The Beatles Poems By Shannon Cartwrright - , should plays best We We All Live in I Wanna Hold In There should be a Regardless of the per . The key to emember, the murder of murder the Remember, did , Girl. kiss . Strawberry Fields Forever ather figure. was F on February 9, 1964, et the audience see the thought process, process, thought the see audience the et is keeping the narrator 100% honest. L Do You Want to Do Know You a Secret? . To be honest though, be honest . To , the persona of the narrator will either be a very The final poem, hands ennon took the world by surprise. like the Cheshire cat. L when portrayed as a Valley NOTES This collection of poems, with the titles taken directly from Beatles records, may be performed by a female or a male. Each narrator poem’s is character-driven. Hand Your former’s gender, a Yellow Submarine two the by left legacy and love the on reflects narrator the as parents. needed who narrator, the from numbness and shock of sense changed who man a to tribute pay and others with mourn to times. the face of American culture during turbulent This particular poem embodies humor, heart, and drama, time. your take so conservative Mother or be performed with a slower pace. pace. slower a with performed be John Every Theater girl in the Ed Sullivan to do just that. Wanted in 1964, that was what nice girls Well, They held If John, Paul, George, or Ringo give a girl a to perhaps Wanted a few volunteers. I am sure there would have been {{{S-c-r-e-a-m}}} it? Irritating isn’t When my daughter asked me to get tickets For I had no idea what a Beatle Old Ed knew though. As I stood in the aisle On the eleventh row of the theater, I could see Ed off to the side of the stage, Grinning I Wanna Hold Your Hand Hold Your I Wanna .” ?” Metropolis . . . . Metropolis of her strength Lois Lane all Perry White Jimmy Olsen than a speeding bullet, than a speeding Save Superman . faster us. Mom is of my little brother’s recent blood work. of my little brother’s , and I am Lex Luther is not unlike the meetings they have at is not unlike the meetings they renames results this than a locomotive. than a Clark Kent . our father has told him powerful thinks

But Lois Lane is trembling, and it takes and shake her head no. brave a smile, smooth down his hair, To Using only my index fingertip, I look down at the kitchen table And write an imaginary headline, My little brother only half hears, half understands, And he He has a disease called He quickly turns to Mom. “Am I going to die?” he asks. My little brother questions, “Bad news here in My little brother questions, “Bad right here in says, “Yes, Wiping tears from his eyes, Dad Dad then tells us the blood, in my brother’s The doctors have discovered abnormalities And he has leukemia. He, of course, is the scoop?” he asks Dad, a.k.a. “What’s have some bad news.” Dad says, “We One night, my parents decide to call a family meeting. parents decide to call a family One night, my starts to giggle. the kitchen table, my little brother Sitting around He informs us that The Daily Planet My little brother even My little brother is no longer brother is no My little Or more easily. and bruises He is fatigued weight. and has lost He is weak a single bound. able to leap tall buildings in He is no longer Then, things change. change. things Then,

By Jake Barton Jake By

ryptonite K voiding A Poems By Shannon Cartwrright All that In thechurchchoirnextmorning. Those girlscouldhavesung There isnowayonGod’s greenEarth I’ll sayonethingthough. And play Would havetocome tomyfuneral And SarahandBetty And thenPaulaandKathy I wouldjust That ifit Who toldKathywhoPaula But ItoldBettywhoSarah That startedonsomeradiostation. Who calledmebackandsaiditwasalljusta hoax Who calledSarahback,whoBettyback Then afterlunchPaulacalledKathyback You couldhearthewords, I’m SoTired Phoned me,andtoldmethatifyouplayedthesong, Who, afterhermotherdecidedshewas Who phonedSarahwhoBetty Then PaulaphonedKathy I saiddidn’t evenknowhewas That Paulisdead. Who toldSarahwhoBettyme And PaulatoldKathy Called me. For talkingonthephonetoolatelastnight, Who, afterhermothergrounded Who calledSarahwhoBetty This morningPaulacalledKathy Do You Want To KnowaSecret? screaming was only , backward, die true,Iwould Beatlesmusic. . ! Paul isdead die . sick . . un grounded, My littlebrotherdefinitely Than wear And hewouldratherbepincheda He Strikes Back My littlebrother’s dislikefor And hewilleat He hateslimabeans He hateslettuce My littlebrotherhatesspinach That cantakeawaySuperman’s is,ofcourse,the And Kryptonite Green isthecolorof My littlebrotherhates He becomesmypersonalbabemagnet! My littlebrotherbecomes Now askmeto Cheerleaders, who Provided Iwillbringmylittlebrotheralongoccasionally, This titleactuallygivesmeinstantnotorietyandpopularity. I becomeknownasSuperman’s olderbrother. I, ontheotherhand,garnera Everyone In notimeatall,mylittlebrotherbecomesthetown refuses intownknowshim. torootforthe . green (What colorisYoda?) study any on (salads are completelyout.) flavorofJell-O never St. Patrick’s Day with them. (okay, Iconcuronthisone.) Kryptonite anything knewmyname, Notre Dame more hates Star Wars thanasmalltownSuperHero. new ! green. (which leavesmore forPopeye,Iguess.) anythinggreen. powers one identity. ! (except lime!) million footballteam. thing . beginswith times, The Empire celebrity


By Jake Barton Jake By

ryptonite K voiding A