Any use of the Report, use of any part of it, or use of the names NewSouth Global, Expert Opinion Services, University of New South Wales, UNSW, the name of any unit of the University or the name of the Consultant, in direct or in indirect advertising or publicity, is forbidden. COMMERCIAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Report prepared on behalf of NSG Consulting A division of NewSouth Global Pty Limited Ecological issues in relation to BlueScope Steel SCP proposed salt water cooling for CH2M HILL Australia Pty Ltd by Dr Emma Johnston, Dr Jan Carey and Dr Nathan Knott August 2006 J069413 The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, DX 957 Sydney Ph: 1800 676 948 Fax: 1800 241 367 Email:
[email protected] CONTENTS Page Executive Summary: ................................................................................................ 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 3 Predicted Changes in Temperature ........................................................................ 4 Temperature tolerances and preferences of organisms currently found in Port Kembla Harbour........................................................................................................ 9 General temperature effects on major biochemical processes...........................14 Species expected in a slightly to moderately disturbed estuarine system........15 Aspects of current environment that may be excluding species........................17 A review of the influences