, . ... - _.--.-.... .-. J SAVE TIMEr HOOVER ACCEPTS Send Your l.ettel"§ ~~ "~lI"e % for r tract. Irmll tilt PI c IMntlal n 'jllllnoc'~ Air Mail ~ uddres8 I --------------------~~~~--~~~---------------------------------------------~, ------~~--------------------------------------------- Vohae 28 6 PAGES Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, August 12. 1928 FIVE CENTS Number 66 Leader Raises Battle Two Killed, Three Injured,, Ne~f Yve~t Branch , Car Crashes Into e $ $ C • ;,S.,O$,ooo;,:,$ The Busy Executives By: Quin tHall Two Fratemities, Standards for Fray We.temera Eat t I ~ Family Walking Elephant Steak Two Sororities Law Enforcement, Religioua Tolerance, Faml Relief, and Direction :of Economic LEWISTON, Ida.. Aug, 11 on Ma;n Highway (AP)-Lewlston III Ced up on ele· to Build Houses Progresa Receive Stre.. ·pho.nt steaks. It came about as the resull of Structures Represent By JAMES L, WES'l' : "1 Mother. Baby Escape the elephant stampede hore Thursday In which five circus Combined Cost of (Associated Pres& Stl\ff Writer) Unhurt; Father's , pachyderms stamtxfed through STANFORD UNIVERSl'l'Y STADIUM, Ca L, Aug. 11 (AI?, Leg Broken the ;,treet for two 'hours and $255.000 - His voice heard arollnd the world, Herbert Hoover today enun· were not rounded up unlll ona ciated the principles upon which he asks the American people of them had been killed. Four fraternlUffland sororities are Lela Lincoln, G ,ears old, and What to do with a dead ele· ',un,lIn~ houses at a combined cost to send him to the while hOUlse as the third successive republican htr brother Lloyd, 11 yeara old, phant became 8. problem. Then of more thRn a Quarter of a million prel>ident. ' "ere killed last nlgflt when Bome one Quoled carl Ackley, Inllar~. Thrbe of them a~ of Eng· He reiterated his stand against repeal of the eighteenth am nd­ 8lruck b, .. Ford COUJMI driven big game hunter, as having said lIsh type ul'ohltccture. while the ment and the rigid enforcement of enabling acts under it; pro­ bl Donal,1 Malher of Springdale, elephant meat was 11.8 palatable fOllrth will be American colonial. on fh~ hlrhway a half mJlIt Ihll as pedigreed, beef. The nelta Zeta's were granted .8. posed farm relief thrO\lgh It three·fold plan'; declared for reli­ .Ide of Weat Branch. Meat cutters webt to work building permit yesterday to erect gious tolerance and pl'omised the direction of forthcoming prog­ TIlelr 'IlUler, Uoyd Lincoln, and soon had the two and one· a $60,000 home On tllelr lot at Dodgo gress in support of the mora! and spiritual prograss of the nation. • lanner IIvlnr near West half tone of elephant carved up and J3urllngton 8treets. It will be As he read slowly and concisely the 8,500-ward message ae: JJranrh, received a Iwoken lee Into steaks, chops and cutlets. of rough Indiana limestone with .. ..... !reVi6re brullle8 .bou~ · tbe val·l·colored slate roof. The house cepting the nomination voted him by thc Kansas City conven~ion ··,,···'·· .... *0· ••• t • , head and Itrm8; " 81ster, Verllne, wlll accolllodlLlo 38 girls, and the two months ago, the adopted sou of California faced II. vast army 1 yean old, was brtdly dazed, dormitory System will be used. Th£ of his countrymcn banked ticr upon tier in this huge amphi- but not IIfrioUllly Injured, and' CI'owl construction compe,ny are the theate,' Who rccelced his declara· Wilbur, 4 ye.tr8 old, who Willi Hoover's Address eontra.ctol's, and they expect to have tlons with noisy demonstrations. holdln, hl8 father'a hand when the hou"" finished by homecomln·g. tbe car struck, ,",celveti only' Hoover choso this setting, ·here upon the I'olllng campus of the. unl· rinor acrat~hea. Officially Begins Uedlral Group to. Build Phi Beta PI, medical fraternity, Tropical Storms verslty where lie enl'olled 8.8 a first Mrs LIncoln and' a-baby, who was al80 granted a pel'mlt to can· student, and his fellOW cltlzens reo were with the victims at the time ~O'p, Campaign struct a new home. The e8!lmated BPonded with perhaps the greatest of the accident escaped uninjured. cost of the house Is $76,000, and It Take Heavy Toll outpoul'lng that ever had attendetl The accident took place about wIll be built north of the. Nu Sigma a notification ceremony In any etata 1;4. p.m. when the family waa wallt· Cliarges of 'IBigotry" Nu house on Templin road. In Man· In the union. More than 75,000 Ing toward West nranch. ville heights. Dark brick In the of Life; Property peoplo were gathered In the Htadl. um, almost filling It to capacity. The lwo children died at almoet :Arise Against old English style will be used. The 1.I) U88 will be 145 feet long by 36 the kame time, about 9 :06 p.rn. Heard Throughout World Al Smith feet wide, and will accomodate 34 Torrential Rains Fall; LOUd speakers carried his voice The dl'tvel' 01 It,e auto slopped an(. men. The [lrst floor will conla.ln Air Mail Placed to the furthest reaches Of the bowl, java his name to otrlelals and did WASHINGTON, Aug, 11 (AP)­ a living room, sLalr hall, study broadcaRting apparatus transmitted ~verythlng possible to aid In caring The republican campaign Is orflclal· room, dormitories and a guoot on Trains his voice lO more than one hundred tor the Injured. l'OOJl1. lyon Its way, lifted from six weeks stallons In this country, a network The coronel' has Impaneled a. jury of silent preparation by the Hoover The second floor will be all study ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 11 (AP) - reaching froln border Lo border and The Carolinas todny relt th~ effects and nn Inquesl will be held at 9 a. notification ceremonies toda.y In far· room, and the basemenl will have a coast to COMt, while his utterance. m. Monday. nway California. rer,;,clory tYPe dining room, the kit· of lbe tropical storm as It moved wcre lakcn across the seas on short slowly up the Atlantic seaboard The Injul'tld wer., rU8hed lo a. doc· How energetically and visibly It chen and chapter room. Normile wave lengths to Grcat Britain, A ue· while sections of Florida and Geor· lot'. ortlee at West Branch Immedl· will progress remains for develop· and Emory or Dea Moines are the tralla, the BAwallan lslands" tbe gla continued to wrestle with Its lt~ly and Mr. Lincoln was brought ment, for .Hoover headquarters o.n­ <lrchltccts, Phtllpplnes; In tact everywhere tbtl to the University hOSl,ltal where nounced not only that he WIll do atlermath. English language Is spoken. Theta '8 Plan Colonial HOlne Mlveral X·ray pictures were taken, little talking IUld no barnstorming, A toll of four dead, several In· The Kappa Alph(\ Theta sorority ,Marching bands, sluntlng all" reve~"ng .. fracture on his right leg. but also that the campaign wHl not jured, scores' homeless and much ~verlll bad bruises added to the reach. the rapid tIre stage until ttde wJl\ have tbelr new $45,000 home planes and brilliant day Ugh t rlre· propcl'~y damagt· Jnn~'krd Its Vrog· piln, and the mao'. head 11'11& I'eady fur rUlllilng th~ fall, It lij work.. furnhhod lil(! forerl\nnsr Of eo­ democrats have notltled Governor reos yestel'day \ and last night ~ lsed. built In the American colonial style, the speech making. 8ml Lh later this month. t1hrough the rich Piedmont section HI. arms were badly Injured, but wllh light colored brick wall8, and From democratic sources h88 arl.8· of North carolina and South CIIro· th~re were no bonee broken. a porch extending the full lenglh of The crowd gave the republican en the charge of "bigotry" IUld a IIna. Tonight fI('od conditions Although unconscious by the blow whispered rellglou8 cam p ai g n the house with tW()'Btory white col· nominee a tumultuous welcome 1\8 caused by unprecedented rains men· lrom the car, Mr. Lincoln regained against GovernOr Smith, and from umna. his open motor Clir drove Into the conllClou8nes8 while receiving medl· The \lbrary will be paneled In rna· aced several communities, crippling ampbltheater and circled the run· the republlean camP hlUl 80Ilnded an communications, disrupting power cal attenUon at Weat Branch before' echo from the South's reconstruc· Woman to Appear h.OgIllIY, and the second and third nlng track. Mrs. Hoover sat beside service and paralyzl ng lrafClc. being brought here and learned lhat tlon daYB-t~ cry of "carpet bag. Iowa City Joins Iowa Party Heads floors will bo divIded Into study him and Joined In responding to the on Murder Charge I one or his children W8.8 dead. Ue gel'," I'ooms to accomodale 32 glrl8. The Bureau Ordera Wartllng greetings. did not learn that h.ls 80n died from Smith Challenges Pulpit McAllister construotion company of Senator George H. Moses ot New As the disturbance pascsd into Ihe accident, and believed him only The week brought from Governor Hoover Welcome SOMERSET, Ky., Aug. 11 (AP) Columbia, M,o., are Lhe contractors. lTam ptlh Ire, who notlCled the candl' Sanction Hoover weslern North Cal'ollna and Virginia to lis aerlClUsly Injured. Smith a challenge to a pulpit de· -Mrs, Ida , Cross Perkins, 27 years The Sigma Bl's have started con· dale, and Chairman. Work of the reo He declared last night tbat the bate with a New York Baptist cler· old, wife Of Logan Perkins, Whitely sU'Ucllon On their $75,000< home In during the day, the weather bur"au publican natlonal committee ' and ramlly W!U! walking far to the 81de gyman, Dr.
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