African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism

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African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) African Journal for the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism Vol 6 N° 1 December 2017 African Journal EDITORIAL BOARD CHAIRMAN H.E. Larry Gbevlo-Lartey Esq., MEMBERS • Dr. C. Nna-Emeka Okereke • Dr. Abdoulaye MAIGA • Mr. Idriss Mounir LALLALI • Col. Christian Emmanuel MOUAYA POUYI • Ms. Mauna NTWAETSILE • Mr. Moïse Lazare Emery LECKIBY • Mr. Inusah ZIBLIM • Mr. Richard APAU Published under the authority of H.E. Ambassador Ismail CHERGUI, African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security 3 African Journal SOMMAIRE EDITORIAL ...................................................................................................9 THE DYNAMICS OF ILLEGAL MINING ACTIVITIES AND THE INTER- NAL SECURITY OF THE STATE: THE CASE OF GHANA.......................................................................................21 Abstract ..........................................................................................................21 Introduction..............................................................................................22 Significance of Ghana’s Mining Industry...............................................24 Artisanal Small Scale Mining in Ghana Explained.......................................26 Legal Framework Regulating Mining in Ghana............................................30 Utility of Galamsey - Illegal Mining.............................................................34 Artisanal Mining and Internal Security in Ghana..........................................38 Discussion.....................................................................................................41 Conclusion............................................................................................49 References......................................................................................50 ILLEGAL ARTISANAL MINING, CONFLICT AND INSECURITY IN THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC BY HENRY KAM KAH, UNI- VERSITY OF BUEA, CAMEROO................................................................... 54 Abstract..............................................................................................54 Introduction..............................................................................................55 Artisanal Mining .......................................................................................56 Illegal Mining, Conflict and Insecurity..................................................60 Measures to Curb Illegal Exploitation and Sale......................................70 Conclusion.................................................................................................75 Reading List..................................................................................................76 5 African Journal THE UNWINDING OF UN PEACE OPERATIONS IN AFRICA: IMPLICATIONS FOR REGIONAL PEACE AND STABILITY...................79 Abstract........................................................................................................79 Introduction.................................................................................................80 Understanding United Nations Peace Operations..........................................82 Core Functions of Multidimensional Peace Operations.................................83 Merits of Peace Operations.........................................................................84 Dynamics of Peace Operations in Africa....................................................85 Armed Conflicts...........................................................................................86 Trends of Peace Mission in Africa............................................................87 Impacts of the Withdrawal of Peace Operations in Africa..................... 89 Implications for Peace and Security.........................................................89 Implications for the Emergence of Extremkist and Terrorist groups...92 Sustainable Peace And Security...........................................................93 Conclusion.................................................................................................96 Acknowledgement.....................................................................................97 References...........................................................................................................98 DYNAMICS OF TERRORISM IN MULTI-ETHNIC STATES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA ....................................................103 Introduction...............................................................................................104 Ethnic groups, ethnic nationalism and ethnic conflict.................................105 Insurgency and terrorism..............................................................................109 From insurgency to the new ethnic terrorism...............................................112 6 African Journal Conclusion..........................................................................................120 References...................................................................................................120 Notes............................................................................................124 L’AFRIQUE FACE À LA MENACE DES COMBATTANTS TERRORISTES ETRANGERS (CTE)...................................................................................127 Résumé.......................................................................................................127 Introduction Générale..........................................................................................128 Les particularités du djihadisme .................................................................129 La défense des terres musulmanes ;.............................................................130 L’Afghanistan : application initiale de la migration djihadiste....................131 Première partie : .........................................................................................133 Deuxième partie : ......................................................................................141 Conclusion Générale .................................................................................146 BIBLIOGRAPHIE :..................................................................................149 BETTER LATE THAN NEVER: THE IMPERATIVE OF A SUB- REGIONAL COUNTERTERRORISM STRATEGY IN THE LAKE CHAD BASIN AREA..............................................................................................150 Abstract...............................................................................................150 Introduction..............................................................................................150 Terrorist Threat and Vulnerabilities in the Lake Chad Basin Area.................151 Sub-regional Counterterrorism Initiatives in the Lake Chad Basin Area.....157 7 African Journal Conclusion...........................................................................165 End Notes.....................................................................................................166 Bibliography..............................................................................................168 COMBATING TERRORISM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: SOME CRITICAL REFLECTIONS.......................................................................170 Introduction.............................................................................................171 Experiences And Lessons............................................................................174 Anti-Terrorism Measures.............................................................................176 Conclusion....................................................................................183 References...................................................................................183 PEOPLE FIRST..........................................................................................186 BOOK REVIEW.........................................................................................197 Main Highlights............................................................................................198 8 African Journal ACSRT: PROMOTING A BALANCE BETWEEN COUNTER- TERRORISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA Ensuring respect for human rights in the shaping and delivery of response to terrorism has often generated thorny discussion. Like Maximilien Robespierre during the French Revolution, some members of terrorist groups and their sympathizers continue to advocate that ‘Terror is nothing else than justice’. This contention seeks to cite injustice as a justification for terrorism. On 9th December, 1994, the UN General Assembly at its 84th Plenary Session adopted without dissent, Resolution A/Res/49/60 with a declaration on measures to eliminate International Terrorism. The Declaration condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations committed anywhere, by whosoever and for whatever purpose and urged Member States: “to take effective and resolute measures in accordance with the relevant provisions of international law and international standards of human rights for the speedy and final elimination of international terrorism.” The 2001 UN Security Council Resolution 1373 also reaffirmed that any act of international terrorism constitutes a threat to international peace and security and called on UN Member States to work together urgently to prevent and suppress terrorist acts. The Resolution called on UN Member
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