I nkr. Icc crcam. homemade pies . tudent poetor; Sunllay school. 9:30 anti doughnuts, and will fcatur the Addl80n AI~p ' '' ' l n nt nrun­ • ... 'J • ' " t " In I he rna In lecture room 01 the Ie8Sed gl'tltlflco.t/on at the nomina- 'one block west of Benton street W'eeda," "Gumoo Llllles," "GllmllSl'e bridge; song ..ervlcl\, ~ p.m.; 'Sunday Mother n' ~1 16try buhJlng III 7 p.m. tomor­ ot \Vll8hlnglon!' And an anthology, tion ot R. dry senatorial candidate to school lesson, 2:15 'P.m.; sermon. I ', 1tIoio1,'" "Modern Poem~ {or Spt'elal doy •. " rUn on lhe ticket with Smith, but row. p.m . Radi •,u tuplc w,ll be, "The mh{fM' Miss DlckllOll Is workIng on her t1" democmt replied that Smith an~ ,eflnlng of copper ore." Prof· ol StarCthese, , New Features -With Ph.D, would get the votes tbe modJ(lca. TrInIty 'Epmcopal . . , of e,,1",,· " ' hltman will alKo teli abou' tlonl8ts anyway and Buch a .ltua.Uon ~' . . , \he process of electroplnting. ml'rely balanced ott the ticket. College BJld Otlbert streete;' holy "Reports Flvo reel. or mO"lng pictures. Iowa Roads communIon, 8 p.m.; the Rev. Willis three compn f-om th .. United tates bureau of DES MOINES. Aug. 11 (AP)-No D. Nutting, cel.ebrant; morning north O .. e U1 mines, will be used by Profe"""r change was report..., In the ~ondltlon More Pe&4:eable No ... prayer and ,eannon. 10:46 a.m. Morning's Tues4ay Iowan. 'PPearlng Ir Whitman to Illustrate his lecture. ot Iowa road ~ tnch), by the Iown "'R9 nothing BlSMARCK, N. D.-The home· lIe I\'IU tell of the mining of copper Automobile 1l.'I~()('lation here. All Cuban Police Pay Too EII •.abeth S. In In.h. )Iontana, and Kev da. dirt roads and dl'lours were In "cod steader or settler da)IB obtained his JiAVAN".-And now tlt~ · uban Pori street•• land on a gO\'ernment permit Bnd ~hlrh are Ih prlll ~1 1'1ll COl)per I,ro' condilion. ~tour. were 08 prevl. poiJceman must pay hl8 "pet!eta" to In". the ~tor d'uclng elates of this country. and ously reported. held It with his long range rl!le. lICe the movies! The Interior de· Don't Miss a Single Issue While the DI-o ho,,' the rertnlng proces8 Is cnr­ Cattlemen today IncorJ,lOMlte their partment hll' prohibited po)lccmen boys were I. rled out. land, capitalize and bond thel'l\!!elves from aUendlng movll'll unlm ' they "'R. being cc against loases, 8tate recor