Sydney Directory, for 1858-9
SANDS COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL SYDNEY DIRECTORY, FOR 1858-9 INOLUDINO— j BALMAIN, BISHOrTHORPE, BONDI, OAMPERDOWN, COOGEE, COOK'S; RIVER ROAD, DARLING POINT, DOUBLE' BAY, GLEBE, NEL- - ^ SON'S BAY, NEWTOWN, NORTH SHORE, O'CONNELL', ]l '*'• vl TOWN, PADDINGTON, RANDWICK, REDFERN,' '",'" % . ROSE BAY, RUSHCUTTER'S BAY, SOUTH > ^ HEAD ROADS, ST. LEONARD'S. •'--•.*' WATSON'S BAY, WAVERLEY. >'. FIRST YEAR OF PUDLICATION. SYDNEY: SANDS AND KENNY, U92, GEORGE STREET, AND -1(5, COLMNB STIIKET, MI'.I.UOUHNE. s 18 58. V »; Vv. - .'.. y ' •?*-'' J <*' ^•5. PREFACE. A DinRCTOiiY that shall combinu the cssontinl eloinonts of exactness and com pleteness, requires but littlo to bo said (tho necessity thereof being so obvious) iu the shape of recommendation to tho Inhabitants of this groat commercial City. In compiling this important work, it has been tho anxious dosiro of the Publishers to rentier in tho most portable form all needful information; and in now submitting tho work to tho suffrages of tho Public, thoy would indicato tho loading foaturos of tho modo of compilation adopted. grower: As far as practicable, intelligence has been obtained from individuals, at i'uixTfD ay r. LTXSIXOIIAME, KINO STREET. their private residences, or at their accustomed places of business, bycomp6tenfc • parties, who have boon both diligent and careful. •c* Tho whole of their labour has undergone subsequent revision,—a process involving considerable delay and additional expense; ^ No slight difficulty aroso during tho progress of classification, owing to the rc-numbcring of houses; soma inaccuracies may, in consoquonco, bo perceptible in tho "Stroct" portion of tho Directory; but, generally, theso havo been amendod in tho Alphabetical arrangomont of tho names.
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